Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 174: Fair duel

Scarlet Dragon Knight Chapter 174: A Fair Duel

Obituary Lin was also agitated at this time. He snorted coldly. Then he put his hand on the sword, stood sideways, and focused all his attention on the opponent. Watching Joey rushing towards him coldly.

At that moment. The strange feeling of time stagnation came to my heart again.

Like a classic slow motion, Lorraine saw Joey's mouth open. A weird sound was made, and then he ran towards him with his sword. He could even see the sand on the ground slowly rising under Joey's feet, and then slowly splashing away.

Lorraine knew in his heart. This is entirely due to the phantom footwork that he had practiced. Not only has it dredged the muscles and bones, but also greatly enhanced his mental power during the training.

He couldn't help feeling a little moved, feeling that his debt was not in vain. Go and thank Elder Blankrera for that perverted old pervert. If it weren't for him, it would have been impossible for him to have improved so much.

At this moment, Joey roared, already raised the long sword in his hand high above his head, and then slammed it down.

Lorraine saw that Joey's eyes were red and about to bleed. Knowing that because of his use of the secret technique, his power is amazing at this time. If he fights hard with him, it will be strange if his mouth is not shocked.

But he was not afraid at all, yelled angrily, in response, and then raised the long sword in his hand diagonally. With a light touch with Joey's long sword, he released the sword in front of him.

Rao is so. Under the tremendous force of the opponent, Lorraine still felt a needle-like pain in his wrist, and almost wanted to release the sword. But the more so, the more aroused his fighting spirit.

Joey won the power and swung his long sword again and again, cutting it at Lorraine.

Lorraine gritted his teeth, fought hard to resist, and clung to "Unloading, Zi Jue. Every time I used skill to unload the huge force Joey slashed down, but he still slashed and hid. Shan could only use the Phantom Walk to deal with Joey.

Joey slashed three swords at the same time, each of which was slashed with a mighty thunder. Lorraine waited until his fourth sword before seizing the opportunity.

He watched the opponent's long sword swing down, and stopped fighting. He withdrew the long sword abruptly, and took a half step back. The blade of Joey's long sword came from the tip of his nose with a sharp cold wind. Scratched. Lorraine could even feel the sharp blade of the opponent's long sword almost shaved off a few of his eyelashes.

Out of inertia, Joey originally thought that Lorraine was going to fight again this time, but he didn't expect him to swing his sword in the open. When I missed my hand, I immediately felt a tightness in my chest and felt extremely uncomfortable. I couldn't help but stumble.

Lorraine watched Joey's footsteps fluttering because of excessive force, and the bottom plate was a little messy. A cold light flashed in his eyes.

What he was waiting for was this fleeting opportunity, and he immediately shouted, swinging his sword at the opponent's shoulder.

Joey hurriedly passed over.

Lorraine sneered and did not withdraw his sword. He leaned forward and rushed towards the Throne of God Seal, then raised his left knee and slammed Joey's lower body without leaving any affection.

Although Joey has the blood of the Holy Spirit, his body is much weaker.

But it is still flesh and blood. He couldn't help being shocked. Supporting the ground with both feet, leaning back, and moving away like lightning. The situation is like a zombie. Extremely weird.

See here for Lorraine. I knew in my heart that he must not be allowed to ease his breath, otherwise, under his fierce attack, the unfortunate one would be himself. Immediately waved his hand to counterattack. Strive for initiative.

Although Joey avoided Lorraine's blow, he still knew it badly. Want to take a few steps back. Strive for the emptiness of moments in order to take the initiative.

At this time, the long sword in Lorraine's hand was like a Changhong, attacking wildly with an overwhelming momentum.

For a long time. The effect of his uninterrupted practice of Phantom Walk finally appeared.

He splits every sword. They all follow the phantom footwork, and they are seamlessly matched.

The angle and strength of each sword are different, from light to heavy, cutting from time to time. Among them are the mysterious techniques of unloading and sticking in past memories, etc., martial arts. Use this Changli as if it were alive, playing it vividly.

