Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1438: Sir Alex Ferguson

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"Look, they are waiting there."

In front of Lorraine's finger, the elven admirals on the Royal Ark followed the direction of Lorraine's finger, only to see a tiny black spot at the far end of the horizon.

If it hadn't been reminded, it would be difficult to spot this inconspicuous shadow.

The deputy commander of the elven navy, Parno, looked at Lorraine suspiciously, and thought to himself: How could Lorraine know that it was his fleet at such a distance that even a sharp-eyed person like himself could not see it?

It may also be a few isolated islands or fishing boats, unless...

Nian's fleet had long been ordered to arrive there early to wait for the rendezvous with the coalition navy.

But the people in their coalition had never heard of Lorraine before.

After a while, I saw the black spot getting closer and closer, gradually turning into wisps of black smoke.

The black smoke is extremely strange, gathering but not dispersing, the thick black smoke goes straight up into the sky like wolf smoke, until it rises into the air, it is gradually blown away by the sea breeze.

That peculiar situation also caught the attention of the sailors on other ships, and many of them stopped and turned to look south.

Some people even climbed up the mast and looked high.

After a while, the wisps of wolf smoke became denser and darker, like billowing black smoke before the eruption.

Sailors who wander at sea all year round have seen the erupting volcano on the island, and the dust that has covered the sky will be unforgettable once you have seen it.

Seeing this situation, the sailors on some ships couldn't help but have some riots-all those who discussed life at sea were the most superstitious, and there were various taboos.

As long as they see something wrong, they will all be attributed to superstitious explanations, such as the sea **** is angry, the sea monster is in chaos, the mermaid is coming to the aunt, etc...

Then raise the sail. Flee as far as you can. Let alone a dangerous volcanic eruption.

If placed in later generations, this may be a foolish and ridiculous move, but in this era, this is the common understanding of everyone.

It is this kind of caution that enabled them to survive in various dangerous sea conditions. Even in the modern era of Lord Lorraine's last life, the sea was still dangerous and mysterious. Otherwise, the iron egg hits the iceberg. Nor will it become a classic.

Hearing the exclamation and noise from the sailor behind him, Parno couldn't help being a little worried, and glanced at Lorraine again.

Lorraine grinned and said with a smile: "Ah. This is my fault. Forgot to tell you in advance. When my fleet appeared, the scene was a bit scary.

Sorry sorry. "

But Lord Lorraine didn't even have any embarrassed expression on his face, instead he smiled and waited for a good show.

Parno couldn't help but hesitated, his face leaking hesitation, he secretly suspected Lorraine was intentional.

But then I heard the noise behind him getting louder and louder, like a bunch of silly boys who have never seen the market entering the city for the first time.

Parno felt that his face was a little uncontrollable, but at the moment he had to turn around and face Lord Lorraine with his back. Angrily ordered his officers to suppress the soldiers.

With the passing of the order, all the sailors on the ships knew that it was Nian's fleet, which was a little relieved.

And they had better keep their mouths shut, because the big guys don't want to see them ashamed in front of humans.

Then all the sailors of the Elven Navy stared wide-eyed, wanting to see how powerful the legendary Nian fleet was.

You know, in the battle of Vantino. They only dispatched three warships and dozens of small-tonnage clippers.

The Hundreds of Semitic navies who fought were in a panic, only parrying, not fighting back.

And according to the summary afterwards, they destroyed a third of the enemy warships, but their own warships had almost no casualties, and the losses were minimal.

This is simply a miracle~!

The two fleets of their elven navy attacked the Semitic fleet, and the number occupied an absolute advantage. In this way, they paid a lot of price in the fierce battle.

If it were not for the presence of many people. And witnessed the whole process of the battle with his own eyes, and there were still a lot of Semitic navy wreckage left in place afterwards.

Everyone would think that it was the Nian's army bragging.

In the history of human naval warfare, there has never been a naval battle with such a disparity in casualties.

It was the Battle of Vantino that established the dominance of large-tonnage and powerful battleships in the ocean in one fell swoop. It proved the strength of the Nian fleet.

After the naval battle, the Elven Kingdom made up its mind to develop the battleship with all its strength and form the world's most powerful artillery fleet.

After that war, the Nian'an Navy went to the open sea to perform the task of blocking the sea lines of communication of the Semitic people, and mysteriously disappeared from everyone's sight. Until the end of the war, no one heard about them again.

This made the elven navy, which has always claimed to be the world's number one, more curious, and wanted to know that compared to the Nian fleet, that one was a bit more powerful.

And now, I finally have a chance to see its true content.

At this moment, the black smoke was getting closer and closer, turning into a large black cloud, shrouded in the sky above something.


Suddenly there was a long, dull, but unusually loud air whistle sound.

