Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1392: Loyalty and Traitor

The winter sun lazily shone on the ground.

It was the end of January at this time, and it was spring. Although the temperature at night would still drop below zero, it was much better during the day. At the very least, the oncoming wind is not as bitingly cold as before.

Under the sunshine, a long line is slowly marching in the wilderness.

Due to the war, the wilderness is particularly desolate. The eyes are full of withered grass roots, and trees that have fallen out of leaves and become bare.

Occasionally there will be crows flapping their wings, screaming, and flying across the sky.

Walking in such a wilderness, it is inevitable to feel depressed.

The soldiers had been marching boringly for a long time, all of them became listless, even the blue tulip flag at the front of the team seemed to have become lazy, weakly drooping.

Just when the soldiers had to stop for a step, a fierce shout of killing suddenly came from the north of the queue.

A group of men in various clothes appeared on a hill not far away, then waved the simple weapons in their hands, shouted and rushed down to kill the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire.

Maybe it was because of lack of training, maybe it was too nervous, or maybe there were other unknown reasons. The group of people didn't wait to get into range before shooting arrows at the opposite side.

Due to the poor equipment, after the crude arrow was shot, there was no whistling to tear the air as a long-range projectile weapon should. On the ground.

Looking at the effect of this bow and arrow, people can't help but wonder, throwing a bunch of grass roots indiscriminately into the sky is much better than the current one.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack~!" A De Rossi Empire soldier in the queue shouted loudly.

The soldiers who had been drowsy suddenly woke up, then pulled out their weapons and prepared for battle.

"Don't panic, don't panic if it's a **** mother. Bastard. Believe it or not, I'll cut you down now~!" An officer yelled at the soldiers around him, and strode out of the queue.

He glanced slightly towards the other side, and then raised the sword in his hand, shouting loudly, "A bunch of bandits, brothers, follow me~!"

Immediately, he took the lead and rushed towards the enemy.

In order to increase his momentum, he ran and kicked the soil on the ground.

The red cloak behind him was hunting and fluttering in the wind. A yellow earth dragon raised high behind him, looking extremely brave.

Behind him, the soldiers looked at each other, then shouted loudly.



Nearly a thousand soldiers held up their weapons, followed behind the officer, and rushed up.

Other soldiers stopped, or leaned their swords, or sat on the grass next to them, chatting and laughing while watching the battle.

They have seen this scene many times in the past few days.

Sure enough, when the De Rossi Empire soldiers rushed up, the guerrillas on the opposite side immediately turned and fled.

However, the strange thing is that the speed of their escape is obviously not fast. And from time to time, I would stop and look back, as if I was afraid that the chasing soldiers would be lost.

The two sides chased and fled, and quickly ran out two miles.

The soldiers of the guerrillas and the De Rossi Empire seemed to be tired, running slower and slower.

Under the Tulip banner, Emperor De Rossi stood on his eight-horse horse-drawn queen's car, holding his binoculars, watching a group of fleeing guerrillas running wild in the distance, and the men behind them who pretended to chase after them.

The young emperor couldn't help but turned black and cursed angrily.

He turned his head and shouted at the officer who was following the car: "Go tell Gogol that idiot, let him act like me, grandma, I asked him to act as a guerrilla, not a chicken thief.

And that idiot Hansen, who chased me like a spot, didn't you have enough?

No, I will let him enter the forward camp as a death squad~! "

"Yes~!" The officer suppressed a smile, agreed with a loud voice, and turned to send the order.

Although His Majesty was furious, the close ministers beside De Rossi looked relaxed-everyone was used to the scene just now.

Games like this farce are played once or twice a day before the military.

Although this time Emperor De Rossi had a major strategic mission, he was going to Delong City to rescue the Semitic expeditionary army that was trapped in the siege.

But Uncle De Rossi is the real father of the non-semites, so why use his soldiers to block Lorraine's muzzle?

Although De Rossi had not personally experienced Lorraine's cannon, he had also been exposed to grenades, and he had also heard people say that the cannon blasted, the loud mountains shook, and the flesh and blood flew across. Even the most powerful magic cannon is nothing but this, but Lorraine has tens of thousands of such cannons in his hands.

Who is not afraid of this?

Not to mention, in the city of Deron, he had seen the original Semitic commander Maschinot shot headshot.

Until now, he could still vaguely feel the warmth on his face being splashed with blood.

If it was said that De Rossi had any ambitions and dreams of an emperor's hegemony, he was completely blown by that shot.

The confidant of the undead high priest, the confidant general, usually flaunts his might, King Maschinot, who is usually despised by everyone, just like that, without seeing the slightest movement or the slightest resistance, he was headshot. A person who was alive and kicking became a dead body in the blink of an eye.

He didn't give him one more second, and he didn't get one more bullet.

Killing such a big king is like killing a stray dog ​​on the street.

