Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1485: Caribbean tax

Chapter 1485: Caribbean Ten Thousand Taxes (Next, ask for monthly pass)

"I will succeed~!"

Hook, the leader of the Iron Hook Gang, stood in the courtyard of the rudder, looked up at the gray sky, and swears secretly in his heart. M.

He is a tall and strong man with iron beard and temples, and his face is dark and rough, and he is powerful and domineering at that station.

He was an ordinary stevedore on the wharf. When he was a teenager, he led a group of old brothers and people who had been playing since childhood to fight for the site.

The name Iron Hook Gang comes from the tool they used when unloading, a half-length iron hook used to hook the wooden box and drag it.

It's the same as the group of loggers and builders who started with the axe.

Of course, it's also easy to use when hooking people. Once the hook goes down, it's a blood hole, and you can kill a person by hitting the key.

Relying on a **** courage, Hook spent more than ten years monopolizing the ship loading and unloading business of the South Wharf and earning a huge family business.

Of course, the loading and unloading fees of the South Wharf have also risen intermittently by more than ten times, and the logs monopolized by the axe gang have soared by almost the same multiple during the same period.

The rapid development of the Caribbean Port now allows Hook to see new opportunities. The terminal is being expanded day and night. There will be more than ten times more ships in the port. This is all money~!

Of course, other gangs in the city have also seen opportunities, and there are several gangs of the size of the Hook Gang and Axe Gang in Caribbean City.

There are nearly a hundred disciples in the gang who dare to fight and kill, and many of them are desperate enough to dominate one side.

The nearby axe gang directly hit the door to grab business, and this battle broke out.

Half an hour ago, he had just handed over 1,500 gold coins in exchange for 73 brothers in the gang. They were caught by a strange zhèngfǔ department for fighting with the axe gang.

This made him quite puzzled. He had never heard of the title of the State Administration of Taxation before, but the Administration of Taxation knew it.

In Hook’s image, the tax bureau is just a group of tax collectors, who usually bully others and fear hardship, and have no power.

It's just that there are nobles and knight masters standing behind them, so everyone usually gives them three points.

And it was the first time I heard that a half-year-old child was the director of Laozi.

Although all weird things can happen to the Semitic people, they are also used to these dead people, but a teenage director of the General Administration?

This is the second-generation whim of that family again.

But I heard from my subordinates that these people from the IRS were different from those I had seen before.

Those people are not only rude and unreasonable, but all of them are well-armed.

It is said that the weapons equipped are all firearms, and some people have grenades stuck in their waists. Only the most elite troops of mankind have them.

No matter how powerful a quack hero is at the gunpoint, he is a scum.

However, as a gang member, his political sense is really too insensitive. After all, he is just a civilian who has been in school for two years. He can write his name, understand numbers and signs, and know how to collect money and hack people. Just be loyal enough.

Although that was an extremely obvious signal, he still didn't know what this wind direction meant to him.

At this time, despite spending a lot of money, he still motivates himself confidently, hoping that in the near future, he can dominate the Caribbean and become an uncompromising underground emperor, famous horse and wine, golden beauty... …

Smoking a cigar, appearing in a high-end nightclub that only serves big people, spending a lot of money at the gambling table, and being respected as a "lord."

It’s better to send your own son to zhèngfǔ, and maybe he can become a minister or something...

At this moment, I heard a burst of enthusiastic... enthusiastic cheers from a distance.

The brothers in the gang ran back from the outside one by one, with excitement on their faces.

Hook couldn't help but stunned, before he waited for him to ask a question, someone already yelled out with joy: "Helper, helper, I am happy, I am happy..."

Hook snorted coldly and reprimanded harshly, saying, "Speaking of people, Bollack, full of gibberish, what are you talking about?"

Bollack smiled awkwardly and said, "Boss, you don't understand. This is a popular language on the human side. In fact, it is the abbreviation of'pleasant to hear and hear, to be happy, to celebrate with everyone, and to tell each other'.

It's a great thing anyway, we can all gloat for misfortune. "

Hook looked at him sideways, and then slowly said, "What's the matter? Make everyone so happy? Your wife ran away with someone?"

Hearing his acrimonious words, Pollack's face stopped for a moment, then he twitched his cheeks, forced a smile, and the person next to him laughed unscrupulously-this is the sadness of the little man. No matter how much you have suffered, even if your heart is dripping with blood, you can only make a strong face and laugh in the face of powerful figures to win the other's favor.

What's more, he has a beautiful wife who makes people jealous.

He put away his poor self-esteem, smiled carefully, and said, "Leader, all the axe gang members have been arrested."

A cold light flashed in Hook's eyes, and Huo Ran stood up and asked anxiously: "Really? Really?"

Bollack nodded repeatedly and said, "It's true, it can't be true anymore.

It is said that some people have seen the whole process with their own eyes, and the words are vivid, everyone has spread crazy.

Those from the tax bureau first pretended to check the water meter, and then pretended to deliver the courier. Finally, when the Axe Gang didn’t open the door, they slammed the door and rushed in.

