Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1405: Encircle

In the morning light of April, there was silence.

A layer of white mist wafted slowly against the ground, the wild green weeds were covered with crystal clear and full dew, and the pressed grass stems bowed their heads.

Under the action of gravity, the dewdrops slowly slid forward, embarrassingly about to drip from the tip of the grass to the ground.

Immediately, a military boot stepped on from the side, and the crystal dew immediately wetted his trousers.

Slowly looking up from the ground, you will find that it is a soldier of the Ruman Empire.

He was about thirty years old, his bronzed face was full of wind and frost, but he still had a firm face, and his bright eyes stared at the front warily.

It was Kick, Smit, the gunman of the first company of the Skeleton Division of the Security Army.

Beside him, there were also soldiers in gray uniforms standing.

They all lowered their bodies, holding their breath, looking nervously at the officer at the front of the team.

The officer was holding a telescope and carefully observing the movement ahead. After a few seconds, the officer's hand slammed forward.

The soldiers of the brigade held their weapons tightly in their hands, bowed their heads, cats at their waists, and rushed forward silently.

Kick carried a heavy machine gun on his shoulders, panting heavily, and struggling to follow the team forward with the moist soil under his feet.

Beside him, Deputy Weir carried a tripod on his back, carrying a box of ammunition in each hand, and gritted his teeth and followed behind him. The heavy burden made the young machine gun deputy sweat profusely.

Looking around, the security guards' gray uniforms are all around.

No one spoke, only the verbose footsteps and the slight sound of "Karakara" weapons colliding.

While the lower-ranking officers ran with the large group, they silently gestured to the soldiers, urging them to speed up.

These officers did not wield their pistols as they did in the past, all of them held large-caliber shotguns.

Actual combat has proven that heavy shotguns are much easier to use than revolvers issued by officers.

Especially if you hold the trigger and keep pulling the handguard, you can shoot all six shotguns in the magazine in an instant.

The powerful shotgun flew out like a celestial flower, covering a radius of three meters.

It hurts when you touch it, and you die when you encounter it.

The firepower is strong and the lethality is huge.

After each round of shooting, a blank area will be left in the dense formation of the enemy, so it is called a battlefield sweeper by the soldiers and is deeply loved by them.

Because of this, the Semitic army hates and fears soldiers with shotguns.

In order to boost morale, the Semitic Command even issued an order that as long as the soldier holding the enemy's shotgun is caught, he can be executed on the spot.

Under the command of the officers, the soldiers rushed all the way across a mile-long wilderness, then jumped into an abandoned trench, and quickly took their place.

The whole process was extremely fast, and no one spoke out. Just heard a slight click when the metal collided.

Vail was breathless and rolled into the trench, then dropped the bullet box to the ground, then stretched his hands back, grabbed the tripod on his back, and turned the tripod over with a loud "Hey". He swung high over his head and threw it down.

With a low impact, the tripod was firmly inserted into the moist soil, and Kick quickly pushed the machine gun up, raising the muzzle to aim forward.

The riflemen crouched on the trench, held up their bayonet-mounted spears and extended the trench.

But they couldn't see anything except the white mist in front of them, and everything around them was silent.

The soldiers of the security army looked dignified and looked up at the sky above them from time to time.

Soon after, the sun jumped from the horizon and turned from red to bright.

The bright sunlight dissipated the fog on the surface, exposing an endless field in front of the soldiers.

Kik could clearly see that, two or three miles away from them, on the ruins that used to be an inn, the banner of the Semitic was floating.

The enemy is there~!

Beside him, Vale tensely clenched the cross on his neck, stared at the front of the Semitic position, and muttered to himself: "When will it begin, when will it begin..."

Kick turned his head and glanced at him, raised his hand and patted Weier's shoulder vigorously, and angrily made him shut his mouth-although Weier's voice was extremely low, it was impossible for the enemy to hear him. But he was a little upset because of the noise.

In the tense waiting, time passed by every minute, and even the company commander took out his pocket watch and lay it in his hands, looking down every minute, the pointer slowly slid to nine o'clock.

The company commander swallowed his saliva and held the whistle in his mouth.

With the minute hand set at twelve, a crimson flare rose into the air from behind, spreading a striking light across the battlefield.

Followed by countless red flares rose from the Ruman's position.

In the next instant, there was a long, sharp chirp in the sky.