The most amazing thing is. He saw that Joey's second generation ancestor was as greedy and fearful of death as classmate Liu Xiaochan, thinking that he could easily win with the secret technique of the blood of the Holy Spirit, and he didn't dare to die with himself.

Therefore, Jianjian rushed to attack, completely ignoring his own flaws, regardless of life and death.

The two long swords kept colliding vigorously, splashing countless sparks. There was a series of violent bean-like noises, as if it were a forge.

Although Joey's strength is amazing now, Lorraine holds a sword in both hands. Borrowed back strength to attack with all strength. Moreover, it was unceasingly hacked from top to bottom, like Mount Tai was pressing on the top, swiftly heavy and extremely sharp.

Under his stormy attack, Joey couldn't help but back off. Had it not been for the help of the blood of the Holy Spirit, he would have been unstable and would have been cut to the ground with a sword by Lorraine.

The people watching around didn't expect to see such a high-level fight, and they looked stupefied. Cheering and cheering sounded again and again, like a tide.

Lorraine made nine consecutive swords. Sword and sword attack. Joey couldn't help backing up. It can only be left to the left and the right to resist.

But when manpower is poor, under such a frenzied attack, the consumption is extremely alarming. Lorraine finally felt a tightness in his chest, and after cutting out another sword, he stepped back abruptly to prevent the opponent from taking advantage.

After he stepped back, he breathed out tiredly. With a long sword in his hand, he bent over and stood aside. Dou Da's sweat dripped down his forehead.

Joey was supporting from left to right, and under Lorraine's fierce attack, he couldn't help being in a mess, almost unable to support it. at this time. Suddenly felt the pressure lightened, and when I looked again, I saw that Lorraine had already

His eyes flashed with cold light, and he slowly stood up straight, stroked the broken forehead, mockingly said: "What? Are you out of strength? I just loose my bones."

Talking. He stretched his arms, twisted his neck vigorously, and heard a crackling noise from the joints inside his body, showing the infinite power contained in the body.

Then he raised Changchuang in his hand high, and roared toward the sky.

The crowd onlookers saw him look like a demon, and they couldn’t help being shuddered and closed.


Zhi Lin looked. He couldn't help but laughed and said: kid. Are you a gorilla? Actually they also learned how to roar in love. It's good. It's a pity that I don't have Xiangzhen in my hand, otherwise I will reward you, Sir Alex. "

He paused for a moment, and he didn't know what to say: "By the way, if you would climb to the top of the tower of the Magic Association, under the crowd in the hall, it would be better to hit a flying chicken for your beloved woman.

Everyone around has also seen Lorraine's copy of the "Golden Net", and has also been caught by the line inside. Climbing to the top of the tower of the Magic Association, the gorilla who shot down countless evil birds of prey for the heroine was moved.

But he didn't expect that Lorraine could actually change the story a bit at this time, and said a pun of Qiao'an, and he immediately burst into laughter.

While they secretly cursed at the bitterness and viciousness of the guy in front of them, at the same time, they secretly admired Lorraine's rough nerves. In a duel, there is still a good mood to stimulate each other in time, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Joey heard the ridicule of the crowd, his cheeks flushed immediately, his eyes were flushed, and he could almost burst out fire.

He yelled angrily, ignoring his aura, waved the long sword in his hand, and rushed towards Lorraine again.

Lorraine responded with his own sneer. Coldly watched him rush to a few steps away from him. Immediately stomped his right foot to the ground, and then slammed his toes upwards, and immediately a canopy of fine sand splashed from the ground. Go straight to Joey's front door.

Joey hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover his eyes and flattened the fine sand. in the mean time. Yelling: "being humble"

Lorraine saw the flaw, and immediately burst into spring thunder, shouted, and took a violent step forward. At the same time, the sword was walking with the person, and the long sword came out like a snake, piercing out like lightning. He also cursed unscrupulously: "A despicable person who steals stimulants, is not qualified to call others despicable?"

Joey heard the sound of the wind and couldn't take a closer look. He hurried instinctively, then stretched out his sword to block it.

