Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1427: God punishment

God said: ‘Let there be light~! ’

So there is light~! "

With Silmelia's passionate and high-pitched voice, under the impetus of the magic spar, the entire magic circle suddenly shone with a holy light. m.

The gorgeous milky white brilliance is like a big white umbrella, shrouded in the sky over the island, and the light illuminates every inch of the island.

If you look down from the sky, the huge magic circle is like diamonds on the sea, shining brightly in the sun.

At the same time, there was a low but loud hum in the air.

The sound was extremely weird. At first, the frequency was very low. Although the sound did not sound high, everyone present felt the strong vibration of the sound. The sound wave tremors made their abdomen and chest contract.

Every time it sounded, everyone's hearts jumped suddenly.

The holy light on the entire magic array also flickered, shocked, shocked, the light rose up into the sky in a regular manner, spread, then disappear, and then lit up again, like a beating heart.

It seems that the magic circle is a huge living creature, breathing hard to accumulate power.

With the shaking, the light of the holy light became brighter and denser. It was like a thick lump of milk that couldn't be melted, completely enveloping everyone in the magic circle.

In the powerful white holy light, everyone can only see the fuzzy outline of their companions around them, and it is almost difficult to open their eyes.

Then the light jumped faster and faster, faster and faster. The last flashing interval is almost indistinguishable by the naked eye, and the brilliance enveloped the entire island.

At this moment, Silmelia made a fist with her left hand, turned the mountain of light in her hand to the sky, and wanted to raise her hand to the sky.

But she felt that her hand was as heavy as a mountain, as if she was lifting the brilliance of the entire magic circle, so she could only raise her arms with difficulty.

When her hand was raised above her head, she felt the resistance suddenly increase.

Although Silmelia was very close to her silver teeth, she tried several times with all her strength. The originally slender, white arms burst with blue blood vessels. The arms turned slightly red due to excessive use, but she still couldn't hold her hands. Lift another inch.

At the same time, she felt the sacred power in her body was rapidly draining, as if a gate had been opened.

Silmelia couldn't help but stunned. Although she is the pope, she is too young, lacks time accumulation, and the body contains too little holy power. On the ability of holy arts, it can reach the senior cardinal archbishop. There is still some gap, let alone compared with the ascetic monks.

The holy power in her body is simply not enough to support and command such a large-scale magic circle.

At this time, through the magic crystal ball, it can be seen that the battle between the powerful humans and the high priest in the distance has undergone a fundamental change.

Due to the high-intensity battle, the wizards consume a lot of magic power, and at the same time they must concentrate 200%, and the consumption of mind is also huge. At this moment, they are already feeling physically exhausted, so the more they fight, the weaker they are, no longer the initial fierce attack. Momentum, at a disadvantage.

And the mana of the high priest seemed endless. He easily recruited one after another powerful dark creatures, dropped them in front of him, and directed them to fight against humans.

A large number of dark creatures launched suicide onslaught from all sides, as if to drown the masters of humanity.

The powerhouses of mankind were bullied by him like a group of dogs, only parrying power, not fighting back. Fighting for his surname, he can only maintain the situation and keep the dark creatures out.

Due to physical exhaustion and mental exhaustion, more and more people hid behind the red archbishop and the ascetic monks, after they had propped up the light shield, took a breath, and then fought again.

Only Lester's powerful magical masters and masters, as well as a few experienced archers, are still attacking the high priest, and their abilities are also top-notch among this group of masters.

But at this time their rhythm is getting slower and slower, and obviously they can't stand it anymore.

At the same time, the high priests have more and more time to summon more undead creatures while dealing with their attacks.

Swarms of dark creatures gathered in the air, and then screamed towards the battlefield.

At this time, the crowd of human powerhouses was almost completely shrouded in darkness, unable to see the figures in the battle group.

There was a roaring gust of wind everywhere, with a cold and icy atmosphere, forming a whirlwind around human beings.

The pale ghosts were flying around in a whirlwind, screaming that hurt human hearts, and howling around them.

The dark knights rushed out of the smoke. They wielded big swords nearly one person high, roared and roared like beasts, and brandished heavy and slashed at the human light shield on the opposite side.

Those strong human beings are like a flat boat in the storm, and they are constantly ups and downs with the storm and the waves, and they may be destroyed at any time.

The high priest saw this with a triumphant smile in his eyes. As long as he continued to strengthen the offensive, humans would definitely not be able to hold it, but instead he waved his staff and slowed down.

The high priest looked at the crowd coldly, and said solemnly: "I'm very curious, who came up with your crappy plan? And who is the internal annihilator?"

