Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1490: 0 forums

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July 1st, 837th year in the Julian calendar, Caribbean, sunny.

Time is approaching Xiawang. The so-called Xiawang naturally means seeing summer.

At this time in the depths of the Semitic Continent, it was just the beginning of spring, and the wind of Akadrin was still chilling.

In the Caribbean port on the coast, due to the influence of the warm ocean current, the grass is already growing and the flowers are blooming, and it is about to enter the best season of the year.

Various private yachts carry wealthy officials and beautiful women, rippling on the calm sea. Leisure tourists can also be seen on the beach, enjoying barbecue lively.

Because of the increase in job opportunities and the explosion of the industrial population, the entire Caribbean city was prosperous, and the first wealthy and middle classes emerged.

Factory owners, construction contractors, contractors, human managers and senior engineers became the first people in the Caribbean to get rich first.

Even the original petty townspeople and rural farmers suddenly had some spare money.

Every holiday, entertainment venues and scenic spots start to become crowded and noisy.

Caribbean Harbor is like a chronically ill patient suddenly healed, energetic, full of vitality and hope, even the faces of passersby with smiles.

In the early morning, in the large square between the upper and lower urban areas of Caribbean City, although it is neither working hours nor a holiday celebration, one side is already crowded and crowded.

Even the street vendors saw business opportunities and pushed their cars to squeeze through the crowd.

Although it is not a holiday. But today will be destined to be a day written in history.

People in the Caribbean have all heard that what is called a parliament is about to open today.

It is said that this council created a major change that the Semi had not seen in four thousand years. It is a good thing for the country and the people.

With the parliament, everyone will run into civil society. From now on, all the Semis will be equal. If the lowly people are killed by the noble's carriage on the street, they will not have to pay for the damage to the carriage.

It is said that if it is judged that the other party is wrong, he will have to pay for a donkey here, and it is still the standard blue and white donkey price in the market.

Hearing that news, many Semitic people were all surprised to stick out their tongues more than half a foot long. It was a big blue and white donkey. They scrabble in the soil and can't make so much money for two lifetimes.

Encouraged by this exciting news, coupled with the fact that today happens to be a Sunday, many people come here to watch the excitement.

Even the country folks from dozens of miles in the dark set up their cars to join in the fun, to witness this historic moment.

In a corner on the edge of the square, a storyteller was happily introducing the people.

"Everyone. By the way, this council is not a new thing. We Semitic also had this thing more than two thousand years ago.

But at that time it was called the Senate, and its members were all respected elderly people.

And it is said that because of the existence of the parliament, it was two thousand years ago. Only our Semitic will prosper and become powerful...huh!

That's not a blow, even ten human beings can't beat one... well, let's not say that. The province was run by the second master Lei to check our water meter.

but. You all understand. "

Having said this, the people below immediately caused a burst of laughter.

The aristocrats who collected taxes from Lei Erye were ecstatic. The ghost cries and the wolf howls, staged scenes of comedies in which the wicked have their own wicked grind.

Seeing the bad luck of the aristocrats who were so bad that they were so oily, it made everyone feel very happy to see that they felt that they had been oppressed and exploited before.

However, although the man did not continue to say, everyone knew the meaning of the man's words: even ten humans could not beat a Semitic back then~!

The name of the Semitic warrior was not made up by them. Even humans at the time admitted that the Semitic warrior was brave and fearless in fighting.

At this moment, I listened to the storyteller patted the table, and said, "Anyway, it was really amazing at that time. But...but~!"

The storyteller raised his voice and exclaimed with a deafening momentum: "I ask you a question: We were so powerful back then, why did we fail to beat humans?

Five hundred thousand won't beat Ruman's 300,000 yuan, and two hundred thousand won't beat the mankind's seventy thousand. "

Everyone was depressed for a while. The expeditionary war that took place on the human continent has been familiar to the Caribbean people in the past few months, and they often talk about gains and losses.

Everyone is asking themselves: "Yes, why did such a powerful Semites finally lose to humans who are far inferior to them?

And still twice~!

So that the land of the Semites is now full of human iron hooves?

At this moment, the flags of mankind are flying over the Caribbean port. "

This is really a question that confuses all the Semi people. The last expedition was fought for several years. How could this time be so thoroughly defeated? Is the Semi people really inferior to one generation?

Is there a reason for this?

The storyteller lowered his voice and said, "That's because of one thing~!"

He paused, then stared, and said loudly, "Because the undead high priest~!

That terrible demon, the pervert who manipulates people's hearts-the undead high priest has appeared~! "

Everyone present couldn't help being taken aback.

For a long time, in the official propaganda, this undead high priest is as loving as a father, and takes care of everyone with all his heart. How did he suddenly become a ‘demon, pervert’ here?

Anyone who dares to slander or insult the undead high priest is the most serious criminal of thought and must be severely cut.

Although everyone is now under the rule of mankind and cannot publicly mention the name of the undead high priest, out of inertia, they couldn't help but greet the storyteller coldly. Several people were even eager to try and plan to beat him.

The name of the Undead High Priest is a shackle that penetrates their souls-this is the function of religious belief.