They copied all the Axe Gang. Not only did they steal gold and silver from their secret rooms, but also prohibited weapons, and dozens of women and children who were trafficked.

When the Axe Gang members were escorted out, the common people all threw eggs and tomatoes at them. The axe Gang boss Graun was so miserable. I don't know who to open my head, and the blood rushes out, like a gourd.

Hahahaha, it's so relieved. Hahaha..."

Hook was also excited to go around the place a few times, looking at the sky, and muttering: "God helps me too, God helps me too, hahaha...

If people come for luck, they can't stop them.

Once this axe is down, the southern part of the Caribbean city will all belong to our men.

Hahaha, good thing, it's a great thing~"

Without direct competitors, his territory can be doubled, and after the formation of a monopoly, this income can be more than doubled.

One step closer to his ideal, Hooker paused, and he couldn't bear his excitement, and shouted at the moment: "Bolak, go to a nearby hotel and bring all their wine to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu. Today I have a drink for a break."

He paused, and shouted to the gang in the courtyard: "Brothers, no one is allowed to leave today, we must celebrate and celebrate. Our Hook Gang will unify the Caribbean is just around the corner~!"

The gangs also rushed to promise right now and congratulated Hook loudly.

"I wish you good help."

"Help the Lord benevolent."

"The gang leader will unify the Caribbean, just around the corner."


Hook laughed happily at the moment, but when he turned his head, he saw that Pollack was still standing on the spot. He couldn't help but stared and said sharply: "What are you doing? Why don't you go get the wine? The brothers are waiting. Drink it."

Bollack murmured, "Boss, shouldn't you ask for money for wine? Look at..."

Hook was furious at the moment, and he came to Bollack’s, lifted his leg to hit his stomach and stomped him, sternly: "Fat you, how did I recruit you as an idiot? Don’t forget ours. Identity, our underworld. Drinking their wine, who dares to ask us for money?

Rice bucket, idiot, idiot...

Just move, who dare to stop me?

Dare to stop, let's smash his shop, copy their home, *, be clear about it, the Xiacheng district is now up to our men to decide~! "

He faced Pollack with a shameless curse.

Bollack took a heavy kick on his stomach, and was sprayed with saliva on his face. At the moment, he didn't even dare to wipe it. He could only turn around quickly and ran outside.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a violent knock on the door.

Then I heard someone shout loudly outside: "There is no one inside, come and open the door, we are checking the water meter."

Everyone who was making a noise couldn't help being taken aback.

Hook was also strange for a while: who was so bold to come and collect water from the underworld?

At the same time, a strange sense of familiarity also arises in my heart, as if I have heard these words where?

Bollack looked at the people, then walked to the door, opened the courtyard door, looked out, and couldn't help but screamed: Damn~!

Then I heard the man outside smiled and said: "My fellow, hello, we have met again. As the saying goes, where do we not meet in life..."

Pollack ignored him, slammed the door heavily, and then ran back like a fire on his ass. As he ran, he shouted: "Helper, helper, the big thing is not good, that... the water bill collector coming……"

Hook couldn't help being furious, raised his hand and slapped it.

Hearing only a crisp sound of ‘pop’, Bollack was slapped around the place and looked at Hook in a daze.

Hook turned around and shouted angrily at the people in his hands: "Little ones, all copy guys for me. I want to see who eats the guts of the bear heart and leopard, dare to charge our water bills~!

Let these puppies know that Xiacheng has changed his surname to Hook today. "

The ruffians suddenly burst out loudly, and took up their swords.

At this moment, I listened to the people outside continuing to shout: "My fellow, open the door quickly, I'm here to deliver the express. Open the door~!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of smashing the door kept coming.

All the people were stunned. Wasn't the water fee charged just now? How did the express delivery be changed?

At the same time, all of them had an ominous omen in their hearts, slowly rising from the bottom of their hearts: How could this scene be so familiar, as if they had heard it somewhere.

At this time, I heard that the people outside became more and more impatient, and they kicked vigorously for a few times.

Immediately after that, the voice screamed: "*, another shameless person. One team overturned the wall, the second team covered, and the third team outflanked.

Xiaobai, come and kick the door~! "

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other: Why do you want to say the word ‘again’?

Before they could react, they heard a loud bang coming from them.

Everyone was startled at once, and looked forward intently.

I saw a burst of dust flying at the gate of the courtyard. Both heavy and solid gates were knocked down and flew out several meters away before crashing to the ground.

Among the dust, there was a huge, burly, long-nosed and fangs monster standing there majesticly, with fierce lights in its eyes, staring at itself viciously.

All the ruffians couldn't help but shudder.

At this time, there was a stern shout from all around.

"Don't move~!"

"The SS is working, and those who resist are killed~!"

"Squat down, all down."


Maybe it was because they didn't figure out the situation, maybe they were a little bit mentally stupid. Although these ruffians looked at the soldiers standing on the surrounding walls, they were still arrogant.

