Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1431: Night attack

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After going through the baptism of artillery fire and blasting all artifacts on the entire island to pieces, the Marines boarded the deserted beach, and the advance fleet took the first island very smoothly. The whole process Did not encounter any resistance.

Three battleships with a total of nearly 400 artillery bombarded for half an hour. Under the ferocious artillery fire that deliberately showed off their force, the garrison on the island was blown up to death in part of the novel.

The rest of the soldiers were all frightened by the bombardment like a volcanic eruption. They scattered like birds and beasts, fled into the primitive mountains and forests on the island, went to be company with birds and beasts, and never showed up again.

And now the entire port has been taken over by the soldiers of the Nyan Marine Corps.

The soldiers of the Marine Corps raised the red and golden eagle flag of the Ruman Empire on the beach, raised their weapons and cheered loudly.

Although the scale of this battle is small, it is of great significance. This marked the victory of the human army on the land of the Semitic tribe after hundreds of years.

Lord Lorraine witnessed the Marine Corps landing on the ship island of the Enterprise, and nodded approvingly to the Marine Corps soldiers. He already looked like the world's No. 1 hooligan.

Once the port is laid down, the next step is to send a large force to land. The port project contracted by Feiying Construction Engineering will begin immediately.

According to the plan, the Island of Sorrow is to be built as an important midway port for the human expeditionary force and become a fulcrum in the logistics system of the expeditionary force.

In the first batch, four docks capable of berthing two thousand-ton transport ships and a fortress-style military barracks equipped with turrets were planned.

The expeditionary army does not need to pay a penny for the port and barracks facilities, and the Eagle Construction Union is responsible for all expenses.

The premise is after the war. The right to use and manage the entire island. Including wharf and barracks. All belong to the Flying Eagle Group.

The lease term is eleven months, twenty-nine days, twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes after the ninety-nine year.

So Chairman Leo has a new title as a defense contractor.

Regardless of the construction cost estimated to be as high as two million, Chairman Leo didn't even blink his eyes when he paid the money.

The location of Mourning Island is excellent. After the war, it will inevitably become a golden channel connecting the human continent and the Semitic continent. Occupying here is equivalent to monopolizing this route.

In the future, if you want to engage in intercontinental maritime trade, you will have to look at the face of the Flying Eagle Group.

Chairman Leo got the bargain and still behaved, he kept saying in the United Nations: Lose, lose. I want a lonely island to have an ass. If it weren't for the face of Grandpa Lester, I wouldn't take this business.

Forget it, sacrificing the ego and achieving the greater ego is considered to be a contribution to the peaceful liberation of mankind and the Semites.

When talking about this, Chairman Leo also sighed deeply.

The enlightened Dean Lester "gently" "touched" Chairman Leo’s head, and said with emotion to Adele who was holding him: Let go of me, I am not going to beat this little gangster today. Pause~!

This kind of words can also deceive ten big-head soldiers who are not counted. The big guys of the United Nations have a clear idea of ​​Chairman Leo.

But even those who are dissatisfied. For example, in the Elf Kingdom, jumping up and down cannot stop the signing of this outsourcing contract.

The commander-in-chief of the peacekeeping force is the old son of Chairman Leo. The deputy commander-in-chief is the brother-in-law of Chairman Leo, and the chief of staff Wabador is a shareholder of Flying Eagle Group and Fengye Danlin United Co., Ltd.

So did Lester and Obaham, members of the Standing Committee of the Joint Committee.

The Ruman Empire of the War Department accounted for one-third of the troops, and Leo, the future emperor, was not obedient.

The other third is the Legion of the Knights of the Vatican, and Leo is the uncle of the son of Her Majesty Sylmelia. His girlfriend Melina is the sister of His Majesty the Pope. She is very young at a young age. Talent, known as one of the three queens of the Neodos family.

The commander-in-chief patrons of the Holy See did not dare to offend Chairman Leo.

The Admiralty Ruman Fleet and Nyan Fleet combined are three points better than the Wizard Kingdom Navy.

Not to mention the logistical supplies and the supply of war materials, almost entirely in the hands of Lorraine's girlfriends.

In this case, the coalition forces are equivalent to being run by Leo's family.

It is no wonder that the generals of the rest of the coalition have privately felt: They seem to be working for Chairman Leo.

The Flying Eagle Group naturally smoothly obtained the military contract for the peacekeeping force.

Lord Lorraine was about to order the transport ship to land, and the staff officer beside him suddenly pointed forward and said in surprise: "Marshal, look at it!"

Everyone followed his fingers and saw a small boat struggling towards the beach. At the front of the boat stood a priest who held high the banner of the Holy Cross Expeditionary Force.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise, and said: "What do these bald guys want to do? When are they so brave?"