The storyteller laughed immediately. He arched his hands and said: "Everyone. Everyone, don't be angry, listen to me slowly."

He paused, and then said: "At the beginning, the undead high priest came from a long distance from the far north of the island of the undead, showing unparalleled wisdom and mana, and was immediately enshrined as a national teacher by my Semitic emperor Docent.

I have to say that the undead high priest is indeed powerful. With his assistance, our Semites quelled the civil strife, unified the country, and became stronger and stronger.

At that time it was He Qing Haiyan, Shi He Suifeng. The common people are also prosperous and prosperous, as it is said in the history books handed down at that time. A warehouse with a lot of money can't put it down, and the food can't be eaten if it's moldy. "

When people listened, they couldn't help but nod their heads one after another, all showing a look of yearning.

Although thousands of years have passed, the description of that beautiful day has been passed down from generation to generation.

Even now. Every evening, there will be old people telling the children around the good life at that time.

Therefore, every Semitic has a deep memory of this.

But then he saw that the storyteller picked up the wooden board and slapped it heavily on the table, making a crisp sound.

The shocked crowd couldn't help but all startled.

At this time, the storyteller said in a deep voice: "On the surface, the Semis are prosperous. But in fact, it is an undercurrent.

Because the undead high priest is actually hiding evil intentions~! "

Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of rebellious courtier seized power, and then the stories of the fish and meat people are endless in the Semitic.

Is it true that the high priest whom everyone has always respected is really a gangster?

The storyteller said: "At that time, the high priest was lurking in our Semitic for 30 years. Finally, the power was taken over and the power was overwhelmed by the world. And the emperor Docent was getting older and more faint, and the high priest saw the opportunity. , So he started his codification plan.

On a black and windy night for a month, he secretly sneaked into the emperor’s palace..."

Everyone suddenly became nervous and breathless.

The storyteller raised his head and looked at the crowd, with a mysterious expression on his face: "Although I don't know what happened at that time, but according to the guards outside the palace, the candles in the palace nodded at that time, so he saw that there were The figure took the axe and slashed on the bed. And there was a scream of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

That's terrible~!

Right now, when we arrive at the Akkadrin Palace, at night, there will be a white ghost wandering back and forth, screaming ceaselessly..."

Everyone at the scene felt that the cold hair was all upside down, and many people involuntarily rubbed their arms back and forth.

There are also people who disdain to say: "The undead high priest, that is a master of necromantic magic, if it is really the emperor who killed him. How can it be so troublesome, just beckon it?"

The storyteller raised his head and glanced at the man, then chuckled coldly, and said: "You are the kind of idiot who thinks that the emperor uses a golden axe for fueling firewood. You don't have to turn your mind around and become the emperor master. Do you still have to work?"

All the people present couldn't help laughing.

The offending audience was not convinced at the moment, and shouted: "Then why do you think the high priest would kill himself?"

The storyteller glanced at him contemptuously, and said, "It's still worth talking about? Who is the emperor master? Ah?

The son of the Great Demon God. His old man is also one of the gods.

There are thirty-six heavenly guards guarding them, and seventy-two earth evil spirits with them. Even if they sleep, there will be great demon gods watching them in the sky.

What kind of monsters, ghosts, monsters, monsters, who dare to get close. Even before he walked within a hundred meters of him, he was already wiped out by the blast of divine light.

Who can kill such a character casually? "

Although this remark was full of feudal superstition, the people were all very much buying it, and they nodded in agreement.


"That's it~!"

"When President Brad was born, purple gas came from the east, and the big star fell. It seems that his old man can be the emperor, and he is indeed destined to go!


The challenger was immediately speechless, shrank his head in the crowd, and never showed his head again.

At this moment, the storyteller saw himself with a three-inch smile and folded the other person. Now I became proud and said: "The most annoying thing for me is that you don't understand anything. The guy who is wise with ignorance, only knows that he's being silly on the side, and doesn't use his mind at all..."

Everyone listened to him constantly criticizing, there was a risk of crooked buildings, and immediately all panicked and persuaded one after another.

"Brother, brother, calm down."

"Brother. You said yours. Don't be familiar with that kind of people."

"Later, later?"

"That's right, you can continue talking..."


The storyteller settled down, then coughed and said loudly: "Everyone, I rely on this decryption to eat. So, I have money to help a money market. Someone, you help a private market. If you don't want to listen , Turn your head and leave, but don't smash my field. We are just a hard-working man, talk a little book, just eat everything..."

There was a commotion in the crowd. This is the critical time. If you give up at this time, it is really tickling.

So many people are generous.

At the same time, they were also glaring at the guy who had just challenged, if it wasn't for this guy to make trouble. If you can't say, you don't have to pay this money.

Some people even sneaked a few feet of the clever pup because of the crowd.

There was a lot of chaos on the spot.

After a while. The storyteller saw that the money was almost collected, and then he slapped the eye-catching on the table and continued: "Let's take the book back. In other words, after the high priest's conspiracy succeeded and secretly assassinated the emperor, he took power and covered the sky with one hand.

The poor thing is that after His Majesty the Emperor died violently, there was nowhere to redress grievances.