There are quite a few bold 213s, holding swords bravely, pointing at the soldiers on the wall and shouting loudly.

Immediately after hearing a few crisp gunshots of'Papa Papa', the brave ground ruffians immediately shook their bodies, and their brains and blood were sprinkled on the ground like moneyless rain, and then they fell heavily like a stone. on the ground.

The SS has always been very reasonable in doing things, but for those who don't want to listen to their reasoning, they can only go to **** to listen to the truth of the gods.

Seeing this, the ruffians were all shivered, and air-cooled from their tail bones: This group of people really kills people without blinking~!

It's definitely not something they can provoke.

At the moment, all of them squatted on the ground honestly with their arms folded.

At this time, a long, fat, white, big, slick and smooth back head, like a small dead fat man on the beach, wearing toad sunglasses and a lollipop, walked in leisurely.

Then I sat down with a golden sword in the courtyard, and said, "Which one of you is the leader, come out quickly, second master, I want to check the tax."

All the ruffians turned their heads to look at Hook in the middle...


In the afternoon, Lei Erye led a group of tax policemen on the street. Many people along the way saw them, and they all stopped their work and followed.

Everything this morning has gone crazy.

This Lei Erye, Lei Grand Tax Commissioner, was really not built. On the first day he took office, in a mere half a day, he had already taken off two gangs who had been in trouble for many years, and he had done a great deal for the common people.

Everyone looked relieved, it was really happy.

Although this master is a little younger, this method is really extraordinary, much better than those officials in the Caribbean who have vegetarian meals.

The ordinary people don't care about everything else, as long as they see the bad luck of the bully, they strongly support it. In gratitude, many people worship Lei Erye as a god.

The popularity of Lei Erye instantly reached a new height among the Caribbean folk.

This group of shallow-minded people didn't know that the police were completely useless against the gang. They were already in the gang.

Only the tax bureau is the most professional.

Back then, the Chicago Mafia was in full swing. Alcapone was armed with a machine gun and a grenade around his waist. But such a heroic figure eventually fell into the hands of the Federal Revenue Service.

This shows how powerful the Inland Revenue Department is.

Anyone who is looking for trouble, checking his tax is definitely not wrong. This trick is also a zhèngfǔ consistent method to deal with disobedient people.

At this time, seeing Erye Lei dispatched again, everyone naturally wanted to follow up, and take a good look at which **** it was.

Later on, behind Lei Er's team, more than two thousand people followed. They were mighty and majestic.

What surprised the people was that Lei Erye led the tax police to the villa area outside the city.

You know, this villa area is filled with rich aristocrats and city officials.

From this, Lei Erye is planning to kill the fat sheep this time.

Sure enough, after arriving in the villa area, a group of tax police stopped in front of a gorgeous villa. Immediately afterwards, they broke up into combat teams.

The front door ambushes, the back door outflanks, and the two wings flanks. The whole operation was orderly and extremely clean.

Leo stood in front of the door, took out the lollipop he was holding in his mouth, then looked up at the number of the villa, and asked, "That's right?"

Someone next to him replied: "Back to the chief, yes. According to Kraun's confession, the owner here is Baron Fellows. He bought as many as thirty abducted women from the Axe Gang alone."

Leo snorted immediately. Murmured: "This man is really sick~!"

You know, there are more than a dozen women around Lei Erye, but every one of them is taking Lei Erye as improper food. When things are all right, they should be bullied.

The second master Lei dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and was really angry.

And this Baron Felos actually spent money to buy thirty or so women, this man is too trembling.

Leo put the lollipop in his mouth again, then came to the door, knocked hard, and said, "Is there anyone inside? Open the door quickly. We are here to check the water meter."

I don’t know if it was because of the frustration in the morning or because of the rush. At this time, his patience was extremely poor, and he just smashed twice, and immediately shouted: "We are here to deliver the express. Open the door. Forget it, a team overturns the wall. , The second team is covering, the third team is covering, Xiaobai kicks the door~!"

Because I saw gold coins right in front of my but couldn’t get them, Xiao Bai was also very impatient. He immediately raised his foot and ran on the door to kick the door open. With a cry, he rushed in.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a burst of roars of soldiers, screams of women, and screams of men killing pigs.

Then there were a few more shots of ‘pop, pop’, and the inside suddenly became quiet.

Leo was very old-fashioned and shook his head: These splattered puppies clearly saw the tax police with guns in hand, why couldn't they raise their hands honestly and surrender? You have to fire a shot to recognize the situation. What a bunch of cheap bones~!

You know, bullets are very expensive~!

As he thought, he stepped in.

He walked into the room, and then Da Ma sat down in the middle of the hall, with an official tone, and said, "Brother, I am the head of the Internal Revenue Service of the Semitic temporary zhèngfǔ, which one is Baron Felos? Kind of. I am going to discuss with your Excellency on the minor tax issues. I would also like to ask Mr. Baron to give me some advice." (To be continued.

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