His voice was not high, but through the howling wind, the sharp howl of the ghost, and the roar of the dark knights, it clearly reached the ears of a group of human experts.

The high priest paused, and then continued: "Let's talk, let's talk, as long as someone speaks out, I will save him from death. If it can satisfy me, I will grant him eternal life.

Speak up, speak up..."His voice was full of fatal temptation, as soft as a lullaby. Many people couldn't help but close their eyes.

There was hesitation in some people's eyes. Some people even wanted to move forward with dull eyes... Lester looked at him and said that he was not good, the old man gritted his teeth, exhausted all his strength, and slammed a bolt of lightning forcefully.

"Kacha~!" There was a loud thunderbolt.

A thin orange lightning bolt in the sky struck down fiercely.

It did not hit the high priest as before, but like a fierce dragon, it rushed towards the dark knights.

Lightning fell into the dark knight's crowd and exploded violently. Amidst the loud noise, the arc flew out, blasting on the dark knight's armor, making a crackling sound.

The dark knights couldn't help but their bodies shook, and they fell down one after another.

Although it is dark all around, you can still see wisps of white mist emerging from the gaps in their armor.

"Okay~!" Someone in the crowd shouted in excitement, and the pressure on the human side suddenly eased.

Even the demon archer cheered up, and took the opportunity to shoot another arrow at the high priest. But then more dark knights were summoned by the high priest, roaring and rushing out of the darkness.

Seeing this situation, a look of despair flashed in the eyes of many powerful human beings. The soldiers of the high priest seemed to never be able to fight, and no one knew how many dark creatures he could summon in his hand.

Could it be that the high priest is really invincible. Is he really boundless and never tired?

The high priest's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Although he also paid a huge price, half of his body was damaged by human attacks, and it took a long time to recover.

But he is already in his grasp. The battle of the Dark Mage is not a spell bombing. Summoning dark creatures is always the trump card of the Dark Mage.

These enemies on the opposite side are all top powerhouses in the human world, and it is usually difficult to find one or two. If they were all made into necromancers, then it would be a great help to oneself.

If you send them back, let go and slaughter them in the human world. What a huge blow to mankind will be.

Especially that Lester, if he was made into a lich, it would be the first lich at the level of the Grand Magister.

At the same time, people will once again be soberly aware that the first strong under the stars is always invincible.

Under great fear, they would never mention any more landing plans.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little smug, but then he realized that he was gaffe.

The once incomparably powerful undead army has not been deployed on the human turf. Whether it is the sea of ​​undead, the corpse poisonous plague, or even the corpse demons that the lich himself cannot control, they have not played much role in the war.

They were all blown to pieces in human artillery fire, and they were defeated so cleanly in this war, losing all the games, and losing two million troops.

This kind of thing was completely impossible to imagine a thousand years ago. Even if he was defeated in the last war, the remaining troops could still be withdrawn safely.

But now he appeared in front of him.

Although he has gone through the vicissitudes of life and saw everything in the world, this failure still makes him feel a little annoyed and regrettable. Let the artillery and war fortress of mankind continue to develop, what else can he do to deal with them in the future? The Sea of ​​Undead and the Dark Mage have proved to be impossible.

A crack appeared in the high priest's heart as solid as a rock.

At the same time, there was a trace of fear hidden deep in his heart. That trace of fear, even if he can barely notice it: after a thousand years, human beings have become so powerful, then they will inevitably become even stronger in the future.

And he, the Dark Mage and the Semis, have not changed much from a thousand years ago.

At this rate, maybe one day in the future, he will die in their hands? ~! ! !

He invited more than a dozen ghosts, used them to interfere with the human archer, and then more than a dozen dark knights nearly three meters high, and then whispered again: "Come on, come on, children, Join our team, join the world of eternal life, where there is no sorrow, no pain, so that you can forget all your worries. Never fear death again..."

That magical voice echoed in everyone's ears like a dream.

Although everyone was prepared this time, there were still several physically and mentally exhausted people who fell in his way, put down their weapons, and stood in place blankly.

Then the people next to him hurried up, covering their ears, and then kicking them hard or stabbing them with a knife.

With this sudden sharp pain, those people regained consciousness. Immediately they dragged them back to the back of the holy light barrier.

The rhythm of the battle was disrupted once again, Lester couldn't help but smile, anxious, and secretly said: This old ghost is too powerful, simple bewitching can use this effect, how many methods does this guy hide?

Just now, even Lester himself was almost lost.

Through the magic crystal ball, Silmelia saw the situation of the battle, and couldn't help but feel anxious. The situation became more and more unfavorable. Lester and the others could not hold on for long.

But under the pressure of the powerful Holy Light, she began to feel the bones all over her body beginning to make noises, her palms had become numb, and her hands had become heavier and heavier.

