Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1440: Big fish

On October 18, 836 of the Julian calendar, accompanied by a roaring whistle, a huge fleet of 6,000 ships crossed the middle line of the ocean and officially entered the sea near the side of the Semitic continent.

   After crossing the center line, the Joint Fleet Command immediately issued an order to increase the alertness of all ships. Half of the artillery was in a state of being loaded and ready to be attacked, and kept vigilant 24 hours a day.

   After all, this place belongs to the enemy. Although the Semitic Expeditionary Navy was annihilated in the sea off Vatican, some warships remained.

   And these warships are probably equipped with Dark Mage.

   At the end of the war, when the general situation is over, the undead high priest has also ordered the remaining nearly 100 war forts to withdraw to the Semitic.

   They may also suddenly appear over the human expeditionary fleet, so they must be prevented.

  Moreover, since the tenth Pope of the Holy See of the Bright, Urban I failed to launch an expedition, mankind has not set foot in this unpredictable sea for 500 years.

   I don’t know anything about the sea conditions in this area, so I must be careful.

   On the human navigation chart, this sea area is blank, and the artistic point will also draw a sea monster or a whirlpool to remind the navigators that it is extremely dangerous and do not enter.

Although in the past thousand years, there have been a lot of courageous smugglers who put their heads on their belts to beg for life, risking their lives through the human navy, storms, diseases or plagues, and the heavy barriers of the Semitic navy, Traveling on the ocean, but maybe they are trying to monopolize the route, or maybe it is what happened in reality. There have been all kinds of terrible and terrifying legends circulating in this sea, deterring people who want to enter this sea.

   What nine snake heads, giant sea monsters as big as mountains, ghost ships driving in the dark and thick fog, mermaids that lead people to the dead with their beautiful songs, and the huge and incomparable devil vortex that goes in without going out...

  Every story is all shocking to the world, making people have nightmares in the middle of the night, and three people have to accompany them to pee.

  In reality, many adventurers who stepped into this sea never came back. I don’t know if they died in the ocean, the hands of pirates. Or those legendary monsters.

   As soon as the combined fleet of mankind entered this sea area, the sailors and sailors of the ship were also extremely vigilant about it and were cautious all the way.

   People often stand spontaneously on the bow, or on the mast, look around, and sound the alarm when they find any abnormality, although most of them are eventually proved to be schools of fish jumping out of the sea.

   But maybe the human fleet is too large, scaring away the legendary sea monsters, maybe they are hiding in the dark, or maybe the legendary sea monsters don’t exist...

   Anyway, after three consecutive days without incident, although the headquarters still ordered an alert, the vast majority of sailors were already a little lazy, and everyone began to think that those legends were frightening.

   The sailors returned to a state of being idle and lazy all day.

This is a very normal thing. Since most of the ships are of wooden structure, they are extremely easy to catch fire. Therefore, every ship has strict management of sailors. Drinking, fighting, smoking, gambling are prohibited... Anything that ships a little bit of harm is prohibited.

   Once offended, he will be punished heavily, and even hang directly on the mast.

   But sailing is extremely boring and exhausting. Under this circumstance, as long as the crew is not making trouble, the captains also open their eyes.

   No matter how lazy, it is better than they fight and make trouble all day, and then burn the boat with a torch.

   Since entering the Semitic waters, Lorraine has been vigilant, and scattered all the light war fortresses on the Enterprise from a distance to serve as a reconnaissance plane.

  The medium-sized war fortresses are also all on standby, ready to be lifted into the air at any time to prevent sudden attacks on the war fortresses of the undead.

   However, those war fortresses report back every day, and they are all safe and sound. There are no unidentified ships and undead war fortresses in the surrounding sea area for thousands of miles.

   Nevertheless, for safety's sake, Lorraine decided to lead the Nian fleet to explore the way ahead.

Because the three Victory-class battleships are very familiar with this sea area, they took turns to **** the flying eagle group smuggling transport ship pair before the war. I don’t know how many times this route has been run. The nearby sea conditions and weather have long been theirs Familiar, but this is the secret of the Flying Eagle Group.

   It's just that the war has stopped. Now that the war is over, four girlfriends from Lorraine from the Semi are planning to restart this lucrative golden route.

  Lorraine Lord Lord will naturally not kindly hand over the charts, cutting his own money and letting others benefit from it.

   Even if Lord Lorraine’s mind is stunned, to contribute the charts to all mankind, others will definitely ask, where did your Nian’s charts come from? Why do you have?

   Could Lord Lorraine tell them again that I have been smuggling to the Semi.

   That Lord Lorraine can't run away with a wicked hat.

   Ordinary people don’t understand what economic plunder is. They will only see Lord Lorraine having been trading with the Semitic. Therefore, it is natural that the fewer people who know the matter, the better.

   The Naian people led the way, and the entire fleet went smoothly. Despite a few doubts, the road was calm and smooth.

