Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1408: National Fitness Exercise

When Lord Lorraine led the army to reach the city of Mulhouse, the whole city was already lively like a pot of boiling water. M.

The city of Mulhouse is already full of thousands of people. The people are all out, grabbing red names in exchange for bounty, as if they are engaged in a lively national fitness exercise.

Regardless of men, women and children, they are all devoted to playing a treasure hunt with the goal of annihilating celebrities.

It was so chaotic that when Lorraine walked into the city, he saw such a ridiculous mirror image.

The men are holding iron pickaxes, the women are holding wooden sticks and tongs, and the children and the elderly are holding bags and ropes, and eagerly follow the rumors.

After a while, I heard that the city lord was hiding in the sewer of the West District, and the crowd rushed towards the West District after a while. Then I heard that the tax officer was hiding in the ruined courtyard in Nancheng, and the crowd screamed and rushed towards Nancheng. past.

But this group of guys just joined in the fun, just like people who heard that eating salt can prevent radiation and went crazy to buy salt, holding a mentality that it doesn't matter if you can't fish, and you make a lot of money.

Anyway, they seemed to be having a good time, and they vented all the depression of being occupied by the Semis into this nationwide raid.

The ones who are really professional are those who stare at the target.

They are often in groups of three or five, and they have already planned what they want to start with.

For example, the officers in the army, of course, the squad leader is not good enough. They grabbed the reeducation through labor for at most two years and received no reward.

The commander level basically means that the red name did not run away, and the city is known as a 200,000 army, no matter how the city lord eats empty salaries, there will always be more than one hundred colonel-level officers.

They are the preferred targets of these heroes.

In order to make money, they even send people to keep track of them in secret 24 hours a day to accurately grasp the movement of the target.

Although it's a bit harder, everyone is born of hardship. It's not like those second-generation aristocrats who can do evil with a good father and make money. How can it be hard?

Since they were young, the phrase "money is hard to make, **** is hard to eat" can be applied everywhere, and the unbreakable truth has been deeply imprinted in their minds.

When the city was in chaos, they immediately gathered their accomplices and went straight to the target.

Some puppies even stepped on a bit long ago and lay in ambush near those people's homes. When the celebrities were in a panic, they suddenly rushed in and knocked them down.

Of course, there are also some misses, such as someone who has already ran away cleverly, or, like the Lord of Mulhouse, a nobleman, knew that there was a day, well prepared, and brought a large number of guards around him. As soon as he heard the news of the chaos, he immediately jumped into the carriage, hit the horse and whip, and ran away.

Even the fast-legged heroes can only look at the smoke and dust they raise on the horizon and sigh with excitement.

Along the way, Lorraine kept seeing someone escorting a five-flower-tied man and sending them to the coalition triumphantly. The faces of the people around were all kinds of envy, jealousy and hate. They were on the side of the street talking loudly about how much this guy was worth. how much is it.

"It seems that as a business city, the people of Mulhouse have good economic awareness." Lord Lorraine muttered in his heart, suddenly remembering the spectacular sight of a group of players chasing red names all over the world when he was playing games. If the hapless guy carries another year or two of the best equipment... he couldn't help thinking for a while, would the bounty hunters also wield their knives while chasing the Mulhouse Lord. Shouting something, "Kill the SS, the best product is equipped..."

The troops of the coalition army drove slowly into the city behind Sir Alex Ferguson, and the team went straight to the city lord’s mansion in the middle of the city. From a distance, you could see the golden cross flag of the Holy See flying high on the square.

But the sight in front of them frightened Lorraine and the others. The sight here was even more lively than on the street, and the square was full of people.

The liberated citizens of Mulhouse are like celebrating the Lord's Day, happily carrying out a campaign that the masses love—robbing~!

Countless people moved in and out of the city lord’s mansion and surrounding political axe institutions, and noble houses, moving everything that could be moved back to their homes.

Some people carry chairs on their shoulders, and some people carry a table together.

There is a fat aunt carrying a big pot and carrying two big barrels of oil. Those things add up to a total weight of 60 catties, but she is still walking like flying, and she keeps urging loudly to those who follow. "Hey boy, hurry up. Before the land-scraper from Lorraine has come, let's put things at home quickly, and we can come again..."

Not far away, a burly butcher carried a full fan of fat pigs, squeezed the people next to him, and walked forward.

On the other side, a child with a runny nose was crying, holding a decorative painting in his hands, and staggering forward.

From time to time, the woman next to her who was holding her clothes and bedding slapped him on the back of the head, pushing him forward.

These people are simply a professional demolition team. They took away almost everything, even the window lattices and door panels were unloaded and carried away.

Lorraine even saw a few people carrying a large bed, running fast with chants, and the bed was covered with gorgeous sheets.

Not only that, but the people are extremely brazen.

Carrying all kinds of stolen goods on the street rampage, brazenly showing off their respective harvests, or meeting to leave things at home, and then go somewhere to get them.

Sometimes, they even passed directly through the ranks of the Holy See's army, not avoiding suspicion at all. Even if someone ran straight to the front of Lord Luo's team, even though there was a guard nearby shouting loudly, that guy was still barking yellow teeth, showing a shameless smile, and then quickly ran to the side.

