Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1480: I can't regret this marriage

The bank robbery, a popular activity among the masses, lasted only a few minutes, and the curtain came to an end when all the heroes were shot to death by the security guards of the Flying Eagle Group. M

Seeing those robbers were killed on the spot, lying on the floor of the bank lobby with their bodies twisted and soaked in blood, the Caribbean people present suddenly felt a strange feeling that these robbers are so pitiful. .

You know, just now, they were trembling with fear because of the tyrannical and brutal robbers.

But this is understandable. They are all normal people. Although as Caribbean, they may be a little cunning, greedy, and powerful, but their surname is still simple.

Rather than the vicious and frenzied gangsters pervert, everyone has a great compassionate heart.

Seeing that the corpses of the robbers were covered with dozens of bullet holes, large and small, almost all of them were beaten into dice, they naturally sympathized with these poor people.

In the eyes of these Caribbean people, since the robbers have already surrendered, it would be better to be arrested and tried. Why must they all be killed?

And this involves Chairman Leo’s far-sighted view of efficiency and cost. Chairman Leo thinks that these guys will be arrested and put in jail. They will go through the judicial process for several months, and then hang them on the stage. It is a waste of money and food.

Just kill and pull them down directly without causing trouble to the judicial system and taxpayers. Anyway, robbing a bank is also a death sentence, and it is no exception in that mainland.

Lord Lorraine agrees with Chairman Leo’s views very much and praised that if Amei’s official holidays do the same, then it is a veritable country of hope, and there is no need to worry about crime and prison overcrowding.

From this point of view, Chairman Leo still has a very good governance strategy.

Of course, the benefits are obvious. There is no hero on the human continent daring to move the Flying Eagle Bank anymore.

At this time, the heavily armed guards had already stepped up, four people carried one, and they dragged away the corpses extremely skillfully-even a novice, after the first two robberies, had accumulated a wealth of experience.

An auntie cleaning the floor nearby fetched water, and several buckets of water splashed at the same time, rushing to the ground, flushing the blood out of the door.

Immediately several people picked up the mop and dragged it hard.

The floor made of marble has countless benefits. It is leveled, reflective, and convenient for peeping... without leaving stains is definitely one of the best.

After only a few drags, the marble floor was as smooth as ever, and people could almost be illuminated.

Those stains such as blood and brain plasma have naturally long since disappeared.

The staff opened the window and fanned outwards to drive away the unpleasant **** smell in the room. Some people took out a bottle of perfume and splashed it around. The air was instantly scent of elegant flowers.

It's as if nothing happened just now.

At the same time, employees in the bank waved their arms to comfort everyone.

"It's okay, it's okay~!"

"I'm sorry to shock all customers. The bank will provide all customers with high-quality coffee for free, which will shock everyone."

"We continue to work as usual. Please line up and hold the number plates in your hands. Thank you for your cooperation."

"No. 73, No. 73, please go to the No. 4 window for business on the 73rd."


Now that the people at the other bank said it was all right, the customers were not surprised, and they were talking about the situation just now, while sitting down on the surrounding benches again.

In just a few minutes, the bank had recovered to its original condition, and it was hard to see that an extremely bad bank robbery had happened just now.

At this time, most of the people watching the excitement outside the door have not figured out what happened.

However, the village chief of Barr, who experienced the robbery for the first time, and all the other villagers were stunned. Before he recovered, he opened his mouth blankly, his jaw almost dislocated.

The current life in the Caribbean is really too exciting~!

This is a real bank robbery. There was an explosion and a gunshot just now, but the bank was neither closed nor closed, and operated as usual.

Are you nervous or bold?

At the same time, they also confirmed one thing. Although Flying Eagle Bank has a lot of money, even a copper plate is not something they can covet~!

I didn't look at the posture just now, the robber's boss was shot headshot before he could finish talking.

From the inside, more than 20 people in black rushed out, each holding a gun larger than Amu's hand, squeezing the fire desperately.

