Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 202: There is a blizzard tonight (part 1)

When the person on the opposite side was in his early days, there was a rapid withdrawal of troops... six

Lorraine looked at the ground unwillingly. The imperial soldiers were driven away like a tame flock. And behind them there are several neatly formed legions waiting in full battle.

She couldn't help but hesitate. This opportunity is really rare, as long as you work harder, you might rout them all and win the battle.

At this time, the bugle sounded hurriedly again

Rowrina looked back angrily, and then sternly shouted: "We"

With that, he smashed all the crystals in his hand. Then turned back.

The rest of the wizards also threw out the crystals in their hands, and then turned around and retreated.

The great magician on the opposite side whizzed out, his robe hunting in the wind, which was extremely frightening.

He saw that everyone here was about to flee, waving again and again, blowing strong winds, making the mages of the Maple Leaf Danlin dizzy and shaking. Retreat like a puppet being fiddled with. Lorraine sees here. Only then did I know the huge difference between the levels of magicians. In front of that person, they were simply helpless. Can not help but worry more.

You must know that these magicians are the last trump cards in their hands. Only by relying on them can they defend this castle.

If they were lost, facing the overwhelming Emperor County soldiers, this short-soldier castle would be the same as the chicken coop in front of the weasel, and it would only depend on the mood of the other party.

Rowlingna saw this situation. Although he knew he was invincible, he gritted his teeth and immediately turned his head to meet him again.

The teacher saw her greet her alone and couldn't help but sneered. As one of the court masters, he could see at a glance that although the opponent was also powerful and even reached the edge of the division boundary, there was still a big gap compared to himself.

He easily blocked the thunder and lightning shot by Luo Linna, and then hit a strong wind blade

go with.

Rowrina dodged hurriedly. She is also very aware of the gap between herself and the other party, only to fight with each other from a distance. If you miss a hit, you flee away immediately.

The teacher was furious at the moment and turned all his attention to her. Swinging his hand again and again, wind blades, electric lights, constantly gushing from the top of the wand.

Rowlingna supports left and right. Unable to resist. The sweat on his forehead rolled down, and a few strands of sweat were turned on the pretty face of Bai Zheruyu, a little itchy.

But she still didn't dare to relax, she didn't even have time to raise her hand to straighten out, a few times she couldn't dodge and was almost hit by the opponent's spell. The people on the top of the city could not help but exclaim.

Despite this, she kept fighting against each other and attracted the firepower of the other party.

At this time, I heard the sound of the trumpet sounding in the distance.

Luo Linna noticed that all the mages had already left the battlefield and withdrew safely, immediately relieved.

At this moment, I saw that the opponent was shooting again.

She is under the urge. Before I was prepared, it was too late when I saw it. Although my figure flashed sharply, I was shot by the wind blade, and blood spewed out immediately, blooming beautiful flowers in mid-air. flower.

The time seemed to stagnate at this moment.

She turned her head and glanced strangely. Then, like a maple leaf, it slowly fell from mid-air.

Everyone immediately exclaimed.

The teacher stood in the air. With her hands behind her, she watched her fall down with indifference. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a grinning smile.

Luo Linna felt the wind whistling in her ears, and the sky in front of her flew backwards, but her heart was tranquil, and she thought to herself: Am I going to die?

I don't know why. Suddenly remembered the afternoon when I met Lorraine. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Gradually, darkness came up like a thick fog.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a sudden shock in my body. It was as if someone had picked himself up.

Then, cheers rang out like a tide.

She tried her best. Reluctantly opened her eyes and saw that Vera was opening her big blue eyes like the sea, looking at herself with concern.

Then a slightly dull strange voice echoed in the ear, and said, "Senior Sister, are you okay? Senior Sister,"

Before she could understand what was going on, the darkness shrouded again. Completely submerged her.

When she couldn't resist, Vera ran out quietly, followed Lorraine's instructions, hid beside her, and secretly shot the black spear of the great magician.

But it happened to catch up with the fall of her middle blade, and finally she was rescued by Yixuan when she was about to fall to the ground.

The division stood in midair. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but furious, and immediately waved his sleeves back, leaning over and whistling towards Vera.

Although Vera had good flying skills, it was extremely difficult to take Rowrina, and she could only go slowly.

Everyone on the top of the city saw the red dot behind them, and it flew as fast as lightning, but Vera still hugged Lorina. It seemed that there was no danger coming from behind.

Everyone couldn't help but feel terrified.

They waved and yelled, desperately warning Vera.

"Behind, behind."

After being careful"

"Someone attacked."

Vera began to think that everyone greeted her, but reluctantly freed up one hand and waved her white tender little hand happily. He signaled that he had finally rescued Luo Linna, and there was a hint of someone shooting a wolf like a vicious wolf. Chase down from behind

Seeing that the red robe was about to catch up, light began to flash in his hand, apparently starting to gather magical energy. To release a killer blow to the two below.

