Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1468: Loyal Madolins

"Depraved, gallows, guillotine, ransacking home, destroying the door..."

Thinking of the terrible situation, Madolins couldn't help shivering, and then smiled bitterly. Once he is defeated, his enemies will not hesitate to drink his blood and kill his full gate, just as he did to others.

As if it was for self-comfort, or perhaps to strengthen his confidence, he couldn't help but mutter to himself: "This is nothing. In history, an iron-fisted reformer will inevitably touch the interests of the nobles. In the end, Stage, the chapters of novels by the nobles' crazy counterattack

Martin Luther, Bismarck, Calvin... etc. and so on, a few of these people finally got good results.

Even though I was killed by them in the end, I believe that history will give me justice.

As for those who persecuted me will inevitably become a group of clowns, nailed to the pillar of shame in history~! "

After speaking, he couldn't help but sigh deeply. Even though he gave himself a very high evaluation, from the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to leave the political arena like this and give up his life.

It is a pity that he clearly knows that there is not much time left for him now. It can be said that the countdown has already begun and will soon return to zero.

During the meeting, more and more ministers kept silent, more and more people resigned due to illness, and more and more nobles were dismissive of themselves. More and more people are staring at themselves with hatred...

Although the surface of the Semi was calm, in fact, under that calm surface, there was an undercurrent surging.

The anger of the people is constantly gathering. The goal gradually points to him as the prime minister. It's like a volcano. There is the possibility of an outbreak at any time.

Just two days ago, his trusted Chancellor of the Exchequer Baron Bauman’s BMW-brand carriage hit and killed a pariah on the street. If it were the past, this would have been nothing at all. This kind of accident happened on the streets of Akaderin. Several incidents happen every day.

There are only 300 BMWs in the city of Akaderin, but last year's statistics showed that a total of 1,06 people died of BMWs.

Only the more upscale Bentley and Rolls-Royce are not included in the statistics at all.

even. If there is a lawsuit, the family of the untouchable must pay a generous sum of money for damage to the carriage.

But someone yelled at the time: "This is Madolins' lackey, Baron Bowman, the corrupt criminal. It is he who is sucking our blood."

Immediately Baron Bowman was overwhelmed by the angry people.

After the city guards arrived, the city guards actually didn't take long, at most ten minutes, but only a shoe of Baron Bowman was found at the scene, a shoe stained with blood...

The city guards had to give this shoe to Baroness Bowman, and then burned his study.

At this time, a breeze blew in, conveying the noise in the far distance of the city.

Madolins listened carefully. Listen to the sound. These **** mobs are only two blocks away from their prime minister's mansion, and you can vaguely hear someone singing something with a sharp voice.

My name seems to be mentioned in the middle. And every time, the people next to him would laugh.

I want to be sure that I am composing my own dirty ballad again.

Madolins's face suddenly became gloomy, then grabbed the bell on the table and shook it vigorously.

Then an attendant hurried in, bowed his head and said respectfully: "My lord, you call me?"

Madolins slapped the table and roared angrily: "You idiots, what are you doing to eat, let a group of lowly untouchables mess around in the square, go get them all to me, go quickly~"

The attendant was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, but grinned and said bitterly: "My lord, those... those untouchables are very tricky.

As soon as our guard went out, they didn't take it seriously, and they had to fight with us. They were so crowded, our guard might not be able to beat them. "

There was a lag in Madorinston.

As a politician, he has considerable sensitivity, and he can smell some of the conspiracies at once.

Since ancient times, those dead people have not been afraid of officials.

It is true that the people's mind is like a furnace, and it is too easy for the government to kill a few dead people.

Since the other party is not afraid of officials, it can only explain one thing, they are not ordinary dead people.

It's not the kind of farmer who is scared to kneel by the road when he sees the official.

They may be instigated by other nobles, or private soldiers of some nobles, or even by the military behind them. Ask the soldiers to take off their military uniforms and change into ordinary people's clothes to make trouble.

Although it is impossible for them to take the opportunity to attack the Prime Minister’s Office and commit chaos, they can take the opportunity to provoke, create business, defeat the momentum of the capital’s guards, and weaken their credibility.

When everyone regards the Prime Minister's Guard as clowns, then they are a group of clowns~!

At that time, no one would take them seriously. Even with it, he would not put him in the eyes of the Prime Minister.

It's like singing a song that satirizes him publicly now, they do it every day, no one in the city thinks about it.

This is a conspiracy against yourself~!

It's a conspiracy to kill oneself~!

As long as the group of guys are connected, the mob outside should be directed at the Prime Minister's Office.

At that moment, Madolins was furious, almost ordering the mobilization of the army, bloodbath Akadrin, killing those untouchables and conspirators, and hanging their heads on the city gate to dry...