This coldness alone was enough to make him feel wary.

It was also at that time that he really knew how terrifying the Lord Luo Jue, who usually smiled and looked harmless, was actually.

Now, even if he was given a thousand fortresses of war, he did not want to face the Sir Alex.

But the high priest's military order was present, and he dared not not execute it. Otherwise, the liches will happily kill him, throw his soul into the flames of hell, and roast him for a thousand years.

Although in a dilemma, as an excellent politician, it only took a second to come up with a good solution: that is to delay~!

In this way, you can deal with the high priest without facing the terrible killing **** of Lorraine.

In order to slow down the marching speed, the emperor used any method.

The guerrillas dressed as civilians were all pretended to be soldiers of the De Rossi Empire. They pretended to shoot a few arrows. Then send people to chase them, and the army can stop and suppress the guerrillas in a fair manner.

Originally, it didn't need to be so troublesome, just write the report casually.

There is a saying: ‘Will be out, will the military order be exempt?

But what makes him headache is that there are liches that often suddenly appear in the army, so they must pretend to be seen by the liches.

In this way, the Lich would naturally go back and report it to the high priest.

However, it is natural to have a full set for acting, and it is absolutely impossible to wear it. Otherwise, the anger of the high priest is far beyond what a little emperor can bear.

Looking at the scattered soldiers in the distance, Emperor De Rossi hated iron and steel and shook his head, and said, "How come I am all such a bunch of idiots."

At the same time, I secretly considered whether to hire a few real actors from behind. For these soldiers who are all confused in their heads, this task is too challenging.

Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help but snorted heavily. But in order to have a good mood, I decided not to think about this annoying thing anymore.

He turned his head to look at the distant horizon, and said without looking back: "Where are we?"

The man next to him immediately replied: "Your Majesty, we should be three hundred miles north of Deron. Just past Deron, there are about four hundred miles away from the place surrounded by the Semites."

"There are only four hundred miles left..." Emperor De Rossi scratched his beautiful hair anxiously, and complained: "It's coming soon!"

I began to consider whether to fake a big defeat?

But...I just failed once, and it seems impossible to defeat it again.

"Why don't I discuss it with Melan behind, that kid also has a lot of spooky ideas."

While Emperor De Rossi was full of sorrow and contemplation, several war fortresses suddenly fell from the sky and hung carelessly on top of the army.

Immediately afterwards, several black silhouettes of liches flew out of the war fortress.

The Lich Herod landed lightly in front of De Rossi's frame.

Emperor De Rossi swiftly jumped from the carriage, with a happy smile on his face, trot all the way up graciously, and said with a smile: "Master, I am looking forward to you.

We have just defeated a group of despicable sneak attackers. We are preparing to speed up the march and try to reach the battlefield within three or four days.

How is the battle ahead? "

The lich Herod nodded slightly, seeing Emperor De Rossi's urgent mood in his eyes.

Just now he clearly saw from the air that the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire were indeed pursuing a group of civilian guerrillas.

Moreover, the number of guerrillas seems to be quite large.

Obviously, De Rossi's battle reports are well-founded, and they are not deliberately stagnating, as Veraprani said.

Thinking of this, the Lich Herod sighed. Why is Veraprani so stubborn that De Rossi intends to entrap him?

It is a joke to say that De Rossi is a villain and has a bad heart.

Combining with what just happened, Herod was sure that this was Veraprani's malicious slander on De Rossi.

Veraprani, that **** twenty-five boy, is a villain, a traitor with a double heart

In fact, it's not that no one in front of the high priest has complaints about De Rossi's fast marching. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that De Rossi is really delaying time.


Veraplani surrendered and cleared all suspicions of De Rossi.

Herod sighed and said in his heart: Fortunately, he firmly supports De Rossi.

Hardu and Edwood who supported Velaprani in Ryder are now lonely, and the high priest is also very dissatisfied with them.

Hydra said in a heavy tone: "I just received news that the nasty villain, coward, and coward of Veraprani, he surrendered to humanity~!"

"What~!" Emperor De Rossi exclaimed in a loud voice, "This, this is too..."

Emperor De Rossi tried his best to swallow the word "good" back into his stomach, enduring the urge to laugh three times, with an expression of worry and pain on his face, and said: "This is too surprising. Now, Velaprani is ashamed of his trust in the high priest and as a soldier~!"

"Who said no," the Lich Herod said depressed: "His Majesty the God Seat was very angry. It was the God Seat who promoted and reused Veraprani. He treated him like his own son. He not only disappointed the God Seat, but now he betrayed the God Seat. ."

Herod's voice was full of hatred and hiss: "I want to capture him back and imprison his wicked soul in the livestock for ten thousand years~!"

Emperor De Rossi was startled and touched his neck with a guilty conscience.

Herod looked at De Rossi and said with joy: "At the critical moment, you can still trust your Majesty."

