Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1499: New economic policy

Lord Leo came and went fast, the coalition forces moved forward smoothly, and Chief Leo followed the army all the way to make money. .

Like a peerless master in a knight's novel, he came gently, and left gently, waving his sleeves, except for Ivan, Baron Fox, and his wealth, without taking away a cloud, an outsider. The fan.

According to the marching speed of the coalition forces, the nobles of the next county are waiting for Director Leo.

The wonderful taxes are beckoning to himself, of course Director Leo will not waste time here.

The tax police escorted Ivan, who had not yet figured out the situation, and the Baron Fox and his thugs left and rejoined the endless human army on the road.

And when Director Leo's motorcade rumblingly left the White Birch Manor, the young Joey's family looked at the dust raised by the wheels and horseshoes, and still couldn't believe what happened just now.

At this time, bursts of pain came from his body, reminding him that Ivan and his thugs had been severely beaten not long ago.

He couldn't help but reached out and touched the wound, and then a fiery pain came.

Although after the prayers and blessings of the pastors, the wound no longer bleeds, but it still takes a long time to heal.

The priests are not omnipotent, so the world still needs doctors and herbs.

Joey's expression of surprise was confused again. He hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and pressed hard against his wound.

Suddenly, a heart-piercing pain came, and he screamed loudly in the pain, his body curled up involuntarily, and a bean-sized cold sweat broke out on his head.

A whip dipped in salt water is enough to cause internal injuries.

The parents and the little girl next to him all exclaimed for a while and hurriedly hugged him.

Joey didn't care, but desperately widened his eyes and looked around.

No, no~!

There was no yelling from Ivan, no laughter from those thugs, and no screaming from his beloved girl.

This...this is true, this is really true~!

It's not the hallucinations that I had caused by pain~!

Everything he dreamed of finally happened, and the bloodthirsty Ivan and his men had been arrested, and then taken away by the vicious tax police.

Joey was ecstatic for a moment.

He hugged his little sister and shouted: "Really, really, it's true. Haha, hahaha..."

The parents next to him looked at him and cried with joy: If there weren't that group of human tax police today, their family would have died here~!

After a long time, the excited Joey got up slowly, and with the help of his parents, walked step by step to his village.

At this moment, without knowing why, he felt a lot easier on his body, as if a large boulder that had been pressed on the top of his head had been removed.

Even Joey's parents saw a glimmer of hope at this time, the leaflets that humans shed may be true~!

In the future, the Semitic will have a tremendous change.

When they staggered back to the small village, they saw that the people in the village were all gathered in the simple small square in the center of the village.

Said it is a square, but it is actually just an open space where the streets cross.

Joey couldn't help being surprised. Usually these farmers are so busy that they are not even sleeping. Why would they not work at all?

When he came closer, he saw that in the middle of the square, a priest in a white robe was standing on a table, propagating loudly to the villagers.

He is tall and has a loud voice, a sword is still attached to his waist, and a white robe with no decoration behind him looks very simple, his face is flushed, he doesn't know if it is because of his hard speech or excitement.

These priests who dared to rush to the front line of the war to preach are all fanatical believers of the Holy See, and spreading the glory of the Holy See to the world is their ultimate dream.

Preaching and increasing the number of believers are also great achievements in the Holy See. Silmelia's successful promotion to Cardinal Cardinal relied on the merits of inspiring three million orc believers.

Before the coalition forces set off from Port Ryde, many enthusiastic priests wrote letters requesting to go to the Semitic continent to preach.

This is the best time to conquer the Semis with the faith of the God of Light. For this reason, Silmelia held little Lorraine, and deliberately found Lord Lorraine.

The child cried his wife and made trouble, forcing Lord Lorraine to agree.

However, when matters such as religious belief are involved, Lord Lorraine cannot be careless and handle it well, which will cause chaos.

This matter must be done with the cooperation of the Semitic Republican political axe, and after Lord Luo and Fiona’s ‘hard negotiation’, several exchange contracts were signed.

Although the Vatican could not openly spread the doctrine of the God of Light and develop believers, it could use the auxiliary method of the God of Light to help the Demon God to preach to the Semitic.

At the same time, by means of commissioned training, cultivating priests and bishops for the Semitic Demon Sect.

At the beginning, all the pastors were extremely unhappy about this and resisted.

Everyone’s preaching is to show the glory of the God of Guangming, to teach the Semitic people, and to reap the faith of God. After death, you can go to Guangming Mountain and become an official.

Why suddenly became a help to the Great Demon God? Isn't that the case?

Isn't this the artillery cooking squad leader?

Carrying a black pan and wearing a green hat with hard work, but in the end watched other people shoot?