At this time, the young and beautiful bank clerk was holding a few cups of coffee, his upper body was white and his lower body was in a black tight-fitting short skirt.

In fact, Amu was dressed in a straight military uniform, tall, and very handsome, with extraordinary appearance. These spring-hearted female employees have been coveting them for a long time.

The female staff of the bank are recruited from the Caribbean. The selection criteria are talents and appearance. These women are flexible, intelligent, and gossip by nature.

It has long been known that the Caribbean Fourth Division has a huge income, and if luck is not bad, it will be promoted in the future. Moreover, in the Fourth Division, there are not many young and handsome like Amu.

The female clerk came to the front and smiled and said to Amu: "This is the coffee from the bank."

After speaking, he leaned slightly and put the coffee in front of everyone one by one.

When she leaned over, the two **** of plump, soft and white greasy in the standard OL suit were also hanging down slightly under the action of gravity. A large white dazzling skin on the chest was set against a golden gemstone necklace. The down is exceptionally dazzling.

There was also the deep career line in the middle, which was immediately exposed to Amu.

You know, in order to leave a deep impression on Amu, the girl deliberately unbuttoned another button on her chest. Fortunately, the bank is equipped with heating. These beautiful girls don’t need to wrap themselves in thick winter clothes. in.

At this time, it was his own life.

All the men who were waiting immediately looked straight.

But immediately, several low, painful cries from the head of Barr rang out.

The wife of the village chief was angry at her husband's gaffe, but she was cruel. When the village chief went to rub it, he found that the blood had been pinched out.

And because no one reminded him, Jarson kept staring straight at the staff's crisp chest, his mouth wide open, even his saliva would flow out.

It makes people look at it and can't help but feel contemptuous.

As for Er Ya, out of her female surname's unique instinct, when the female staff member came over, she was already looking at each other vigilantly like a female lion who had discovered a competitor in her own territory.

But at this time, seeing the other party behave so shamelessly and knowing that his territory has been violated, he couldn't help but become more angry. Then he stretched out his hand and hugged Amu tightly in his arms, so that he was so sad. The deformed chest is squeezed.

Then glared at each other angrily, and in this strong way, declared Amu's ownership to the female employee.

A look of surprise flashed in the female staff's eyes, but when she saw Er Ya's rustic dress, a trace of contempt appeared on her face.

In silence, he delivered the coffee one by one in front of everyone, and then cast a wink at Amu, before turning around and leaving.

Seeing the female employee's buttocks left, the men couldn't help but pay attention to her round buttocks.

The village chief Barr was hit by his wife again.

Amu couldn't help but instinctively took another look, but then he was blocked by a pair of slender hands.

Amu turned his head, but saw the girl's angrily expression, he couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, and then hurriedly greeted everyone: "Drink coffee, drink coffee. Although this drink is a bit bitter, it is refreshing and refreshing. Is good.

In our army, except for Coke, this drink is popular. "

At this time, a group of hillbillies carefully picked up the wooden coffee cups and looked at the black liquid with a pilgrimage mentality.

When I first encountered the robbery, the authentic ceramic cups on the bank were rich and high-end, but the last one was not recovered. They were all stolen from the arms of the bankers.

The second time I used a cheap glass, but there was nothing left, and it disappeared with the customers.

But now I can only use cheap wooden cups.

The Caribbean people have heard of coffee as a thing, and only the nobles can drink it.

Who have seen ordinary people like them?

You know, he usually just drinks cold water directly, only in winter, he can't stand it, or when he comes to visit guests, he only boils a little hot water.

Someone took a sip and then grinned bitterly.

At the same time, they are also strange: do the nobles drink this thing? It doesn't seem to be a good look, but then again, how can the noble people like the elegant and popular things be understood and understood by the dead people.

At the same time, they were secretly happy, and they could actually drink the same things as the nobles. This trip was really not in vain, and it was enough to go back and brag to the neighbors for a few days.

