Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 179: Demise plot

Chapter 179 Chapter 14474 Plot (please ask for votes)

To put it alive, every woman has a world-destroying complex in her heart. I hope that I can be like Miss Helen, the peerless beauty who has led to the destruction of Troy, someone who will fight for their beauty.

If there is more harm to the country and the people, then the country and the people will be harmed more. It is best to learn the same as Xiaoxi brother. There was a world war and several countries were killed, 30 million, 50 million people and the like were killed. Only this can explain their charm and value.

In fact, it does not mean how sinister and gloomy their hearts are. What I want to show is that they are eager to be recognized and want to highlight their importance.

This is actually not difficult to understand.

Because it seems that in every man's heart, there is a heroic dream to dominate the world. Such as "swing a sword to fight the clouds, and the princes will come to the west to rule the world, sweeping the wasteland, and so on.

This is one of the instincts left by human beings when they evolved from animals, that is, relying on their own abilities to maximize their territory.

Women are limited by their physical conditions, and it is impossible to rely on force to fight for hegemony. Had to choose another aspect. Use your own natural and attractive power to show your ability.

But in terms of charm, there really is no uniform standard.

Some like "radish. Others like" cabbage. of. Some like big eyes, some like small eyes, some like Brother Chun, and some like Sister Feng. Each has its own taste, very

But this makes the judges very embarrassed, neither too subjective nor too objective.

Don't look at them standing on the front desk in three-point swimsuits, with white arms and legs exposed. Looks soft and soft, charming and moving. Who knows how deep their background is and which main **** stands behind.

In case it is offended. From the family restlessness, to the country’s destruction.

Just look at the "Golden Apple" story and you will know how difficult it is to be a judge.

At that time, the prince of Troy, Paris, was confused, and served as a judge in the beauty contest of the three goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.

You know these three great gods, but even the main **** Zeus dare not easily offend them. He was kicked out shruggingly. It's for the dead ghost.

Can commit suicide. Can't do this.

He didn't understand. Isn’t this sucking to death while still installing old points on that thread?

As a result, it directly led to the extinction of Troy

All the affected residents accompanied him

After this important historical event, the judges found that this professional committee is too dangerous, not only can't just let others not say unspoken rules, but also be given unspoken rules by others. Maybe a great **** stared, and his family was destroyed. So the collective picks up.

In this way, everyone has no choice but to "speak with facts." In other words. Use specific numbers, this absolute hard indicator, to measure.

For example, Xi Xiaoshi. Zhao Xiaochan, Yang Xiaohuan. Wang Zhaojun's four classmates were sitting together, and if you choose who is the most beautiful.

When the three people talked about it, how many people died for themselves. This is a lot of face. In this most direct way, it is easy to select the best beauty of the year.

When the award ceremony is over, everyone can also despise Wang Zhaojun to their hearts' content. No one has died. Obviously it is not good enough. It must be the result of election bribery and hidden operations behind the scenes.

That’s a reminder of the intermission

"This war started because of me, and I don't know how many people will die in the future. Am I an ominous person who harms the country and the people?"

However, when Silmelia said this, Lorraine saw a trace of sadness flashing on her pretty face through the sky light from the forest, and knew in her heart with certainty that she did not There is no such an extinction complex.

Lorraine understood now. When she was just in the port, she would fight so hard, regardless of life and death, or even the act of looking for death. There was originally such a knot in it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, secretly: What a pure and good girl this is

If this matter is placed on Catherine and Adele, I don't know what they will be happy about. Rowrina might not say anything on the surface, but secretly, she will definitely not sleep happily.

As for Vera, the silly girl has snacks every day, so she can't find Bei with joy. She is so innocent and ignorant, she doesn't understand this at all, and can completely ignore her.

Seeing his contemplative expression, Silmelia didn't speak, and her face became paler.

She waited for a while, and finally couldn't bear it. She trembled and said, "You, what are you talking about? Me, am I an ominous person?"

Lorraine looked at the sad look in her eyes, his heart softened, and Wang wanted to open his mouth to comfort him.

Just at this moment, I heard a cold voice coming from the side, saying: "Okay, okay. Shilmeria, don't you fart anymore"

Lorraine and the two were startled, and turned to look, only to see Catherine catching up from behind, looking at herself with frosty expression.

Hillmelia was taken aback. Wonderful way: "What did you say? What do you mean? Why am I,, smelly,,

She was educated since childhood. Although it is also sturdy to gorgeous, but not as domineering and natural as Catherine. That "cocky **** or something" doesn't match the style of a lady, but I can't tell.

Catherine snorted immediately when she saw her gaping mouth. Then he raised his chin slightly and said, "What did I say, don't you know?"

