Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1462: President of new zealand

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In the Julian calendar year, November 28, sunny. It is already the coldest time of the year, and the Caribbean is close to the bottom of the sea, so the weather is only slightly cold.

Brad, Iskander woke up suddenly from his dream.

He didn't get up, but opened his eyes and stared at the golden tassel on the top of the bed. I vaguely remembered that I had a long and strange dream.

In that strange dream, hundreds of thousands of human army fought over, thousands of ships blocked the Caribbean strictly, and in desperation, he surrendered the city, and then...then became the emperor.

The emperor~!

Although Brad and Iskander had dreamed that they suddenly got up, punching the high priest, kicking the undead, and becoming the emperor of the Semi tribe with the support of everyone.

But it has never been so real like this dream...

This dream was so bizarre that he couldn't tell for a moment whether he was awake or still in the dream.

At this moment, I heard a loud and long sound coming from outside the window: "Woo~~~"

The loud and transparent voice spread throughout the Caribbean city.

Brad froze for a moment, then sat up from the bed, lifted the quilt gently, got out of the bed slowly, then flicked his slippers to the window, stretched out his hand to open the curtain.

Suddenly a ray of sunlight shone in from outside the window, and he could hardly open his eyes.

Brad squinted quickly, turned his head away, and then reached out to block his eyes. After a while, he gradually adjusted to the sun.

Then he looked out through the window.

Under the clear sky, the Caribbean city built on the mountain and the Caribbean harbor at the foot of the mountain have a panoramic view.

In the incomparably blue harbor, at this moment the ships are full.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, the largest ship. The USS Enterprise is as small as the Beetle. The other warships are like little caterpillars, huddled together densely.

The huge ships kept billowing black smoke outward, like active volcanoes.

Beside those huge ships, there are countless sailing ships and barges, they either shuttled back and forth in the harbor, or lined up and docked on the shore.

Teams of soldiers, like ants, gathered into black lines and walked off the ships. Holding the banner high, amid the loud slogans of the officers, he drove into the city.

On the other side, the war fortress is like a huge ghost. Take off and land continuously in the air, shuttle back and forth, hoist all kinds of heavy equipment from those cargo ships, and then place them on the dock.

The engineers and technicians of the Flying Eagle Group will immediately take over these things and assemble them.

On those piers, a heavy-duty steam-driven hoisting device has been raised from the ground, and it is about to enter the final stage.

Next to it, there are three other six or seven-story heavy gantry cranes that have begun to take shape.

Engineers from humans are laying two weird steel rails in the middle of the wharf, constantly making the unique crisp sound of clanging steel.

The dock project was long before the human coalition set sail. It has been designed and planned by the engineers of Feiying Construction Engineering.

After the completion of these hoisting machinery, the loading and unloading efficiency of the Caribbean port will be improved hundreds of times.

On the post at the pier, there are engineers pointing to the beaches and cliffs on both sides of the pier, discussing how to expand the port and pier in the Caribbean so that it can stop a giant ship like the Enterprise.

The scene is booming, like a raging fire, for hundreds of years. The Caribbean has never been as lively as it is now.

At this time, I heard a rhythmic slogan: "One, two, one. One, two, three, four..."

"One, two, three, four~!"

The loud shouts show that these people are refreshed.

Brad couldn't help but startled, and immediately saw a group of soldiers holding rifles in both hands, lined up in a neat line, passing by his own window not far away.

All those young men ran sweating profusely, and their heads were white mist like hot water. She kept chanting slogans, her voice was firm and powerful, and full of breath.

Even Brad couldn't help but think back to when he was young.

Seeing himself standing in front of the window, an officer immediately shouted: "All stand still."

The soldiers stopped abruptly, their steps neatly.

The officer turned around and saluted Brad. Exclaimed: "Hello, President. The third company of the special service team is running exercises, please give instructions."

Brad froze for a moment, rather at a loss, hurriedly waved his hand, and said, "Go on, you guys go on, haha, hahaha..."

After finishing speaking, I couldn't help but laugh twice. I was not used to these little soldiers calling themselves the president.

"Yes~!" The officer said yes, then turned around and shouted: "All run, go~!"

Immediately, a group of soldiers ran toward the slogan again.

Brad finally woke up at this time, but instead of being surprised, he looked at the back of the soldiers who were going away, and muttered with a complex expression: "Mom, I didn't expect it to be true..."

Then he looked into the distance with emotion, carefully savoring yesterday's beautiful moment in his heart.

Just yesterday morning, on the second day after the landing of the human army, witnessed by a group of high-ranking human officials and military and political officials in the Caribbean City, the Provisional Republican government was established amidst a string of firecrackers and applause. Also honored to be the interim president of the interim government.

The original city hall was also renamed the Presidential Palace, officially raising the banner of the Republican government.

