Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 168: Ways to go down in history

Scarlet Dragon Cavalry Chapter 168: The Way to Go Down in History

Lun Lin accepted those female manuscripts. I looked suspiciously at the big one

Catherine and Adele looked at each other, and at the same time saw the curiosity and surprise in each other's eyes.

They got up at the same time and came behind Lorraine. Then he leaned down behind him and joined Lorraine. Look at the manuscript.

As if unintentionally, the plump, shrugging, surprisingly flexible Yufeng of the two also touched Lorraine's shoulders at the same time.

Lorraine couldn't help turning his head and took a look, just passing through Catherine's wide neckline, and saw the jade bone and ice muscle that was pink and greasy.

Plus. From the two of them, the scent of a girl like a blue fat, even if the uncle Lorraine is a sage who sits still, he is completely blank in his mind, not to mention that he is just a small young man. The eyeballs immediately seemed to be welded by electric welding. His gaze stuck firmly on the white greasy and tender breast.

Adele, who was next to him, saw him, suddenly became angry, and stretched out his hand to pinch him severely.

Lorraine bared his teeth with a pain, and immediately came to his senses. He raised his head and gave the Grand Duke a look, but saw that he was bowing his head sipping tea. There is no abnormality here, and I can't help but exclaim fortunately: If this old guy has appeared. Taking advantage of Catherine by acting in his presence, it's strange that he didn't cut himself with a knife.

At this moment, Catherine let out a low exclamation.

Lorraine was taught and didn't dare to look back, but asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Catherine didn't speak, she reached out her hand from behind him, reached out and turned two pages. Just this action. It made her soft **** rub against Lorraine's shoulders more closely, and the thrilling softness made Lorraine dizzy again.

Catherine didn't notice it at all, she just read two pages of the manuscript, then glanced at the referendum in surprise, then put her blushing little mouth to Lorraine's ear, and whispered: "This is my father's handwriting."

Lorraine's ears were almost itchy in her heart by her blue breath.

Catherine gave him a blank look, then said every word: "This is what my father wrote."

Lorraine woke up instantly.

Only then did he put away the idea of ​​taking advantage, and then flipped through the manuscript in his hand.

Lorraine flipped through two pages, only to see that although the manuscripts did not contain such vulgarities as "Oh the ocean, you are all water. But they were not very readable."

There are mostly "spring flowers, autumn chrysanthemums." and the like. The paper is already a little yellowish, which is obviously a young work. And although there are some military descriptions later, it does not look like a great military strategist. The great poet Zhang Zongchang Zhang Warlord’s eloquent sayings that "the artillery fires and blasts his mother."

Later. Those words and sentences are getting fewer and fewer, sometimes even just a few words, just graffiti. Obviously, the poet has completely shifted his attention to other aspects, or there is no time for this work.

The manuscript was not long, it only took a while, and Lorraine had already finished roughly.

Grand Duke looked. Putting down the tea cup in his hand, he asked indifferently, "Have you finished reading it? How do you feel?"

Lorraine hesitated, and Wang wanted to speak.

At this time, Catherine pinched him gently, and then lowered his watch to remind him: "This must have been written by the old man before. Paid him more flattery. Once you are in a good mood, you will be pleasing to your eyes. He will do everything about us. Won't oppose anymore

Lorraine was taken aback. He glanced at the Grand Duke strangely, then blocked the manuscript on his face, and said to her softly with embarrassment: "Nicole, you want me to open my eyes and tell lies? I have a conscience."

"I" Catherine gave a light sip, and then said: "Conscience? Do you have a conscience? Hurry up, say a few nice words, and fool him over to the Throne of God Seal. To make him happy, it doesn't cost much. "

Talking. Her bright eyes fluttered charmingly. Biting her lips, she continued: "It's a big deal, I'll give you a little bit of benefit when I look back. Okay"

Finished. Suddenly noticed the delicacy in her voice; that jade-like pretty face suddenly became red, and she couldn't help but plump her **** up and down, panting a few times, and then leaned over calmly, pretending to be serious Looking at the manuscript in Lorraine's hand.

Lorraine thought for a while, and then placed the manuscript gently on the table. With a sigh, he said to the Grand Duke: "His Royal Highness, I have to say that your friend is a genius."

When the Grand Duke's eyes were neutral, a subtle surprise flashed through. He whispered, "I said I would become a great poet. It's a pity that the first emperor was too domineering."

Before he finished thinking about it, Lorraine coughed slightly and interrupted his thinking.

Lorraine looked at the Grand Duke calmly, and then said: "His Royal Highness, this friend of yours is indeed a genius. He wanted to write a third-rate poem, and he wrote it all at once."

The pupils of the Grand Duke's eyes could not help but shrunk and became sharp as needles. He looked at Lorraine without a word, with a sharp aura, and his sharp eyes seemed to burn Lorraine to ashes.

Lorraine looked back at him calmly, her eyes sincere and open.