But he groaned, but he couldn't help sighing in secret.

‘Assemble the army and carry out a major purge...’ It will only provoke a greater backlash from the nobles and make their downfall faster.

Those conspirators might be looking forward to doing this.

Besides, whether the army in the city listened to them at this moment was still a matter of fact.

Thinking of this, he faintly waved his hand and said, "You go down first."

The attendant gave Madolins a strange look, agreed, and then stepped back.

Madolins watched the door slowly close. The room was quiet again. But at the same time. He felt the noise outside became louder.

In anger, he stood up and walked a few steps back and forth in the room. I just felt the anger in my chest getting worse.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a noise outside the door, and then, the door of the room was knocked open with a ‘boom’ from outside.

Immediately afterwards, a burly man rushed in.

Madolinston was shocked when he thought someone was coming to assassinate him. Immediately, with a sound of ‘Oh,’ with agility that was completely incompatible with his age, he got under the table in an instant.

The man didn't look at the situation in the room either. As soon as he came in, he shouted, "Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Excellency Prime Minister, the matter is not good..."

At this time, the guards who had been guarding the door also rushed in, each armed with a sword, and surrounded the group of people. The man did not resist either. He just kept shouting loudly: "The big thing is not good, where is the Prime Minister. I have an important military report, and I am in a hurry..."

Madolins then reacted and crawled out from under the table quietly, pretending to pick up a pen from the ground, and then stood up straight, scowling and reprimanded: "Who are you? Actually trespassing in the Prime Minister's Office , Frizzy, and hit Lao Tzu's pen on the ground."

The attendants listened, all gritted their teeth, trying to be as expressionless as possible.

Once someone failed to do it, then the goods disappeared. It is said that he is now planting potatoes in the Blackwater Marsh.

Therefore, for the sake of their own future, even if they crush their teeth, they cannot show the slightest smile.

At this time, Madolins continued to shout: "Drag him down for me and hit fifty boards. How proper is it."

The man was in a hurry. He grabbed the weapon of the guard with both hands. He jumped behind the wall and shouted, "Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Excellency Prime Minister, I have an emergency military report. Mankind has an army of millions, and the flying eagle is the **** of war. Lorraine has landed in the Caribbean port."

Like thunder and lightning across the room, everyone suddenly felt their hearts shake, and even the guards dumbly lowered their weapons.

Human... How could humans land so soon?

Flying Eagle God of War?

Is it the one who once had a tie with the high priest?

The one who made the Semi not dare to mention the name, and can stop the children from crying at night... is here too?

They looked at each other, and they all saw each other's pale faces.

Lorraine, who had been upset by the Semites alone, is back again, with the millions of troops who just defeated the Semites.

A cold wind blew in through the cracks of the window, and the candles that were blown swayed, giving everyone a desolate feeling of precarious wind and rain, and disaster was imminent.

Madolins was also unsteady and sat down on a chair. After a while, he slowly said, "Caribbean Port? How did they land? Didn’t the Iskander family stay there all the time? What do they eat?"

The man shouted angrily, "Brad, Iskander is a traitor~!

On the day the humans arrived, he had already surrendered.

Not only that, a provisional republican government was established in the Caribbean, and Brad, relying on his daughter's relationship, is now the commander of the pseudo-government. "

Fearing that Madolins didn't know what the chief commander meant, he hurriedly added another sentence, saying: "Actually, it is the emperor.

Brad's **** bludgeon, with the support of humans, has become the emperor in the Caribbean~! "

The news was more shocking than each one, like a flash of lightning, and everyone who was on the phone was stunned and dumbfounded.

The guards looked at each other, and they all saw the blankness in each other's eyes, as if they were in a strange nightmare, a terrible nightmare that could not be broken away.

The landing of the millions of human army is terrible enough. What's more terrifying is that one of the mainstays of the Semitic, one of the royal nobles, has taken refuge in them.

Madolins was also panicked for a while, but he thought about it for a while, and a smirk suddenly appeared on his face, and he muttered to himself: "This is really good news, a whole lot of good news... …"

The attendants at the scene couldn't help but stared at him in a daze, thinking that the Prime Minister was frightened.

Human beings are about to be killed soon, and all their heads have to move. How can this be good news?

And the leader of the guard also took a step forward with concern and whispered: "My lord, my lord..."

His salary bonus benefits. All are linked to the health of the boss. No matter if the boss died abnormally. Or a sudden neurosis, all of which is enough for him to drink a pot.

Madolins reacted at this moment. He looked at the attendants present, smiled, and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you all leave me temporarily."

The guards looked at each other, and then with a look of doubt and worry, they left the room one after another.