At this extremely urgent moment. Vera's heart jumped, and she suddenly understood. She glanced back and saw one, a huge wind blade flying towards her, hurriedly hugged Luo Linna and ducked her head to escape.

She saw the wind blade wiping her side, whistling and smashing to the ground, and digging a terrible deep trench in the ground, she couldn't help being taken aback. Immediately after. Bocai was furious.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at the high red robe master, her big blue eyes were full of anger, and said: "You **** bad, I'm fighting with you."

As he said, turning his fingers, he took out a musket from the ring, and blasted the master over to the Shenyin Throne with a shot.

The teacher immediately screamed as if he was hit by a heavy hammer, and flew out backwards.

Vera took a look, then thrust the musket around her waist, holding Lorina and continuing to fly towards the head of the city.

She didn't notice it at all. The division flew out for a while but stopped again, still staying in mid-air.

He spit out a mouthful of blood foam, then wiped the blood spurt from the corner of his mouth, and slowly took out a deformed lead bullet with blood stains from the wound. Then left it dismissively.

A violent wind whirled and flew over, supporting his feet, and the robe blowing on him was hunting and hunting, with a terrifying aura.

He stared at Vera with cold eyes, and after a few breaths, he lifted his clothes and pounced again.

At this time, several wizards took off again. Toward Vera to accept the past God Seal Throne. And unceasingly smashed the spell in his hand to the throne of God Seal.

Immediately afterwards, the green dead light on the mage tower shot over here.

The teacher dodged hurriedly. He just noticed that he had already entered the range of the magic tower before he knew it, and quickly spread his arms and withdrew back several tens of meters.

At this time, Vera had been received from the city, and the cheers rang like thunder, but they stopped abruptly. Obviously there was something abnormal.

The corner of the teacher's mouth immediately showed a sneer, and he secretly asked: Is my spell so easy to interact with? Reminder of intermission

Seeing Vera coming back safely, Lorraine first ordered the Magic Tower to closely monitor the teacher in the air, absolutely not allowing him to approach, and then hurried to the Throne of God Seal.

He squeezed the crowd to take a look, and saw Luo Linna lying on the ground with a pale face, Vera sitting next to her, eyes full of crystal tears.

Lorraine couldn't help but his heart sank.

He leaped over to the Throne of God Seal. Reaching out to peep between Luo Linna's nose, she found that her breath was gone. Then he hurriedly pressed her ear to her chest again, but there was no movement. For a while, his hands and feet were cold and he fell into the ice cave.

He did not dare to neglect. Lorraine lay flat on the ground in a hurry, then pressed her hands on her chest, tapping rhythmically a few times, and then bent her head again, reaching out and pinching her nose. Summoned my strength and started artificial respiration. Then knock a few more times"

Everyone looked at each other. I don't know what he is doing?

Lorraine did it several times, and the sweat on his forehead gradually showed up, and his heart became anxious: Why hasn't there been any movement?

Just as he leaned over Luo Linna's mouth again and was doing artificial respiration, he suddenly heard bad wind in his ear. Immediately after. There was a slap in the face, and there was a slap in the face.

Lorraine was stunned for a while, and then he was overjoyed.

I saw Luo Linna coughing slightly, and then slowly waking up.

She looked at Lorraine feebly. Furious like a gossamer, he murmured: "You **** sister-in-law and grandma are all injured. Are you still taking advantage of me?"

After hearing the voice, Vera yelled immediately, bursting into a smile, and said: "Senior Sister, Senior Sister, you are still alive, this is really great."

With that said, Shinjo embraced her vigorously, ignoring that the tears on his face and the nose were stained on Luo Linna's body.

Lorraine frowned, but her heart warmed, she still hugged her and murmured: "Silly girl, silly girl,"

Lorraine saw that her lips became extremely pale due to excessive blood loss. He sighed and reminded: "Vera, she has just come back alive now, but if you hold her again, she will be real died."

Vera then reacted. Hastily let go of Luo Linna, put her away carefully.

At this moment, Silmelia hurried over.

She saw Luo Linna's situation, hurriedly knelt down beside her, and then chanted a spell to cast a holy spell.

It lights up with a faint white light. Silmelia's head gradually appeared white mist, and her face showed a strenuous expression. But the terrible scar on Luo Linna slowly healed with naked eyes.

After another moment, Silmelia looked relieved and let go of her hand.

She wiped the sweat from her head, raised her head, smiled at the people watching around, and said: "Okay. It's done, the next step is to let her rest."

He said, pressing Luo Linna's forehead with her hand, and said something. Luo Linna crooked, and fell asleep to the Throne of God Seal.

Someone nearby carefully lifted Rowrina down.

Lorraine looked at the shadow of her being lifted away, and muttered: "I don't know if there is such a long wound on her chest that it will leave scars in the future? The chest is not big, and if it leaves the scar, it will not look good."

