Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1492: Sworn in

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The loud and cheerful horns instantly spread throughout the large square. The military band on the square had long been waiting for the high-pitched march, and the announcement ceremony officially began.

The people who were crowded and playing in the square involuntarily lowered their voices, and then turned their heads to look towards the west side of the Caribbean Plaza.

That is the seat of the assembly of the Semitic Provisional Government.

The Capitol, which represents the beginning of a new era of Semites, stands there.

The new parliament building is a pure white building that has just been completed.

It was built with the aid of the United Nations and donated to the Provisional Government of the Semitic Republic. Flying Eagle Construction Engineering Company was responsible for the construction. Using the most advanced construction technology and construction technology of this era, it was completed and put into use in just three months.

It consists of a three-story flat-topped building, with a huge crown-shaped dome towering high in the middle, and the left and right wings spread out like wings.

The large dome is also divided into three layers, all of which are supported by classical megalithic pillars, which look majestic and majestic.

Around the dome, there are statues about the size of life, describing the myth and history of the Semitic.

There is also a small round tower on top of which stands a six-meter-high bronze statue of the Statue of Liberty.

The goddess wore a crown on her head, and saw the goddess holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, looking at the north warily. It seems that she is guarding the Semitic, and is no longer invaded by the Necromancer.

The overall gilded bronze **** statue shone in the sun, reflecting a dazzling halo, looking from a distance, like the halo of a true god, is breathtaking.

Look closely at the statue's plump face. The body is perfect, and the robes are swayed by the breeze. It is a perfect combination of strength and beauty. It is definitely a masterpiece. It is an invaluable gem just in terms of artistry.

Not to mention her value, just gilding used 300 catties of gold. What's more, the goddess's crown is dazzling, but it is a real gem.

This idol was hoisted from the air to the top of the Capitol by a war fort, and shocked the whole Caribbean as soon as it appeared.

The idol was presented to the Semitic Provisional Government by the Flying Eagle Group of Chairman Leo. It is said that Chairman Leo also promised that after the liberation of the Semi in the future. There is also a 100-meter-high Statue of Liberty to stand upright outside the Caribbean Harbor.

But to the Caribbean people’s surprise, the designer of this art treasure is unknown, and the world cannot find any record of the designer of the Statue of Liberty.

You know, to be able to design such a perfect artwork, that level must be a master.

This mysterious designer is the same as the thirteen columns on the top of the Capitol. Become a mystery of the ages in the Caribbean,

But according to rumours circulating in the Caribbean, this idol was designed by Lord Lorraine himself.

That's right~!

It is the outstanding military strategist, statesman, thinker, and writer. Alchemist, painter, artist, composer... Lord Lorraine.

Many people actually support this statement, especially young girls from aristocratic backgrounds. You must know that although Sir Alex Ferguson has been busy fighting wits and courage with others in recent years, his reputation as an artist is not at all. Weaken.

And it is said, of course, just said. The Statue of Liberty was made by comparing the face and figure of one of the girlfriends of Lord Lorraine.

As for who it is, there have been controversies in history. Many experts and professors have published monographs one after another, demonstrating this issue from various aspects, trying to find out the truth of history.

but. From the golden statue of the **** who stood there carelessly, it was not picked up by the dragon clan who collected obsessive-compulsive disorder, and probably one or two could be guessed.

Of course, it is also possible that this idol is too heavy, and the dragon can't grasp it.

The gate of the Congress is facing a rectangular pool, and the Statue of Liberty is reflected on the calm water.

A freedom monument is being built on the other side of the pool.

If someone from another world like Sir Alex sees it, he can't help but exclaim at the moment, thinking that someone has moved Capitol Hill over.

At this time, on the lawn behind the parliament building, all kinds of colorful flags have already been planted. All around were guards with bright armor and sharp blades.

Although entering the age of firearms, compared with the security forces, the lethality of these knights is really not strong, and they are just a scum in front of machine guns.

But what I have to admit is that when these knights stopped there, their armors were bright, their spears were dazzling, and they were all majestic. The effect of the town was excellent.

Soldiers wearing dark woolen uniforms and belts full of bits and pieces are much more attractive than holding a stupid, thick and black fire-stick rifle.

In the lawn, a crowd of well-dressed officials and dignitaries were already sitting.

Among them are the nobles of the Semites, as well as the high-ranking officers of human beings.

At this moment, they all looked serious and looked at the podium directly in front.

On the podium, Interim President Brad also had a long sword hanging from his waist, a uniform, and a three-color ribbon with a medal hanging from the left shoulder of President Brad to his right waist.

The whole person looks extremely majestic, even the beard on his lips is trimmed meticulously.

He tensed his cheeks tightly and looked at everyone in the audience.

Because it was too serious, the chubby cheeks on both sides were stretched, like a bulldog.