The voice passed over Keike's head and flew forward.

Kick raised his head and glanced upwards, vaguely seeing black spots flying by in the sky.

It was the artillery from the rear who were firing over the surname to clear the road for them.

The shells roared over their heads and fell into the Semitic position.

Boom boom boom boom... a huge explosion sounded from one side immediately.

Countless smoke of gunpowder rose into the air, instantly covering the enemy's position.

The sound of the artillery was continuous, and Kik lying in the trenches could feel the ground trembling ceaselessly.

After a full half hour of fire preparation, the sound of artillery fire stopped at half past nine.

The company commander blew the whistle in his mouth suddenly, and the sharp whistle echoed in the trenches.

He swiftly jumped out of the trenches, and under the gaze of the soldiers, he raised the shotgun in his hand high, and then slammed forward, shouting: "Offense~!"

Immediately, he rushed towards the Semitic position with a big stride.

"Kill~!" The soldiers shouted at the same time, jumped up from the trench, and ran forward with their weapons.

On the battlefield surrounding the city of Ruman, the shouts of Ruman soldiers sounded at almost the same time. The shouts of hundreds of thousands of people gathered together and echoed across the earth.

The shouts of killing alarmed the residents in Ruman City. They opened the closed doors and looked to the north. They kept crossing their chests, praying for the soldiers to win.

Everyone knows that the counter-offensive has already begun, and now is the final decisive battle. Victory or defeat is in one fell swoop.

Kick skillfully unloaded the machine gun, put it on his shoulders again, and rushed up in the footsteps of his comrades.

A few minutes later, the security soldiers approaching the Semitic trenches and the enemy began to contact and fight.

Countless arrows flew out of the trench, passed a high projectile in the air, and then fell on the heads of the security forces soldiers.

The soldiers were unceremonious, took out the grenade, pulled the string, and threw it into the trench.

With several rumbling explosions, the Semitic soldiers rushed out of the trench with yelling, waving their swords in their hands, and the security forces rushed over.

As long as the distance is close, the firearms in the hands of the security forces are useless.

Close the distance, the Semites can bridge the huge gap between the weapons of the two sides, and use the bloodiest and most primitive melee combat to teach these arrogant security forces a **** lesson.

In the past, they have had several such battles. Through hand-to-hand combat, the battle loss ratio of the two sides was pulled to one to one.

The security soldiers looked around, only to find that they were rushing too fast, and the slow-back troops had not kept up.

Seeing the enemy rushing out like a tide, they turned their heads in fright and ran back, pulling the trigger toward the Semi soldiers on the opposite side.

‘Papa, papa, papa...’ The chaotic gunfire kept ringing.

The Semitic soldiers fell one by one, but more people rushed out of the trenches.

Seeing the Semitic soldiers rushing out shouting loudly, the company commander immediately pointed a direction and shouted nervously: "Machine gun, come on, put the machine gun here."

Kik and Will hurried over, set up the machine gun in a few seconds, and fired at the enemy position in the ruins.

Suddenly, the sudden sound of machine guns rang out.

Opposite him, the Semites fell to the ground like weeds that had been cut down.

After leaving a corpse, they retreated like a low tide and hid in the trench again.

After months of repeated competition, the North Station did not even have a complete brick and tile, and the so-called ruins were just a bulging mound.

Under the cover of the crossed machine gun fire, the assaulting soldiers leaned close enough again and began to throw grenades into the trenches.

After a burst of explosive smoke erupted from the Semitic trenches, assault soldiers armed with shotguns rushed into the enemy's trenches, firing quickly and loading them.

Under the fierce firepower of the shotgun, the Semi soldiers in the trenches could not get a step closer to them.

The Semitic quickly jumped out of the trenches and retreated north.

The company commander waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Chasing, rushing up~!"

The soldiers jumped over the trenches, over the rubble, and chasing the enemy's footsteps. Kik and Weir once again dismantled their guns and followed the charge.

He knew that this did not mean that they had won.

In the ongoing battle, the Semis also learned enough experience. As soon as the Ruman attacked, they resisted and retreated, and then continued to resist in the next trench. After being attacked, they continued to retreat...until the Ruman exhausted his energy and stopped. When they come down, they will retake the lost positions through night battles or raids from the left and right wings.

The two sides are engaged in a tug of war with no end in sight.

