Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1386: Strategic counterattack

The Julian calendar said on December 17th. M.

The cold wave that ravaged the earth for many times finally staggered away contentedly.

Today is a rare good weather.

The sun is shining, the sky is clear, and the view is good.

The warm sunlight shines on people, bringing comfortable warmth. Compared with the cold world a few days ago, there is a very different feeling.

However, General Veraprani, the commander of the Semitic Eastern Road Army, couldn't get hot in his heart. On the contrary, it was cold.

He stood on horseback, looking at the eastern horizon.

There, you can vaguely see the dense forest of banners, mighty, covering the sky.

That is the army of the Knights Templar in Vantino and the security army under Lorraine.

The figures of tens of thousands of soldiers are like ants, and they fill the entire horizon, giving people an endless feeling.


Veraprani is also a wise commander. As soon as the naval battle off Vatican ended, he learned the news that the Semitic expeditionary army from the sea was annihilated.

Veraprani did not hesitate, and immediately commanded the troops to withdraw westward.

A large number of human reinforcements are about to arrive, but the Semitic expeditionary force has been wiped out by the enemy. In this battle, the balance of power between the two has changed to determine the surname.

If you don't take advantage of it, retreat as soon as possible. Once mankind completely wiped out the expeditionary force on the sea route and freed up its hands, it was time to deal with itself.

If you don't leave now, when will you stay?

At that time, he also took out the courage and determination of a strong man to break his wrist, and immediately set up camp. Even reluctantly left an elite division after breaking.

But it didn’t take long for the human army from Vatican to appear behind them—obviously, whether it was the remnants of the Sea Expeditionary Army or the division that I left behind, they have all become dog-fighting buns. Up.

At the same time, it also made him feel faintly afraid: the remnants of the Sea Route Expeditionary Army, and a division, with nearly 10,000 people, did not stop Lorraine for a long time?

Just by watching his defense, he already knew how good he was, but he didn't expect that when he attacked, he was even more fierce.

However, looking at the actions of the Terran Army, it was not too imminent. Just fell far behind.

This worries Velaprani even more. They felt like a big rock was pressing on his chest, and he couldn't breathe.

He knew that the human on the opposite side did not attack, not because the opponent was timid, but because he was waiting for an opportunity-an opportunity that could be bitten to death.

Behind him, the Holy See Byer Legion, like a deadly dagger, was slowly piercing his heart.

The day when this army and the Vatican Bayer's army joined together was probably the death date for him and his men.

But the more this time, the more cautious and slow his actions have to be. Because of an improper response, a little confusion occurred during the march of the troops, and the enemy would rush to kill himself when he saw an opportunity!

This kind of saying is extremely difficult for Veraprani.

If the whole army is ordered to retreat quickly, it will be death. Quick retreat, a little improper, will cause the panic surname to retreat.

The commander of the opposing legion is not a fool, as long as the time comes to attack, the entire Semitic army will be wiped out immediately.

But if you keep marching slowly like this, you are waiting to die—the Baer Legion of the Holy See Army has been behind them, and their defense will increase by one point for every day. My own back road is blocked even more deadly~!

At that time, the Bayer Legion and the opposite Human Race Legion flanked on both sides, and he was also annihilated.

Velaprani thought of this and couldn't help but sighed: Lorraine must be commanding the army opposite. Only that kind of superb commander can push people into this helpless desperate situation.

Obviously, he underestimated this young man and also underestimated human beings.

"How exactly did it get to where it is today?" Veraprani looked at the dejected soldiers around, pressed his hands on his chest and asked himself: Obviously, he was still invincible last month. The soldiers pointed out that no one can stop human beings. , The momentum is like a broken bamboo. Cut all the way from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road...Bah, baah, all the way from Ryde City to Vatican.

Suddenly the navy was gone, the reinforcements were gone, and I was defeated, and the whole army fell into a Jedi.

All this has changed so fast~!

"Underestimate the enemy..." Velaprani let out a long sigh.

The most fundamental reason is that they were dazzled by victory and despised human beings.

The undead high priest underestimated the enemy, the Semi generals underestimated the enemy, and the Semi soldiers underestimated the enemy, which eventually led to his aggressive advance.