Lord Lorraine touched his cyan chin for a moment, then he smiled and muttered: "Interesting."

Behind the priest's boat, the others seemed to wake up suddenly. The various troops rushed to the island with their own flags, and even a collision occurred.

As soon as the boat approached the beach, before stabilizing, the priest holding the flag jumped into the sea, raised the flag high in both hands, waded quickly to the beach, and then, under the eyes of everyone, the flag of the Holy Cross Expeditionary Army was ruthlessly He rushed into the beach and cried out.

While crying, he shouted: "Five hundred years, five hundred years, the light of the **** of light finally shines on the island of sorrow. Saint Xiuma, your spirit in the sky can rest in peace, and we have finally regained the fallen. Land~!"

"I'm pooh~!" someone behind the priest yelled angrily, stretched out his arm to point at the priest, and shouted: "You said it's yours? Why?"

The priest turned around and glared at them, and said grimly: "Just because this was ours five hundred years ago~!"

"You still have a face. Why don't you tell the Semi people this sentence? Tell you, your Holy See wants to occupy this land, no way. We won't agree~!"

"This was defeated by the coalition forces. It should belong to all of us."

"Yes. The ownership belongs to the United Nations, and no one wants to monopolize it."

While the representatives of various countries besieged...the scholars, they glanced at the Ruman next to them.

The right to use has been taken away by the Ruman, and sovereignty must no longer be cheaper than the Ruman. They can't get it, and no one wants to get it.

In short, this golden place cannot be monopolized by someone.

Lorraine quickly learned the content of the quarrel among the representatives of the countries on the shore, and said: "As expected."

The staff officers next to him were very angry. He shouted: "Okay, the site Ruman hit, they want to take away, there is no reason~!"

"Let those guys go."

"Kick them away."


Lord Lorraine looked relaxed, and said, "If peace is the most important thing, let them quarrel. What are we supposed to do."

The staff officers looked at each other in surprise, and were puzzled that this is land, the most precious treasure. If you have a chance, you must hold it firmly in your arms, and you will never let it go. What international co-management.

But Lord Lorraine doesn't seem to care at all. Was this Lord not like this before?

Until the signing of the International Maritime Convention, which stipulated that the disputed unowned islands would be owned by the actual occupants for 100 years, all talents suddenly realized.

Thumbs up and praised Lord Lorraine for being tall, which is really tall.

Even if the Ruman people's lease expires on the Island of Mourning, as long as they stay on the island for one more minute, the sovereignty of the island belongs to the Ruman Empire.


A few hours later, the huge advance fleet had all rushed into the harbor.

Although both battleships and aircraft carriers can only stay far away in deep water due to draught problems, the turbulent waves on the sea are suddenly weakened in the harbor due to the shelter of the natural breakwater formed by the harbor bend. The ship's turbulence has also been reduced a lot.

In this way, the tired sailors can sleep more peacefully.

After nightfall, a piece of silence on the sad island.

The bright moon peeked out of the faint clouds, casting a faint brilliance.

Under the moonlight, you can see the peace in the harbor.

The sea surface reflects the ripples of scales, the tall coconut trees dance lightly in the sea breeze, and the waves gently beat the white sandy beach.

The huge warship in the distance undulates slightly in the waves, and occasionally there is a sound of wood twisting, which adds to the tranquility of the night.

In the jungle behind the harbor, a low bush was gently pushed aside, revealing a pair of shining green eyes.

He glanced coldly at the battleship in the distance, then cast his gaze on the beach.

I saw that the barracks bombed by artillery during the day were all turned into a piece of wreckage, and there were still a few wisps of smoke in some places.

And not far away, several white camps have been erected. On the camp in the middle, a huge gold flying eagle battle flag fluttered gently with the sea breeze.

Seeing this, a hint of surprise flashed in those eyes: I didn't expect to catch a big fish this time.

Under the banner of the golden Eagle War, it must be the Earl of Lorraine who hated all the undead people~!

The dark shadow couldn't help but sneered: Although the Flying Eagle God of War was quite famous, he was spoiled and spoiled as in the legend, and couldn't endure any bitterness.

Now that dry duck can't withstand the wind and waves on the sea. As soon as it arrives, it is eager to get off the boat and rest on the shore. At this moment, it looks like it will be cheaper.

He stared fiercely at the battle flag several times before he continued to look down.

I saw piles of bonfires burning around the camp, and you could see a dozen black shadows sitting beside each bonfire.

With the light of the campfire, you can vaguely see that those dark shadows are all dozing off with arms in their hands, their heads hanging down.