In anger, some people almost have to file a complaint with the Supreme Inquisition of Vantino, asking them to check if the ruffian is also a blasphemer.

But after thinking about it, His Majesty the Pope and the ruffian seem to have a leg. When this lawsuit goes up, maybe the Pope Long Yan was furious. In order to protect her husband, he put herself in the Inquisition for coffee. Now, everyone’s feverish brains have calmed down.

Therefore, you can only swallow your own breath.

However, we can't just leave it alone. Many pastors still haven't given up the struggle. If they dare to be hard, then come soft. They plan to strike in protest.

While there was a lot of discussion, news came that Lord Luo was playing a very big game of Mahjong.

Everything is under control.

After thousands of years of brainwashing, the Semitic people will instinctively resist the God of Light. Therefore, when preaching directly under the banner of God of Light, it will definitely be very difficult. It may even encounter a violent backlash. Does not match.

But if the God of Light was helping the Great Demon God, those stupid Semitic people would certainly not resist so much.

When I turned around, they were all enlightened. At that time, isn't it what everyone said?

Anyway, the priests and bishops of the devil are trained by Vatican, so you can teach more personal goods during the training.

After listening, everyone couldn't help but admire: As expected of Lord Luo, it is really mean~!

Therefore, when the army goes together, they are like casting a net, marching toward the Semitic. To spread the doctrine to the people and spread the glory of God, without fear of the chaotic situation in the occupied area.

Although it was still far away, Joey had already heard the priest yelling aloud there.

"God loves the world..."

"Under the sky, everyone is equal."

"Citizens of the Semi, you only have to believe in the sect of the light...Bah, bah, only if you believe in the sect of the Great Demon can you gain eternal life.

"The God of Light and the Great Demon are brothers."

"Only when our two families are united can we drive away the evil high priest."


All the people couldn't help looking at each other: the evil high priest? Is this different from what I said before?

At the moment someone couldn't help asking: ", this master."

The pastor stopped immediately, then drew a cross on his chest, and said with a smile: "This brother, under the glory of God, everyone is equal. And I am just an ordinary person under the glory of God. So you don’t have to call me master, just call me priest."

"God...Father..." The man couldn't help but hesitated, and then he realized that the word seemed to be a bit more powerful than ‘Master’. I don't even feel the meaning of "everyone is equal".

The pastor smiled like an insurance salesman, showing his standard four teeth, and asked softly: "What's the matter, my brother?"

With this smile, they have also practiced specifically. How to get closer to others in the shortest time is a required course for pastors.

If these Semitic people had seen the tricks of the sacred sticks, at this moment, they would all clutch their wallets without hesitation, and then leave immediately.

But it is a pity that these Semitic people are all as innocent as the chicks that just crawled out of the eggshell.

Therefore, seeing the pastor's kind smile, everyone felt cordial and at ease.

For the preaching pastor, this is simply a virgin land that has never been exploited.

It's not like in human society, where you have to please those spoilers everywhere.

This feeling is so wonderful that the preaching pastor was moved and wanted to cry.

The man hesitated, and then said, "The villain is just a countryman and doesn't understand anything. But how do you say the undead high priest is an evil person? Isn't it the same as before?"

The priest smiled and said, "Those people in the past were traitors, enemies of the Semitic people, and puppets of the high priest. They lied to you.

Those people are all incarnations of the devil of Hades, and they can't believe a word of their words.

The scripture says that if you believe and are deceived by them, then your soul will fall into **** forever~! "

The crowd couldn't help being in an uproar.

Many people have expressions of horror on their faces, but some people do not believe it. These people are generally small wealthy people in villages and towns.

The priest stood up straight, stretched out his hands to the crowd, and said loudly: "My brothers, do you know that the undead are lying on our bodies like vampires, sucking our flesh and blood crazily.

Do you know how much money is squeezed from us in a year? "

He paused, then stretched out a slap, doubled the number in the Lorraine report, raised his voice, and said: "Those greedy undead sucked 500 million gold coins from us in one year. The old Semitic axe pays them 500 million gold coins every year.

Five hundred million~! "

Everyone was silent.

This sentence was shown to a blind man with a wink.

Because, for these ignorant and illiterate people, there is no concept at all about how much gold coins are 500 million.

Many of them have never seen gold coins in their entire lives.

But the faces of the educated people in the middle part flashed with doubts.

The pastor continued: "Do you know what the five hundred million is? This is equivalent to each of you handing in a big fat pig every year.

Yes, there is no doubt, it is everyone, not only the labor that can go to the ground, including children who can't walk, the elderly who can't walk, everyone in every family~!