When Silmelia saw that he was safe, she became excited again. Can't help. Glancing at him with pleasure, said! "I heard that you got a crunchy ping-pong hole, but it's not very enjoyable. Want to come here?"

Lorraine took a step back in a hurry and hit a haha ​​before talking.

I heard a series of loud shouts above my head

He looked up and saw that the teacher was casting a spell, attacking the holy magic guard above his head.

Magic and sacred arts collided with each other, and there were loud and earth-shaking noises, followed by sparks and smoke flying all over the sky.

Under the impact of this powerful force, everyone felt that the city wall under their feet was also trembling.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help furious. He drew out the long sword of the guard next to him and pointed it at the distant division. He shouted angrily: "Grandson, there is a kind of you come in. Watch me kill you bastard

But it is obvious. His provocative taunting skills are not strong.

The mage heard his anger from a distance. A cold light flashed in his eyes, pointed at Lorraine, and shouted angrily: "There is a kind of you come out. We are like trying to compare.

in the mean time. But it is also full of spells. Both hands repeatedly waved away. Blast powerful spells on the protective cover of the castle.

A series of huge explosions sounded like thunder. The protective apples on the tops of everyone's heads couldn't bear it, and they started to crack again.

Lorraine cursed. Directed the green light on the magic tower to shine past the throne of God Seal.

But he easily flashed past the throne of God Seal. Then there was another violent bombardment against the castle.

The two of them pointed at each other through the shield, and kept yelling.

On the side, both parties are also stepping up preparations.

The guards on the front of the city rushed up and down, carrying weapons and ammunition to rescue the wounded.

Opposite them, the remaining neatly organized legions of Almohad first slashed and slashed at the rout soldiers and stopped them. Then, under the military order, he drove the soldiers running around in front of him and regrouped them all.

Facing these defeated and fleeing colleagues, they showed the swords and crossbows in their hands, the tip of the sword in their hands, not the back of the sword, and they drove them without mercy, regardless of whether they had weapons in their hands, forcing them. They rushed towards the city again.

And those rascals saw here, the teacher alone had suppressed all the air power in the academy, and they were also bold at the moment.

In order to wash away the humiliation of just being defeated, and to make up for it, so as not to be investigated by the harsh military laws of the empire afterwards. They shouted, picked up knives and guns from the ground, and under the organization of the officers, they rushed over again in a noisy manner like herding sheep.

Behind them. The complete legions are waiting for them. The dazzling swords, guns and arrows all pointed to their backs, and once they found out they ran away again. Shoot on the spot"!

Lorraine saw them organize again and ran towards this side. Could not help but sigh. A faint sense of powerlessness arose in my heart. How do you fight this shortcoming major? If you play a conspiracy, you can fight with them. But like this, it depends entirely on the strength of the troops.

They are completely big soldiers, like cannon fodder, no matter how dead it is, it doesn't hurt. But on my own side. Each one is a carefully cultivated talent, and the one who dies is one less, which is really not expensive.

But here is Xie Ye Danlin.

A thousand years ago. In the face of the Million Allied Forces of the Demon Race, it has not been breached, but at this time, it is absolutely not allowed to be attacked.

Thought of this. His eyes froze, and he rallied again. Seeing that the enemy was within range, he stood up, stood in a position that everyone could see, and gave orders loudly to everyone.

The defenders of the Maple Leaf Danlin were also aroused at this time, and there were thunderous noises on top of their heads, regardless of the danger that the protective shield might crack and disappear at any time, completely exposing themselves to the inside. The imperial soldiers pulled the trigger and blasted wildly.

Adele stood beside him worriedly, hesitant to speak. In the end, he couldn't help saying: "Lorraine, don't let the Magic Tower do another shot."

Lorraine thought for a while. Then he rejected, saying: "No, no. First, we don't know the key, the magic tower cannot wield the greatest power in our hands. Secondly"

He paused. He said: "Secondly, we now only have such a deterrent weapon. This

It’s like a man with a musket encounters three robbers in the wilderness. At this stage, the best way is to keep the bullet in the barrel, threatening Once the fire is opened, even if it fires One died, but the rest have no scruples

Adele fell silent for a moment.

Lorraine turned his head. Towards the city, he roared angrily: "Give me full fire. Shoot all the ammunition around me.

He paused. Then he continued: "Then abandon the city wall and prepare to implement the second set of plans."

The defenders on the top of the city received Lorraine's order, and both were very angry and sorrowful. They immediately opened fire on the Almohad Empire soldiers who had attacked like ants below.

At this time, the teacher flew back and forth around the shield above everyone's head, smashing the spells in his hand one by one to the God Seal Throne.

In order to anger the mages of Maple Leaf Danlin, a decisive battle with him. He roared and laughed loudly, shouting in a very arrogant manner, "Isn't Ban Ye Danlin the most powerful mage? One who has the ability to come out. Let me know hahaha,"

at this time. Just heard a mocking voice: "You really want to see it, good. As you wish" (to be continued)

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