Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 183: If that day

Let no one make mistakes except the dead in the war. In the face of complex and changeable situations, few people can make a completely correct judgment.

Even though you can guarantee that your judgment is accurate, war is a systematic project, and victory cannot be achieved by one person.

You are making the right choice at the same time. But there is no guarantee that your superiors, your colleagues, and your subordinates will not make mistakes.

Napoleon and Lunge back then. With classmate Xiaohui from Wellington, these two bosses brought their little brothers to fight in Waterloo. When they were fighting in Waterloo, Brother Yilun was so genius who crossed Europe and was unmatched. But just because his men made a mistake, they did not reinforce them in time. As a result, this great military strategist, an excellent artillery captain, could only be defeated under the hands of classmate Xiaohui, who hadn't even studied well before, and was exiled again in despair.

Therefore, the key question of victory or defeat is not to say that you have made many mistakes. It's whether you can hold onto the enemy's mistakes tightly. Reminder of intermission

When Lorraine saw that the harbor was being cleaned up, he realized that the commander opposite was definitely a sophisticated and cunning character. Will not be easily caught by myself to hurt my feet.

He was disappointed. He wanted to retreat, but immediately saw the opponent's handsome flag change the boat, and immediately felt happy. Changing the general before the war was a big taboo in the army.

However, just when he was happy, immediately after that, the green signal flare had slowly risen.

At first, when he saw the green flare, he didn't care, but then he thought, he couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring: the sea and land forces of the Almohad Empire are landing in the port, and there is no need for them to be separated by thirty or fifty miles. See the way, to deliver the signal.

And the biggest problem is that it solemnly sent out such a signal at the beginning of becoming handsome. So who is this signal for?

When Lorraine thought of the answer in his heart, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He looked back at the Maple Leaf Danlin Fort in the distance.

I saw the tall castle rising in the dusk when the mist had become a little fuzzy, only a huge blue-black Caizi was standing in the sky.

He was a little nervous in his heart, and he secretly blamed himself: I should have thought that the Almohad Empire had long been planning for the invasion. Therefore, I would definitely fall into the inside of the castle, and then take advantage of the lack of preparations in the city. You can capture this castle in one fell swoop.

And the castle, which was already weak, suddenly brought out almost one-third of his troops, and now it must be even more stretched.

In case the opponent attacked at this time, it was like kicking a foot on a crumbling old house, with just one touch, it could crash and collapse.

Although Adele didn't know much about military affairs, he was also icy and smart. Seeing the uncertain expression on Lorraine's face, he thought about it for a bit and understood.

She whispered. Forcefully suppressed the panic, and then trembled and said: "Luo" Lorraine

Lorraine lowered his head, but raised his hand slightly, made a silent gesture, and pointed at the soldiers who followed them.

Adele immediately woke up. If he said it at this time, it would inevitably shake the military's mind and cause unnecessary panic. He took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in my heart.

She glanced at Lorraine. Seeing that he was still abominable and unhurried, I couldn't help but admire him secretly. At this time, he was still so calm, he had enough general demeanor. But in the final analysis, the thugs still have their own insights and have a clear eye. The guy who picked it all at once.

Thinking of later, there were even gleaming stars in those autumn eyes, and several peach blossoms appeared.

At this time, Vera who followed behind became impatient and climbed up quietly.

She saw Adele's expression. I don't know Zhong Daqi, and said: "Master" Sister, what is wrong with you? .

I heard Adele sighed and whispered in a low voice, "How can I be so eye-catching, I really don't want to admire myself."

Vera was startled. With concern, he stretched out his tender little hand, put it on Adele's smooth forehead and tried it, and then put it on his forehead, but there was no difference, in the end it could only be a question mark: no Burn it? How could Adele speak nonsense? These human thoughts are really complicated

At this moment, another long bugle sounded in the distance.

The officers ran back and forth between the harbor and the giant battleship that had just raised the handsome flag like ants on a hot pot.

With the waving of the flag. The messenger called loudly. The soldiers who had been cutting down trees and cleaning the fire belt cursed and threw down the axe and tools in their hands, and stood up straight.

When they saw that the flagship had been changed, there was a stir.

The black-clad military judges immediately noticed this movement, and immediately picked up the whip like a wolf, and rushed to the throne of God Seal. Then there was a violent jerking at the soldiers with their heads covered. The soldiers who were hitting screamed.

After the cheap bones suffered a bite, they immediately recognized the situation and gotten down to be honest.

Before they could take a break, they hurriedly cleaned up the tools on the scene under the loud shouts, punches and kicks of the officers, and then picked up their respective equipment and weapons and re-arranged into a neat line. Finally, ran along the avenue in the direction of Fengye Danlin.

This one of their actions. Immediately caused a panic among the soldiers behind Lorraine.