The two swords fought, and suddenly there was a clear sound.

Lorraine shouted angrily, did not retract the sword, jumped up, raised his big feet, and kicked straight to Joey's front door.

Joey blinked his eyes and saw the big foot that was sharply enlarged in his line of sight. He hurriedly avoided him, then raised the long sword in his hand, yelled, and was about to sweep towards Lorraine over the Throne of God Seal.

After Lorraine fell, seeing the long sword in his hand, he raised it and started to stab him. He also does not block. He gave a grinning grin, then sat down on the horse, stabs the long sword with lightning, and directly fights him in the same posture, which is extremely hot.

With the help of the blood of the Holy Spirit, Joey could have easily won with his strength, but he was bound by Lorraine's weird style of play. Can't have fun.

at this time. Seeing Lorraine's dying move again, he couldn't help feeling very frustrated. It's just that Lorraine has nothing to do with this style of play, and hurriedly swung his sword to block it. Then he took two steps back quickly. Zhang Jian pointed at Lorraine to prevent him from chasing over. At the same time, adjust to your rush


Seeing the mocking look in Lorraine's eyes, he couldn't help but pointed to Lorraine angrily, and said loudly: "Do you think you can win by fighting the same way?"

Lorraine snorted coldly, wiped the sword's edge with his hand, and said: "When you first started, you were confident and said you would kill me. How can I say now that I can win. Could it be that you have lost? Are you confident?"

Joey heard this. Can't help but stay. Immediately felt that a battle was lost in words, and couldn't help but become very weak.

Seeing this, the onlookers couldn't help booing loudly.

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help but feel confident.

He took a deep breath, feeling the martial universe, the king made the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the **** of the world, the strongest abandonment, the Zhou royal family, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the world, the strongest, abandons the young The imperial family of the Great Zhou Dynasty moves the universe and the night kills the gods and seals the throne to seek the devil, proud of the world, the strongest of the nine layers Big rise. Even the blood boiled due to this.

He watched Joey's bleak white face all the time because of his excessive drinking. He shouted angrily, waved the long sword in his hand, and rushed past the God Seal Throne. Then began the first active attack since the duel.

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from the surrounding crowd, cheering him on.

The long sword in Lorraine's hand hung down, and following his hurried steps, the sword made a clear trace on the sand.

Joey immediately felt a heavy pressure coming out of Lorraine. He was like a fierce tiger, with no sword in his hand. Once he wielded it, there was bound to be no blood.

He couldn't help being frightened, backing back again and again, and finally felt a chill on his hind feet and stepped into the cold lake. Seeing that there is nowhere to go, Joey burst out in a hurry. With a shout, he raised his sword and rushed towards Lorraine.

Lorraine saw him rushing, his eyes flashed cold, and the long sword bounced from the ground like alive, from bottom to top, slashing upwards.

In a hurry, Joey's eyes were red as blood, and he was desperate, and he swung his sword and sword at the same time as Lorraine, from top to bottom. Slash down.

Among the crowd's exclaim, two sharp swords shone with cold. With a violent cold wind, staggered in mid-air.

Immediately, blood splashed all over Shazhou, shocking.

Between the rabbits and the falcons, they exchanged their positions like a lightning bolt. The timid person has already been blindfolded and can't bear to look again. What is the result?

Lorraine lowered his head and looked. The head of his left arm was injured by Joey's long sword, blood was constantly pouring out, and a long slit had been cut between his chest and abdomen. It looks terrifying.

But he still sneered. The feeling that just came from the hilt of the handshake can tell that his long sword sturdily beat the opponent's body with a sword.

He slowly turned around, and at the next moment, his eyes widened in surprise, even in disbelief.

I saw Prince Joey’s leg severely slashed by himself.” There was also a lot of blood on his face. The clothes on his body were torn apart by a long sword, and a long seam was in tatters, with bright red blood hidden in his chest and abdomen. The wounds flowed out, but he still stood still and sneered at himself.

Lorraine was surprised. But there was a faint white light emerging from his wounds, and they were healing quickly with a visible degree.

