Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1470: Janitor Commander and Miller

Please come with me. "The magistrate was expressionless, said this sentence coldly, and then stared at Hawks with a pair of insidious triangular eyes with an ice-like face.

When the magistrate came in, everyone in the room was awakened, and then put on clothes one after another, walked out of the room, and gathered in the living room, looking at the black-clothed man who suddenly entered in surprise or fear.

Hawkes was also about to go to bed, just wearing a long nightgown.

When he heard the sheriff's words, Hawkes froze for a moment, and suddenly became much older.

The waist that had been straight was bent involuntarily, although it was just a click. But in the eyes of everyone, it was extremely shocking.

This professional soldier has maintained the style of a soldier for more than 60 years and has never slackened for a second.

Someone once said that even if the enemy rushed into his command tent, his eyes would not blink.

From this, it can be seen that the judicial official's words hit him hard.

This old soldier, who has always been as stable as a mountain, is also crushed?

Hawks settled, pressed his mouth tightly in thought for a moment, then gave a long sigh, his eyes gleamed again, and said softly: "Okay, I'll be here, but please let me change my clothes. ."

After speaking, he pointed his finger at his pajamas.

The judicial officer twitched his mouth, and a triumphant sneer appeared on his indifferent face. Seeing a once-in-a-lifetime big man speak to him in such a delicious tone, the judicial officer's heart was never satisfied.

He raised his head arrogantly, carrying the disgusting face that was characteristic of the lower-level officials when making things difficult for the people. Undoubtedly said: "My lord. Our time is very tight."

Hawkes couldn't help but stagnate. Then he sighed again and said, "Then let me say goodbye to my family. I..."

Before he could finish his words, the judicial officer turned a little, interrupted him, and said indifferently, "My lord, please."

Not only were they not allowed to change their clothes, but they were not even allowed to say a few words to their family members. This is really deceptive.

Anyway, he is also loyal to the country. After more than sixty years of service, he has more scars than his medals. What's more, he is still a respected old man.

Seeing that Hawkes was so insulted, everyone present couldn't help being filled with outrage. They were nobles and family members of the admiral of the Royal Guard. They had never been humiliated by such a small person.

The men clenched their fists, while some of the women covered their faces with their hands, sobbed in a low voice, and some even threw themselves into the arms of the people next to them.

Hawkes looked at the door that opened. I saw a piece of pitch black in the distance: today there is no trace of starlight~!

Only the bitter cold air passed through the door and blew in.

He reached out and wrapped his robe. About to step forward.

At this moment, the magistrate seemed impatient to wait, and he reached out and pushed his back extremely rudely. At the same time, said: "Hurry up."

Hawkes couldn't help but stagger.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but a commotion. A small official dared to treat a nobleman like this. It was a capital crime to leave it in peace.

A young man in the hall roared in anger, and rushed towards the sword hanging on the wall.

Hearing that roar, the judicial officer couldn't help but shrank his neck suddenly, and then he turned his head and looked around.

I saw that young man was like a mad tiger, drew a sword from the wall, then turned around, and was about to pounce toward it.

Seeing this, Hawkes immediately shouted angrily: "Stop, Ferrar, you stop me."

The boy couldn't help but stopped, and shouted angrily: "But, grandpa..."

Immediately afterwards, a group of soldiers in black rushed in after hearing a mess of rapid footsteps.

As soon as they entered the door, they opened their bows and arrows coldly and aimed at everyone present.

When the magistrate saw this, he sneered immediately, raised his hand to straighten his clothes, stroked the hair on his head, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Our ministry is on the order of the Prime Minister to catch the traitor. Blockers, kill without mercy~!"

That voice was like a poisonous snake, squeezed out from between the teeth, full of chill.

When Feral saw this, he was even more angry. He roared and was about to rush over. The young people always thought that bravery was a commendatory word, and did not understand the **** and cruel meaning behind it.

Rufian screamed, desperately rushing over, hugging him tightly. If he really rushed forward, the opponent would definitely kill him on the spot as soon as possible.

The magistrate couldn't help but twitched his mouth in disappointment. If the young man leaped forward, he would have reason to shoot him on the spot, to show the **** nobles a little bit of color.

In this way, if it is not a guilty conscience and fear, why can't you cooperate with the investigation instead of resisting?

And you can also use the blood of that young man as a stepping stone to show your loyalty to the Prime Minister.

At this moment, Hawkes did not look at him, but coldly looked at an officer not far away. That person was the captain of the guard in charge of guard duty in the palace, and he was once a trusted subordinate.

This is his commanding mansion. If it weren't for the mutiny of his guards, it would be impossible for the military police from the Ministry of Justice to storm in.