Sir Alex couldn't help but sighed: This trip seemed to be losing money.

As a modern person, he never underestimated the diligence, wisdom and bravery of working people.

According to his estimation, there should be no floor tiles left in the looted places. If it is not stopped, the citizens will sneak over again at night and remove all the wall tiles.

The robbery didn't know who started the robbery. The citizens who first came to catch the red name saw the target escape, and in a mentality that they couldn't come in vain, they took away what they wanted.

Other citizens saw someone moving things from the city lord’s mansion and the noble house, and immediately invested in it. If others moved, if they did not move, they would not suffer, and things quickly developed out of control.

In this regard, the rebel army composed of members of the resistance organization was helpless. They originally wanted to defend the city lord's mansion, but they were pushed away by the turbulent crowd in less than a second. After all, they only had a hundred people.

After all, their confidence is quite lacking.

In case that annoys the common people, when the time comes, someone in the crowd shouts, so and so are red names. Everyone, catch him.

Then they all had to be chopped into dumpling stuffing by the red-eyed people.

Lorraine and the team squeezed the lively crowd together and came to the city lord's mansion.

I saw that the artistic blue flag of the De Rossi Empire was torn down and thrown on the ground, allowing the citizens to step on it. Some people walked past and then turned back and spit a bitterly.

Within a short period of time, the black flag that had been trampled on the flag was almost indistinguishable from its original color.

In front of the gate of the city lord’s mansion, a small group of cavalry was waiting there.

The captain of the cavalry who knew he was in trouble looked at Lord Lorraine cautiously. The soldiers behind him were both excited and excited. Seeing Lord Lorraine coming, they proudly stood up.

Lorraine looked at this team of scout cavalry and rubbed his forehead in annoyance with his whip. Should these guys be rewarded or punished?

The captain of the cavalry looked at Lord Lorraine's face, and he couldn't help but sighed in his heart. He stood up straight and said, "Hey, I, I, we know we are wrong."

Lorraine waved his hand, showing a toothache, and said, "I should congratulate you, you have created a history, and only 26 people have conquered a big city."

In any case, this is always a show-off, and publicity is very effective in boosting people's morale and combating enemy morale.

Emperor De Rossi painstakingly managed the iron wall defense line, and was the first to be breached by a small group of scout cavalry. It is also an excellent script for making a blockbuster action movie that cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

However, the premise is that you can't let the director of the celestial dynasty. Of course, you can't let France come to shoot. Those grandsons used to be good, but now they are not much better than **** except for the stream of consciousness and petty bourgeois sentiment.

And the Indians... When Lord Luo was thinking about it, the bell of the cathedral on the side of the square rang cheerfully.

Among the cheerful bells, people cheered loudly and yelled, carrying the demon statue established by the De Rossi Empire out of the church, and then smashed it to pieces on the street.

When the head of the demon statue rolled to the ground, people burst into cheers like a tide. Then dance on the fragments with music to celebrate their liberation.

The holy cross flag of the Holy See was hung on both sides of the street, and countless ribbons and bouquets were scattered on the street.

The soldiers of the Vatican army walked through it, or were stuffed with a large glass of bad wine by the enthusiastic hotel owner, or they were stopped by the wrinkled old lady, watching with tears at the Holy Cross sign on them. Zhang, then hugged them, and kissed on the cross sign again and again...Of course, occasionally a bold young girl would come over and give a heavy kiss on a certain soldier's face. Every time at this time, there will be a howling of wolves. That lucky pup will be punched and kicked by other soldiers.

For those enthusiastic people, the soldiers often took out the cans, cigarettes, and toffee that they carried with them and scattered them everywhere.

The cans and cigarettes were a little better, and as soon as the toffee was taken out, it immediately caused a huge sensation among the children.

In this feudal era, except for the little **** of the big landlord and noble family, who has seen this?

Not to mention sugar, it is salt, they rarely eat it. I usually pick up my nose and stuff it into my mouth to replenish the salt lost from the body.

And this is toffee. For children, there is a temptation equivalent to fatal.

After tasting them one by one, they all yelled and followed closely behind the soldiers' buttocks, waiting eagerly for them to give them a few more...Lorraine couldn't help but feel satisfied looking at them all with a smile. nod.

At this time, the leader of the insurrection army hurried to the front of Lord Lorraine, bowed deeply, and said loudly: "The leader of the lower resistance organization, Tayade, see Master Marshal."

This leader is an experienced old man with fair skin and good clothes. He seems to be an upper-class person. There are not many people who can stay to organize and lead the underground resistance army.

Lorraine jumped off the horse, shook hands with him, and said, "I will write down your merits. Our coalition forces will reward them."

This made Tayard flattered and bowed again and again, saying: "As a Mulhouse, this is what we should do, but it is a pity that the **** of the city lord should run away. He has already dug the tunnel in the city. ."

Lorraine shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Although the land that the God of Light shines on is vast, it can't accommodate a traitor's left hand.

One day, we will catch him back and accept God's judgment.

