Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 190: Aspirational Lingyun (Part 1)

Go to the protective cover and hit the heavy trebuchet! under. As if covered with handsome cracks, slowly winding and cracking.

Countless spots of light are like snowflakes. It slowly fell from the protective grass, and then disappeared into the air.

Everyone could not help but lose their color.

At the same time, Emperor Almohad on the opposite side burst into bursts of enthusiastic cheers.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, the low war drum rang.

That huge sound reverberated between heaven and earth.

It carries a peculiar and exciting melody, piercing the soul. As if to control people's heartbeat, it makes people feel swelling between the chest and abdomen, which is extremely uncomfortable. Even breathing became difficult.

The big guys controlling the trebuchet heard the drums, and they suddenly became more excited as if they were shot with blood.

They shouted slogans loudly. Moving the winch, pulling down the throwing arm, then putting a heavy stone bullet, and then letting go with a shout.

The long throwing arm of the trebuchet was pulled by the gravity of the lead sink weighing several tons, and it was invisible to the naked eye. Sharp sound.

Immediately after that, the heavy stone bullet was thrown high into the air, and then whizzed, slamming into the castle in the distance past the Throne of God Seal"

For those big guys. This destructive work full of violent aesthetics is undoubtedly extremely interesting.

They all worked very happily, and every time they shot a stone bullet, they shouted a loud cheer, and then watched the stone bullet hit the protective cover on the opposite side.

They excitedly pointed to the white transparent protective cover and talked a lot. Counting carefully a few more cracks on the protective cover this time. It is estimated that it will take a long time to completely break through. Then, under the reprimand of the officers, the bomb was reloaded with sweat, and then it was thrown out. Then refill it again,

Silmelia stood on top of the city. He did not hesitate to inject all his holy power into that protective magic circle. The stone bullets thrown from the opposite side were blocked one by one, but under the continuous high-intensity bombardment, it was gradually unable to support it. The tired sweat was dripping, breathing hard, and the forehead and temples were all warm. Slowly rises up.

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help but walk up. Concerned: "How is it? Can still support

Silmelia turned her head and gave him a blank look.

Lorraine saw that her original bright red lips had lost her blood, and she knew that she was overworked, but she was struggling to support her, and her heart ached.

He shouted at the ready priests next to him, "A bunch of silly people, you are all blind. Change people quickly."

With that, taking advantage of a trebuchet shot, he reached out and pulled her down.

The man looked at it and muttered in a low voice, "I said I would change it, but Sister Sister won't let it."

While talking, he took a few steps forward and stood there. The center of the magic circle. Replaced Hillmelia's position. But because of his lack of Holy Power.

As soon as he entered the field, everyone could clearly feel that the light of the protective shield above his head was suddenly weaker. Moreover, under the bombardment of stone bullets, the degree of cracking was much faster.

Involuntarily exclaimed "Ah" all together.

Silmelia just woke up. After a few breaths, he said: "I" I still support. "

With that, he twisted his wrist vigorously, trying to get out of Lorraine's hand.

Lorraine snorted coldly, and reprimanded unceremoniously: "This is war, not where you can do it alone."

Hilger Suanya suffocated, as if being touched somewhere deep in her heart, she trembled and said, "But" but this war was caused by me."

Lorraine looked at her delicate jade face. The pretty face had completely lost its blood, and she couldn't help sighing in her heart. I know that although she pretends to be fine on the surface, she still blames herself.

He waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, don't scumbag. Going on, it seems like I'm afraid that others don't know that you can harm the country and the people. I can only say that you are proud, and I can't but criticize you seriously. Ah, although it is a woman’s privilege and nature to love vanity, if you do this, how can you unite with everyone? You must pay attention to the influence and the influence. Do you understand?"

Shirme Suanya immediately became angry, her eyes filled with crystal tears, and she trembled: "I," I told you to be serious, and you gave me nonsense. "

Lorraine looked at the stubborn look in her eyes and couldn't help sighing, knowing that if she didn't untie her knot, this kind girl would blame herself for a lifetime.

He stared closely at Silmelia's beautiful eyes, pointed to the other side, and said: "This war was provoked by their mobs who committed crimes.

It's as if you saw a wicked person trying to kill a good person. In that critical time, would you stop using violence to stop him because of fear of blood on your hands?

As for the evil, one must not take a step back. Only by guarding justice, fighting them with iron and blood and raging fire, can it be regarded as truly defending the majesty of the gods.

It came to the day of the last judgment, before the gods. No one dares to accuse you of doing something wrong"

These words and such thoughts are nothing to modern people like Lorraine, but for these people who do not have a complete philosophical style, the logic of poetry is not clear, holding a Socratic paragraph theory is counted. For people, it's like a drum in the morning and evening.