Think about it, if you don’t have to pay this money, you can now have a fragrant potato stew every other day.

It's still snowy white, fat and greasy, big fat meat. And it's enough~! "

After hearing the metaphor of his image, everyone was in an uproar: As long as the high priest is overthrown, everyone can eat big fat?

The pastor continued to speak loudly: "With this money, women can buy a lot of floral cloth and make a piece of clothing for the whole family."

The women standing in the crowd exclaimed immediately, and all of them opened their eyes: It turned out that the high priest took away everyone's new clothes.

The pastor continued: "With all this money, everyone will buy a strong cow to help grow the land."

Everyone couldn't help being uproar again: a cow, for the vast majority of the people, can be said to be their ultimate dream.

As long as they have cattle, they can grow more land and harvest more food. Make more money, marry a more capable wife, build a bigger and stronger house, give birth to a fat baby...

People are almost intoxicated in this wonderful dream.

At this time, the priest snorted coldly, as if poking a balloon with a needle, and shouted: "But you don't have any of these~!

You live in hardship and live in the simplest thatched houses.

You worked hard for a year, and all the food was taken away by the tax collectors. Don't say that your family is human, even dogs can't get enough to eat.

Even in winter, your children can only play naked.

Why is that? what. why? "

Everyone was silent.

The priest shouted: "This is because the high priest, because he is squeezing and exploiting you. Take away the food you have grown so hard. Take away your clothes and fabrics, take away your big fat pigs, take away you Cattle and sheep..."

Under his incitement, everyone's eyes were all red unknowingly: It turns out that the high priest is really a badass~!

But after years of stress and fear, they have formed a habit. Although the pastor shouted for a long time, and his throat almost burst, but no one dared to stand up and respond to the pastor's shout.

The pastor couldn't help smiling in his heart: It seems that preaching here is really not easy. It seems that it won't work if you don't have a killer move~!

Thinking of this, he immediately winked at a small Semi officer next to him.

The latter stepped forward, took a piece of paper out of his arms, and then held it on top of his head and waved it back and forth, shouting: "According to the new economic decree issued by the Semitic Temporary Republican Political Axe, now, All the people of our Semitic people only need to convert to our Great Demon God's Holy See, be baptized, swear loyalty to the great Demon God, and pledge to be incompatible with the evil undead high priest.

Each household can divide ten acres of land according to their heads~! "

As soon as this statement came out, it was like throwing a spoonful of cold water into a hot oil pan, and it exploded with a bang.

Land is the foundation of everything.

No matter what era it is, the human desire for land is always unlimited.

For these people, most of them have no land, just tenant farmers who work for the big landlord Ivan. Because of this, they are all yearning to own their own land.

For the land, they are even willing to sell their souls.

Now suddenly I heard that someone was going to give them land, and every one of them was going crazy right now.

Everyone's eyes all turned into green and faint, staring at the little officer viciously like a vulture. As long as a word is wrong, he will be torn to pieces on the spot.

Even though the little officer had also gone through the battlefield, seeing their gazes, he was shocked, and he couldn't help taking two steps back.

Someone shouted immediately: "Liar, you are a liar. The land here belongs to Master Ivan. Where did you get the land for everyone?"

Everyone couldn't help but be in an uproar, and they kept chatting and talking to each other.

In order to make the western expedition smooth, Lord Luo integrated the State Administration of Taxation and Zheng Axe so that they can seamlessly connect.

Leo takes the land here, and the other side gets the news, he can carry out the redistribution of the They are extremely efficient, and even many local people have completed the work before they knew it. .

The pastor took a step forward at this time and said to everyone: "My brothers, everyone is quiet. Listen to me.

Because the provisional political axe law stipulates that a family with more than 300 acres of land needs to collect a high progressive tax, Ivan sold all the more than 10,000 acres of land under his name to the political axe.

Now Zhengfu plans to distribute these lands to everyone. As long as you are willing to follow the banner of the Great Demon God, swear to be incompatible with the undead high priest. "

Lying in a big trough~!

Is there such a good thing in this world?

All the people were suddenly ecstatic, and their excited heads were about to explode.

Several old men all tore their clothes, revealing Hessian's chest hair, pounding their chests with their hands, and yelling like crazy gorillas.

Is it incompatible with the high priest?

What's so great about this?

For the land, everyone can sell their souls to the devil.

Seeing the people cheering, shouting and shouting, although the pastor was smiling, his heart trembled.

Even though he had a firm belief, he couldn't help but secretly wrote in his diary: I was very suspicious. At that moment, I was the priest who came to spread the doctrine of the light, but the devil who lured them into depravity. ? (To be continued.)

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