Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1456: The brave's choice

"There is no candidate for the interim president of the Semitic Republican Provisional Government. I wonder if your Excellency is interested?" Lorraine smiled and looked at Brad, Lord Iskander, with a look on his face like an abduction... Uh, like the little fox of the old fat sheep.

Just waiting for his cheap old man to jump into his pit.

However, although the owner of Iskander City is honest, he is not stupid at all. They all came out of the noble elite education route, and all kinds of tricks of deception and abduction have long been familiar.

In terms of vision and insight, he is not inferior to Lord Lorraine.

Therefore, after listening to Lorraine's words, the Lord Brad was not happy, but his angry nose was almost crooked.

He gasped in his nose, glared at Lorraine with wide-eyed eyes, with an angry look on his face.

What kind of **** ‘the Semitic Republican Provisional Government’, as soon as I heard it, this **** had no good intentions and planned to foster a puppet regime.

Moreover, he is still some kind of temporary president, and he knows that he is a temporary worker.

Who doesn't know what temporary workers do?

These elite-educated bureaucrats are clear in their hearts that the so-called temporary workers are used to carry the scapegoat, land mines, and act as a shield.

They started earlier than the chickens, slept later than the dogs, and worked harder than the donkeys. Even if they didn’t fall on the way, they were kicked out without a penny in the end.

To put it plainly is cannon fodder.

And it is cheap cannon fodder that can be discarded at any time.

To put it bluntly, it was the toilet paper in the toilet, which was thrown away after wiping the butt.

This is too bullying~!

Want to fool yourself with the name of an interim president?

This **** little white face not only wants to persuade him to surrender, but also insults his IQ~!

When you just graduated from university, did you know nothing about it?

Although Uncle Brad is not a good person, when he was young. He was also very displeased with his old husband, wishing that old fellow was tens of thousands of miles away from him.

But it won't be so cruel~!

When he was about to have an attack, Lord Lorraine waved his hand and said, "My lord, don't be angry for now. Let me finish.

This big president. It is equivalent to the highest official of the government, not only in charge of the army, but also in charge of the government. All power grabbed. Apart from having a term of office and not being hereditary, it is not much worse than the emperor and king. "

Lord Lorraine paused when he said that, and glanced up at the expression of Lord Iskander. Seeing that the uncle's expression was more important, he secretly relieved, and said in secret: Serving the uncle is more troublesome than fighting.

But seeing Fiona's encouraging eyes, Lord Lorraine could only continue to resist.

Then patiently said: "The reason why the word ‘temporary’ is added to the front of the president sounds like a temporary worker, but it’s actually not the case.

This is why we fully respect the power of the Semitic people. A concrete manifestation of non-interference in the internal affairs of the Semitic. "

"Oh?" City Lord Iskander looked at Lorraine up and down, then snorted coldly, and said, "Will you be so kind?"

Lorraine spread his hands and said: "We are only temporarily setting up a transitional government to maintain the tranquility and stability of the Semitic society during wartime, to avoid the Semitic people from falling into anarchy, and to protect the Semitic people from mobs.

After the war. The final decision is still in the hands of the Semitic people.

If the interim president does well, he can become the official president after voting by the Semitic Senate and House of Representatives. "

"House? What is it?" Lord Iskander frowned and asked puzzledly.

Fiona cleverly explained to the side: "It is a conference composed of representatives of gentry from all over the country, which has the power to vote on major state affairs."

City Lord Brad was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes and said, "You just say that the Senate is not enough."

"Yes, it's similar to the Senate." Lord Lorraine nodded and said: "However, the way members are formed is different from the Senate. It is not fixed. There are also term limits."

Senate is not uncommon on the human continent. It is found in many countries, such as the Ruman Empire. However, the Ruman Empire’s Senate is also called a nursing home. It is a place where a group of retired officials and old nobles chat and play chess.

The Semites also had a Senate in the imperial era. However, after the high priest came to power, he automatically disbanded and disappeared into the long river of history, so that the royal family and nobles could still see the history in this respect.

Since it was a political elite, Fiona mentioned the Senate, and the Lord Brad had a very good understanding of the system Lorraine said.

Lord Brad couldn't help being silent. If human beings really do not interfere in internal affairs, then this government will...

Thinking of this, he suddenly woke up suddenly: Lorraine was like a devil, using this kind of benefit to tempt himself to betray the Semitic.

If he becomes this great commander, he will stand on the opposite side of the current Semitic government and the royal nobles.

At this moment, I listened to Lorraine continuing to say: "And if you do well, you may be re-elected indefinitely for life.

of course……"

Speaking of this, Lorraine paused for a moment, and then said slowly and meaningfully: "Of course, if the public opinion can be raped...Bah, bah, if the people’s voice is too loud, they can still comply with the public’s opinions and amend the constitution. What, formally ascended the throne and proclaimed emperor."

"Call... Emperor??" City Lord Brad felt his brain suddenly rise.

