Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1423: Who is the rape

"We killed the high priest, but the high priest is not dead yet. m.."

After hearing Lester's words, Lorraine couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and was puzzled: This seemed a bit convoluted. For a moment, he even suspected that Lester had met the famous writer, at least he had read the famous "Someone" that became a compulsory elementary school education textbook.

Lorraine asked concerned: "Is he dead or not?"

At this moment, Lester sighed for a long time, with an unwilling expression on his face, and then said: "This is how things are..."

×××××When the high priest stepped out of the teleportation formation and saw the scene in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but stunned.

I saw that what appeared before his eyes was not the gloomy, dense gray mist that could not dissolve all year round on the Island of the Dead, nor the rancid ground under his feet, but a green mountain forest, dotted with blue-gray rocks, all around The azure sea, surrounded by the island is a circle of silver-white sand.

This is a lonely island overseas.

The high priest himself could not judge that this island might be located at that location.

Opposite him, there were as many as thirty or forty old wrinkled white-bearded old men, some of whom were almost immobile, as if they could poke their fingers down.

But it was them who caused the high priest to squint slightly, his face showing a cautious expression.

Each of these old men was dressed in the black robe of the wizard, or the red robe of the cardinal archbishop, or a simple linen clothed ascetic monk with a crown of thorns on his head.

The surging mana and sacred power radiated from their bodies, and if there was substance, they even distorted the light around them like a wave of air.

There was a dazzling light on the Magister's staff, and it was obvious that they were all ready to go.

Behind them are a few slender, handsome elf archers.

It can be seen from the feather decoration on their hats that these elven archers are all the most elite elite rangers.

A few people's feather arrows gleamed with different lights, indicating that they are powerful archers among the rangers, and dealing with mages is their specialty.

In addition, there are three knights with long swords, thick shields, and heavy armors. There is a layer of flashing light on their unpretentious armors, and strong sacred power fluctuations are transmitted.

The sturdy helmet concealed their faces. Although they did not show their strength, just by looking at the scarlet cloaks on them, you can know that these are definitely the highest-ranking champion knights with powerful martial skills. They should be from the mainland. A well-known strong man.

At this moment, facing the number one strong under the stars, they all smiled and looked at him coldly, like a group of satyrs staring at Little Red Riding Hood.

This is by far the most luxurious and powerful instance team on the mainland. Gathered almost all the strong on the mainland.

And the collocation is reasonable, close combat, medium-range and long-range are all available, in front of them, even the dragons will retreat.

They gathered here in order to snipe and kill the number one enemy of the human world, the strongest in the world who is closest to the gods and demons-the undead high priest Kalimdor, and Betterlis.

Facing the luxurious lineup in the two thousand years of history, the high priest was just a little lost, and then calmly said: "You betray me~!"

Although he didn't look back, behind him, a group of liches all flashed away, and then cast their eyes on a lich behind him.

This teleportation array was set up by the high priest who ordered the lich, and if anyone could do anything, he was the only one.

The lich was stunned for a moment, looked around suspiciously, and suddenly understood, suddenly green light flashed in his scared eyes.

He knelt to the ground all of a sudden, hissing sadly: "Your Majesty, No, it's not me.

I am not a traitor. When I set the coordinates of the teleportation array, Goodman came over and helped me..."

Having said this, he suddenly realized that he pointed his finger at a lich next to him, and said angrily: "It's you, your hands and feet. You are the human internal annihilator..."

The lich’s eyes burst into green flames, pointed his finger at him, and screamed: "Sendos, don’t spit people. I was helping you set up the teleportation array, but something happened later, so I took this matter. Give it to Rosed."

With that, he turned his head and looked at another lich beside him.

The rest of the people also turned around. //.//

Under the gaze of everyone, the lich’s eyes flickered, and then slowly said: "Sendos, don’t be sophistry. You are responsible for setting up the teleportation array. I just handed you the materials, except for you. Who else can move his hands and feet?"

Everyone couldn't help but once again cast their eyes on Sendos who was kneeling on the ground.

Sendos looked around at the crowd and saw that they all looked at him suspiciously. He became desperate for a while and hissed: "No, I am not. I am really not a traitor. Your Majesty, please believe me, I have followed you for six hundred years..."

A group of liches looked at each other and all cast their gazes at the high priest not far away, hoping that His Majesty the gods could be as wise as the legend, everything could not escape his eyes and find the traitor among them.

At the same time, the seeds of suspicion also took root in their hearts, the traitors were among them, the teleportation array was always underground, and within a few days, everyone had the opportunity to secretly change.

Although facing a strong enemy, they also distanced themselves from each other unconsciously. In order to prevent someone next to him is really a traitor, and then suddenly hurt himself.

The high priest couldn't help but snorted coldly, obviously not believing Sendos.