But the chaos in the city can no longer continue. I need your people to act as a guide for me to quickly stabilize the order in the city. "

Tayade leaned forward and said, "Let the adults send you."

Lord Lorraine then sent a team of men and horses to the streets to maintain order. Soldiers wearing silver armor and holding swords went to the street. The effect was very obvious. The city of Mulhouse soon settled down.

After listening to the story told by the Captain of the Scouting Cavalry, Lord Lorraine felt that the troubled times must be evil, and he wondered if he could change his style of play instead of pushing it over from one city to another.

×××××× Ryde City is quiet and solemn. As the capital where the high priest is located, the atmosphere is sacred and solemn.

The newly-built gorgeous city is very quiet. There are not many pedestrians on the street. The doors of the high-walled courtyard house on both sides are closed, and the bright flowers and trees that can be seen from behind the wall can give a glimpse of the luxury.

The neat and clean streets extend to the imperial palace in the center of the city. The newly expanded imperial palace reflects the brilliant light under the sunlight.

The undead high priest and his liches were there.

There is a large building complex next to the crown. Emperor De Rossi opened up a few streets and built it into his own palace, called the Lower Palace, to show respect for the high priest in the palace.

These two buildings alone occupies half of the inner city, and the rest are the mansions of noble officials.

The young Emperor De Rossi commanded his millions of troops here.

The Lower Palace is now the center of the De Rossi Empire, which is larger than the Ruman Empire, and rules over 100 million humans.

The nobles and nobles come in and out here every day, and the luxurious banquets never end. There are more than 10,000 attendants just serving in the palace.

From the back garden of the imperial palace, there was a melody of beautiful music. A general of the De Rossi empire hurriedly walked into the garden. He did not care about sweating, and soon arrived at De Rossi in a brocade. emperor.

At this moment, the emperor is holding an outstanding beauty, accepting compliments and greetings from the guests. The waiter is carrying delicious food from all over the place, and it is brought up like flowing water, and the wine is poured from the top of the pyramids.

The emperor De Rossi, full of literary temperament, built his palace into a legendary Sanshou Palace, where courtiers from all over the world received the emperor's generous hospitality.

The general pouted secretly, dissatisfied with the extravagance of the imperial palace. The emperor had money to hold banquets every day, but he had no money to pay for the soldiers and to equip the soldiers with weapons.

The general secretly slandered in his heart: Does this kid know that he is running out of good days, so he deliberately broke the jar, playing for a day?

If this is the case, you must find a way out earlier.

The general squeezed away from the crowd, walked to the emperor with a respectful expression, stood with his hands down, and listened to the emperor and a few nobles telling a joke that was not funny.

When he caught the opportunity, he inserted a sentence: "Your Majesty, the emergency military report ahead."

Emperor De Rossi waved his hand and sent a few nobles over, then said: "Let's talk."

"Mulus is lost." The general carefully looked at the emperor's face, and said in a low voice: "Lorraine's coalition forces just occupied it. This is the battle report sent by the city lord."

Emperor De Rossi took a closer look at the battle report, frowned tightly, and cursed in disgust: "I gave him so many resources for useless things, and he couldn't keep it for two days."

The general smacked his mouth, he wanted to say that what he knew was different from what was written in the battle report, but he hesitated and said, why bother.

Emperor De Rossi angrily grouped the battle reports into a ball, with a hostile look on his face, and said: "The order is that the lord of Mulhouse and all the officials and nobles who have abandoned the city will be cut off, and the family will be sold as slaves, and there will be future escapees. , Do the same."

"Yes," the general replied in a low voice, secretly sneering in his heart. He also saw that the city lord who had paid for it was not pleasing to his eyes, and it was just right to slaughter them. In extraordinary times, he should use heavy codes.

"How much power do we have in our hands?"

The general immediately replied: "There are 70,000 imperial guards, and more than 200,000 recruits are still training."

Emperor De Rossi thought for a moment, and said decisively: "Thirty, twenty thousand imprisoned guards will serve as prison guards to show me the cowards.

I'll ask some **** seats to see if I can borrow a few Semitic divisions.

What a shame to the emperor~! "

At this moment, a black spot suddenly appeared in the eastern sky. They moved slowly on the high zenith and flew towards Ryder City. A large group of war fortresses were approaching.

The nobles in Ryder have long been accustomed to this scene. Every time the undead war fort set off, they would cheer routinely.

But someone issued a and said: "Did the war fortress just come back last night? When did you go out again?"

Those who heard it just shrugged, how could they interfere with the actions of the Liches.

The war fortresses in the sky began to descend rapidly, and their silhouettes became clearer and clearer. Hundreds of war fortresses flew over Ryde City like a dark cloud, and then leveled off, as if they were not about to land.

The people on the ground raised their heads and looked strangely at the war fortress above them.

At this time, small black spots fell from the war fortress in the air, and hit the ground with a long and sharp whistling sound.

Ten seconds later, the guests of the Lower Palace clearly saw that a black smoke suddenly rose up not far away, followed by a violent explosion.

At this time, the war fortress of the undead tribe was able to be lifted into the air and intercepted.

There was sudden chaos in the lower palace.

(To be continued) q

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