And Amu's two brother-in-laws bite the bullet and drank coffee, and they were grateful for the robbers who had just died: If they hadn't robbed the bank, how could they drink this kind of thing?

At this moment, Amu reacted when he saw the crowd grinning. He looked at Erya next to him and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This is the first time everyone has drank it, so add a little more sugar. This can mask the bitterness.

When our army was on night duty, we relied on this to boost energy, so we rarely add sugar, and we forgot about this, sorry. "

While apologizing repeatedly, he reached out and picked up the clamp next to it. He clamped three or four pieces of candy and put them in his mother's cup, and then took another three or four and put them in Erya's cup.

Er Ya held the cup in both hands, looked at A Mu with admiration, and said, "Brother A Mu, you know so much~!"

I met Amu for a bad luck, otherwise, as before, how could someone like her drink such expensive things that only aristocratic ladies could drink?

At the same time, I felt more and more that I was a great lover. After two years of going out, I must have seen a lot of great worlds.

The people beside him were also very impressed with Amu.

This little **** was very inconspicuous in the village, thin and timid, and was often bullied.

Unexpectedly, after going out and mixing for so many years, it has become so powerful now, as if he knew everything. Know more than the village chief~!

Village Chief Barr did not pay attention to the complicated thoughts and activities of the people, but watched Amu pull the candy piece by piece, and his eyes were almost bleeding.

Sugar, that is sugar, white sugar that is whiter than noodles.

This kind of expensive thing was unexpectedly taken out by them to entertain people casually, and they did not send anyone to look at it, and Amu actually took four or five pieces of land and threw it into the cup at a time.

This... This is too bad.

Although it was not his own, he felt in his heart as if he saw someone throwing a lot of gold coins into the water, and he felt heartache for no reason.

As soon as he was about to open his mouth, he heard Amu say: "Sorry, my number was called."

With that, stood up and walked toward the counter in front.

Village Chief Barr looked at him, then looked at the people next to him, and saw that they all added sugar to the cup, especially Jarson added seven or eight yuan to overflow the coffee, and he was angry. Immediately, he also added a few yuan to it.

When Amu came back after taking out the money, they found that they had already dumped the full can of sugar.

And looking at it, it seems that his two brother-in-laws have secretly put a lot in their pockets.

The female staff members of the surrounding banks watched them snicker, and kept pointing.

This is really shameful~!

But this is actually very easy to understand: in this age, only the landlord’s old wealthy family will give their own son two lumps of candy when they celebrate the New Year.

It was only not long ago that Amu brought some like them when he came home. This is to know that there is still such a magical thing as sugar in the world. Now have

And Er Ya had been watching Amu timidly by the side, for fear that it would upset him.

She also knew that her family was too embarrassing-she had been persuaded for a while, but the two guys were dead when they saw Tangtang.

Amu frowned, but immediately he smiled bitterly. He was not as good as them at the beginning~!

He immediately took the coffee and drank it, then said, "Let's go."

With that said, take the lead and go outside. For fear of being slow, these relatives will do something embarrassing for him.

This is true, but those people still made a lot of noise behind them. My brother-in-law was choking while drinking coffee, sprayed coffee stains on the table, and then... hurriedly wiped the table with his sleeve a few times.

The actions of these country folks finally led them to flee in embarrassment in the contemptuous eyes of everyone in the hall.

When he came back to the street outside, watching the hustle and bustle of the crowd, Amu breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, he took out all his savings. Although not a lot, isn't the so-called wife book used now?

With money in his waist at this time, looking at the bustling street is naturally very confident. With a wave of his hand, he said: "Go, go shopping."

Everyone now walked across the shops mightily.

New fabric woolen cloth, buy it.

Mirror washbasin, buy.

All kinds of cakes and sweets, buy.

Clothes and shoes, buy.