At this moment, I saw Sendos gritted his teeth, pulled out a dagger suddenly, and waved his hand.

Hearing the sound of ‘hu’, blue and white flames suddenly appeared from the dagger.

Everyone was surprised, this was actually a magic dagger. Then they backed up a few steps. Make a defensive posture.

Lich Goodman even yelled inwardly, "Sendos, in front of Lord God, you dare to raise a knife, what do you want to do?"

The flame dagger is not only sharp, once it penetrates into the body, the mana with the corrosive surname will inevitably puncture the phylogeny of their body, burn up their life essence, and make them truly die.

Rosed beside him also shouted loudly: "Sendos, you said you are not a traitor, but you have hidden the flame dagger, a prohibited weapon, with bad intentions and want to murder your companions.

Now that the evidence is solid, what else do you have to say? "

Sendos gritted his teeth, raised the dagger high, and shouted desperately: "Master God, I am really not a traitor. I am willing to die, but I ask you to be careful behind you."

As he said, with a strong wave, he thrust the dagger into his chest.

The sharp dagger pierced through the shriveled skin and bones of the Lich, and then hit the phylogeny deep in the body, and plunged deeply into it.

The essence of life flowed out instantly, and then was ignited by the pale white flames on the dagger. Those fluid vitality encountered the flame and suddenly burned like gasoline.

In the blink of an eye, Sendos shook and burned like a human-shaped torch. The bluish-white flame rushed into the air several meters high, and within ten seconds, he turned into a cloud of gray powder ashes.

Throughout the process, the high priest has been on the sidelines, without any action or dissuasion.

The liches couldn't help but glance at each other, and they all felt horrified.

In order to prove that he was not a traitor, Sendos did not hesitate to die, but the high priest did not even show the slightest expression, as if he was looking at an ant, without frowning.

Although everyone admits that the great high priest is aloft like a god, he has bestowed immortality on the liches, but such a return of loyalty is a bit chilling.

And more importantly, Sendos proved that he was not a traitor by his death. So who is this traitor?

He must be still in the crowd. In case of a fight, the traitor will suddenly come to himself from behind... Hiss... Since Sendos can hide a forbidden weapon that can ignite the soul, the internal annihilation must also Will steal a weapon, maybe even more powerful.

In that case, just thinking about it is already making people feel cold.

Being a lich and darkness, and companions of death are cruel and cold signs, but in fact, they are all most afraid of death.

Because you are not afraid of death, you won't turn yourself into such a ghostly appearance.

The more scared they were, the more careful they were to pay attention to the people around them. Unknowingly, the distance between each other widened.

A lich finally couldn't bear it, stepped forward, gritted his teeth and said to the great wizard Lester on the opposite side: "Tell me, who is your internal annihilator?"

Looking at the lich, everyone present couldn't help but stunned: Not only did the lich rot, but also its IQ? Isn't this a complete silly fork? How could the other party just say anything about the highest-level secrets like the internal fighter?

But the red-haired archbishop opposite smiled and said solemnly: "Okay, I'll tell you."

Everyone couldn't help but stunned again: Does the other party also have a silly fork?

Immediately, he saw the archbishop in red pointing at the lich and shouting: "The internal annihilation is you~!"

The Lich was startled at once, took more than ten steps back, and said in a loud panic: "You are nonsense, you are nonsense. We won't believe you."

The archbishop in red laughed and ignored him. Then he pointed to the other person next to him and said, "That's you."

The lich immediately took a dozen steps back in shock, repeatedly denying it.

The archbishop in red was even more proud of the moment he laughed, joking around with the liches, pointing at the liches on the opposite side, pointing indiscriminately, saying: "It's you, it's you, it's you..."

Those liches all flashed back in shock, racing to avoid them.

The high priest yelled coldly, "Enough~!"

Then he took a step forward and stood in front of the liches.

Although his figure is not considered stalwart, but at this time it is like a mountain, exuding a powerful aura. Like a cloud of dark clouds, the hearts of the people were heavy for a while.

The knight in the front row couldn't help raising the weapon and shield in his hand, and assumed a fighting posture.

The cardinal archbishop immediately showed a solemn look on his face, and then took a half step back cautiously-although they were strong and confident enough to kill the high priest, when facing him, none of them were not cautious, who I don't know what killer moves he has.

What is certain is that the high priest has not lived in vain for more than two thousand years, and his status as the number one strong under the stars is not self-proclaimed.

The high priest turned his head, glanced coldly at the group of liches behind him, and said in a deep voice, "You can judge yourself~!"

A group of liches couldn't help but stunned, and shouted in unison, "Master God."

The high priest said coldly: "It's certain that you have internal annihilators, but it is a bit troublesome to deal with these humans. I have no time to distract and pull them out.