As a member of the royal family, they can never forget their past glory.

There is no high priest on the land of the Semitic, and when there is no undead, the Semitic emperor will rule this land.

However, after the emperor's death, the high priest extremely effectively divided, wooed and attacked the royal family. In order to maintain the power in their respective hands, the major families of the imperial family were unwilling and unable to establish another emperor.

Although the Semitic has no emperor's history for thousands of years, the blood of the emperor is still flowing in their blood, and every royal family dreams of re-elevating the throne of God one day.

At that time, the royal family can stop the constant internal struggle.

At that time, they were united. Align the muzzle to the outside.

At that time, the renewed Semitic can get rid of the high priest's control...

At that time, the Semites can reproduce their former glory~!

At this moment, countless great causes for the Semitic flashed before his eyes. The majestic and majestic images of the sage heroes who threw their heads and blood.

The road to the founding of the Semites is also a tragic and passionate epic. At the beginning, there was not only the Semites on this continent.

But then, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his hand and turned his head. Seeing that Fiona was looking at herself with concern, City Lord Brad reacted immediately. It's still a time when negotiations are underway, and you must not distract yourself.

At the same time, the lord of the city is also very happy. It seems that the girl is the good of his own family, although she eloped with people...Bah, baah...traveled with people. But in fact, I am most concerned about.

He glanced at Lorraine without a trace, but found that Lorraine was looking at the sea anxiously, as if he hadn't noticed the gaffe he just had.

An imperceptible smile flashed across his face: If it is true as Lorraine promised, the Semites can get rid of the control of the high priest in the future, and naturally they can get rid of the control of human beings and win true independence and freedom.

Thought of this. He couldn't help but sigh in secret: independence and freedom, these two words are so beautiful.

But it is a pity that they have disappeared from the Semitic for more than a thousand years, which is too long and too long~!

The long-standing Semites have forgotten what independence is like.

At this moment, Lorraine also showed impatient expression on his face, looked at the city lord, and said: "My lord, what are you thinking?

To tell you the truth, if it weren't for Fiona, I wouldn't waste so much with you. Instead, the army directly stormed and landed and occupied the port.

At that time, there was no eye on artillery fire, and the people of Caribbean Harbor would inevitably suffer serious harm that neither of us would like to see.

If you don’t want to be the interim president. also. This position is not necessary for you.

We will find another person to be.

There will always be Semitic people who understand the righteousness and follow the trend of history, stand up bravely, and shoulder this great and arduous responsibility without hesitation. "

Lorington paused, and then said: "For example, General Melun is very good."

"I..." Melun couldn't help but stunned, and then exclaimed madly, "I, I, I..."

Under the excitement, the language was incoherent, and he stammered, unable to speak a complete vocabulary. See what he meant, as long as he can be an interim president, even if he is not paid, he is willing to do it.

That's the big president. Maybe you can still be the emperor in the future. When you become an emperor, there must be many beautiful aristocratic ladies who take the initiative to give their arms. They have official housing, official cars, and don't spend money on meals...

Just as Murren was thinking about it, and his saliva was about to slip out, the Lord Brad next to him couldn't help but give him a vicious look.

Merren fell silent for a moment, then squatted aside reluctantly, and said nothing honestly. In front of his uncle, Molunwei really couldn't stand up.

City Lord Brad put his sword on his hand and walked a few steps in a thoughtful manner.

He looked at the sea in the distance, and suddenly his heart fluctuated. This decision is really too difficult to make~!

If they do not agree, mankind will inevitably launch a strong offensive, turning the Caribbean Port into a piece of scorched earth.

The people of the Caribbean get nothing but sacrifices in vain. And at best, he only won the title of so-called ‘loyal’.

Humans will bring up a puppet to come to power, fool the people and deceive the people. Even if the high priest is driven away in the future, the Semitic people will still be in dire straits.

Once you agree, you will surely become a traitor and be nailed to the pillar of shame forever. Spurred by thousands of people.

Even if he is the emperor, it is impossible to block the world's leisurely mouth.

What would the royal family think of him? What would the Semitic people think of him? How would history view him?

Sea water on one side and flame on the other.

He had a lot of trouble in his heart, and it was really difficult to make a decision.

Lorraine raised his hand, looked at the watch on his wrist, and said, "My lord, I hope you can make a decision quickly.

The millions of troops gathered in the harbor, and the tiger and wolf division stood by for battle. For you, I have tried my best to buy time, but I can't suppress it for too long. "

Lord Brad took two steps and stopped. Looking at the officers around him, I saw that their faces were expectation, surprise, or determination.

He opened his mouth and stopped talking. Then he shook his head and continued to walk a few steps forward, and then saw the expectant and concerned look on Fiona's face.

I couldn't help shook his head again, then turned around, lowered his head. Pace and contemplate.

Time passed by, and the scene was silent.