Everyone in the audience also had tight muscles. They sat up straight. They didn't know if they were deterred by his majestic gaze, or they were afraid that he would rush down and bite himself.

At this time, the loud horn suddenly stopped.

President Brad raised his head slightly, took a step forward, before he came to the podium, and then said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen. Today, April 1, 837 of the Julian calendar, we will witness a historic moment. .

Our Semites, after two thousand years of dictatorship by the Undead High Priest and cruelly oppressed by him for two thousand years, finally ushered in our new life, ushered in our own and free future.

Today, we are here to reopen the parliament that we have been forced to shut down for two thousand years.

In the future, we will get rid of the high priest who deceived the world and his name, the brutal usurper. Use our hands to rebuild our great and powerful Semitic. Let it glow with youth and radiance again. The forest of nations standing in the world~! "

Everyone present applauded enthusiastically.

But the old aristocrats like Pat are already in tears, with a lot of emotions: In order to regain the freedom and freedom that belonged to the Semites, the aristocrats of the Semitic royal family went forward and saw death as home.

The blood shed by the elites of the nobles can almost drown Akadrin~!

But...but for thousands of years. However, the high priest used his iron fist, dark wizard and necromancer, to control the Semitic in his hands.

So many bloodshed and sacrifices of noble elites did not get anything in the end.

These heroes should have received their glory, but after they died, they still bear infamy. Referred to as a rebel.

Originally thought. The Semites never had a rebirth day, they could only be like a puppet, under the control of the high priest, step by step toward decline and death.

They are already desperate for the future, and many people simply fall into depression like this, and even take the initiative to forget their responsibilities. Fight with the undead clan.

But I didn't expect...Unexpectedly, this bright day finally arrived~!

The girl next to him looked at his appearance and couldn't help but caring: "Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

Pat stretched out his hand and wiped it on his eyes, squeakingly concealed: "No...nothing,'s just that the wind is a bit big and the eyes blow..."

Dorothy couldn't help but smile. Not to mention broken, continue to look towards the stage.

At this time, President Brad said in a deep voice: "Now we are holding the oath of inauguration. I invite Mr. Catson, Dores, and Addos to come forward."

There was a commotion in the crowd. Several people who were called by their names stood up one after another, and then strode to the front of President Brad. They looked solemn and bowed to salute him.

At this time, several red-robed archbishops appeared on the other side of the lawn. Everyone held a holy book in their hands, and walked up slowly in the unique footsteps of the priests.

They walked to the front of those people and then stopped.

Seeing this situation, everyone could not help but a commotion.

What does it mean?

Isn't it the inauguration?

What are these guys from the Holy See of Light coming out for?

The gods are dangling, there is no good intention at first sight? Everyone is not a system.


There was a commotion from the audience. President Brad couldn't help being embarrassed for a while, but he bit his head and said: "Everyone, please place your left hand on the magic sacred scripture and raise your right hand."

Those people couldn't help but hesitate.

At this time, some people in the audience couldn't help but stood up and shouted: "Your Excellency President Brad, what does this mean? Why do we want to illuminate the Holy See for the inauguration of our congressmen?"

Seeing this, is it asking them to swear allegiance to the God of Light?

A crowd of Semites also talked a lot about the legitimacy of government power, which must be clarified.

Brad couldn't help but coughed awkwardly, and said: "This...this...this, uh, this is not a human holy scripture, but our magical scripture.

Uh, ahem, I think everyone knows what's happening now.

Our religious tradition is lost, and the inheritance of sacrifices is cut off, so the Great Demon God invited the God of Light to come across the sea to help us rebuild the religious tradition and rekindle the holy fire.

There is no other way, hahaha...

After all, our religious tradition has been lost, so we had to learn from human methods for the time being.

If you need to modify it, you have to wait until the future to develop the education system again, and then modify it as appropriate. "

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Recently, there has been a bad wind from nowhere. The myth that the Great Demon God and the Light God are brothers has been going crazy.

Even many elite aristocrats here have begun to believe that this matter is true, and they are really born to the same father.

Because if it is fake, it is impossible to pass it so nose and eye, and it is so consistent with the history of thousands of years.

Candlelight and shadow, this thing is real.

The high priest usurped power, this matter is also true.

It is a fact that the Semites have been losing battles.

Lord Luo Jue has won many battles, and he is invincible, which is beyond doubt.


All these facts add up. Then the result deduced, naturally they can't help but they don't believe it, especially the people at the bottom.

Even many people began to arrange heroes for a group of generals and nobles in the Caribbean to see who is the golden warrior. Which one is the silver warrior and who is the bronze warrior?

But at this time, suddenly seeing the other party come up with a holy book, asking everyone to press the holy book, and take the oath of office, but still feel a little emotionally wrong.