When the door closed again from the outside. Madolins jumped up in a vigorous step, raised his hands high in the air, and shouted: "Aha, I'm saved, thank the great devil~! I'm saved, hahahaha..."

It was jumping and jumping in place, and yelling loudly.

Hearing the sound coming from the room, the guards all showed an uneasy look on their faces: Could it be that the Prime Minister is really crazy?

After a while, I heard the inside shout: "Come here. Come here..."

The captain of the guard hurriedly opened the door and said, "My lord. You call me?"

As he spoke, he carefully examined Madolins's expression. Well, it looks normal, and it doesn't seem like crazy.

Madolins smiled, and said: "My dear Captain Tudos, come in quickly. I have something for you to do."

Tudos couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, and there was an unpleasant premonition in his heart. You must know that the last time Madolins put honey on his mouth was after the coup.

He settled, then walked into the room.

Seeing the door closed, Madolins immediately changed his face and said solemnly: "Record."

Tudos agreed and took out the pen and paper.

Madolins hurriedly walked back and forth in the room a few times, and then said: "Two years ago, I tried to expedite the human race with an army of millions of Semites.

Wherever he goes, he is invincible and invincible. However, it ended in failure.

It has been verified that the reasons for this are all due to internal traitors in our clan.

In the past, Admiral Orgen, Veraprani, Melo and others were graced by the emperor, but instead of serving the country, they rebelled before the battle and caused heavy losses to our army.

There are even more channels for treacherous officials and humans to pass on news within the Semitic. The royal family is more involved.

Finally, there are even Iskanders. As a royal family, the country has been raised for thousands of years, but he does not want to be loyal to the country, but colludes with the enemy, and stubbornly violates our Semitic's millennial plan. His sin is death and his heart is punishable.

However, those who colluded with the enemy, not only the Iskander family, but also invincible rapes, hid in the dark, waiting for opportunities to destroy the excellent situation of our Semitic stability and unity.

In this critical season of survival, my Semitic people must keep their eyes open and always be alert to those treacherous gangsters. Once reported, there will be a reward..."

At this urgent moment, Madolins suddenly burst into his unprecedented literary talent, thinking like a fountain, and sighed.

This announcement is full of thousands of words. But to sum it up, it is extremely simple: the reason why we failed is not because the enemy is too strong, but because of the betrayal of the traitor.

There are still insiders hiding in the Semitic people, waiting for an opportunity to cause destruction.

Therefore, for the sake of the Semitic's millennial plan, and for stability and unity, we must now start catching traitors at all costs.

This announcement seems fair, but in fact it is a hidden murderous intention.

This announcement was made by Prime Minister Madolins for the future of the Semites, out of a sincere and open heart. So who this wicked thief is, naturally it goes without saying.

Those who do the right thing with Uncle Ma are naturally treacherous thief. At the very least, he was deceived by the treacherous gangsters, who didn't know the truth, and needed to be caught in Guantanamo and educateed.

After speaking for a long time, Madolins was still breathing heavily, feeling extremely happy.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he took the record from Tudos, just took a brief look, then signed his name below, and then threw it down. Yelled: "Notify all government, notify the whole country, immediately implement it. Go ahead~!"

Tudos agreed, then turned and left.

At this moment, Madolins stopped him again and said: "Tudos..."

He paused, then pointed out the window in disgust, and said: "Send a few more teams over and beat up those **** girls. If it doesn't work, just give me the guy. Be sure to give them to me. I will drive them all away."

Tudos immediately put his feet together and agreed with a loud voice, then quickly turned and left. It can be seen from his actions that he is also extremely disgusted by the gang of untouchables who are doing nothing to harass him.

After a while, I heard a screaming sound from outside.

"You dare to hit fight with you..."

"I'm going, you guys dare to use weapons."


"Help, the guard hit someone..."


Immediately there was the sound of messy footsteps.

Obviously a large group of people rushed towards Guangdichang.

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted: "Stop, stop. We are the city guards. No one is allowed to hit anyone."

Afterwards, I heard the familiar voice of the captain of the guard: "I am ordered by the adult to strictly investigate the rape. Anyone who gathers in public for no reason is suspected of collaborating with the enemy. Who dares to obstruct it should be punished with treason!"

The person opposite fell silent immediately.

The captain of the guard sneered immediately, and then continued to shout: "Brothers, hit me, hit hard~!"

Immediately, screams, wailing, painful cries... kept on ringing.

Madolins listened in the room, feeling refreshed for a while.

He poured himself a glass of wine and sighed contentedly: "The human invasion is really timely~!"

As he said, he sat down on the rocking chair next to him, then raised the wine glass, gently raised it towards the portraits of the prime ministers on the wall, and then leisurely pondered. (To be continued)

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