Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1496: 1 big gift

With Lin yelling together, the millions of humans and the Semitic army marched out and marched westward. M.

Although it is called a million, it is a number that counts both the navy and logistics support forces.

In this battle, the total number of ground troops and air forces participating in the battle exceeded 500,000. The troops were divided into several routes and started operations in accordance with the established strategic plan.

In more than four months, it was enough for the combined fleet to make two round trips between the Caribbean and the human continent, once again transporting nearly 200,000 soldiers, and a larger number of engineers, technicians, and workers from the human continent.

Among them are alchemists, engineers, scholars, surveying and mapping personnel, and most importantly workers who can operate machines proficiently.

The importance of these technicians in this war is no less important than that of soldiers.

It is also the presence of valuable engineers and scholars that Lorraine can safely lead the army on the expedition. They are the guarantee that the Caribbean logistics system is on track.

With these people participating in the construction, the industrial bases around the Caribbean will continuously provide arms and logistics materials for the coalition forces.

Lorraine will not make the mistakes the high priest once made. The high priest has also been committed to establishing a stable logistics supply base on the human continent, but his method is simple plunder. Important strategic materials such as magic crystals must be transported across the sea. .

It was also one of the key reasons that led to his ultimate failure.

So Lorraine would rather spend a few more months, and must build the Caribbean well.

I feel that everything is ready, especially after the Caribbean arms factory was completed and put into production, the vigorous expedition officially began.

Lord Luo led the army. He had just walked 30 miles away from the Caribbean, and hadn't even left the jurisdiction of Caribbean City. Then someone rushed up in a carriage behind him.

Before approaching, the man already poked his head out of the carriage and exclaimed in excitement: "Lord, wait a minute·wait a minute."

Lorraine couldn't help but look back, but it turned out that it was the old speaker of the House of Representatives, Constantine.

Sir Ferguson frowned: He had a bad premonition in his heart.

This old guy is getting old, and he takes a breath after walking three steps. If he doesn't stay in the House well, what does he come to do if he has nothing to do?

When I left the Caribbean, I clearly arranged everything, what else did I miss?

But then I saw a figure flashing by the window of the car, and there seemed to be the Speaker of the Senate Ronaldo in the carriage.

The light in Sir Alex Ferguson's eyes flashed: The two were divided into the heads of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, and they had been extremely mismatched, and they disliked each other when they were still in Akadeline.

They were all seventy-year-old grandfather-level figures. When they met, they ignored each other and met with cold eyebrows. They even encountered each other several times at banquets, and they all had to use crutches to fight each other.

How could they get in a carriage at the same time?

It's like putting two male orangutans in heat in a cage.

If the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives were to see it, it would be shocked and even the faith would collapse.

You know, for members of party politics, the party is higher than the individual and higher than the country.

Thinking of this, he glanced over the carriage, only to see that the high-end Cadillac carriage built by Nyan was dusty, and the carriage that was pulling the carriage was tired and sweaty, and he couldn't help panting.

What's even more surprising is that the man who drove the horse in the coachman's position was actually the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Rose.

Seeing this, Lord Luo Jue couldn't help being cautious.

Obviously, they have been rushing to catch up with themselves, and they have not even followed up with the guards and attendants. It seems that this must be something serious~!

Could it be that someone wants to make a mutiny?

But it's not right. The army just came out of the Caribbean. Everything is normal inside.

Moreover, in order to protect the safety of his rear logistics base, he also deliberately left a hundred thousand soldiers guarded.

Treat the Caribbean as the main base of the Red Police, just like in the game, filling the open space of the base with magnetic storm coils and anti-aircraft guns.

Not to mention that there are still venture capital companies watching the scene in secret.

No matter who wants a mutiny, there is only one dead end~!

Lorraine hesitated, and rode his horse aside, giving way to the middle road so that the soldiers could continue to pass.

At this time, the carriage has also come to the side.