Occasionally, you can see black shadows flashing by the fire, which should be guards on patrol. However, the guards are slow, listless and a little tired.

The man couldn't help but sneered, then slowly withdrew his hands, the bushes closed silently again, completely covering the man's figure.

A sea breeze came, and the bush that was blowing couldn't help shaking, but the shadow behind the bush was gone.

The moon continued to move slowly across the sky, when it passed through a white cloud and re-projected its bright light on the earth. Suddenly, there was already a black figure on the empty grass.

They all wear ragged armor. Through the wide gap in the armor. You can clearly see the thick bones exposed in the middle.

Although they all held swords tightly in their hands, all those weapons were already rusty and full of various gaps. Like interlaced canine teeth, it is daunting.

Although these soldiers were cautious, when they were walking, they could hear the sound of bone rubbing. The sound was like a rusty door shaft turning, extremely dry and unpleasant.

Immediately there were more than twenty tall statures. A knight in jet black armor walked out of the forest.

They all held heavy weapons in their hands, a high saber, and a heavy double-edged battle axe. A chain hammer with a long iron chain, a huge mace...

The masks of the knights were all put down, blocking their faces, but occasionally a trace of mist could be seen from the gaps in their masks.

Behind these knights are several men in black.

All of them were hidden under the black robe, and even their heads were buried deep in the hood, with no faces in sight. The only thing that can be seen is the shining lǜsè light in the eyes.

More than ten meters from the beach. Those figures all stopped, lying in ambush among the grass.

The headed man in black pointed to the big ship in the distance. Said: "Dalek, you bring people to the boat. Take the biggest boat in the middle for me.

I will suffer a little bit, and after killing all the people on the shore with another team, I will support you. "

His voice was extremely hoarse and unpleasant, as if nails were scratching on a blackboard, making his scalp numb.

Beside him, another man in black gave him a strange look, cursing inwardly: nmLgbD~! What makes you suffer?

Shall we change? Do you think everyone else is blind? Can't you see the flag of the human flying eagle and the **** of war on the middle camp?

But looking at the mocking look in the other's eyes, he can only be secretive. In the structure of the undead society, class differentiation and oppression are all extremely obvious. Even if the opponent's mana is only a line higher, he can only obey the opponent's order.

Darrick stretched out his hand and pointed towards the sea.

In front of them, the soldiers lying densely on the ground immediately divided into two parts. Some of them are still lying on the spot, while the others are crawling towards the sea.

When they came to the beach, they didn't hesitate to watch the undulating waves. They climbed straight into the water and were immediately submerged by the sea.

Immediately under the **** of more than a dozen knights, the three men in black, headed by Darrick, also came to the beach and walked into the sea, letting the water drown his chest and neck little by little. And head.

When another wave hits, they have all disappeared without a trace.

If it weren't for the messy footprints still left on the beach, it might be thought that it was just a strange nightmare.

Seeing this, the remaining black-clothed man couldn't help but turn around, and smiled slightly with the other black-clothed person beside him, revealing a gloating expression on his face.

Then he also raised his right hand and pointed forward.

In front of them, the soldiers all used their hands and feet together and crawled forward. There was a rustle on the beach like a sandworm crawling over.

The man in black stared nervously ahead, watching the piles of bonfires in the distance. To his delight, because the night was too late, all the guards patrolling were gone, leaving only the side of the fire. Those black shadows. Obviously, all the soldiers fell asleep.

At this time, the forward soldiers were getting closer and closer to the camp, leaving only a distance of less than 100 meters.

Seeing that the soldiers in front had entered the best charging distance, but they were still not discovered by the enemy, the heart of the man in black was relieved.

At the same time, he secretly said: What **** Flying Eagle God of War was completely blown. Lord, I'm about to launch a raid soon, he still doesn't notice anything.

It can be seen that the reason why the Semites failed was not because the enemy was too powerful, but because they were too incompetent~!

If you get the first level of Lorraine this time and present him in front of the high priest, I don't know if his old man will be happy, and then he will be rewarded heavily...

As he thought, he waved his right hand down vigorously.

Following that order. A group of soldiers jumped up from the ground. There were bursts of howls like evil spirits. He rushed to the camp not far away.

The soldiers in the front rushed to the side of the bonfire and immediately raised their swords and chopped down the human soldiers sitting around the bonfire to the ground.

At the same time, the remaining soldiers ran past them, rushed to the second campfire, and chopped down the human soldiers there.

Then the third bonfire...

The situation is progressing extremely smoothly, in less than half a minute. They rushed to the camp. Some soldiers rushed in.