Silmelia couldn't help but surprised, "Ah, there was a sound, and then raised her head, fixedly looking at Lorraine, with a strange brilliance in her eyes.

Lorraine saw that Bai Zhe's pretty face flashed again, and knew that she had finally figured it out. I couldn’t help thinking about it, and then added: “But if the gods ask about it, when you forcibly circumvented me, you must remember to hire a good defense lawyer. ."

Silmelia heard him vaguely. Unable to start, she smiled first, then gave it a little thought, and immediately understood. Suddenly became furious.

She stared at Lorraine and cursed fiercely: "You bastard, you are brave enough to give it to me"

Seeing her frustrated, Lorraine winked and reminded in a low voice: "The hall is crowded, everyone is watching."

Silmelia immediately suffocated and looked sideways. As expected, everyone around her looked strangely.

She couldn't help but glared at Lorraine. Then bit his lip and cursed in a low voice: "You bastard, how can I deal with you after seeing it."

After speaking, he gave a cold snort, flicked his sleeves pretending to be disdainful, and walked to the side.

"Hot, hot, hot" Aibier hurriedly brought a cup of hot tea and walked over to the Shenyin Throne. Said: "Hiding aside, I really don't have any eyesight"

With that, she twisted her waist and folded Lorraine to one side. Then he handed the tea bowl to Silmelia.

She watched Hilme drank the cup of tea, still consciously confused, so she glared at Lorraine again, then turned her head and comforted: "Sister, let's not be afraid of him. Don't worry. Seeing that he is rampant now, he has become a commander and dragged him two to five to eighty thousand. But when the battle is over, we will still be the boss. At that time, I will bring someone to catch him every day and give you out."

Silmelia immediately choked. Lost his voice: "Catch it every day? Are you beautiful, or do you want to exhaust me?"

"Huh?" Aibier blinked strangely and said, "Senior Sister, what do you mean?"

Silme Sheya then woke up. I couldn't help but smiled dryly, and said: "Haha, at the moment of the war, let's talk about those things later. Let's talk about them later."

Talking, holding the tea cup in both hands. Lowered his head. Then the beautiful eyes were like water, looking forward to the flow, he gave Lorraine a fierce look, and cursed in his heart: This **** guy, I almost made a ugly appearance in public by a little boy, see how you can deal with you later!

She thought about it, unconsciously. There was a delicate blush on the originally pale cheek.

Lorraine saw that her heart knot had been solved. No longer complaining about myself, I immediately "haha. I smiled and then walked back.

Catherine looked at him suspiciously, then at Silmelia, and suddenly said, "Tell me, do you have a look?"

Lorraine couldn't help but hit a cream. Looking at Catherine in a daze, she was very suspicious, do these women really have a naturally sensitive instinct? But if this is the case, why does the lottery ticket keep failing?

Catherine didn't speak when he saw him gaping, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she took a step forward and yelled in a low voice: "If you give me an honest relationship, otherwise you will have good fruits.

Lorraine opened his mouth and Wang wanted to speak. At this moment, I heard a "bang, a thumping sound" from the top of my head, and immediately afterwards, I heard an exclamation from everyone.

He hurriedly looked up, and saw that the protective grass above his head was under the strong attack of the trebuchet, cracks that had been smashed, like broken glass, began to fall one by one. So I can't support it anymore.

The guards who were standing below reacted instinctively, as if they were afraid that the fragments would hurt themselves, holding their heads, hiding and ran away.

Silmelia was anxious. Can't help shouting: "Don't mess, don't mess, the protective cover will shatter and it won't hurt people. Don't panic."

While she was talking, she couldn't care that she had overdrawn the body of Shengli, picked up the hem of the robe, and rushed towards the magic circle in the center to the throne of God Seal.

Lorraine reached out and grabbed her handsome wrist, and shouted angrily: "Is this the time when you can do it?"

Silmelia looked at the tired and shaky body of the man standing in the magic circle, bit her lip, and smiled bitterly: "This is really when I could do it. Originally, as long as there were enough spars, this magic circle It requires a cardinal-level priesthood to be maintained.

But now, apart from me, there are no high-level priesthoods. The remaining people are not capable enough to transmit the powerful energy contained underneath through the body to the Throne of God Seal."

She took a deep breath and said calmly: "Let go of me. No one but me can resist this attack."

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and saw her face with a holy expression of absolute dust, and slowly let go of her hand. An anger surged in his chest. And a deep sense of powerlessness.

Originally, he thought he could rely on his own ingenuity, and in this world, any problem could be easily solved. However, it has forgotten the fundamental point.

As long as there are people and there is society, all the world is the same. The weak and the strong, **** and cruel, there is no real difference from the jungle full of beasts, and it is even far worse.