Without waiting for the carriage to stop, Constantine immediately opened the door and jumped out of the car like a young man, and then Ronaldo also hurriedly jumped out of the car.

"No wonder these two old guys can retreat every time the Congress fights. It turns out that they are still practicing and hiding deep enough." Lord Lorraine murmured in his heart.

Seeing the two of Constantine coming over, he himself hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, the two speakers, are not in the House, why come here so far?"

Constantine smiled and said, "My lord, it's like this. We passed a bill this morning..."

Ronaldo, who was next to him, already rushed and said: "Yes, because this bill is of great importance, it is related to our national economy and people's livelihood, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is even related to the future direction of the world."

Lorraine was amazed: it was a great anecdote that the Congress, which was specially used for bullshit, could actually pass a bill when he was away.

Did these guys suddenly get their brains?

Can they overcome the problems that Obama is forced to do nothing?

And it can make them so proud that they even said shameless words like ‘the future direction of the world’.

But having said that, even if they passed some bill, they didn't need to send themselves a copy.

In fact, all the power of the temporary zhèngfǔ is held by Sir Alex Ferguson himself, and the Congress just raises his hand. There is really no big deal that they can decide.

At this moment, Constantine saw Lorraine’s doubts and said with a smile: "My lord, because this bill is really too big, so we think that we must send you a copy as soon as possible. Before coming, President Brad also gave such instructions."

Lorraine couldn't help feeling relieved after hearing this.

Since Brad became president, his cheap old man, Brad, has changed from his original stubbornness and become cunning and cunning, becoming more and more like a scheming politician. Fiona's guidance must be indispensable behind this.

Based on Sir Alex's understanding of this group of guys, there is something wrong with it.

However, Sir Alex wanted to refuse, but it was also impossible.

According to the procedure, he really couldn't control the bill of the Semitic Republic.

The Speakers of the Senate and the House of Representatives came together, and the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives drove the carriage himself, and there was President Brad behind the scenes to control and command, Sir Alex would have to sell them anyway.

Therefore, Sir Alex also whispered to the guards around him, and said helplessly: "Get my blood pressure medicine ready."

Of course, Sir Alex Ferguson's so-called antihypertensive medicine is definitely not a small blue pill.

Although each of these congressmen are of noble origin, when these puppies get together, if they overestimate their IQs, they will be unable to live with their own IQs.

Lord Luo Jue made all kinds of psychological preparations, even his facial expressions were ready, waiting to see something that would raise his blood pressure and make him dumbfounded.

Then Zhongshou took the document and tore off the seal. He glanced carefully, and his face immediately showed a strange expression of dumbfounding.

Leo looked at the moment and laughed, "Boss, what's wrong with you? How come you have constipation. His face is so ugly.

Did it raise the consumption tax?

If it is true, you can rest assured, don't forget, I am the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Department, but this tax is controlled in my hands, don't be afraid. "

While teasing, he took the letter in his hand, and then looked at the moment and read it loudly, saying: "The Declaration of Human Rights unanimously adopted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Semitic Republic.

Under the radiance of the Great Demon God and the Light God. We believe that the following truths are self-evident: all human beings are created equal, and the Creator has granted them certain inalienable rights..."

Listening to Leo reading loudly there, the faces of the generals beside Lord Luo also showed strange expressions: Are these congressmen brains twitched? At this moment, why did you send such a gift here?

A staff member whispered: "What are they doing?"

Another person next to him was also puzzled: "Yes, look at the appearance of the two people offering treasures, as if they were sending some great gifts."

"Huh, a bunch of miser. If you have the ability to give more money."

"Don't talk nonsense, those poor guys still use our people to collect taxes. Now they still borrow our money. That's tens of millions. How could they even pay for it."

Among them, the politically sensitive officers became a little angry, and whispered: "This band of rebels is chasing the party. They dare to talk nonsense like this. This is an insult to the emperor, and it is a rebellion~!"