The coalition fleet fired a salute for half an hour, and the residents of the city shouted long live.

Although the momentum is not small, the newly born Semitic Republican government is so shabby, with only the president, a few high-ranking generals and some political officials.

In order not to be ugly, the grooms in the mansion had to be made up.

Fortunately, with the help of the son-in-law of Lorraine, the number of regular troops in the name of the Provisional Government is quite large.

There were a total of 60,000 to 70,000 people, all of whom were soldiers who had surrendered from the Semites.

Among them are the Caribbean Division, which is equipped with all-security forces, and there are two divisions of the former Semitic Imperial Guard, which are not large in scale and quite elite.

My own cheap...Bah, my dear son-in-law, with a big stroke. Put them all under their own subordinates and under the banner of the Provisional Government.

He, the interim president, is considered to have a gun in his hands, so he will not be a shabby, polished commander.

But having said that, why did I always feel a bad feeling when I was taking over the soldiers, as if I had been fooled.

While he was thinking to himself, he suddenly heard a knock on the door, and then immediately. My housekeeper...well, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Presidential Palace appeared at the door.

The Minister of the Interior owed a slight bow, and then said: "Your Majesty, good morning. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Monier, please."

His Majesty the President. How do you hear this word, it feels a little strange.

Brad frowned, then sighed, and said: "My dear Wagel, the president is an elected leader, so don't use the word Your Majesty, okay?"

Although my heart does not reject the word "Your Majesty", this is a unique title.

His son-in-law can fight so well, and his younger brother is hundreds of thousands. There are guns and artillery, there is an aircraft carrier and a plane, and he is behind him. Today, he became president. Then tomorrow, I am going to revise the constitution and **** a public opinion...Bah, follow the public opinion. Becoming an emperor is also a natural thing.

After all, there are more foolish people in this era, the overall quality of the people is not high, and the republic is not yet mature. If implemented rashly, it will inevitably bring social unrest.

However, what you think in your heart is the same thing, but this attitude has to be expressed.

Wagel once again bowed slightly and said calmly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

In the eyes of this stubborn old butler. If someone else becomes president. It may be your Excellency, but the president of his own city lord is no different from the emperor, that is, he should be called Your Majesty~!

Their home is now, and it must be a Semitic royal family.

Brad couldn't help but sighed again, and then said: "Okay. Ask him to the restaurant. I'll pass."

The housekeeper...Bah, the Minister of Internal Affairs owed a bow again, then quit, and closed the door.

Brad turned around, looked at his wife, and smiled and said, "Hi, hi, my dear President, are you interested in having breakfast with the President of the University?"

Immediately greeted him was a feather pillow, and an angry rant: "Go away, you old thing, this is the president who has just been a **** for a day, and he doesn't feel like a person. Get me away.

Looking at you is annoying~! "

Brad hit a heavy pillow on his face and couldn't help but sigh again. This old man and wife is not good at this.

No matter how beautiful you are outside, in the eyes of the other party, you still don't treat yourself as the same thing.

It is said that there was a great philosopher in the East who also encountered the same problem, but he was helpless, and finally had to lament: "Only women and children are the most difficult to feed~!"

He reached for the pillow and picked it up, dusted it carefully, threw it on the sofa, and then turned and went out.

When I came to the restaurant, I sat down at the table and a servant brought a piece of bread and milk.

Although everything is the same as before, Brad can feel that many things are different.

For example, the servants became more and more polite, and each looked serious and serious like a judge. For example, they look at their eyes more and more in awe and worship. For example, their clothes are all decorated with gold trim (I really don't know how the Minister of the Interior makes these clothes in one day)... etc.

This made Brad sigh for a while: it feels good to be president~!

He used to be just a small city, he was in charge of the Caribbean. Even as a royal family, no one took him too seriously when he came to Akaderin. Now...

He is eating bread and drinking milk.

At this time, a thin middle-aged man walked in. It is his own tax officer...Bah, bah, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Monir.

Brad smiled immediately and said, "Monier, have you had breakfast? You have a portion too..."

Monir shook his head and said dryly, "No. The Majesty the President."

Brad didn't care either, he laughed, and then said, "Is there anything wrong with you coming here so early?"

He raised the cup and took a sip gracefully.

Monier hesitated for a moment, then said with a sad face: "Your Majesty the President. We are bankrupt."

"Puff~~~" Brad spouted a long column of water like a humpback whale, spraying all the milk on the table.

Monier's glasses were all stained. He took off the glasses in embarrassment and took out a piece of silk to wipe them.

Brad stood up, looked at him in a daze, and said: "What did you say? You tell me again?"

Afterwards, the voice had turned into a roar.

I just became president yesterday, and I am dreaming of becoming emperor in the future. For thousands of years, dominate the world. At this time, someone suddenly came in and said, you are bankrupt.