The sound was like the roar of a legendary **** beast, spread throughout the fleet.

Immediately afterwards, under the dark cloud, several battleships lined up and appeared on the horizon.

They are sailing against the wind, and there is no sail on the mast, but a tall chimney stands at the back of the ship.

The billowing black smoke spit out from the chimneys.

But what is strange is that their speed is much faster than the fastest sailing warship. Parno and a group of elven naval officers and soldiers visually observed that the speed of the Nian fleet exceeded ten knots.

"If you want to come, that is Nian's proud alchemy technology~! The people present couldn't help but admire for a while.

Seeing those warships, Parno couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then looked at Lorraine strangely. Although those battleships were huge, they were still one size smaller than the battleships of the Elven Kingdom, and at best they were a little faster.

However, Parno was confident that even with only sails, the naval fleet of the Elf Kingdom might not be slower than the Naian.

With a few warships in this area. Lorraine has the confidence to compare himself?

That is not only underestimating my own vision, but also underestimating my IQ~!

At this moment, I heard "Woo~~oo~~"

There was another roar of the air whistle.

Immediately afterwards, a huge mountain-like thing jumped out of the horizon.

Everyone held their breath in an instant~!

Although the distance is extremely far, you can clearly feel the hugeness of the ship and its majesty.

Compared with its huge posture, the battleship next to it is almost an inconspicuous gunboat.

It is like an island, to be precise. It is no different from an island on the sea. The billowing black smoke erupted from the middle, like a large black cloud covering the top of his head.

The turbulent waves were crushed along the way, and a deep white wave was plowed on the sea, which was not slower than the battleship at all.

As it gets closer and closer. As it gets closer, everyone can feel its powerful power, feeling that even if an island is blocked in front of it, it will be easily crushed by it.

When it came to the front and moved side by side with the other ships, everyone was shocked by its huge hull.

Even if he stood on the tall Ark Royal, facing the huge ship, he had to raise his head to look up at its majestic figure.

And the sailors on the huge ship also poked their heads from a high place with a curious expression. Looking down at the crew on the Royal Ark.

Although the sailors did not have any contempt in their eyes, they were just pure freshness and curiosity, but because of this, it made the sailors of the Elf Kingdom even more angry.

Because, more annoying than being looked down upon by others is that being ignored by others~!

The other person's gaze was like a full tiger looking curiously at a rabbit he had never seen before, no matter how the rabbit roared. But it will never be seen by the tiger.

Behind Lorraine, the officers of the Elven Kingdom glanced at each other, and they all saw the bitterness on each other's face.

The Elven Kingdom has maintained its reputation as the world's number one battleship for hundreds of years, and it has now changed ownership.

Parno also stared at such a behemoth, staying for a long time, this huge battleship shocked him from the bottom of his heart.

But then Parno let out a happy laugh from ‘ha’.

Everyone present was shocked, thinking that the representative of the radical young army officer was out of anger.

Then Parno shouted loudly: "You have no guns on this ship. No guns, hahahaha..."

Everyone couldn't help but was taken aback, and then squinted one after another, looking at the giant ship.

Sure enough, although the ship was huge, but the several cabins below the deck could not see the shooting window with artillery. There are not even a few windows open.

It's just that in a few corners, several large-caliber machine guns and 40mm quick guns were arranged, and the muzzle was still raised high and pointed to the sky, obviously for air defense.

Everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other again, showing a relaxed look: This big ship is not a battleship. It's just that the ship is big.

But having said that, the ship has a big ass. A ship without a cannon is like a hooligan without a weapon. It had been hacked to death by someone else after going out with two fists.

Parno was also aware of his gaffe at this time, knowing that he had gone too far in gloating, calmed down, put on a polite appearance, and smiled to Lorraine: "Count, your ship looks quite big. But where is your cannon?

Or, you built a cruise ship? ! "

Lord Lorraine couldn't help but glanced at him strangely.

Secretly cursed in my heart: You can be regarded as a young officer~!

It's simply embarrassing the term ‘young strong faction’.

Didn’t it mean that the young officers were all very smart and had an intuitive sensitivity to new weapons? Often only one glance can tell the direction of future wars.

It’s like Napoleon, a tank expert, Guderian, and even De Gaulle can barely count it.

In addition, there are Yamamoto Fifty-Six, which is famous for aviation warfare. These are all radical young people, and their grasp of the direction of the war is extremely accurate.

While others are still immersed in the inherent tactical system. They began to think about new tactics brought by new weapons. It's all coaxing, it's terrible.

And the man on the other side...elf, is also an officer of the Young Sect, but his brain is not so good. The uncle showed up the boat, he didn't even know what it was for.