When the onlookers saw it, all their faces were angry, and they pointed at Joey and shouted at themselves.

Lorraine couldn't help but stayed for a while, thinking that the other party would be shameless and cheating, but he didn't expect him to be shameless to this point. Under the large crowd in the hall, cheating in such a grandiose manner.

The former deputy commander of the Knights, Nod, who stood behind and watched the formation, saw the crowd surging with anger and snorted coldly. Everyone present immediately felt their brains shake and calmed down.

He laughed twice, and then said loudly: "His Royal Highness Prince Joey is a patron saint, it is a big deal to have two healing holy arts."

Everyone listened and couldn't help but look at each other.

Although they all knew that the Temple Guardians did know some low-level holy arts.

But that all refers to the real patron saint. I’ve never heard of it. Like Prince Joey, it’s not on his own strength, but by his parents. It’s like buying a diploma from Claydon Pheasant University. For a lot of money, buying the honorary title of the Knights of the Temple, the second generation ancestor rice bucket, will also be a holy technique.

Guys like Prince Joey who mixed with pheasant diplomas caught a lot of them in the Holy See. They could ride on a horse without falling off, so that they broke their necks, and they were already tall people.

But for a while, everyone could not find a reason to refute. Although they all know that Prince Joey is a fool, in any case, his title is true after all. It is hard to guarantee that this prince will not have a **** turn over, the bearded moonlight detective changed into a beautiful girl's tights, the small universe explosion and other gene mutations, really learned some holy arts.

At this time, no one is allowed to think about it. Joey yelled angrily, turned into a light and shadow, and rushed towards Lorraine to the Throne of God Seal. The sword turned into a raging wave and swept towards it.

Lorraine stepped back and responded calmly. The hand flew up and down uncontrollably, and the cold light shot. Cancan accept his attack. But after all, the power is slightly weaker. After blocking the number of swords, under the heavy blow, his arm was so sore that he could barely hold the long brush.

At this moment, suddenly, I felt that Joey's offensive was suddenly much weaker.

Although Lorraine felt strange in her heart, she keenly grasped this flaw. With a heavy wave of the long sword in his hand, he swung the opponent's long sword away, and then quickly backed away.

After he withdrew several feet, he stretched his sword across his chest and looked intently. Prince Joey's face was pale, and the blood in his eyes had gradually receded, revealing his weak and weak eyes.

At this time, someone on the shore shouted: "Come on. His medicine is over. Don't give him the opportunity to take out other medicines."

Lorraine suddenly came across.

He took a deep breath, adjusted the scattered breath a little, and saw Joey trembling and reaching out to touch his arms. Holding a long sword in his hand, he rushed to the throne of God Seal.

Joey touched his arms in his arms and backed away hurriedly. He didn't care much in a panic. He hurriedly touched a tube of potion, then took his hand out of his arms hurriedly and backed a few steps. He raised his head and drank the potion.

Immediately, I felt a fire in my belly re-burning. Countless heat flows from the abdomen to the limbs, and the muscles full of strength bulge high.

He couldn't help but laughed and said: "Lorraine, you still see how I tortured your family this time, I will definitely hit you to the ground. Then I will break your hamstrings~www.NovelMTL. com~ Turn you into a useless person, and then hit your face with a hundred knives, look at you, **** little white face, what do you cheat for eating

At this moment, the crowd onlookers shouted in exclamation.

Prince Joey looked to the other side smugly, and immediately turned pale.

I saw Lorraine standing in the middle of the field. He smiled strangely, and then slowly picked up a few potions from the ground.

Prince Joey hurriedly reached out and touched on his body, but found that all the potions he was carrying had fallen on the ground.

Lorraine looked at him, smiled sensibly, then opened the two potions, and raised his head under the horrified gaze of Prince Joey. They poured it together.

After that, he felt like a fire in his stomach, burning fiercely, and immediately his eyes were completely red, and his whole body was violently violently. Prince Joey rushed to the Throne of God Seal.

Prince Joey was shocked to see him rushing forward like a tiger. (To be continued)

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