If it hadn't been supported by the strong perseverance that she had cultivated for more than ten years, she would almost put her hands down.

Unknowingly, under the heavy pressure, Silmelia felt salty in her mouth, as if blood was pouring out, but then she swallowed the blood again, and then gritted her teeth again, strong Raised his hand to the ground.

It only raised less than half an inch, and the doubled pressure came ruthlessly again.

Silmelia couldn't help but fell on her knees, her right hand tightly holding the holy staff, and she wanted to stand up, but her left hand was still raised high.

The people present couldn't help but feel anxious when seeing her situation.

Although God loves the world, the power of God is extremely powerful, and it is not something anyone can bear.

Although they were scattered in the corners of the magic circle, maintaining the operation of the magic circle with their own strength, they could all clearly feel the mighty power of the mountain, and it was very difficult to breathe under pressure.

Not to mention Silmelia, who stands in the center of the magic circle and needs to bear almost all of her power.

In the white holy light, a wisp of bright red liquid can be seen dripping from the corner of her mouth, forming a shocking contrast with her white and delicate skin.

At this time, even if someone wanted to step forward to help, but in the envelope of the powerful holy light, it was like a mass of coagulated milk, which had already condensed into substance, restraining their bodies, preventing them from taking a step forward.

The Great Sorcerer Oshid stood outside, but his thoughts were complicated, he couldn't help sighing, and hurriedly waved his hand.

The people of the Holy See actually launched such a powerful magic circle, which really makes people feel envy and envy.

This kind of powerful magic circle can only be used by big dogs like the Holy See, and the precious materials invested are more than he has played in his entire life.

It’s impossible to do it in a small workshop-style approach like the Magic Association. The Magic Association is simply a guild association. It has no binding force on the mage and no way to earn money. It is to do magic spar business. Make a small mess.

Compared with the wealth of the Holy See, it is not an order of magnitude at all. This time, the Holy See can come up with hundreds of tons of alloy raw materials without hesitation.

But at this time, he also found that something was wrong. Seeing Silmelia kneeling on one knee, as if unable to support it, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

He turned his head and looked at the crystal ball: There, the battle between humans and the high priest is already presenting a one-sided situation. All the strong men of human beings are all crushed and beaten by the old guy, and they will soon be destroyed. Up.

At this moment, the young Pope wants to drop the chain at this critical moment.

"These guys from the Holy See are really unreliable as always~!" Osheed could not help but slandered in his heart.

He had the heart to help, but looking at the holy light thick as milk, and then at the huge mountain of light on Shirmelia's left hand, he couldn't help but stop.

The Ring of Holy Dolu is the Ring of Light. It is also a ring bestowed by gods, with great power.

Throughout the ages, only the Pope can use the Ring of Saint Peter. If anyone else dares to covet it, they will be punished by God~!

There are even legends that there is the consciousness of the **** of light on the mountain of light, a real artifact.

As a great magician with strong magic power, morality, cultivation, and moral character, O'Hid sneered at this very feudal and superstitious argument.

He secretly guessed that some kind of powerful holy light magic or voodoo curse must have been applied to the ring, which made others afraid to use it.

And it is very likely that there are other ways to crack it, but even as a great wizard, he dare not try it himself.

Osheed looked at the crystal ball again, and at this time, the fighting there became more and more fierce.

Several holy light barriers have been broken by the enemy. Although there were ascetic monks and other barriers were put up in time, there were still a few strong humans who did not evacuate in time and fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Looking at the magical circle of Holy Light that was shining, but was unable to launch it for a long time, Osheed couldn't help but feel desperate: Could it be that the high priest really should not die? Or is it said that Lord Guangming was dozed off today?

Although as a magician, a magical elementalist, he does not believe in those gods in his heart, but at this moment, he still can't help but pray secretly in his heart.

As if responding to his I saw a thin figure appeared in the magic circle of Holy Light. He walked slowly in the thick, indestructible light, without any hindrance. It's like being in your own back garden.

"Who is this?" Osheed couldn't help being surprised. You know, even if he is a man of high power, he dare not easily step into the holy light array.

He opened his eyes desperately, trying to see the opponent's face clearly. But in the white holy light, you can only vaguely see the shadow of the other party.

I saw that person came to Silmelia's side, then raised his hand to help her up. Then he reached out and held her left hand, together with force, raised her hand to the sky.

The magical circle suddenly shined brightly.

The holy light with a diameter of more than 100 meters soars into the sky, straight into the sky.

The powerful light smashed the clouds in the sky into fragments, a piece of blue in the sky, and even the shining stars in the sky could be seen.

(To be continued) q

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