Immediately he pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, and Dayou stepped forward and chopped down the stance of this gang of lowly thieves-the human side has been preaching, ‘The power of the king is granted by God.

Under the gift of God, the rule of kings and nobles has inherent legitimacy.

And these dogs actually said with a shy face, everyone is equal, what is this not rebellion?

How can a prince be equal to a beggar?

After Ruman said this, it is estimated that everyone in black will be locked in a small black room, and re-brainwashed,, re-education.

However, he was immediately held down by the person next to him, and then he gave a good explanation: "This is the Semitic, and it is not our human domain. Let them go crazy. It is their business to fight good and bad, and we have no one. The relationship between the copper plates."

Among all the people's discussions, Lord Luo Jue now set off a stormy sea in his heart.

He created these two institutions only to contain and limit the power of the president-of course, it is undeniable that this is also fun.

If no one makes trouble, with the solid foundation of the Semitic royal family and nobles, after the main human force is withdrawn, within 20 years, the Semitic will become the original Semitic.

With the current zhèngfǔ structure, the Republicans and Democrats are wrestling with each other, the Senate and the House of Representatives are wrestling with each other, and then they unite and wrestle with the president...

Everyone is like a crab falling into the basket. Even if someone tries to crawl out of it, they will be dragged down by other crabs.

And he, hidden behind the scenes, controlling the lifeblood of the Semitic economy, can manipulate them like a puppet.

But I never imagined that these guys combined, the guys with an IQ of no more than five could actually come up with a ‘Declaration of Human Rights, come.

I really underestimated them before~!

You know, Sir Alex Ferguson is also a member of the feudal aristocracy, and he is still the most determined member of them.

But now the revolutionary manifesto that has contributed to capitalism, although this has extremely significant progressive significance, for Sir Alex Ferguson, it is tantamount to shooting himself in the foot. Therefore, it is very dumbfounding.

Seeing his face turned blue and white, the two speakers couldn't help but look at each other, anxious: it seems that Lord Luo gave him this great gift, as if he didn't catch a cold, but this is not this one. Did the Lord always emphasize it during the temporary zhèngfǔ?

After Lei Erye finished reading, he tilted his head and thought for a while, but he suddenly realized.

He glanced at the two speakers with great admiration, and sighed, "How about you guys who have read books?

I really don't know how you came up with it. Great, great is really great

Second Lord, when I go out to get people and things, I have to say something about walking the way for the sky, robbing the rich and helping the poor.

I am embarrassed to have to cover my face. Occasionally I met a poor man, and when I cried poorly, I had to pay him two dollars...

No wonder it is said that first-class people rely on policies to make money, second-class people rely on their parents to make money, and third-class people rely on their ability to make money. "

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but sweat profusely: This little master was kind of soft-hearted, and he dared to speak out the truth.

Someone next to him asked suspiciously: "Boza, what does this mean? Why do we not quite understand it."

Leo couldn't help but stared at them contemptuously, and said, "You guys, don't you understand this?

Really, I usually tell you to read more books and learn more knowledge, but one by one knows to be lazy.

Are you blind now?

You don't understand things that Xiaobai can understand at a glance. "

Xiao Bai froze for a moment. A look of confusion appeared in his eyes. It was more concerned about the fruit in his back pocket than any human declaration.

But then he reacted, the top dog is not clever.

Xiaobai hurriedly put on a ‘I understand very well, but I just didn’t tell you that, with a big mouth, eyes slanted, and his head held high and disdainful of everyone.

The staff members were very dumbfounded. It was obvious that the uncle had a face that didn't understand just now, thinking that everyone hadn't seen it.

At this time, Leo sighed, and then said: "But since you have asked questions, I will tell you compassionately."

He paused, and said: "Seeing that there is no written on it, everyone is equal, that is to say, through legal provisions, all the privileges of the Semitic nobles are abolished.