Sheets and bedspreads, buy.


After this lap, everyone was exhausted, but Village Chief Barr discovered that he had bought a lot of things and the bullock cart was half loaded, but it didn't seem to cost much.

Amu's pocket can still continue to send money out.

Just now, I bought Erya and the others a strange thing called cotton candy. And that big and white tuft only needs five copper plates.

This made Chief Barr both happy and confused: this thing is too cheap, right?

Especially the mirror was more than half a foot high. If it were before, buying such a large piece would be enough to bankrupt the mayor's house, but now it only took three silver coins to buy it.

This also completely broke the plan of Mayor Barr's conspiracy to break the remorse marriage~!

It made him feel the bitterness in his mouth. Shouldn't those who are the big soldiers be poor boys? How come you are so rich. Is there any reason?

If this continues, he has no reason to refuse marriage at all.

"This... has the world really changed?" The head of the village Barr looked at the bustling street, and suddenly this terrible thought popped out in his heart.

But immediately shook his head and threw the thought out of his mind: If it was really like that, it also meant that all the experience and cunning he had accumulated over the decades had no effect. And he will also become a waste.

At this moment, Amu came back carrying two cylindrical objects.

He looked at everyone, smiled and said: "This thermos is really not easy to buy, it's too popular."

"The thermos bottle", everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other. This was another word they couldn't understand.

Er Ya immediately took it curiously, and then asked: "What...what is this thing for?"

Amu smiled and said, "This is for hot water. Just pour in hot water to ensure that the water will be hot for the whole day. It is best to use it in winter."

"So magical?" Everyone could not help but gathered around, looking at the thermos carefully.

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Mayor Barr.

If this thermos is real, it is no exaggeration to say that it has saved people's lives.

In winter, the boiled water cools after a while, and even freezes. Although the country folks are strong, the stomach can't stand it. Many people even died of diarrhea because of this.

He took the water bottle, squeezed it hard, and sighed silently in his heart: These humans are really capable~!

At this time, I suddenly heard a loud bang not far away.

Everyone was shocked, thinking that someone was going to grab the bank again.

But then Amu happily said to the Erya few people: "Someone is popcorn. Come with me, let's buy some. That thing is delicious."

With that said, he took Er Ya and ran over.

Mayor Barr opened his mouth and wanted to call back, but they had disappeared among the crowd.

At this time, someone shouted: "Recruited, recruited. The presidential palace ordered, recruiting, there are many advantages to be a soldier, and it will be gone late..."

Village Chief Barr couldn't help but stepped back and looked around vigilantly, but he didn't see any fierce officers and soldiers coming. He couldn't help being surprised for a while: What is going on?

Immediately he pulled the yelling person and said, "My fellow, shouldn't the recruiting be used to catch people with a small rope? Why didn't you see it?"

The man looked up and down contemptuously, and said, "Is it from the country? Don't you know?

Now this world has changed long ago.

It's fat to be a soldier now. Three gold coins a month, eat canned meat, drink cola coffee, smoke cigarettes and cigars.

In wars just buckle the trigger and it will do.

A few days ago, wasn’t there a soldier named Amu?

It is said that there is a tiger in the country that harms the people, and an old wealthy nobleman puts down his words and beats the tiger to beckoning relatives. As long as the tiger is killed, his daughter will be married to him.

Then Amu heard about it when he went home to visit relatives. He didn't even bother to drink the hot water. He picked up the gun and went out. Then he pulled the big bolt and took a precise aim. With a shot, he could easily take the tiger. Killed. After I got home, the water was still warm.

In the end, he let the old wealthy marry his beautiful girl easily. "

Village Chief Barr couldn't help but said in a bitter voice: "Do you all know... this?"

The man curled his lips and said, "We all know, what is this? This is all in the newspaper.

It is said that Lord Luo and our president all know...

Hello, fellow, why are you dizzy, fellow, fellow..." (To be continued.) q

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