This kind of thing. No matter who you put it on, you can't stand it.

Monir narrated: "Your Majesty, we are not to blame. You have just accepted the 70,000 Semitic elites. According to your instructions, they will all be equipped according to the human Nyan Army.

There are also the salary of each person, the bonus and living expenses of the officers, and their daily food, which is not an astronomical figure.

Our Caribbean is just such a little place..."

Brad listened. I couldn't help but sat down and looked at the table blankly: No wonder, no wonder I felt a strange feeling when I received soldiers.

It turns out that **** little white face dug a big hole for himself here~!

He lied to his beloved daughter and hasn't settled with him yet~!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

In the morning, I dreamed of going down in history. Now it seems that I will definitely do it, because I will be the president for the shortest time-only one day. Becoming a big fool goes down in history.

At this moment, he heard the sound of footsteps, and then a young woman in white robe walked in.

Brad looked up and saw that it was his own daughter.

Fiona greeted them and sat down on the other end.

Brad immediately stood up and said loudly: "Where is that **** Lorraine? Where is he?"

Fiona thought that something very yellow, violent, and seldom inappropriate was discovered by herself last night. She couldn't help but blushed and lowered her head shyly: "He...he went to the barracks."

If it's a careful Santo...erh. If it were the careful wife of the president, she would definitely find out that her daughter was wrong at the first time, but the two who sat here were all gentlemen and didn't care at all.

President Brad waved his arms and yelled: "That **** bastard, when I said he was handed over to the army. How did it go so well? It turned out to be a pit for me."

Fiona raised her head in astonishment, and lost her voice: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about this naturally." President Brad was taken aback, and said inexplicably, "Otherwise, what do you think it is?"

Fiona stopped for a moment, and then stammered: "I...I...I thought it was this."

President Brad gave her a strange look, and then continued: "Go and tell that Lorraine, I can't support these troops, let him pay..."

Before he finished speaking, Fiona slapped the table hard and said loudly, "What nonsense, old man, are you stupid?"

Power comes from the barrel of a gun.

You don't have an army in your hand, and you are a **** president? "

Brad was taken aback by her, but after thinking about it, she also found her words reasonable. Being a president is not a playhouse, just sit on the kang and just think about it, you have to have an army.

But immediately, he couldn't help sighing again, and said: "But...but we have no money in the Caribbean."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Monier, and said, "Lao Mo came to tell me early today that our government is bankrupt."

Fiona immediately got angry, stretched out a slender finger to point to Brad's nose, and groaned: "Let me tell you what is good? You have the face to talk about such a big thing.

This person is really too small..."

Fiona's body was shocked, and the domineering spirit scattered, and the frightened President Brad and Monier were speechless.

Listening to her comment, Brad and Monier couldn't help but stare at each other.

After a while, Brad took advantage of Fiona's breathing space, interjected in, and said, "Girl, do you have a solution?"

Fiona rolled her eyes immediately and said: "Nonsense, are you also a problem?

You don't want to think about, who are you now?

The president of the Semitic Provisional Government, everything on this Semitic territory belongs to the government, and you have the right to deal with it. "

Brad listened to the confusion, with a dazed look on his face, and said: "I don't understand how you said what you said. Even if the Semitic things are all government, it is not that we have not occupied those territories. How do you change money?"

Seeing him so incapable, Fiona gritted her teeth angrily, pointed at his nose, couldn't say a word, and finally spit out a word bitterly, "You farmer~!"

Brad was also anxious at the moment, patted the table, and said, "Farmer, what's the matter with the farmer? No farmer farming ~ What do you eat? No farmer weaving, how can you wear clothes? No farmer, you Where can I collect taxes?

In my eyes, they are the greatest group of people.

You die girl, after eating for two days, you dare to look down on the peasants, believe it or not, I will beat you? "

With that said, he who rolls his arms and sleeves is about to move forward.

Several people next to him hurriedly stepped forward to persuade and stop him.

Fiona knew that she had made a mistake, and she explained from a distance: "I didn't look down on the peasants, but, as the president, you still focus on the original knowledge of the small peasant economy. This is your fault."

Brad angrily smirked and said: "You have been out for two years, but you have grown up. Okay, you can tell us how to solve our current situation. If you don't say it, don't blame me. You are welcome~!"

Fiona sighed, then snapped her fingers and said, "Leo, come on~!!!"

In the tone, it smelled like dogs biting people.

Everyone turned their eyes and saw that, as expected, they saw a fat little fat man standing at the door.

Leo didn't care about Fiona's order either. A standard insurance salesman's smile was piled up on that white, tender face, and he walked towards President Brad.

Although it was just a fat little fat man, seeing him walking step by step, President Brad couldn't help but shiver, as if he saw the devil's triangular tail dangling from his ass. (To be continued)

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