Because even the most ferocious beasts will not eat their companions, but people can eat people. For the sake of greed, "sniffing" is the flesh and blood, stepping on the corpse of the Dan companion and climbing up. If the dragon you met was innocent and kind, so that Vera was a little stupid, if the lich you met was not Was driven away by Vera’s parents who appeared at a critical moment. If there was no Vera’s real body when Lauder set fire to the mountain, and her series of items

This time. He clenched his fists tightly, and finally settled a pound in his heart. The thought was that he must become stronger. Let everyone not dare to snoop, only in this way can they protect their cherished things.

Silmelia gave him a deep look, then turned around. Quickly rushed to the magic circle.

She put her hands on her chest and sang a hymn in a low voice. The body immediately emits a white holy light. Immediately after. He stretched out his hand vigorously, like a goddess, lifting up the legal power in his hand without hesitation.

With the influx of energy, the protective cover immediately shone, and then slowly expanded outward. Can withstand the opponent's attack.

The fragments on the anti-shield that were hit by the stone bullets and could not help but ruptured and fell suddenly stopped. Although those traces of sister-like nets that continued to spread have not diminished, the degree of rupture has also slowed down.

Catherine couldn't help but admire her so hard to see her, and saw Silmelia's trembling body. Shouted to Lorraine, "You must think of a way."

At the next moment, she was so courageous that the light in Lorraine's eyes was as cold as an ice stone that never melted. She couldn't help but be surprised and said with concern: "Lorraine, are you okay?"

Lorraine only then woke up, the cold light in his eyes immediately closed down, and said softly, "Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm fine."

He paused, then looked away from Silmelia, looked at the trebuchets on the opposite side, and watched those people who were still busy like busy worker ants, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing There was a terrible grin. Reminder of intermission

Luo Linna took a group of wizards under the cover of rising smoke. They all used their mana and flew as high as possible. Until everyone turned into black spots that were almost invisible to the naked eye, hiding in the clouds, they stopped rising, and then slowly moved towards the trebuchet forces of the Almohad Empire under the cover of the clouds. The position flew past the God Seal Throne.

Fifty or sixty middle-level and high-level mages formed a battle guard to cover the clumsy low-level mages.

And although the low-level mages were unable to deploy their own magic powers and could fly and were unable to perform the second type of magic, each of them carried a pound behind them. A heavy package that is barely affordable.

When they came to the top of the trebuchets, they all followed Rowrina's orders and stopped.

They took all the packages off one by one and looked at Lorraine eagerly.

Although everyone saw that Maple Leaf Danlin Castle was gradually unable to support under the violent bombardment of the trebuchet, they were all extremely anxious, wishing to rush down and destroy all these terrifying mechanical monsters, but they all got it beforehand. After Lorraine's strict order, there must be no changes before Luo Linna gave the order.

Although the low-level magic apprentice, Miss Vera, is exceptionally talented, she progresses very quickly, she is known as a weapon (the dragon elders are sitting in the hall that was blown into ruins, crying with their heads: the shame of our clan!)

But in her step-by-step learning, she still failed to learn how to deploy magic powers and to use two kinds of magic at the same time. But fortunately, she is full of magic power, not afraid to get tired. Therefore, one person brought three backpacks.

At this time, she took off a backpack with her classmates, held it in her hand, and then held her breath, staring at Lorina next to her intently.

Through the gaps in the backpack that were not completely covered, one could see that inside, a pack of explosive crystals was shining dangerously red.

Lorraine looked down at her feet, then took out a small cylinder from her arms, and held the cylinder vertically in her hand as Lorraine had taught before leaving. Then narrowed an eye and looked into the cylinder.

She looked down through the thin line tied in the center of the cylinder, and happened to see the "king David." class catapult below. Looking down from a high altitude, she felt that the catapult looked a little weird. , For a while, I couldn't help being a little funny.

She looked at the cylinder in her hand and said in her heart: Lorraine is really weird. Throw something down from such a high altitude, and you will lose ten meters if you make a difference. It is extremely difficult to throw accurately.

He came up with such a method for accurate positioning. Also put this in a strange technical term. What is called "high-altitude horizontal positioning"

At this moment, I felt a strange look. She looked up. Seeing that Vera was looking at her with her pure and beautiful blue eyes, she nodded affirmatively.

Vera and her classmate looked at each other, and then squeezed past the God Seal Throne together. I will hold the strap of the backpack with one hand and let it be horizontal and vertical under the action of gravity, so as not to skew the strap when throwing it. So that it was thrown in the wrong place.

It is estimated that there is still a chapter in the evening, hehe. Everyone, please count the votes, there is no monthly ticket, and recommended tickets are fine. (To be continued)

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