They killed them all the way, and the humans fled all the way, which made the Semites feel timid and vulnerable to the enemy. They thought that as long as the Semi soldiers rushed up, there was no need to fight, as long as they shouted, the timid and cowardly human themselves. Just ran away.

And this is indeed the case...until...until they surrounded Deron City.

"At that time, we should fight steadily all the way and pull out Deron City." Veraprani was annoyed in his heart. If he did it again, he would never give his back road to that idiot De Rossi, nor would he be too big. A nail was left behind.

Veraprani wanted to tear Emperor De Rossi at this moment. If De Rossi was in front of his eyes, he would not hesitate to draw a knife and stab him.

Even if he couldn't win, it would be fine for him to retreat.

But De Rossi's big defeat in Deron City directly blocked his back path by humans.

"How can I get out safely?" Veraprani frowned, thinking about this question countless times.

"War fortress~!" Suddenly the soldiers shouted in surprise.

Veraprani couldn't help being surprised, turned around and raised his head quickly, looking towards the sky.

In the blue sky, several black undead war fortresses were slowly descending.

The soldiers suddenly raised the weapons in their hands and let out a enthusiastic cheer-it was also the first time they discovered that they actually liked these nasty dark wizards so much.

This is not surprising. Although these big soldiers are just cannon fodder, they are not stupid. They can also analyze the situation that is not optimistic. War fortress, the most powerful weapon, naturally became their only hope of getting out of trouble.

But Veraprani frowned secretly and said in his heart: Too little~!

There are only a few, not the two hundred as he expected.

Veraprani had long considered using a war fortress to cover his army's breakthrough, and even learned from Lorraine's super prodigal, and directly used the war fortress to evacuate the air force.

He also made a detailed plan for this, and sent it to the high priest for instructions only when there was an opportunity.

However, he also knew that the possibility of his own plan being approved is extremely small. The various energy sources of the Semitic are very scarce. It is impossible to be like a human, nor is it capable of transporting troops by burning magic crystals like a human.

Before the black war fortress landed, a few figures flew out of it and landed directly in front of the Chinese army's banner.

Veraprani jumped off the horse, yawned to the opposite liches, and said politely, "This is Master Herod?"

"It's me." The Lich Herod was a little surprised. He didn't expect the king to know himself.

Veraprani smiled and said: "We are familiar with the deeds of the master for a long time, and His Majesty once said with emotion that if his men were all outstanding talents like masters, we would have won this war long ago."

"Is that right? The gods once said that." The lich Herod was overjoyed, and then realized his gaffe, he couldn't help but coughed, and then pretended to be humble, waved his hand, and said, "It's nothing, it's all. For the great cause of my family. Haha, hahahaha..."

"Unfortunately, the timing is wrong, otherwise, I will definitely ask the master for advice." Veraprani said sincerely with a regretful expression on his face.

Herod waved his hand and said, "It's not busy. There will be opportunities in the future. Your Majesty the Lord is very concerned about your situation, the king, and ordered me to come and take a look.

And here to convey the support of the gods.

If your Majesty needs anything, please mention it. "

"I need reinforcements~!" Velaprani said without hesitation: "As many reinforcements as possible, the human army following me has increased a lot in the past few days.

We estimate that there will be more and more in the future. "

Herod nodded and said: "Your Majesty God Seat has ordered Emperor De Rossi to reorganize his army and rush to reinforce your Majesty as quickly as possible."

Veraprani had a grim look on his face for an instant, and gritted his teeth and said: "De, Luo, Xi~!" He paused, and said in a deep voice, "Master Mingjian, De Rossi has a bad heart. He is the chief culprit in our Jedi. The culprit.

I ask His Majesty the Lord to hold him accountable for his crimes of fleeing and baffling the military. "

Herod was stunned for a moment, and then said embarrassedly: "Everyone is in the same camp. Besides, Deron City's failure also has various objective factors, not just him."

Uncle Hai received a lot of real gold and silver from De Rossi, magic crystal... etc. Herod also considered himself a particular person. If you take things from people, you naturally have to help people say something nice.

"Master, don't be fooled by him," Veraprani shook his head and said angrily: "De Rossi is a sinister and cunning villain, and he will definitely not come to support us."