Everyone held their breath and waited quietly for Lord Brad to make a decision.

Under this circumstance, time passed quickly, as if ten minutes had passed in the blink of an eye. Twenty minutes passed, and thirty minutes passed.

Lorraine couldn't help sighing. He couldn't bear it, and asked: "My lord, please hurry up. Our remaining time is running out."

City Lord Brad couldn't help but shook, as if waking up from the confusion, looking around at everyone around him. Immediately, he sighed for a long time and said, "Actually, I have another choice."

With that, he raised his hand. With a sound of ‘cang’, he pulled out the long sword from his waist.

Everyone present could not help but pale in shock.

Fiona was also taken aback, thinking that the old man was planning to kill Lorraine, so she jumped over and stopped in front of Lorraine.

But then I saw that the Lord Brad turned the hilt of the sword and put it across his neck, saying: "Lorraine. Take care of Fiona, take care of the people of the Caribbean. Nana, take care of your mother, I ..."

Saying, I must swing my sword to sing myself.

"No~!" Fiona screamed in shock. In one step, he rushed up, and grabbed Lord Brad by the wrist. And the other hand tightly grasped the sharp blade~!

In an instant, a strand of blood dripped from the gap between her delicate hands, dyed her sleeves red, and then fell drop by drop to the ground, turning into bright red plum blossoms, which was extremely shocking.

At this time, all the officers also reacted and rushed up with a hula. Helping Fiona with all hands and feet, she took the long sword from the hand of Lord Brad.

City Lord Brad looked at his daughter, looked at the officers next to him, then turned his back to the sky, and sighed a long way.

The sigh was extremely sad, full of unwillingness, loneliness and helplessness when a hero was at the end of the road.

As a proud Semitic nobleman, Lord Brad has his own honor and belief. He didn't want to see these two choices, no matter which one.

But he couldn't help it. When the high priest decided to send troops, the fate of the Caribbean turned into a path of no return.

The war may be determined by the initiator when it starts. But it is by no means that he can decide when to end~!

Lorraine took a step forward, grabbed Fiona's delicate hand, then turned it over, and immediately saw a long cut on her hand, blood still pouring from her hand.

Lorraine hurriedly tore off a strand from the cloak, and then pierced Fiona's hand hard to stop her bleeding.

Fiona looked at her father, then at Lorraine, then threw herself in his arms, and couldn't help crying.

Hearing her cry, Lord Brad couldn't help but glance back, and wanted to step forward to comfort him, but then he sighed again long.

The officers nearby were also silent.

Put yourself on the ground, compare your heart to your heart. If they stand in the position of Lord Brad, there is no good way to solve the current problem.

But they are just a small soldier, there is no need to bear such a heavy sense of responsibility, and there is no problem in following the crowd.

Lorraine patted Fiona on the back lightly, then looked at the Lord Brad again, admiring secretly in his heart: This old guy is really strong enough~!

Then patiently persuaded: "My lord, wake up, the so-called killing and benevolence, sacrifice your life for righteousness. But in fact, it is all the choice of the coward~!

Throughout the ages, how many people have escaped suffering and their responsibilities through death. Who knows the more admirable and admirable determination of those who have survived bravely?

The hearts of these struggling to survive are far more determined and courageous than those who die by generosity. They are faced with many difficulties, but even if there is only a ray of life, they are all struggling to fight on.

In fact, these people deserve more respect.

As a Semitic royal, you should not and cannot escape your responsibility.

As a Semitic royal family, you must be responsible for the safety of the Semitic people.

The reason why I stand here today to talk to you all the time, but not to force an attack, is not only because you are Fiona’s father, but also because you are the royal family of the Semitic.

I hope you can stand up bravely and assume your due responsibilities. Fight for a path to rebirth and prosperity for the Semites. "

After listening to Lorraine's words, everyone present could not help but nodded. The Ferguson is worthy of a generation of writers, and his words are sensible and sensible. And the voice, emotion and appearance. Even if it was a stubborn stone, he would nod his head.

There was a slight movement on the face of Lord Brad.

At this moment, Fiona turned her head too, her eyes were full of tears, and she cried out earnestly: "Father..."

Lord Brad looked at his daughter's crying pear flower like rain, then looked at the officers around him, then turned around, looked at the huge and prosperous city behind him, and then he couldn't help but sigh again. .

He didn't but nodded slightly.

Lorraine waved his hand immediately.

Behind him, on the boat, a sailor hurriedly stood up, raised his flare gun, and fired three flare into the sky.

Three flare bombs flew into the sky with a scream, then burst out with dazzling light, and slowly fell.

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers on the sea outside the port.

The sound was so noisy, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, almost everyone who was shaking could not stand steady.

A group of officers couldn't help but their faces were pale, and they were shocked: human beings have such a powerful power? ? ~! !

"Woo~! Woo~~~’ The battleships sounded their whistle, and then slowly moved towards the port. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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