   But most people regard it as good luck.

   On the morning of October 24th, the advance fleet finally arrived at the first island within the sphere of influence of the Semi-the Island of Sorrow.

  Of course, this is how humans call it.

   is called the Island of Sorrow, because it was the last island that the Holy Cross Expeditionary Army abandoned guarding five hundred years ago.

   When the human expeditionary forces that persisted in faith to the last moment on the island evacuated by boat, it also meant the failure of this sacred expedition that lasted for three hundred years.

   It is said that Red Archbishop Xiuma, the last commander of the Holy Cross Expeditionary Army, sat in the stern and watched the island farther and farther. She couldn't help crying sadly.

   Of course, if it is just that, then this is just a story, and the island will not be named after it.

   It is the smugglers who really named this island.

   Those brave smugglers, or pirates, had to beat the waves and cross the ocean at the risk of a lifetime of death in order to obtain a meager profit.

   But whether they crossed the ocean and got here, or set off from here, they plan to cross the ocean. All the defenders on the island will slap them hard.

   This island is the best resting place in the middle of the ocean. The smugglers lack the continuous navigation ability of large ships. If they don't stop and supply supplies on this island, they will not be able to reach the sea off the Semitic anyway.

  The Semitic armies guarding the island occupy this golden place and sit on the ground to divide the spoils. They are so fierce that even the Buddha who cuts the meat and feeds the eagle will cry in pain.

   Therefore, this island was called the island of sorrow.

   Because grief means two things. First, only living people can grieve, and second, only enough pain can grieve.


   On the island of grief, Corporal Dirk sat listlessly among the guard posts, throwing a spear beside him.

   The iron spear head has been corroded in this salty air.

   Its owner was too lazy to repair it, so he threw it aside.

   He touched the bottle from time to time, grumbled a few times with dissatisfaction, and filled a few more sips. Not far away, he threw several of the same bottles.

   If there is a nobleman from the Semitic continent looking at the hot golden flying eagle trademark on the bottle and the sign of origin of Sebian, they can't help but scream.

  In the Semitic Continent, a bottle of this kind of wine would cost at least ten gold coins.

   And this poor soldier was so drunk so hard that he was spoiling the fine wine.

   If you don’t know, you will think that this soldier is a nobleman.

   In fact, he is just an ordinary soldier on the island.

   This is actually very easy to understand. All ships passing by since then have to pay huge tolls and supplies, which usually account for more than half of the smuggler’s profits.

   It's just that all the money went into the pockets of the officials.

   And these soldiers can't get a copper plate, but everyone is not an idiot, they all know the principle of "do it yourself, get enough food and clothing".

   Therefore, they also reached out their hands and wiped some oil from the boat.

   Take a three or five boxes of good wine, carry a half fan of pork, grab a few old hens... etc. Those smugglers who provoke dared to be angry but dare not to speak-the king is better off, the little devil is hard to deal with, they offend these little soldiers, they still ask for trouble.

   Dirk hit a drunk hiccup, then patted his bulging belly, and drunkly said to his companion next to him: "Ferra, how long have we not come here now?

   Two months? Or three months? My wine is almost gone. If there is no ship coming, we will have no wine. "

   Feila said impatiently next to him: "What are you afraid of? The boat here is just like the fish. The boats are only small fish. Don't look at them, but you can't catch a few.

   Either, it’s a big fish, don’t look at one or two, but there are too many goods loaded, our buddies can fish for some dry goods. "

Dirk couldn't help but glanced at him in surprise, and murmured: "No wonder it is said that scholars have a vicious mind. You have only read books for a few days, and your heart is so cruel. Is it true that people who read more ?"

   Fair didn't say a word, but sneered, obviously disdainful of the bun beside him.

   Dirk hesitated and said, "Then guess, how big is the fish that came this time? It's been two months since the boat came.

   All the officials in the dog days can't sit still. You haven't seen Battalion Commander Willie pulling a donkey face all day, just like his dead father, swearing at every turn. "

   Fair smiled and said contemptuously: "I heard that he borrowed tens of thousands of gold coins for high profit, and only then did he buy the officials here.

   There is no income these days. Looking back on those usury who came to collect debts, they would have to chop their hands and feet if they didn’t, of course he was anxious. "

   Dirk couldn't help but cursed lowly, saying: "A bunch of dead loan sharks dare to kill an officer? Does this society still have a king?"

Fair glanced at him contemptuously and said: "Wang Fa? If there is a Wang Fa, people will not spend money on officials. When I save up to three to five thousand, I will also buy a company commander Dangdang, huh. Humph……"

   Dirk was speechless, then he took the bottle and took another sip, and said, "Let’s talk about fish. We talk about fish. Guess how big the fish is?"

   As soon as he said this, he heard Feir's surprise "Huh". He couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at Fair.

   At this time, I heard Fair say: "Dirk, you really are a crow mouth. Look, isn't this fish here?"