So if you all decide on your own, the internal annihilation is naturally dead.

After killing all these humans back, I will bury you with a heavy gift. "

He spoke in a very ordinary tone, as if the dead were not his followers, but just a few ants.

As the most powerful lich in the world, he has already lost all human feelings and is used to looking at everything in the world in silence.

The eternal life of the liches was given by him, and of course he could take the son back. In the eyes of the high priest, this was a matter of course.

As long as he is alive, without these few liches, he can recreate them later, and the high priest has never lacked the human mage who defected to him.

The liches looked at each other.

Someone immediately knelt to the ground and said in a trembled voice: "Master God, I have served you for five hundred years and have always been loyal to you..."

The high priest looked at the man with a bit of disgust, and interrupted him, saying: "Since I am loyal, then I want you to die, you should die."

The lich could not help but stared at the undead high priest blankly.

At this moment, without warning, the group of liches suddenly screamed in unison. Then, they turned into a few clouds of smoke and fled out in different directions.

Everyone around ran away, and the lich who was kneeling on the ground also reacted, turned around and turned into a cloud of smoke, and then flew back.

It is meaningless for them to stay here. Humans want to kill them, and the high priest wants them to die.

Even if the future does not die in the hands of human beings, it will necessarily die in the hands of the high priest.

They are not as stupid as Sendos, the first thing everyone thinks of is their own life.

However, the high priest did not stop him, but stood still and looked at them coldly.

The human wizards and ascetics also turned a blind eye to the escaping lich, just staring at the high priest.

But seeing the black smoke coming and quickly reaching the edge of the island, then I saw a few dazzling white rays on the ground rising into the sky, shooting towards the few liches.

Someone couldn't dodge, was shot by the light, then fell down screaming.

Even though some lucky ones escaped the light from the ground and continued to flee, but then they saw several silver-winged flying horses flying from the ground, like a white lightning, chasing them.

And farther away, you can vaguely see countless black dots flying in the sky quickly, blocking the way of the Lich-that is the war fortress that has long been ambushed in the distance. .

In order to catch the opportunity only once in this thousand years, mankind mobilized all its powerful forces to kill the high priest.

The high priest immediately turned his head, no longer looked, he didn't care about the fate of the liches. A war fort blocked in front, and a silver-winged Pegasus chased after it. Those liches are definitely dead.

To him, the liches were just his servants.

This is good, the province can do it yourself. And those people are not useless at all. At the very least, they detected the encirclement net laid by the enemy.

He glanced at the people in front of him coldly, and said, "Do it, let me see how much you weigh?"

Opposite him, a group of human powers looked at each other, and then all leaned slightly and bowed to him.

Although the opponent is the source of evil, the leader of the lich, the spreader of darkness and death. But it is undeniable that he is also the number one strong under the stars, and he was already the strong one in the world a thousand years ago.

Regardless of whether the opponent is good or evil, he is worthy of their respect.

The moment they leaned, the high priest suddenly screamed, raised the staff in his hand, and gave a heavy stop.

There was a loud bang.

Like the most violent earthquake, the earth trembled suddenly.

With the staff as the center, the ground cracked like a spider web.

The earth tore apart, and a wide crack was like a giant snake, winding and twisting, and flew towards the human power on the opposite side.

A group of human powerhouses are also sophisticated and experienced. Facing the sudden attack by the high priest, it seemed to have been expected.

An old magician stepped forward and halted the wand in his hand heavily.

A yellow light flashed, and the ground under their feet suddenly became hard.

The originally soft ground gradually showed the color of blue-gray rock mountains. The original long grass was affected and turned into hard rock.

The crack slammed into the rock like a giant snake, and suddenly there was a "crack" muffled sound, and everyone's chest became stuffy.

Under the impact of the huge force, the rock seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and it also became cracked, and the tiny gravel shot and splashed.

Nevertheless, the crack stopped and stopped spreading forward.

Only this hand showed the profound magic power of the Magister.

The high priest looked at it with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Very good. You people are worth a battle."

Just like their purpose to kill the high if the high priest here kills the human elite group who brushed their own copies.

The most powerful warriors and mages of mankind are almost all gathered here. If you kill them, then the power of mankind will inevitably be weakened by more than 30%.

The crisis of humans attacking the Semitic continent can be solved immediately. Then he can dive down and develop for another five hundred years, accumulate enough strength, and then launch another attack.

At this moment, a series of bowstrings were heard.

The elves began to shoot the magic-breaking arrows in their hands at the high priest. At the same time, the red bishops also waved the staff in their hands, shooting out a white holy light. The magicians performed their own unique skills, using their best magic to hit the high priest.

For a time, arrows, magic, and holy arts gathered together, overwhelming the sky, and smashed toward the high priest.

The war between the two sides officially began.

(To be continued) q

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