At that time, most of the nobles of our Semites did not know the truth and were deceived by him.

Although many people in this group knew the truth, they were tempted by the benefits given by the high priest and willingly became running dogs.

Therefore, the high priest disbanded the council and implemented a dictatorship over the Semites.

He also quietly extinguished the unquenchable sacred fire of the Demon God Temple for thousands of years, and he killed all the priests of the temple, and the inheritance of our Semi was cut off.

Everyone respected the high priest, but forgot the great demon god.

Since then, our Semitic has completely become a plaything in the palm of the high priest. "

Everyone suddenly heard such secrets, all of them pale and angry. It turns out that the high priest is really a badass~!

At this time, the storyteller continued: "Because of this, the great demon **** saw the Semitic people recognize the thief as his father and betrayed himself, and he was very sad. Finally, he had to leave the Semitic people and return to... Brother-staying temporarily in the temple of the God of Light."

The audience at the scene suddenly fell into a big thump.

This...this is too ridiculous, right?

Are the Great Demon God and Guangming God actually brothers?

So everyone is still beating up?

How nice to sit down and drink flower wine together?

The storyteller looked at the faces of the people, smiled triumphantly, then spread out the fan in his hand with a bang, and slapped it two times extremely coolly. Then he said: "Everyone, I don't know.

There are so many races in the world, they are half-orcs, goblins, tauren and so on. They all look so strange? Why are we so similar to humans?

It's not because Cronus, the father of the Great Demon God and the God of Light, created humans in his own shape.

Later, the two brothers grew up and naturally separated. So it looks a bit like the Great Demon God, so naturally it is our Semitic. Those who look like a **** of light are naturally humans. "

At the moment someone shouted: "If the two gods are really brothers, shouldn't they have a blind date? Then why do we fight humans? What you said must be false~!"

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at the storyteller: Yes, if it is really like what the storyteller said, everyone is a family, why would there be war?

The storyteller rolled his eyes and said, "This brother, have you ever seen two brothers who don't fight? If so, please tell me?"

Everyone couldn't help but was startled: His words made sense, anyway, no one had seen any two brothers who didn't fight. Moreover, it is quite normal to play together.

At this time, the storyteller saw that he was pressing his tongue again, and he immediately said: "Where are we talking? Uh, yes, this great demon **** saw the Semitic people abandon him, so he had to leave. Return to his brother Guangming. Go live in the temple."

In his words, he bit the words "Brother, Guangming God" extremely heavily, so that all the people could hear them clearly.

All the people felt a hint of some kind, and their hearts became heavy, and their hearts were hovering with fearful thoughts: Thousands of years ago, the Great Demon God really left? Did they really leave these people behind?

At this time, I heard that the book's face was dark, and his tone was solemn and authentic: "Everyone knows what happened later.

Under the agitation of the high priest, we continue to fight humans.

In the war, although our Semitic warriors are very brave, one can top ten, but they don’t have the blessing of the Great Demon God, so when fighting against humans, they continue to lose, and lose again.

If you don’t believe it, it’s counted for the past two thousand years. When did the Semitic tribe win the war against humans?

And it is said that there have been many times when the Semitic army is about to win, but every time there is a god-like reversal, it will be defeated.

Like a surprise attack on the Sharon Valley, an assault on Hyjal, a fierce attack on Maple Leaf Danlin, and an encirclement of Ruman City, which battle of the Battle of Vantino was not nearly won?

In the end, you lost the battle because of a slight difference?

Why does this happen?

Isn't it because the boss of the big devil was angry and didn't cover the big guy in the sky? "

Everyone present could not help being silent for a while. Basically they all know some of these famous battles.

Among the various official propaganda, my powerful Semitic army is always as powerful as a bamboo, and morale is like a rainbow. Always win, win and win again. But it was conspired by cunning and despicable humans, or a traitor had emerged from the inside and betrayed everyone, and eventually fell short and led to failure.

Everyone didn't think about it carefully, but was angry with human beings or the endless traitors. But now, after listening to the storyteller's words and thinking about it carefully, it turns out that his words really make sense.

Everyone was defeated, not because of their inability, but because God refused to let them~!

The boss of the Great Demon God is on the human side, how can this battle be won?

At this time, the storyteller continued: "Let me say that although we have betrayed the Great Demon God, the Great Demon God still blesses us, so that we have not won."

Everyone couldn't help but was stunned: What did these words mean, how did they feel so weird? Was defeated but the devil's blessing?

The storyteller said coldly: "Think about it, what benefit is this brotherly fratricide between us and humans for us Semites?

In this battle, the site belonged to the high priest, and the killers turned around and were recruited into undead by him to enrich his army. His strength has risen sharply, but we are getting weaker and weaker because of the damage.

The disadvantage is that no human beings were killed. If he did, he might turn his head around and he would have an operation on us. "

Everyone could not help but feel cold, and the back of their necks whizzed coldly.

They knew that things like what the storyteller said were very likely to happen—the high priest was an undead leader, and all the undead hated creatures and were full of resentment. As long as they encountered them, they must put them on Then die quickly.

Someone asked in a panic: "Then...what should we do?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest The motivation of mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.)


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