And the guys behind him are all as dumb as the chickens.

It seems that I was deceived by those third-rate military journals bought from street stalls~!

Lorraine sneered, shook his head slightly, and asked in a relaxed tone: "Why do I need to be equipped with artillery?"

Parno froze for a moment. He also asked, "Why not equipped with artillery?

Earl, if you can tell me bluntly, your ship will not look good, will it? Just pull it out of the dock, right?

You are also a well-versed general, I believe you should know. Facing the butcher knife, the wild boar can resist one or two by relying on its sharp fangs. If it’s a domestic fat pig, it doesn’t matter how fat or fat it grows, but in the end, even a woman with a knife can make a cut..."

Having said this, he did not go on, but reached out and stroked his neck gently, making an ominous gesture.

Then he laughed. While laughing, he said apologetically: "Earl, I am always straight-hearted, what do you say, please don't be offended, don't be offended, ah? Hahahaha..."

Lorraine looked at him. He also laughed and said, "Nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong. You can't even see this, it only means that your vision is too small.

As an outstanding representative of the Elf Kingdom, you are like this, and others are naturally even more unbearable. How can I be surprised? "

All the officers present at the scene sank their faces in the same place-Lorraine is no longer the kind of superficially polite insinuation among the nobles, but directly slapped his face naked. And he scolded all of them in.

Elves have always been arrogant and extremely sensitive in terms of national self-esteem. Naturally it is unacceptable.

Several young and energetic little officers were so anxious that they couldn't help taking a step forward and drew a war knife from their waist.

Lorraine suddenly became angry: nmlgbd~! It's so **** that you can't even listen to the slightest advice. This is a problem. Lord, I have to treat you well~!

He squinted his eyes and stared at them coldly.

Behind the officers, Hippo Maidong couldn't help but sighed secretly. The Elf Kingdom has been closed for too long, the reason why he has not come forward to stop it. I just hope that they can open their eyes and see the world clearly, but these people have been closed for too long, their minds are rigid, and only arrogance is left, and they can't listen to other people's words.

He stepped forward and shouted sharply: "What do you want to do? Rebellion? Put away your weapons. Put them away for me."

While talking, he punched and kicked the officers.

The few people took back their weapons angrily, and then retreated.

Hippo Maidong turned around, bowed deeply, and said: "Count, I am not strict in discipline and rude."

Lorraine didn't care either, and said indifferently: "It's okay, just take more discipline next time."

The attitude of the Elven Kingdom towards humans has always been a problem, and human politicians are quite dissatisfied.

And the reason why he took the battleship of the Elf Kingdom this time was to personally understand the thoughts in the minds of these soldiers, and to evaluate the degree of cooperation between him and the elves, and now this result came out.

Lorraine turned around and said, "Send a signal to let the person above come and pick me up."

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other for a while: the person above came to pick up someone? What does this mean? Could it be that he let his warship lean over, and then he climbed the rope ladder? Or is it the most traditional swing mast?

But looking at the appearance of this Sir Alex, it didn't seem to be what he was going to do.

Although puzzled, the signal soldier still sent a signal to the top.

After a while, I saw a dark thing slowly rising into the air on the huge ship.

That is a small and medium war fortress~!

Seeing this, Parno couldn't help but shrink his eyes, faintly feeling a little stuffy in his chest.

He understood in an instant: It turned out that the huge ship was not a gunboat, but a huge mothership~!

This ship doesn't need any artillery. As long as relying on the powerful war fortress above, it is enough to destroy all enemies at a long distance~!

Lost himself is still there constantly calling some cannon. Thinking about it now, it's almost like a At this time, the war fortress has slowly flown over.

In order to avoid the masts and ropes on the Royal Ark, it made a deliberate loop and then landed in a gap in the rear deck.

When it fell, everyone suddenly felt the hull under their feet sway slightly, and then they saw the war fortress that had stopped steadily, and their hearts sank.

The war fortress was small, at most half the size of a house. But looking through the doors and windows, you can clearly see that at least ten people can sit inside. This is a new type of war fortress, and it also means that mankind's development and research on war fortresses has reached a new level.

The number of war fortresses that the entire Elf Kingdom now has is also very few, and these were purchased from the human side at a high price, let alone development and research.

Lorraine smiled, then turned around and said to the elven officers: "Everyone, would you like to follow me for a visit?"

A group of elven officers looked at each other, clashed, and rushed forward. It almost didn't fight to grab a seat.

Although they are old-fashioned, they are not stupid. Otherwise, they would not abandon the old ballistas and use human cannons instead. And now that I know of the emergence of another new weapon, it is natural to understand it well.

Parno gritted his teeth and stood up bitterly. He also needs to understand how powerful this huge battleship is? (To be continued)

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