Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 198: The most dangerous creature in history

If someone later hears Leo’s words, they will definitely be scared.

Because, as everyone knows later, there is no such thing as any creature in this world, it is more dangerous than the young and boring Leo. Reminder of intermission

For the second-in-line heir to the Ruman Empire, Grandpa Leo, war is actually no big deal.

Leo's father, Grand Duke Julian. Most of the time each year is away from home, when Leo asks, Catherine will tell him: Dad has gone to war.

Therefore, in Leo's heart, he always thought that the matter of war is just like farming with farmers, holding meetings with his sister, and pulling girls' pigtails by himself. It is a common thing in life.

Seeing Lorraine and Catherine waiting restlessly, Leo thought it was unnecessary.

Although the food is poor now and the sleep is not good, Leo has to stay here with Catherine.

Because Leo believes that as an early birth of the Julian family, he has the obligation to protect himself that he doesn't know anything, and he likes to go around, making his father always worry about his bad-tempered sister.

After a dry lunch in the restaurant that was temporarily rebuilt from the conference hall, everyone was gone.

Lorraine stayed in the command post, then soaked with Adele, probably singing and dancing again.

Although when Catherine left, she hinted Leo to follow Lorraine and Adele.

But Leo thought it was meaningless to listen to Adele singing. What kind of love, love, life and death, and life and death, it is annoying to listen to, the bad woman who is losing is still singing so vigorously.

What are you talking about? Lie everyone applauded. If you change yourself. Don't applaud her, just lick her. See if you can crumble her to death.

Therefore, he pretended not to see Catherine's wink and just bowed his head to eat. However, looking at her livid face when she was leaving, she might have been beaten when she looked back.

But women always do.

Leo thought for a while and decided to move ahead. Forgive her magnanimously. After all, she is her own sister. The old man said that he must take care of her by himself. The masculine husband shouldn't care about her too much.

Of course, if she deducted her own candied haws, that would be another matter.

After eating, Catherine didn’t go to the administrative office in front of the chamber to deal with the endless documents, and direct the guys to transport this to there, to transport this to here, this to go, to put that away, etc. .

Vera and Luo Linna took all the mages and stayed behind the city wall, which was the place Leo was most reluctant to approach.

Although Leo found that the mages wouldn't turn him into a toad and stew a pot of fragrant Leo potato soup in the pot, those guys liked pinching his face very much, and they always yelled at him.

You know, this is really shameful for the leader of the Mafia. Even an extremely serious diplomatic matter that can rise to political heights

By the fire, he yawned again. Leo was on the leather pad and wanted to sleep for a while, but he didn't feel sleepy.

He lay on his side for a while. Then turn it over again, then lie on it, and then face up to the sky again. Then turn over to the God Seal Throne.

After tossing for five minutes, he finally calmed down, put those chubby little hands behind his head, and then stared at the ceiling with his **** and shiny eyes like black grapes.

After half a day, he sat up again; Zheng sighed critically, and said, "Well, I'm bored."

As Lorraine said. The two most dangerous creatures in the world, Vera, who is interested in something, and Leo, who is boring, especially the latter is more dangerous.

Vera became interested in something, and the final result must be that the thing was blown up, and a group of people followed suit.

The results of a boring Leo are unpredictable.

Not only is he young and ignorant, he has strong curiosity, and sufficient mobility, but he is also bold

Leo stood up from the mat and opened the door.

He poked his head out carefully and looked at both sides of the corridor, no one

Leo sighed disappointedly. There is not even a guard at the door, so slipping out in this way will reduce the sense of accomplishment.

"Where should I go next?" He stood at the door, biting his finger and thinking about it, "Most of the party disciples under him are not in Shiye Danlin anymore. Otherwise, it would be a good idea to go and play with them.

He turned around and focused his attention on his side.

The corridor extended to his left and right, and on both sides followed another door. There was a small courtyard in front of him, and there was only a sculpture of an old bearded man in the courtyard.

It seems that this place is very desolate and empty.

He deliberately wanted to climb up to the statue and draw a dark circle on the old man with a pen, but he searched his pockets, but he couldn't find a charcoal pencil head, and he was extremely depressed. Then he turned around and walked up the corridor.

There are many doors on both sides of the corridor, but there are no signs on the doors.

Leo walked over to the Throne of God Seal and kicked every door he walked through. Most of these doors can be opened, but there are only extinguished fires and a few blankets in the room, just like the room where he came out. It's just as boring as it is.

Leo walked to the end of the corridor, opened the door here, and walked into another courtyard.

On the side of this courtyard. They were all houses, with a large stone step on the other side. Four Jane on Lek

He stood in front of the stairs and hesitated for a while, then stepped up on his short legs and ran up the stone steps.