What privileges are, one is the right to govern, and the other is the right of law. The natural right to govern the territory is not subject to legal supervision. "

Everyone suddenly realized that it was like this~!

The two speakers next to each other now also smiled triumphantly: it turns out that this clause cannot be passed so quickly.

But...the world is not afraid that there will be no good things, just that there are no good people.

Lord Luo Jue swears to go on the expedition and grabs territory for everyone, which is a good thing. In the end, the places where the coalition forces are defeated are not all republican zhèngfǔ, sooner or later humans will leave.

But everyone sat down and thought for a while, and suddenly found something very tricky.

In order to become parliamentarians, they are no longer nobles, and can only be called citizens.

However, the nobles in the unoccupied area of ​​the Semi still still have titles, which naturally makes the psychology of the noble congressmen greatly unbalanced.

In case they occupy those places in the future, they are still reluctant to give up the title of nobility and call themselves nobles. Isn't it disappointed for everyone to stand in front of them?

The local nobles are extremely stubborn in this respect, so they will not give up the title so easily.

‘In my bad luck, I can’t make you feel better. I don’t know who is the inherent inferiority of human beings and proposed this proposal.

Members of the House of Representatives were worried. They suddenly saw such a motion come out. Of course, they were all overjoyed-‘I’m falling asleep, and this pillow was delivered.

They put this motion to a vote at the first time.

This means that as long as the land under the temporary zhèngfǔ rule of the Semitic Republic, there will automatically be no nobles~!

You don’t need to take the initiative to give up like them.

Unexpectedly, it took only 20 minutes to get a unanimous vote in the Senate.

Then it was sent to the House of Representatives, and it took only thirty minutes before it was passed-and the reason why it is longer than the Senate is only because the Senate now has more people than the House of Representatives. Most of the time is spent counting votes.

Afterwards, the proposal went through a lot of beautification and modification-after all, you can't directly say that as a former nobleman, we see that those who still hold the title of nobleman and swagger around are not pleasing to the eye.

After some high-sounding words, the Parliament sent the proposal to President Brad’s case.

President Brad saw the file and it was also Long Yan Joye.

In order to become president, he also abandoned his previous royal title.

Although this is an extremely cost-effective business, think about it, the noble title that has been passed down for thousands of years has been cut off in his generation, but he can't help but feel a period of loss. After all, it represents the history of family glory.

Now there is an opportunity to make everyone unlucky. Of course, President Brad cannot let it go. He stamped his bright red seal without hesitation. At the same time, laugh three times cheerfully.

At this point, it also means that the "Declaration of Human Rights" has become a formal legal provision, promulgated all over the world.

Although the promulgation of this declaration is the result of the congressmen’s small calculations, it is undeniable that this declaration reveals the principles of natural human rights, freedom and equality, and denies the feudal hierarchy that has been practiced in the world for thousands of years.

History has turned a new page at this moment.

The era of ordinary people's participation in politics is coming.

But the staff officers are not politicians, they are all soldiers. All are experts in marching and fighting. Regarding this declaration of great historical significance, there is no feeling that the military has always emphasized the hierarchy the most.

Not to mention the pride and glory of witnessing this great historical moment.

Someone whispered: "Isn't it just abolishing the privileges of nobility? I don't think this is The second master Lei was furious, pointing at the man's nose, bitterly Scolded: "You stupid. Can't you understand this?

How many of the Semitic nobles are clean? Only relying on the noble privileges passed down by the ancestors can be nourished.

Now that the privileges are gone, let's check it and use Erye and I's methods. I guess none of them can run.

At that time, their houses, cars, gold, silver, calves, foals, donkeys... will all have to be confiscated and taxed? "

Everyone suddenly realized that it was so~!

Then they all gave their thumbs up, praising Lei Erye, "It's high, it's high~!"

The second master Lei laughed immediately, then waved the declaration in his hand, and shouted: "Brothers, what are you waiting for? Let's grab the money and grab things~!"

Then he turned his head and galloped away.

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