De Rossi certainly has no possibility of surrendering. Humans will definitely kill him if they catch him.

"The God seat just issued an order to appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the western front." Herod said: "The God seat has high hopes for your majesty. I hope you can stabilize the western front. As long as you persist for two months, our new reinforcements will arrive. Shi Yi is under the command of His Majesty."

"This is!" Emperor De Rossi hurriedly said with a stern face, and said solemnly: "Thank the gods and masters for your trust, I will work hard to spread the will of the gods to the whole world.

Hydra sighed, raised her skinny palm and patted De Rossi's shoulder. She sighed, "At least you can be reliable."

Emperor De Rossi straightened his chest and said: "Definitely live up to the expectations of the gods and masters. I will recruit soldiers and organize a million army to fight back the enemy."

"Okay!" The Lich Herod admired Oh De Rossi's decisive expansion of the army. At the critical moment, he needed this kind of firmness and said: "The whole battle depends on you. Veraprani's surrender let us Very passive, the high priest has ordered us to do our best to reinforce Olandini and we must defeat the Ruman Empire."

De Rossi said loudly: "I am confident that the **** seat will win the final victory."

Herod nodded approvingly, then waved his hand, and said: "I have to go to the Kingdom of Kiel. The situation there is also in crisis. Whatever your Majesty needs, you must stop the human attack."

De Rossi and his officers watched the Lich Herod leave until the war fortress disappeared in the sky, he immediately shouted excitedly to the officer beside him: "Call me both Gogol and Hansen. Let the soldiers be more energetic and we have work to do."

De Rossi immediately gathered the troops and retreated westward. Once Veraprani surrendered, it became unsafe here.

But just when Emperor De Rossi, who had just taken up the post of commander-in-chief of the Western Front, was full of ambition and was about to pull up more troops for a big fight, General Melun approached the door.

Seeing General Melun’s first glance, De Rossi’s smiled eyes narrowed. He was the commander-in-chief of the Western Front and commanded all the troops. Doesn't it mean that the Caribbean Fourth Division is also under his command.

"You kid finally committed the crime to me." Emperor De Rossi looked at the chicken he had put on the wolf's beak, and looked at Murren with a sneer.

The opposite Molen shivered suddenly.

"Look at me if you want to die," De Rossi secretly said with a fierce heart: "Take mine and spit it out, take mine and double it back~!"

"I'll get you off the ground first." De Rossi didn't move, as if he were treating his subordinates, casually said: "What's the matter with General Melun?"

"I heard that your majesty you have been promoted, first of all congratulations to your majesty." General Melun arched his hand to De Rossi.

Emperor De Rossi frowned unhappy, knowing that he was the commander-in-chief, and being so disrespectful, he was about to scold him as his leader.

But Melun stretched out his hands regretfully, saying: "Unfortunately, brother, I have to transfer."

"What? Transfer?" De Rossi froze for a moment, and said: "Where to transfer? Whose order?"

De Rossi also counted on the Fourth Caribbean Division as the main force for him, and the fighting quality of the Semitic army was much stronger than his catering.

Melun took out a military order from his arms, trembles in front of De Rossi, and said: "From Ryder City, it is said that the high priest personally ordered me to go to the Kingdom of Kiel immediately and report to General Abergren. ."

De Rossi frowned, thinking that the taste was wrong. He was appointed as the commander-in-chief, but the only Semitic legion on the Western Front was transferred away. It seems that the Semites in Ryder City are still guarding him~www. Melun stepped forward to hug Emperor De Rossi affectionately, patted De Rossi's back hard, and said movedly: "It is so pleasant to cooperate with your Majesty. I can't bear to leave at all, but military orders Like a mountain."

Then let go of De Rossi, still pulling his arm, patted De Rossi's arm vigorously, and said: "When will you go down to the Caribbean? I will be the host. Let's have fun for a few days."

Emperor De Rossi tried his best to punch the cotton but he wanted to vomit blood in his heart. He watched Melan pick his mouth and tried to show a smile, and said: "Definitely, I wish you victory."

"Hey..." General Melun looked down and sighed, "It's not bad to survive. To be honest with you, I regret coming to this muddy water now."

Melan held De Rossi's hands again, shook it vigorously, and said, "Goodbye, my friend, see you Ryder."

The Caribbean Fourth Division quickly assembled and headed north lonely while watching De Rossi. Of course, this time Melun didn't forget to take the map.

Until a few miles away, General Melun deliberately ran up a hill, waved to the tulip flag that had turned into a black spot in the distance, and then looked at the big box on the carriage, facing him. The officer next to him said, "What a nice man."

The surrounding officers nodded at the same time, and said in unison: "Yes."

"Good people."

"good man."



"What a rare good person~!"

Everyone touched the purse and smiled tacitly. -

(To be continued)

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