The mansion of a nobleman like Hawkes is heavily guarded. A group of spies who can't even count as a police officer can't attack at all. If you want to get in, you have to call in the army.

Not to mention appearing directly in his living room without Hawks even knowing it.

The captain of the guard lowered his head in shame under his gaze, and muttered: "I...I can't do anything..."

After speaking, he felt that he was guilty and quietly stepped aside. After all, he shamelessly betrayed his chief.

Hawkes was already very disappointed at this time, even the traitor appeared in his own home, so the whole army? What about the entire Semitic?

He looked up at the sky angrily, and then let out a long sigh: Is God really going to kill me the Semitic?

At this time, the danger is relieved. The military police immediately put away their bows and arrows. Then he walked out surrounded by Hawkes.

They pushed Hawkes into the carriage. Then he escorted the carriage and ran out quickly.

In just one minute, it has disappeared into the vast night.

The people in the hall did not speak at this time, turned their heads, and all looked at the captain of the guard with a look of disgust: It was the betrayal of this traitor that made the gendarmes of the Ministry of Justice easily take Hawks away. The young master who made him was almost killed on the spot.

Everyone hated him deeply, even far surpassing the number one public enemy of the Semi. The thief Lorraine.

It is also understandable that Lorraine is the undead and the honest enemy of the Semitic, and he is a real swordsman and the Semitic. Whenever everyone mentions this number one public enemy, they always condemn him morally and severely. He criticized him, and stepped on 10,000 feet, and in private, he had to admire the uncle.

But the captain of the guard had betrayed Hawkes and betrayed his guard duty, which was tantamount to breaking everyone's jobs.

This is too embarrassing.

See the captain of the guard. With a guilty smile, he sold Admiral Hawkes to the prime minister's spy. Now that he became the enemy of this family, the people in Hawkes's family would certainly not let him go.

However, being able to catch the Prime Minister’s line is just around the corner. I didn’t see that all the nobles in the city were docile by the Prime Minister. The captain of the guard also watched this, and then went through a fierce ideological struggle. This decision was made.

He exited the hall. The door was closed tightly from the outside. Now naturally there are spies surrounding Hawkes' mansion and all are under house arrest in the manor.

At this time, Feral finally broke free from Rufian's embrace, got up from the ground angrily, with red eyes, and shouted: "Sister, why don't you let me save Grandpa out?"

Rufian immediately raised her hand and slapped it, sternly: "Shut up~!"

Feral suffered a crisp sound, almost blinded him from beating, and when he reacted, he felt a fiery pain on his face.

He stretched out his hand and touched his cheek, then furiously, yelled: " crazy woman, what are you doing..."

Rufian ignored him, instead smiled at the servants, took out the head of the house, and said calmly: "You all go back to rest first. I discuss something with my brother."

The servants looked at each other and knew in their hearts: If such a big thing has happened, the two of them must seriously discuss how to deal with it. And these are not for people like yourself to know.

Since cronies like the captain of the guard can betray, who knows if there are any traitors among these servants.

Therefore, they bowed one after another, retired worriedly, and prayed secretly in their hearts, hoping that this storm would not affect them.

In the coup turmoil two years ago, many aristocrats were hacked and cut, including the servants and cooks.

No one knew if the butcher knife would suddenly fall on them.

The loyal old butler hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed and retreated. After all, the charge of'treason' is too severe.

This is to rob the house.

No matter who it is, you need to think about it.

Even though he didn't believe that his master would do such a thing, he had lived in Akadelin for so long, had rich experience, and had seen too much blood.

He clearly knew that this kind of thing did not depend on whether he believed it or not, but whether the judges believed it or not.

And most importantly, those judges are all appointed by Madolins.

The master of his own family has been doing the right thing with Madolins for so many years, and he publicly ridiculed Madolins for being a villain. This time, he must have been horrible.

Unfortunately, the old lady was in poor health, and the young master’s wife went on vacation with him. If the old lady was in the manor, she would have to have a heart attack on the spot.

While thinking wildly, he slowly stepped out and closed the door of the room from the outside.

When Feral saw this, he coldly snorted, and shouted angrily: "Rufian, what do you want to say, grandpa has been arrested, you still have a leisurely mind..."

He had just said this, but then he saw Rufian peeping at the waist strangely, then opened a corner of the curtain, revealing only one eye. Look carefully at the probe.

Ferrar couldn't help being surprised. The voice also lowered. Walking to his sister, he muttered: "What are you doing...what are you doing?"

Rufian ignored him, staring carefully at the window until she was sure that there was no movement, then she glanced at him, then...then turned around and ran towards her room like crazy.

Ferrar stared at her back in a daze, and couldn't figure it out for a while. Muttered: "What's wrong with these eight women?"

Before he could finish speaking, Rufian's voice was heard immediately.