   Dirk listened, and he was energetic, jumped up from the ground, and then looked towards the distant ocean.

   As expected, in the distance between the sea and the sky, several black spots appeared on the horizon, slowly rushing towards this side.

   Dirk couldn't help but laughed.

   He turned around and ran towards the camp behind him. While running, he exclaimed in excitement, "Brothers, come on, brothers, the big fish is here, the big fish is here..."

   A large group of soldiers burst out from the camp behind, all of them ran to the beach, looking in the distance, like a holiday, each and every one of them was excited, beyond words.

   It’s not surprising that when stationed on this island, except sand, stones and seabirds, I can't see anything all day long. I just point to the boat to catch a fortune when it lands, happy.

   Everyone looked at the black spots, and they shouted happily: "The big fish is here, the big fish is here."

   Several officers with flowers on their shoulders also appeared behind the crowd, with greedy smiles on their faces.

   At this time, I saw the black spots in the distance getting closer and closer.

   From the sesame seeds at the beginning, it became a soybean, and then from a soybean to the size of a watermelon.

   Seeing that the ship is getting bigger and bigger, Dirk couldn't help but cursed: "Grandma, this **** Fel is really right. This fish is not the one who comes, it is such a big fish.

   Today, I have to take a good cut. "

The people next to    looked at the big ship in the distance, and they all nodded gnashing their teeth.

   But after a while, I saw that the ship grew bigger and bigger, and finally became the size of a hill.

   Looking at the tall Cui Wei boat, everyone faintly realized that the situation seemed a bit wrong, and they could not help closing their mouths. They had never seen such a big boat.

   This is a ship, it's a mountain at all~!

   And Dirk next to him almost fainted happily: Grandma's, such a big boat, how many good things he had to fish out of it~!

   got rich, this time really got rich~!

   At this moment, an officer next to him immediately slapped him and shouted angrily: "Your grandma's, shut up my mouth~!"

   Dirk was taken aback, pointed to the big ship not far away, and said puzzledly: "Sir, big fish, that's big fish. We can kill him severely."

   The officer slapped it again and cursed: "Your grandma, open your dog's eyes and take a good look.

   Do you still want to kill them? They are here to kill us~! "

   then screamed: "Alert, all prepare for battle, hurry up, the enemy is coming~!

   The **** human being killed here~!

   Hurry up if you don’t want to die. "

   Following his screaming cry, the soldiers on the shore could not help but feel at a loss, but then they reacted and couldn't help but frightened: the enemy? Humanity? Humans have been killed?

  Humans actually killed them~!

   They suddenly made a mess.


   Lorraine stood at the head of the Enterprise's ship island, raising the high-powered observation telescope and looking into the distance.

   I saw that the facilities on the island were extremely rudimentary, with only two or three rows of wooden houses built of thick boards, and two crooked trestle bridges extending into the sea.

   In the open space in front of the wooden house, there are two high platforms with several things on them, which are vaguely similar to a ballista.

  While seeing them, the people on the shore obviously saw the situation here. Through the binoculars, Lorraine could see the horrified expression on one of the soldiers' faces. Mouth open.

   Immediately they were like headless flies.

   With an order, ten medium-sized war fortresses quickly lifted into the sky, hovering in the sky, and took cover. At the same time, the two battleships went down, lit their boilers, and rushed straight to the port.

At a distance of one mile from the port, one of the battleships turned around and turned sideways, and then opened the gun door on its side. Then we saw bursts of white smoke from the battleship. Seconds later, bursts of cannons reached the Enterprise.

   In the next second, orange-red fireworks began to glow in the open space of the port.

  The black smoke billowed up into the sky, straight into the sky.

  At this time, the second battleship also began to go sideways, pouring gunfire unscrupulously toward the port. Although it turned a bit late, it happened to be able to seal the dead corner of the first battleship's artillery.

   The two battleships one after the other, fired again and again, while slowly moving forward. Walked back and forth three times around the port. This also means that they ploughed the harbor three times with artillery fire.

   The Royal Ark of the Elf Kingdom was not to be outdone, just like showing off its firepower, forcibly inserted into the queue of two battleships, squeezed Victory and Invincible aside, and blasted the beach again with more intense artillery fire.

   Lord Lorraine, who was watching the battle from the rear, secretly greeted the women of the Elf Admiral Family several times in his heart.

   Then, more than a dozen small boats were lowered from the battleship, and a group of Marines rowed the boat, armed with rifles and shotguns, and rushed towards the harbor.

  They washed the boat straight to the shore, let it run aground in shallow water, then turned over and jumped into the water from the boat, raised their guns above their heads with both hands, waded directly to the shore, and then began to clean the shore gradually.

   Lorraine couldn't help sighing when he saw this, and put down the telescope in his hand.

  He would rather have more enemy troops on the shore and have more resistance. Rather than collapse like it is now. In this situation, how you look at it makes people feel like a trap.

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