The room suddenly became quiet. When the guards on the patrol were walking outside, the light knocking of the armor came from a distance, clearly audible.

Even Leo felt that the atmosphere was not right next to him, blinking his **** eyes, looking at the two with worry.

I didn't dare to chew the half of the apple I had bitten in my mouth. I was afraid that it would make a noise. Bite the scalp and swallow, frown

Catherine felt her head hurt again.

She was afraid that the two would fight again, and hurriedly stepped forward and blocked Lorraine's body. Then, with a smiling face, she said to the Grand Duke: "Father, Lorraine is a little jealous because of your writing. , That's why he deliberately vilified. It's not countable. Don't take his words seriously."

When she said this, she suddenly realized that she had said something wrong. The Grand Duke did not say that these poems were written by himself. She couldn't help groaning secretly in her heart, and hurriedly stopped, only "ha, ha ha ha, ha ha dry laugh.

It's just that her smiling face is about to cramp, but the grand Duke's face is still green. Seeing her as nothing, the sharp look in those eyes seemed to see through her body, still staring at Lorraine.

Catherine grumbled in her heart, and finally turned her eyes, then turned around, and urged Lorraine angrily: "You can say a word before apologizing to my father."

Lorraine shrugged, then spread his hands, and said helplessly: "I don't know this is what you wrote. It's just telling the truth."

The Grand Duke snorted coldly, got up suddenly without looking at the crowd, strode out, and then closed the door heavily.

Catherine shuddered when she heard the loud noise coming out of the door. Then he opened his eyes slightly, squinted a slit under his long eyelashes, and saw the grandpa walking out. This was just enough to pat his plump breasts, and let out a long sigh, saying, "I was really scared to death just now."

Talking. Feeling weak, sat on the chair next to him.

Lorraine reached out and picked up the tea cup, and poured her a glass of water. Passed the throne of God Seal.

Catherine picked up the teacup and drank, and then saw Lorraine, the fire suddenly stopped.

She also didn't care much. She stood up, gave a sigh, and then viciously rushed to the Throne of God Seal, pinched and twisted behind Lorraine, cursing in her mouth: "You can't say something nice. Coax him to be happy? I have to say that to make him angry. Are you happy? Are you? Are you?"

She cursed, and beat Lorraine with her teeth and claws.

Lorraine could only dodge from left to right and fight desperately, saying: "Listen to my explanation. Don't bite my hand."

Although Adele was a little gloating, she kept persuading him to fight next to him, saying: "Nicole, just stop, stop. Don't really break him." Oh, okay, "Don't fight."

Talking. Just grab her hand.

Catherine raised her head angrily, pointed at her jade-like nose, and said angrily: "You don't slouch by the side. If the old man sees him unpleasantly, let us not be together.

I just cut him off. Let's shoot and break up. Don't even think of a good one. "

Adele was startled when she saw the anger in her eyes. He quickly stepped aside, and then said angrily: "Okay, okay. You can just kill him. Do you want me to get a knife for you?"

Talking. Fucked a fruit knife placed on the table and handed it to the Throne of God Seal.

Catherine stretched out her hand to seize the throne of the God Seal, then looked down at the shiny blade, her body instantly stiffened, then she held the knife and sat beside her weakly, sighing constantly.

Lorraine looked at her cautiously and said: "You don't need to worry about this, right? I think that old guy has a strong bearing capacity. Killing a man will not worry about ten thousand people, so he won't worry about such a small matter. Fire?"

Catherine couldn't help but furious, threw the knife, and then rushed over again, saying: "Is he strong in endurance, what does it have to do with you? You can die by saying a few good things."

Lorraine quickly parried, but she broke the line of defense with a palm of her hand.

Catherine was also anxious. She stepped in, opened Tankou, and bit down on Lorraine's arm.

Lorraine screamed in pain, but didn't dare to struggle. For fear of hurting her teeth, she could only smile bitterly and said, "You let go and listen to my explanation. In fact, I have a reason to do this.

Catherine didn't let it go. She rubbed Lorraine's arm twice with her white teeth, and said angrily: "Don't bite the book (I bite and say.)

Lorraine grinned in pain, knowing that she was really anxious. I had to hold back and say, "Your old man doesn't write very well." Wow, you lighten it, if I don't say it, he will be nervous. Take it out for everyone to see, saying that this is my appraisal. It is a great poem from the past and the present. At that time, you can just throw it outside

Catherine couldn't help but opened her mouth, but she didn't say a word.

Lorraine took advantage of this opportunity and hurriedly shrank his hand and withdrew his arm from the delicate and rosy female tiger's mouth. Then he moved in front of the light, and found that the two rows of neat teeth marks on the top were broken and bleeding out in some places.

Adele looked at it and couldn't help but feel heartache. She hurriedly probed her hand, tore off one from the edge of her skirt, and then helped Lorraine to gently wrap the wound.