Someone exclaimed in a low voice: "They are going to attack Fengye Danlin Fort."

Lorraine turned around. Shouted angrily:

He saw the look on the faces of the soldiers, and his heart jumped, knowing that the more high pressure at this time, the more panicked they were.

So on. Turning his eyes, he changed his tone.

He pointed to the top of his head. Then he whispered mockingly: "It's going to be dark soon, do you think they took the wrong medicine like you, and they want to attack Maple Leaf Danlin Fort at night?"

His analysis was reasonable, and there seemed to be a peculiar power in the mocking tone, which immediately calmed everyone's nervousness.

Someone even started to smile at the soldier and said: "It's really heartless. Listening to the wind is rain, the grass and trees are all soldiers. Look there is a crow. Maybe the wizard of the Dark Council is also nearby."

"Hee hee hee"

There was a low giggle from the crowd.

The soldier blushed immediately in shame.

Lorraine couldn't help but smile, then came down from the hill, and said: "Okay, stop making trouble. We also want to go back. Everyone pack everything and rush back as soon as possible."

When everyone heard the anxiety in his words, their hearts immediately shuddered.

Lorraine looked at their expressions, only then realized that he was a little uncomfortable, and could not help but murmur secretly. This is the disadvantage of not having a messenger. Whenever something was wrong, it was noticed by these clever rascals.

He smiled reluctantly. He went on to say: "It's different from the pig food that our military academy eats. This time the canteen is in charge of the chef from the magic academy. It's too late to go back. The puppies at home must have chewed their bones."

There was a low, kindly laughter from the crowd.

Someone said excitedly as they packed their things, "Yes. I saw it last time when I ran to Cengfan, but it was a good thing. We have a bone for the New Year. But those **** from the Magic Academy, I can't even look down on lobsters under three feet."

Everyone ran for most of the day in full gear, and they were already hungry. As soon as the words came out, there was a slanderous sound in the woods.

Vera felt that her belly seemed to "grun," she blushed, she hurriedly covered her belly with her hands, and walked to the side. But fortunately, the light in the forest is already near dusk. When it gets dark, I am not afraid of being seen.

Adele looked back at the port, hesitated, and said unwillingly, "Don't you want to attack with fire?"

Lorraine sighed, pointed to the opposite port, and said, "Look, they haven't been cleaned up completely. But if it wasn't for a windy weather, even if the fire burned, their losses would not be too great. ."

Adele couldn't help biting his lip and stomping angrily: "Seeing six to seven thousand imperial soldiers, even one spit can drown us. How can we fight this battle?"

Lorraine looked at the disappointed expression on her face, grinned, and said: "But don't worry. They just changed a rice bucket commander, we have a chance in the future."

As he said, he rectified the crowd, and then led the crowd back along the path in the forest, trotting back.

He took his soldiers and copied the trail and ran all the way.

Although Lorraine saw that the other party had been prepared for a long time, he estimated that the fire attack might not be effective, but just in case, when they finally walked near the castle, he still ordered everyone to spread all the fuel used to start the fire along the way. Down, in case you need it from time to time.

Finally when they reached the castle, the sky was completely dark.

Lorraine came to the city, and there was no movement. Then, with the torch on the top of the city, he could still see the blue flag of the Maple Leaf Danlin still flying high, so he put it down.


At this time, the soldiers on the front of the city also spotted them, crying out for the password nervously. Under the order of the officer, the ballistamen hurriedly dropped the lunch box, and then turned the muzzle.

Jiang Guang on the magic tower also took a photo at Yijian, and slowly and carefully swept across everyone one by one.

As the commander, Lorraine nodded in appreciation when seeing their alert movements. Although they are not very proficient, but at least they have already begun to enter the state.

At this moment. A soldier holding a torch on the top of the city was too panic, and dropped the torch and spear in his hand, as well as the crossbow on the battlement wall, all together. Those iron weapons fell on the bluestone ground below the city, making a loud impact.

Started everyone.

Immediately after. The soldier screamed: "My things fell."

Then he poked his head out from behind the city wall and looked around nervously. Loudly shouted to the people in the city: "Which brother in the city, can you please help me pick things up? Thank you in advance."

Lorraine glanced at him, couldn't help sighing heavily, and thought calmly: Well, at least most people are ready.

Although many of the soldiers above and below the city knew each other, they still followed the military regulations and earnestly corrected a few passwords until they confirmed that they were correct.

The heavy city gate rumbling slowly opened. After waiting for someone to enter, then he shut it up again.

Lorraine led the crowd to a resident not far from the gate of the city. He didn't have time to catch his breath. At this time, the big men who had been waiting for most of the day, as well as those who had nothing to do, surrounded Tuantuan. He came up and asked about the situation in a rush.