But Kik knows that today's situation is different from before, and this will be the last decisive battle.

In the north, invisible to the security forces, Ruman North Elite led by the Marquess of Marleyton stabbed the Semites from behind.

The conditions of the Semitic battle changed dramatically.

Orlandini, who found himself surrounded by Rumans, was shocked and mobilized his army nervously to resist the Rumans who had killed them from the north, trying to maintain the line.

For Kik and the others, the most intuitive manifestation is that the Semitic resistance is getting weaker and weaker.

In the past, the farther north they fought, the stronger the Semitic resistance.

But today, Kik and the others drove five or six miles in one breath, regaining multiple trenches in succession, and returned to the first line of defense they had originally deployed.

The Semites just retreated all the way, and fewer and fewer people fled north.

The soldiers of the Security Army knew in their hearts that this showed that the enemy could not stand it.

Ammunition was replenished at noon, and after a feast on the battlefield lunch, the soldiers of the Skeleton Division continued to attack northward, and then encountered the first hard bone.

The Semites built a nearly ten-meter high earth barrier behind the battle line. The south-facing side was an almost vertical wall, which was difficult to climb. The Semites held high on the wall and kept dropping arrows.

The soldiers fired at the enemy beyond the range of their bows and arrows. Kik added up the machine guns and fired at the Semitic on the wall. The bullet hit the dirt wall, splashing patches of mud, but it was difficult to hit the Semitic hiding behind.

The dense arrow rain blocked the advancement of the first battalion of the Skeleton Division.

The battalion commander looked angry from the rear. In order to prevent a certain unit from rushing into the enemy's position too deeply, the Semitic people made dumplings. The offensive frontline requirements of the various offensive components must be consistent.

If his first battalion stopped here, the offensive forces on the left and right wings would have to stop and wait for him.

The first thing the commander of the first battalion thought of was the artillery. He said to the messenger without looking back: "Go call the artillery and blow him up to Laozi~!"

The messenger agreed to run to the rear quickly, but a dozen minutes later brought bad news. The fortress was beyond the range of the artillery, and the artillery at the rear was adjusting its position, but it took time.

The artillery dragged the artillery out and re-arranged the position, and it would be evening at the earliest.

When the battalion commander was in a hurry, an engineer captain appeared in front of them.

He raised his hand to salute the battalion commander of the first battalion, saying: "The third company of the engineer battalion, come to reinforcements by the command of the commander."

"Great~!" The battalion commander of the first battalion jumped up happily. The engineer battalion was nicknamed the forced demolition team, and was best at doing the work of demolition of houses and walls.

However, because of the high technical content of the work, the entire battalion is full of technical soldiers, who are offered as treasures by the commander, and will not easily go to the front line.

At this moment, a whole company will be sent to him, which shows the importance he attaches to this battle.

"Can you get rid of it?" The battalion commander pointed to the fortress a few hundred meters away and asked anxiously.

The commander of the engineer company raised his binoculars and observed it carefully for a moment, and said, "Isn't the scale small... It seems that there is probably an enemy headquarters there."

"Of course I know this~!" The battalion commander was almost mad and said: "I'm asking if you can get rid of it."

The engineer company commander thought for a while, then shook his head, and said: "It is difficult. The thickness of this kind of soil wall base is several meters. The best way is to pile it up at the foot of the fortress. But the situation in front of me is difficult for my people. Will be shipped."

"Can you only wait for the artillery to come?"

The engineer company commander's eyes suddenly lit up, and said, "It's not impossible..."

The battalion commander grabbed the captain tightly, and said loudly, "Quickly, as long as I can get rid of it, I will invite the brothers of Quan Company to Payton for a drink."

"A new thing came from the rear, it should be useful to it, you wait, I'll get them over." Throwing down this sentence, he hurried to the rear.

While the officers and soldiers of the first battalion waited anxiously, hundreds of engineers from the engineering company cautiously escorted several vehicles to the front line and began to assemble iron frames on the spot.

Kik, who had retreated temporarily, was dangling a cigarette and watching the excitement behind him, only to see the sloping rails lined up neatly, aiming at the fortress in front.

"What? It's not a rocket." The knowledgeable veteran Kike said familiarly.

Weir had seen the spectacular sight of hundreds of rockets launched, and was so impressed by that day that he squeezed forward.