He climbed to the top, and his eyes suddenly became cheerful.

I saw three huge towers standing high, straight into the sky. Like three huge long swords that can split the sky.

He had to raise his head at an angle of almost ninety degrees to see the top of the tower. Leo couldn't help but exclaimed, "Really so tall"

Then, because the center of gravity is unstable. Almost sat on the ground.

Leo knew right away that these were the three towers guarding the Maple Leaf Danlin.

He took two steps back and stood firm. After watching for a while, I found that my back neck hurts, so I lowered my head, and then looked around while shaking my head and moving my neck, and found to my surprise that there was still no one.

"No one came out, which means it's not very important right now. It shouldn't be a big deal for me to go in and play?"

He rubbed his little red nose, which was frozen, gave a big sneeze, and then walked forward.

After about twenty steps, he has successfully convinced himself that this is actually a children's paradise exclusively for fun. It is not a military forbidden area.

He looked at the signs on the three towers. As a result, there is still thick smoke billowing on the military tower, and the sacred tower is still like a fountain. The white light gushing upward provides a steady stream of energy for the academy's protective shield.

The magic tower is to save energy. The green light shooting outwards has stopped, quietly, without movement.

Leo adjusted his direction without hesitation, and then ran towards the magic tower to the Throne of God Seal like a fawn.

With his short legs, he climbed up the steps with great difficulty and came to the gate.

He looked up and saw the words "Military restricted area, no outsiders should enter.". After thinking about it, he murmured: "These guys are really not serious enough. When doing this, you should consider it. Some children are illiterate. It's all "age discrimination"

He paused, looked around, and found that there was still no one in sight around him, so his big, dark and bright eyes blinked like self-hypnosis, and whispered: "I don't know the words, I Can't read

After saying it several times, then he raised his head confidently, looked at those words, as if telling himself or telling someone who was not present, and said loudly: "What kind of ghost symbol? It's really ugly.

After speaking, he snorted disdainfully, and raised his head slightly. Then he opened the door and strode in.

He came into the hall and saw it was empty, with only one stone step leading to the upper level.

He immediately walked up unceremoniously.

Walking along, I saw that there were corridors on each floor leading to both sides, but Leo ignored the corridors and houses that looked the same. And it came directly to the end of the stone steps.

At the end is a white door. There is a picture of metal decoration on the door.

After pushing the door open, Leo was surprised to find a gorgeously decorated corridor.

The floor is covered with blue patterned carpets. White lights were lit on the walls on both sides.

Leo thought in surprise: I really came to the right place

Then head in.

As soon as Leo entered the door, two wizards in long robes came from behind him, and said as they walked, "Why is it important? Isn't it just listening to Miss Adele singing? If the senior sister knows that we are leaving the post, then Dead

The other smiled lightly and said, "It's safe, it's safe, the senior sister has been guarding the city wall! We have been here for two days. We didn't even see a human hairy one, and she was suffocated.

The two sighed at the same time. Then he sat down on a chair next to him and guarded the tower.

Leo walked along the corridor to the bottom, and now he came to a hall.

In the center of the hall is a circular stone platform, which is only half a foot above the ground, and in the middle of the stone platform is a half-person-high pillar.

Other than that, there is nothing.

Leo came to the stone platform with a little disappointment, and circled the pillar twice, on which there was a semicircular red ball.

Leo held the ball with both hands. Rubbing and spinning again, the small ball didn't move.

"None" Leo slapped the red ball hard with his little hand.

The red ball began to light, and then the stone platform under Leo's feet made a low "humming" sound and began to rise.

"Wow, I found the treasure." The little ruffian immediately yelled excitedly, dancing with joy on the stone platform.

The stone platform continued to rise, about twenty stories high, and finally shook slightly and stopped.

Leo now himself was sent into another hall.

It is almost forty feet high here. There is a two-story machine in the middle of the room. Below is a large stone table carved with runes. There is a huge pyramid-shaped transparent crystal in the middle of the stone table.

A metal spiral escalator next to the machine leads to the second floor of the machine. The entire second floor is wrapped in a huge metal cover with openings, and a thick green light can be seen faintly flashing inside.

Seeing this, Leo finally understood that he was there. This was the top floor where magic cultivated the green light of destruction.

Little Grandpa Leo narrowed his eyes and smiled shamelessly. Secretly said in my heart: This is the fun place

Knowing that there are a lot of strange things in Magic Tingmen, Leo Xiaoyi moved around like a knife.

When I walked in, I saw that the pyramid-shaped crystal on the table was placed on a disc embedded in the stone table.