She hesitated when she saw Silmelia, she wanted to say something

"Well, what is it!" "Then you just want to bear

I have something to ask Lorraine. "

After speaking, he couldn't help but dragged Lorraine aside as soon as he stretched out his hand.

The three Adele next to him also appeared immediately and surrounded Lorraine.

Silmelia froze for a moment. Can't help but wonder. Because of worrying about his adulterer. For a while, I also forgot the sadness.

She hesitated Pianhai, and her step was slow. Slowly hung behind the team. Then he leaned his ears, wanting to hear what they were going to say.

But she listened for a while, but she didn't hear anything. When she turned her head, she saw the three of them cast provocative glances at her, and her heart jumped immediately, panic for no reason, and then she bowed her head and walked quickly over God seal throne.

Adele pressed Lorraine to the tree and said viciously, "Say, what's the matter?"

Lorraine looked at the trio’s frantic expressions, couldn't help but trembled, and said, "What's the matter?"

He paused for a moment." He realized it. Then he sighed and shook his head, and said, "Why are you three so gloomy? Even if this battle is not fought for you. But you don't have to be so crazy, right? "

"Let's go" the three people immediately became anxious. He cursed in unison.

Leo didn't know where he came out.

""He exclaimed. Pointing at the three of them, they exclaimed gleefully: "You are not a lady at all. If you say this, I will hit your tabloid unless you give it to me."

Before he could finish speaking, Catherine had already raised her foot and pointed at his ass. Angrily shouted: "Get out of my way"

Leo flew out like a ball at once, and amid his loud complaints and protests, he fell into the arms of Vera next to him.

He wanted to say something more, but as soon as he poked his head out, he saw Catherine staring at him fiercely, almost bursting into flames in his frantic eyes, and immediately shrank his neck and hid obediently behind Vera.

Although Uncle Leo is young, he is not a fool. Years of experience tells him that Nicole is about to be mad at this time. It is better not to touch her mold at this time, otherwise it will be his own **** that will suffer in the end.

Catherine turned her head and stared at Lorraine. Said: "Stop pretending to be there. If I want to fight, I can start a war with a single order."

Adele smiled sweetly, her surface gentle. In fact, murderously squeezed out words from between the teeth, and said, "Do I still need a war to prove my beauty?"

Lorraine smiled faintly, and then said: "Skin"

Lorraine saw their rushing weather like a tigress going down a mountain, and immediately closed his mouth. At the same time, I am sure in my heart: They are indeed crazy about this matter

Catherine raised her eyebrows and said every word: "What I asked was, when did you hook up with her."

Lorraine's heart jumped, avoiding the bright eyes of the three of them, and said weakly, "What kind of hookup 1 is too ugly?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard "Whoosh. A sharp long knife has been wiped on the scalp and nailed to the tree behind him.

Adele's slender fingertips turned another long knife, then smiled softly and said softly:


Peerless style of sending femme fatale.

Lorraine smiled bitterly and said, "It's really nothing. Although she often catches me, she sometimes takes care of me."

Adele smiled coldly in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Oh" it was originally like this. Just grabbing it like that, grabbing the feelings? "

Lorraine's scared head was sweating, and compared to this feeling, he would rather face the enemy in the harbor. This kind of thing can't be admitted if he is killed. Otherwise, there is really no burial place.

He waved his hand again and again and said, "It's really nothing more."

At this moment, I heard a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

Everyone was startled.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of messy footsteps. Afterwards, dozens of checkers with sharp blades in their hands and armed to their teeth appeared in sight.

The central command system of Fengye Danlin Academy. After the sneak attack, he finally reacted.

They saw the skyrocketing fire and billowing smoke in the port, and knew that someone was there to resist, and they sent armed men to come for reinforcements.

Catherine saw an outsider coming. Knowing that I can't press on. Can't help being disappointed. "

Then he let go.

Those check team members came to the front. Seeing everyone in Lorraine, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

But seeing the ashes of gunpowder on them. Knowing that they had dragged the battleships of the Almohad Empire in the harbor, regardless of life and death and **** resistance, so that the rest of the people could have time to escape calmly and lay out their defenses. Can not help being in awe.

With an order, they lined up in a row and bowed to everyone with admiration.

Everyone in Lorraine couldn't help but smile at each other, but they also generously accepted their gift, because it was the honor they deserved. If even this is to be rejected, it is not modesty, but hypocrisy.

At this time, from the direction of the port, a violent explosion sounded from afar. It was the Almohad Navy clearing the ships that were parked in the harbor.

Listening to the density of the explosion, it is obvious that more and more warships are entering the port, and the degree of cleaning is getting faster and faster.