I saw that the engineers took out the two-foot-long cylinders from the crate, put them on the rails and then inserted the wide wings.

The engineer company commander stared at these small rockets like a baby, and said leisurely: "The 36-year-old 107mm rockets just came out last month.

It is simple to deploy and easy to carry. It can be carried by a single soldier, and it can be fired when placed on a mound. The charge is more than the largest caliber artillery shell. Simply put, it is the front line accompanying the offensive artifact. "

Three simple iron frames are separated by more than ten meters, and the besieged city is an arc, which surrounds the Semitic fortress from three sides.

Ten rockets were neatly placed on each iron frame. The engineers connected the leads and pulled them far to the rear.

The engineer company commander took out the lighter, looked up and saw the soldiers hovering about tens of meters behind the iron frame, waved at them, and said loudly: "Retreat, it's dangerous. Let me retreat."

The soldiers retreated twenty to thirty meters. The engineer company commander rolled his eyes with anger and said loudly, "Tell you, this is a test product. I can't figure out where to fly. I'm not responsible for killing it~!"

As soon as the words came out, the soldiers hurried and ran back, hiding behind the engineers.

The engineer company commander touched the ignition lighter and pressed it on the fuse, and the fuse emitting white smoke burned quickly.

After half a minute, the rocket on the iron frame made a scream like a ghost, and a flame of several meters long spurted from its tail. In the blink of an eye, it flew out of the iron frame and flew towards the Semitic fortress with its fiery red tail. A trail of gray-white smoke was left behind.

Thirty rockets were fired in one minute. At such a close distance, almost all of them hit the enemy's fortress. Amid the deafening explosion, the tall earthen fortress was instantly enveloped in smoke.

In the explosion, the clods and the broken human bodies flew up into the air and scattered around.

Of course, not all the rockets hit the target. The soldiers saw a rocket lost its direction after the abolition, spiraled in a circle, and fell several hundred meters away from the fortress.

The smoke and dust drifted away slowly, and the tall fortress of the Semi tribe seemed to have been savagely gnawed by a big mouth, only the lower part was left, and the scattered dirt piled up around a meter high.

The soldiers who had been waiting for a long time shouted and rushed up, and easily boarded the broken fortress, but there were no living figures here, and the mud was full of half-buried corpses.

As they rushed past the fortress, the soldiers suddenly saw their eyes open. On the ground not far away, a dozen thick black cylinders pointed to the sky.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division froze for a moment, and then showed a surprised expression. The thick black iron barrels should be enemy cannons.

A group of black figures jumped out of the cannons and rushed towards the sky. The dark wizard watching these cannons was about to escape.

When the soldiers of the Skeleton Division rushed up to capture these cannons, a large green smoke suddenly exploded behind the group of guns, and the dense poisonous gas spread rapidly against the ground. I don't know who detonated the gas bombs on the ground.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division turned around in fright and ran, but they were too close to the cannon, and the poison gas spread much faster than their running speed.

Seeing hundreds of reckless soldiers about to be swallowed by poison gas, a white figure suddenly fell in the sky, and a gust of wind swept from behind the skeleton division soldiers following his figure.

The earth and grass blades blown by the powerful wind fluttered all over the sky, and the soldiers could not even stand steady.

The green poisonous gas was instantly blown into the sky by the violent wind and quickly dissipated.

When the wind slowly subsided the soldiers saw that in the midst of the poisonous fog, a young man in white clothes pinched the dark mage's neck and held him high.

The dark mage's feet trembled crazily in the air, and the white-clothed man's fingers contracted slightly, easily breaking the dark mage's neck, and the dead dark mage's feet dropped weakly.

The white-clothed man left the dark mage's corpse in his hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands in disgust.

Several dark shadows fell from the air at a high speed, directly hitting the ground, but ordinary people had long since fallen into mud, but these people stood on the ground unharmed.

One of the young men had fiery red hair. He looked down at the corpse of the dark mage on the ground, and smiled jokingly: "It doesn't count, you are still not as much as me."

Then he shot out like a cannonball, and instantly turned into a black spot in the sky, leaving the jaw-dropping ordinary soldier on the ground.

Within a day, the Rumans pushed the front to the north for ten miles, and more than one hundred Ruman soldiers from the legion surrounded Orlandini and his main force from the four dough regiments.

(To be continued) q

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