The magic runes are arranged neatly around the disc.

Now, the rune on the outermost circle was glowing with a pale green light.

Leo bit his finger and wondered what the consequences would be if he was going to walk around the crystal. It was estimated that Catherine would not be able to run away after a full meal. But he has not been beaten by Catherine since he was young, and now he is basically immune.

Will the mages turn him into a toad? This is the most nervous thing in Leo's heart, Luo Linna's wife is very hateful. But when he thinks that he has such a good relationship with Vera, some snacks are all eaten together, it is estimated that he has become a toad, Vera will help him change back. Is it a big deal to pay Vera a bribe?

The person who was called by Lorraine as a delusional recommendation for entering menopause early and adding mania in the third stage always arrested people, if she found out, would she shut herself in a small black room. Calculate the old and new accounts together, cut his raw pork, whip, and spicy board water. Tiger stool, roll nail board?

Thinking of this, Leo fought a cold war, and said in his heart: Still don't want it? Lorraine couldn't even deal with that sturdy lady, let alone herself, no matter that Lorraine was captured by Abby recently, Lorraine came back with a sore back. but"

He rubbed his fleshy chin, and continued thinking: But thinking about it the other way round, he didn't see Lorraine losing a piece of meat. On the contrary, he looked radiant every time he returned from the picket.

He looked at the glittering magic pattern buttons, bit his fingers, frowned, and thought about it for a long time. Finally, I compromised with my curiosity.

In his heart, he thought to himself: Otherwise, I would just make a circle, just a circle. With such a big machine, it shouldn't cause any problems if it only makes one revolution.

After making the decision, Little Grandpa Leo reached out, but found that the table was too big and he couldn't buy the crystal. Then Leo arched his hips hard, and his entire upper body was lying on the stone platform, holding the crystal with both hands and turning vigorously. Up.

But under the force. But he didn't notice that several buttons had been pressed down by his body and started to flash. And that piece of crystal also rose up a lot strangely.

After a lap. Only a click was heard, and the green light of the rune went out.

He wants to let go. I felt a pain in my fingers, as if I was stabbed by something. He couldn't help screaming and hurriedly put the finger in his mouth.

Did not notice. A drop of blood has dripped on the crystal, and then it seeps in very strangely and quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the runes in the adjacent inner circles flashed one after another, giving out an orange-red light representing danger.

The machinery above his head made a rattling noise.

The magic circle on the ground began to rotate slowly, emitting bursts of red light.

Leo opened his eyes instantly, and his excited eyes flashed straight. Is this the teleportation array? Will there be an elephant jumping out of it below?

At this time, the transparent crystals began to light up inside, and you could see bright lines moving back and forth inside the crystals, flashing.

The lines in the crystal quickly interweave together to form a three-dimensional picture composed of light.

After trying to distinguish. Leo understood that this was the entire Maple Leaf Danlin area centered on the Mechanical Leaf Danlin Castle.

In the middle of the pyramid crystal is a miniature magic tower composed of light rays. From the top of the miniature magic tower, a light beam points to different locations outside the castle of Danlin.

"Wow" Leo exclaimed happily, then said his heart. If you show this to Lorraine, you can despise him to your heart's content. If you make a sandbox and think it is his original creation, it turns out that the mages would have done it a long time ago.

Leo bit his finger and slid off the table, and turned around the table twice, but found that the crystal did not reflect anything after Fengye Danlin's map appeared.

Leo muttered inwardly: Bored, I thought there would be something fun.

When Leo pressed his hand on the rune, he was surprised to find that the light from the miniature tower in the crystal began to move slowly.

At the same time, the huge light beam outside the magic tower began to move slowly. The gigantic machinery was spinning, and there was a harsh sound of galagala.

"Huh?. Leo raised his chubby hand, then pressed it down again, and the light began to move slowly," Haha. This is Leo who is interested in scratching the runes one by one. Reminder of intermission

Lorraine and others on the wall are spending public money, singing and drinking, and having fun. I saw the magic tower emit light again.

Lorraine looked at the red light, wondering: What's going on? I didn't order the magic tower to start? And why did this color become red?

Rowling looked at it. He couldn't help being shocked, and said: "The Scourge. How did the Scourge start?"

Lorraine was taken aback. Oddly said: "Heavenly Scourge? What is that?.

Luo Linna stared at the huge beam of light intently, and said, "Do you know the Seagod Halberd Magic Cannon? This is the same level as that thing. Only the Dean of the Magic Academy can use it? But didn't you see him come back?"

Immediately afterwards, what made everyone's souls frightened was that the light slowly moved towards them.

The scared ruffians yelled, turned their heads and ran. (To be continued)

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