Fiona sat in the crowd. I looked at them quite nervously, for fear that these people would refuse to take the oath. In this way, it is not only a question of the failure of this carefully prepared ceremony, but more importantly, it will cause political turmoil-those people may leave because of this.

It is in trouble to re-establish the rationality of the Semitic provisional government.

This will also put the already small Caribbean government into a more passive situation.

But having said that, the Semites are too weak now. To break free from the hands of the high priest, you must rely on human power~!

However, the official Semitic propaganda for thousands of years shows that ordinary Semitic people have only hatred for human beings and have no good feelings.

Only with this kind of religious fusion, such things as ‘what big demon **** and light **** are two brothers’, ‘two brothers deal with their bad uncles together’ and so on are easy to understand and suitable for all ages. Propaganda to the Semitic people.

Only in this way can the contradictions between the two races be eased, they can no longer be hostile to human beings, and the cooperation between the two races can be made possible.

If even the current Caribbean Provisional Government can't do this, naturally the majority of the people in the Semitic continent can't expect it.

At this moment, I saw that the few people were still hesitant.

Fiona couldn't help biting her blushing lips, and secretly said in her heart: Maybe this way of suddenly asking them to express their opinions is a bit wrong. Maybe it's better to switch to other methods.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glanced at Lorraine next to her with some complaint.

Lorraine patted her delicate hands comfortingly.

Sir Alex Ferguson didn't care about it, since these people chose the Caribbean Provisional Government. It shows that they know the situation very well.

It will never shrink back because of this formality.

It's the same sentence, ‘I love to do it, don’t love to do it, get out! ’

Anyway. The Pacific is not covered, and Blade's Edge Mountain is still there today. Whether it is going to the east by boat or carrying a gun up the mountain to rebel, it is their freedom.

And Lord Luo will always find people who are willing to do this work, and the only thing he needs to care about is that Sir Alex will not return this gift.

Sure enough, after a short period of hesitation, those few people put their hands on the holy scripture one by one, and then began to read to President Brad: "I solemnly swear to protect and defend the Semitic. Dignity and freedom, faithfully implement all duties entrusted to us by the law, and prevent all enemies at home and abroad from encroaching. Be loyal to the Semitic, make every effort to abide by it.

May the Great Demon God bless~! "

At this time, there was a warm applause.

Even the most picky Semites couldn't find the slightest fault in this oath. Especially the last sentence of ‘May the Great Demon God Bless’ illustrates the attitude of mankind—the Semitic will still be the Semitic of the Great Devil in the future, and will not become the territory of the God of Light.

Fiona was also relieved, but then sighed again. You know, all these rituals are replicated in the light of the Holy See of mankind.

Even the "Devil's Sacred Tome"...

The true "Devil's Sacred Tome" had been destroyed a thousand years ago, and the Demon God's sect had already been cut off, and no one knew the contents.

As for the current "Devil's Sacred Book", in fact, all of them are the "Sacred Book" of human beings, and they are just tearing off the cover and replacing it with another one.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glanced at Lorraine, and then whispered in a weird voice: "The treatment of a child who is born is different from that of a child who is not born. When will you **** worry about me? ?"

Although she clearly knows that this is not the case, she does not mean to say this. The reason is simple. Women are born with unreasonable privileges. So, if you don't make good use of it, how can you be worthy of yourself?

Lord Luo Jue couldn't help but smile, and then he leaned to her ear and whispered softly: "This is what you said, tonight, I will take care of you~!"

Fiona heard his puns, her pretty face flushed immediately, and she gave him a bit angrily. At this solemn moment, this guy was still a very yellow, violent and seldom inappropriate thought.

At this moment, I saw on the podium, President Brad picked up a small badge and pinned it on their coats. With this badge, they will officially become members of the Semitic Provisional Government from today. .

They bowed slightly to Brad, then turned and walked off the stage.

Immediately, I heard President Brad continue to read: "Now, please, Kafid, Gavin, and Mr. Benbu come forward..."

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help but sighed faintly, feeling that this time was so long: There were a total of 289 members of the Senate and House of Representatives, all of whom had to step forward to take an oath.

I don't know when to toss it.

Although he is the commander of the Allied Forces, at this time, he is very envious of those civilians who are nothing but light. They can wander around freely and don’t have to sit upright in this place like a in the sun...

The whole ceremony lasted until noon, which ended.

In the afternoon, the parliament was impatient to start work.

When these people become members of parliament, they naturally start to wield their power in the first place, want to try its power, and then...

Then because of the disagreements of the members, everyone first started arguing, then yelled, and then they started to provoke each other, and finally they couldn't hold back their anger and fought.

The fighting was so fierce that after hearing the news, President Brad had to use a large group of military police to separate them.

In that fierce battle, a total of 47 senators were seriously injured and 63 were slightly injured. In addition, because of the small number of people in the House of Representatives, the conflict was not too intense, but it was a mess. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.)


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