Lorraine looked at Catherine, and then continued: "If someone else loses this person, it's fine. But your old man is a powerful commander. If he loses this person, he won't even want to go out in the future. Thinking of it, I pitted him into the carrot field, you said. What would he think then?"

Catherine was speechless for a while. After half a day, this was a little nerdy: "That" then when you say it, be a little more tactful

Lorraine sighed and said, "Nizhou, how can Chiban want me to be tactful? I will tell you that he is only today.

"Don't be stubborn." Catherine gave him annoyingly. Then he touched the wound on Lorraine's arm and said softly: "Come on, let me see, are you hurt badly?"

"Why is it not heavy? Look at the blood coming out." Lorraine handed his arm to the Throne of God Seal, and said impatiently: "Actually, I said, your old man is too much. .He is already a world-famous commander in chief, isn't that enough for him?

Actually even went to write poetry, trying to grab a job in the literary and art world. Everyone’s life was already hard enough, but he still ran over and let everyone live in the future? "

Catherine saw that blood was faintly exposed in some places on the bandage he was wearing, and knew that she had just bitten her mouth too hard, and she couldn't help but apologize.

She stretched out her hand and gently rubbed Lorraine twice, and then said: "That's different. As a nobleman, there is nothing missing. What I want most is to be able to stay in history. Although he does seem to be infinitely beautiful now. Who remembers after a hundred years? Only art is truly eternal.

Homer is just a slave, but his two epics. Even after a thousand years, they will still be sung. "

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and then said: "If he really wants to stay in history, it's actually very simple."


"If someone else I have to take him several million. But since he is your father, I don't need any money." Lorraine waved his hand broadly. Tao.

"Just ask him to write down the history of the war he has experienced before. Then keep it. What is the name of the war, what is the memoir. Or who and who has struggled, even if it is too small for a hundred years. As long as there is human history , His name will also exist there.

At that time, everyone was all dead. Only through his books can future generations understand the things of our time. "

Catherine sighed and said with a sad face: "Let's try it for now. I'll talk to him later. See what way to make him feel angry before speaking." Remind the intermission.

"Now sentencing.

During the Almohad Mission Festival personnel, Despi instructed his subordinates to ambush on the Red Maple Forest Path and attacked the Mechanical Leaf Danlin Check Team while he was in Banye Danlin Academy. Five people were killed in battle, three were seriously injured, and four were slightly injured. They were kidnapped by his men. Now sentenced to Baron Despi"

The officer said this, stopped, then looked up from the long verdict and glanced at Despi.

There were no empty seats in the trial court, but all of them were serious and no one spoke.

Not long ago, the Almohad Empire sent someone to deliver a solemn document.

The empire’s envoy arrogantly and arrogantly declared to everyone that the sacred, great, inviolable, the supreme emperor of the Almohad Empire, Ewend III, told the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy.

In that letter, he first used five pages of words to praise his emperor. Then four pages of text were used to highlight the importance of Despi to His Majesty the Emperor.

It took another three pages to explain what disastrous consequences would be if the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy dared to judge such an important imperial minister.

Subsequently. This special envoy was full of affection, and used very affectionate sentences to educate the people of Jiye Danlin Academy. Let your majesty be a little bit happy, you can eat more food, drink more glass of wine, every subject in the world is very willing to see. It is what everyone is willing to exchange for their soul and flesh and blood.

At last. "Fearless and full of fighting power" to warn Maple Leaf Danlin Academy to be honest, hurry up and let His Majesty the Emperor love Despi, who can’t eat or sleep if he doesn’t see it for a day. Don’t use this. A few trivial matters of life have come to disturb your majesty's good mood, so that his old man can relax and play for a while.

The article is extremely gorgeous and touching, and it can be seen that it is definitely based on the handwriting of a master. If you watch it. Not crying bitterly, reciprocating, even giving up one's own children, almost can't be regarded as a human being.

So is Mechanical Leaf Danlin Academy a human creature?

It took half a day for Banye Danlin Academy to unanimously pass Lord Lorraine's proposal.

Maple Leaf Danlin Academy, sacred, great, and inviolable" His Majesty Almohad Emperor Ewend III: Fuck you

At this time, everyone sitting in the trial hall clearly knew that no matter whether the outcome of this trial was good or bad, it would inevitably cause turmoil.

If Despi escapes the punishment, the reputation accumulated over the millennia of the Mechanical Leaf Danlin Academy will disappear. If Despi is punished, the arrogant and arrogant emperor who lost his beloved concubine will definitely act if he does not come to Taiwan. Bring damage to Mechanical Leaf Danlin Academy.

They all waited quietly, just like waiting for the thunder that will inevitably come from the depths of the dark clouds. If you don't come, you will inevitably shake the mountains and shock the world.

When they saw the black fake on the official's head. Has passed this ominous ceremony. Know the final result.

as predicted. The official spit out two words coldly: "Death"

Still no one in the court spoke. I heard the squally wind blowing over the eaves, and there was a whining sound like a horn of war. (To be continued)

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