Although this place was far away from the port, they didn't dare to stay in the woods for long, and with the help of the checkers, they hurried on their way.

As the villa was outside the real defense range of the city, when the Ermolinde Empire attacked Pakistan. Ancangdan Fabaoceline is all around! "After that, he packed his luggage slightly and moved into the city.

Lorraine entered the castle, and the inn at this time was already crowded with residents who were worried that the Almohad would come in and moved in from outside the city.

Maple Leaf Danlin Academy launched its own war machine.

Strict military control has been imposed in the castle.

The gate was closed and the suspension bridge was pulled up.

There is also a post with five steps and one post at ten steps. From time to time, there are patrols walking neatly along the road. A horrifying scene.

Although the check team was short of manpower, they recruited a large number of temporary personnel and placed equipment and armor on them. Armed up all the students who were still in the castle.

The three high towers standing on the highest point in the center of the castle all shone dazzlingly.

On the holy tower of the Holy See, bursts of holy white light flashed, and the light seemed to be one. Like a huge and transparent glass cover, it slowly fell from the sky, covering the college.

On the magic tower of the Magic Association, a green light was lit up, and the light was like a huge searchlight, constantly scanning around. It never stays in one place for a second, and once it stops, after locking the target, it will instantly become more focused. Like a high-energy laser, it burns the opponent into a big hole and burns it to ashes.

On the military tower. It is the beacon of war. The beacon was mixed with wolf dung. The billowing black smoke rushed straight into the sky, sending out a signal for help to the surrounding areas.

As the billowing wolf smoke rises, there is a fire on the top of the mountain in the distance, and then the third and fourth "wolf smoke rises one by one. This news is directed to all the countries on the earth. transfer.

In addition to this, the tarpaulins have also been removed from the forts on the walls. The Autumn Russian Isus Heavy Repeater was exposed inside.

The ballistamen constantly adjusted the muzzle carefully, aiming at the outside of the city, and yelled to ask if there was any trouble. After ten breaths, if there is still no answer, there will be one immediately, and the volley will cover the throne of God Seal.

At the same time, people continue to move crossbow arrows inlaid with explosive crystals, rolling logs, beating stones, and all kinds of defense equipment to the city.

The loud-speaking messenger was guarded by several black-clothed guards holding fascist sticks and axes. They ran back and forth in the street and announced the war mobilization order loudly to the residents of the city.

"Attention, attention. The residents of Danlin Armored Leaf, the Almohad Empire did not declare war. We, the great Danlin Armored Academy, launched an extremely shameless, extremely despicable, and extremely humble sneak attack.

Our college will always remember this shameless attack.

On the 25th of December in the Julian calendar year, when the Almohad carried out a desperate and cowardly attack, the Maple Leaf Academy and the Almohad were already at war.

No matter how long it takes to defeat this long-planned invasion, the people of Xiye Danlin must win absolute victory with their righteous power.

Not only do we have to make our best efforts to defend ourselves, we will also ensure that this form of perfidy will never endanger us again.

War has begun

Our people. Our academy and our interests are in serious danger. In this regard, we do not evade, because evasion cannot solve the problem, but only allows them to make an inch.

Trust our armed forces, rely on the people's firm determination, we will achieve the final victory, the gods help me!

This team of people who preached the war mobilization order went on.

The other team immediately appeared on the street and continued to shout loudly.

"We don't like war, we want peace. But know that praying for peace does not come.

Only peace that is won with one's own hands is real peace. Our own

Residents, students, take up arms and defend our college.

Lorraine felt sore and weak all over because of the efficacy of the blood of the Holy Spirit. It was extremely difficult to even move the roots and fingers.

All Catherine wanted to question him, but seeing his appearance felt heartache and annoyance. In the end, there was no way but to throw him in the room.

Seeing that he had escaped a hard time, Lorraine was happy and quiet, lying motionless on the couch, pretending to be dead, the dog. Quietly listening to the frantic shouts of those guys outside.

But listen listen. Gulin felt a little strange, and felt that there was something wrong with these orders. But I couldn't find it.

At this moment, I heard a clear voice from downstairs asking: "Is Earl Lorraine living here?.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of several pairs of steel-soled military boots stepping on the wooden floor rang in disorder.

After a while, the door opened. A young girl with freckles on her face walked in with several checkup members.

She has a small nose that is high and straight, and she has a smug look, which is exactly the one of Silmelia. His subordinate Aibier.

She saw Lorraine, then nodded, and said with a smile: "Ha, count. You are here, but it really made me look for it."

Catherine heard the movement and everyone walked in. Looked at her and said: "What? Is there anything wrong?"

Aibier looked up to the sky and slapped haha, then waved her small hand and said, "Grab him. Grab him for Wu" (to be continued)

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