Lorraine had been hungry for a long time. He hadn't drank a sip of water when he came back. He originally wanted to give a few words to help him. The round frame is the most straightforward, and the words are so syllable that there is no muscle or mouth, and the big guys who like to be scheming today are cheating, and then seeing more people gather. And they all looked at their teachers like kindergarten children who had peeed their pants, all of them staring at themselves in panic all day long.

Lorraine knew that he couldn't be quiet if he didn't hit them well. Finally, he turned his mind and jumped to a high place. He gave a passionate speech to the surrounding residents.

He looked at everyone in the audience. Then he said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen. Although we are now attacked by the Almohad.

But don't forget. At the time of the War of the Saints, Hexie Ye Danlin was violently attacked by the Demon Race's Millions of Allied Forces. Has it fallen? "

His eyes swept across everyone's faces, and he asked loudly: "Please answer me, is it down yet?"

Everyone cheered up, remembering the brave people back then, then raised their fists, and replied suddenly: "No. It didn't fall."

Lorraine said: "Yes, it didn't fall. Relatively speaking, today, we have come to a crossroads in history. We are faced with just a handful of brave bandits who only dare to fight without declaration and attack. , Will we be intimidated by them?"

These rascals immediately burst into anger and shouted: "No, absolutely no"

Lorraine took a deep breath and said, "Yes, no. We will not be intimidated by them. So please trust me.

The international situation is now very good, not small but good. Our **** of war beacon has been ignited, and reinforcements from all directions will arrive soon. Maybe you wake up tomorrow morning, and you will see hundreds of thousands of troops appear in front of us, smashing the enemy! "

Everyone present suddenly rang out in exclamation, and then exchanged excited glances. "Hundreds of thousands of troops" how many people are there? If it really comes, the bunch of bad guys opposite will not be wiped out.

Lorington paused. Continued: "Although the situation in the academy is not very clear, it continues to move forward in a good direction. I believe that in the near future, the evil, sordid, and shameless Almohad empire will definitely be my heroic maple leaf. The Danlin defenders were defeated and rolled back to their place with their tails clamped."

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from everyone present. It seemed that Lorraine's words really knocked away all the enemies outside the city.

Lorraine looked at the look on their faces and moved in his heart.

He pressed his hands twice, and when everyone calmed down, he continued: "But" defeated them. Let them go back, wouldn't it be too cheap for them, shouldn't we just forget it? "

Everyone was taken aback. Looking at him quietly, I don't know what Lorraine wanted to say.

Lorraine put on the classic look of Brother Yuan Xiaoxi from the Third Reich, waved his fist, and said loudly, "No, we won't.

On that day, we will demand huge war reparations from them. In order to compensate for their outrageous invasion, the mental loss caused to us.

On that day, everyone in the room will receive a huge amount of gold coins. "

The words came out. Everyone present had forgotten the danger in front of them, as if they had already seen the golden gold, and all smiled. It is indeed a wise decision that the temporary committee made this year's youth a commander.

Lorraine looked at everyone. Said: "If they dare not to agree, we will wage war against them, and at any cost, we will also expedition across the sea and take it ourselves. Let them know that the war will be imposed on Maple Leaf Danlin. What will be the end in the end."

"When I said too right"


"Snatch their money

"Snatch their stuff

Everyone yelled loudly because of the warmth of his head.

"Also, the woman who robbed them,"

In the end, I didn't know who said something, and the crowd immediately caused a burst of laughter.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a roar of the Hedong Lion: "Vick'er, you old bastard. At such an age, how dare you even want to steal a woman from your old lady? I'm so impatient."

Then, roared. The sound of begging for mercy, the sound of the washing stick hitting the meat, the scream. The giggles and laughter when watching the lively schadenfreude rang out into a chaos.

See here for Lorraine. Take a deep breath and then said: "Okay, okay. Everyone is gone, too. Hurry back and get ready. We have to fight the enemy tomorrow, let them know We are great. When you ask for money, you can ask for more."

Everyone reluctantly dispersed, discussing with each other, and made up their minds that they must participate in the battle the next day. If the time comes, they can also get more.

Lorraine just jumped from a height.

Next to Catherine hurriedly poured a glass of water, first tried the temperature, and then handed it over.

Lorraine was really thirsty too, and took the water glass, without even saying thank you, so he raised his head and poured it down.

Leo jumped out next to him. He looked at Lorraine with a look of admiration: "Boss, your speech just now is really great. Everyone praised you, saying you can really blow."

"Cough" Lorraine immediately poured the remaining half a cup of water into the trachea, choking coughing again and again, and his lungs were burning with pain.

He beat his chest and paused for a long time before he glared at Leo and said, "Who? Who said it?" (to be continued)

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