Immediately under the background of the lights, figures wielding swords and hacking and killing appeared on the camp tent.

The two men in black looked at them, couldn't help but glance at each other, laughed loudly, and then ignored a lot, and immediately took a big step and walked out of the darkness.

Because of their eagerness, under the guard of a group of heavy armor knights, they went straight over the bonfire. Came outside the camp.

The man in black shook his robe sleeves, then laughed. Walked into the camp, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being surprised.

I saw that there were no corpses in the camp, only a few grass-stuffed human figures. At this time, the grass-men had been chopped down in a mess. This was the disadvantage of the necromantic troops. They only knew that they obeyed orders mechanically. I don't know how to be flexible, and I don't know how to think at all.

The black-clothed man suddenly felt his heart, and then reacted and shouted: "No, there is an ambush..."

At the same time, he jumped up and flew straight to the top of the camp,

Seeing his movements, the man in black next to him couldn't help but stunned. Before he could react, he saw a fire light in front of him.

With "Boom~! With a loud noise, the entire camp burst into full bloom in an instant like a huge firework.

In the night, the fireworks are so dazzling, even the stars in the sky are indistinct and pale.

The exploding orange fireball swallowed all the human figures within three meters, tore them into pieces, and then threw them out fiercely.

The limbs were broken, the armored swords were flying wildly in the sky, and then under the action of gravity, rain fell on the ground, making a series of strange noises.

Vaguely you can see those limbs on the ground, and bursts of black smoke. The air was also full of a scorched stench, which made people sick.

Finally, with the sound of ‘Pump’, the man in black also fell heavily, and then let out a series of low moans.

He was also extremely difficult, and he actually survived the big bang abruptly. It's just a pity that both legs and one arm have been completely blown off, leaving only one arm.

Nevertheless, he just supported it with that arm and sat up. Looking around at the miserable scene, I wanted to cry without tears.

Although he survived the big bang just now, his companions and the Dark Knights have all died.

That mana-powerful companion, those dark knights with superb combat skills, simply died.

The combat power they added can easily withstand the enemy's knights in a small group, but only a single explosion wiped them out, and there was not even time to hum.

At this moment, I saw countless figures jumping on the beach, in the corner of the embankment, and among the grass. In the shout, rushed towards this side.

They held various guns in their hands and shot at the targets that were still standing on the shore.

For a time, the gunfire crackled like firecrackers.

The bullets screamed and flew towards the undead soldiers, they fell to the ground like weeds that had been cut down, but even so, some of them did not hurt the vital ones, still struggling to get up from the ground.

At this time, the human soldiers had already caught up.

Although many of them saw the real undead for the first time, they didn't panic at all. They sneered and raised the gun in their hands, aimed at the opponent's forehead, and then slammed.

At the same time, flares rose from the battleships parked on the sea, illuminating the entire ground.

Immediately afterwards, priests and wizards appeared on the bow, and they shot their spells into the sea.

The water in the port is clear and extremely transparent. When those **** of light fell into the water, they immediately photographed the dead souls that had dived into the sea, and even the black holes in their eyes could be seen.

At this time, the battleships fired into the water one after another, stirring up huge water columns in the sea.

On the mothership at the rear, a war fortress had risen into the air, came over the heads of the undead, and dropped a heavy bomb.

The power of the bomb was so great, when a loud bang came, the ground of the entire island trembled three times.

The explosion produced a wave as high as five meters, rushing towards the coast, rushing to the position of the man in black, wet his robe, and then retreated.

The man in black turned his head and took a look, and then picked up a boned claw from the place where the wave had just The ring on it was very familiar, it was Daric's.

He couldn't help but smiled bitterly. From this, it seemed that the group of people was too bad.

At this time, the battle on the beach was nearing an end.

More and more soldiers rushed up and aimed their guns at the man in black.

He raised his head and glanced, not surprisingly, he found several priests and wizards among the soldiers.

Immediately the crowd parted, revealing a young man in casual clothes.

He couldn't help but stunned, and said: "Lorraine?"

Lorraine smiled and said, "Yes, raise your hand and surrender, I can spare you not to die."

The man in black couldn't help but sneered, just about to move. Immediately, all the soldiers next to him slammed their guns forward.

Seeing that the other party looked like a big enemy, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and he whispered: "Do you think you have won? It's ridiculous, this is just the beginning..."

As he said, he stretched his hand towards his chest, and then saw its chest collapse, exposing dense white bones, and then the scope slowly spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a skeleton.

Lorraine looked at the skeleton, and his heart suddenly became heavy: I didn't expect that there would be such a person in the undead who regarded death as home. It seems that this battle is not as easy to fight as expected~! (To be continued)

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