She yelled angrily: "Filal, you little idiot, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you come over quickly. Wait for me to pull your ears?"

Feral couldn't help but fought a cold war, fighting at home, he never beat his sister, every time he was grabbed and cleaned up, and then went to his parents to complain and be cleaned up over time. I'm very scared of this sister.

Although Feral didn't know what to do, he hurried over.

Came to Rufian's room and took a look. But she saw a mess in her room.

The fireplace in her room...has opened like a door, revealing a black hole in the back.

Ferrar couldn't help being taken aback, and stammered: ""

Rufian rolled her eyes in disdain, and said triumphantly: "What am I? Why do you think I have to insist on living in this manor? This ruined place is old and small, with rats everywhere. What's so good about it."

Filalton suddenly realized, "For...for the private meeting of adulterers..."

Rufian was furious immediately, lifted her slender feet, and kicked it over.

Feral couldn't help but screamed, squatting on the ground, quite aggrieved: obviously this is the same as the plot in those knight novels.

Rufian picked up a pillow and smashed his brother's head and face, and yelled at the same time: "You idiot, idiot, idiot..."

She beat Ferrar and couldn't help begging for mercy, so she threw the pillow aside, put her hands on her hips, and said triumphantly: "I was just because of the situation today. I was surrounded by spies outside, and they wouldn't let us out. "

Talking, reached out and picked up a candlestick. Said: "Follow me."

Then take the lead and walk into the tunnel.

Ferrar carefully looked at the tunnel, full of adventurous curiosity, and then hurriedly followed.

Ferrar followed behind her and walked along the tunnel. The tunnel seemed to have not been built for long, and it was very rough, with traces of fresh mud in some places.

Feral walked for a while in the tunnel, and then saw a light appear in front of him.

When he got out of the tunnel, Ferrar looked intently and realized that this place was actually a mill not far from his manor.

At the beginning, Rufian thought the mill was obstructing his sight, so she wanted to buy it and flatten it. But the miller is a jerk, he doesn't eat hard or soft. He didn't pay attention to the dignified commander of the Imperial Guard at all.

Later, Rufian didn't know why, she insisted on doing her own way, and just demolished the mill, and was taken to court.

As a result, he was sentenced by the court to lose a large sum of money, and the mill had to be repaired.

At that time, there were still people who made a lot of speculation about this matter, saying that this was the victory of the Semitic rule of law. Even if it is the commander of the guards, he cannot cover the sky with one hand.

The gang of people who died and died wrote articles in some newspapers, praising Prime Minister Malindos for his fairness and integrity and impartial law enforcement. He also talked nonsense about the importance of judicial independence and impartiality.

Anyway, there are a lot of nouns, it makes people feel that although they don't know what they are talking about, but they seem to be very powerful.

Ferrar felt a little embarrassed at the time. But I never thought that this mill was actually a secret way in my own home~!

Through the window, he looked at his house not far away, and found that the house was so strange. He suddenly realized that this is not a game, but a real life. From this moment on, he will be desperate~!

The novels and dramas he had read had detailed descriptions of this kind of life. He had longed for this kind of life in the past, but when he found that he really wanted to live this kind of life, he couldn't help feeling a panic in his heart.

At this moment, I heard a voice coming from the side: "Are you here?"

Feral couldn't help being surprised. There were people here, and he was still a man. Could it be that Rufian really used this tunnel to privately meet his lover?

He turned his head hurriedly and looked at the man carefully.

I saw that the opponent was about 234 years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although he didn't look handsome, he could still make shots.

He couldn't help but hesitate, and he didn't know how to call the other person. Could it be that he wanted to call him... brother-in-law?

At this time I heard Rufian asking nervously: "Have you followed?"

The man replied: "I have followed."

He paused, then asked softly: "Do you want to do it?"

Although Feral didn't understand what they were talking about, he also heard the ominous meaning extremely sensitively. He was flustered and couldn't help but glanced at his sister.

Rufian gritted her teeth, and finally said flatly: "Do it~!"

After speaking, I felt a bit of weakness in my body. It seems that these two words are so difficult, just saying it, has exhausted her whole body.

The man nodded, then turned around, holding a slender firework under Filal's surprised gaze, and walked out of the room.

He came outside, then took out a lighter, first lit the cigarette on his lips, and took a hard sip, then he took the time to move the flame of the lighter towards the fuse of the fireworks.

The quality of the windproof lighter produced by Nian's is excellent. Although the wind is bitter, the flame is still beating in the windshield, and there is no sign of going out.

The moment the flame was close, the fuse was ignited, and white smoke came out of sneer.


Amidst the sharp sound, a firelight slowly rose into the air, followed by a ‘pop’, bursting in the air, bursting out with brilliant light. (To be continued)

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