Having said that, he glanced at Herod and found that the light in his eyes was staring at the sky, obviously not taking his words to heart.

He couldn't help sighing, and then stopped talking bad about De Rossi, that **** human kid was a good boy in the eyes of the high priest.

Instead, he changed his tone and said sincerely: "My lord, at the very least, De Rossi must be called back and replaced by a Semitic general."

Herod looked indifferent and said coldly: "I will convey the general's meaning to the **** seat. Does the general have anything else to say?"

Although the two parties had only just met and had only talked a few words, but he was already extremely unhappy with Veraprani.

Grandma's, besides the High Priest God Seat, who can do things without making some small mistakes?

Although De Rossi did something wrong, isn't it still because of various objective reasons?

And he has fully realized his mistakes, and in front of me tearfully, he has done a very, very sincere, very, very, very deep review.

As a stately emperor, he can recognize his mistakes and have the courage to correct his mistakes.

Such talents are so rare.

You are fine. Let people not even give the opportunity to correct mistakes. Unexpectedly, the dignified Semitic general was so narrow-minded.

In anger, Herod no longer called his Majesty, and changed his name to General Veraprani, but the angry Veraprani did not notice this.

He frowned and said solemnly: "The Western Front is not strong enough. There are 100,000 people in the Vatican Bayer Legion behind. If we want to withdraw smoothly, we need reinforcements from the war fortresses, all the war fortresses~!"

Herod nodded and said, "The general is right, I think the **** seat will agree."

"This is good news," Velaprani said with a sigh of relief, "There is also a part of the troops allocated from the Kingdom of Kiel to the south to strengthen us."

Herod shook his head and said: "The Kingdom of Kiel is too far away. It will take a month for the troops to be transferred, not to mention that they are facing the 300,000 Rumandi [*] team. We must hold them, otherwise Orlandini’s Northern Army is in danger."

"I'm not very demanding," Velaprani said rushingly: "As long as six divisions, I only need six divisions. What's missing can be made up by the human army for the time being.

With the help of war fortresses, it is not a problem for us to stick to it for a month. When the reinforcements arrive, we can easily get out of trouble. "

Herod thought for a moment, feeling that what he said also had some truth, and said: "I will truthfully convey the general's words to the **** seat."

Veraprani bowed deeply to Herod, and said, "Everything is up to the master. We can't afford to lose on the Western Front, otherwise humans can hit Ryder in one breath."

Herod came quickly, and went quickly, with several plans drawn up by Veraprani, flew back to ask the high priest to make a decision.

Being able to get in touch with the rear shocked the morale of Veraprani and the Semitic soldiers and rekindled confidence. At least the undead high priest had not forgotten them and was still trying to save them.

Encouraged by this conviction, the Semitic army rallied and continued to move westward. The farther it went west, the closer it was to the reinforcements.

But what should come is always coming.

This morning, a team of Semitic scout cavalry ran cautiously in the wilderness, always alert to the wind and grass on the side of the road.

This is a human territory. It has not yet been effectively controlled by the Semites. There are human guerrillas everywhere. Will the bandits and bandits come out to appear as a cameo — the big bearded man with full chest hair and beard, holding a The long sword, wailing:'walk for the sky', or'I will punish you in place of the moon~! ’

For the Semites, this is a dangerous place.

The saber was hung in the most convenient position, and some cavalrymen still held a stringed crossbow in their hands, carefully observing the distant villages and woods.

Thanks to the withering vegetation in winter, the wilderness is clean and there is no place to hide.

But these Semitic cavalry are still very careful. Counting time, they know that they are about to encounter the Western Holy See army, and the number of that army is no less than them.

The facts have proved that it is wrong to despise the regiment of the Holy See, and it will cost blood.

"What is that?" Someone had sharp eyes and suddenly noticed a few moving white spots in the distance.

Everyone immediately looked in the direction he was pointing, and a cloud of smoke rose into the air behind the white figure. Obviously, it was also a group of cavalry.

And the Guangming Vatican cavalry is very easy to identify with a white robe.

"People from the Holy See, rush up~!" The leader of the knight yelled, kicking the horses violently and galloping. Their scouts not only want to see the enemy appear, but also better detect where the enemy's large troops are.

The Vatican cavalry on the opposite side soon spotted them, and the smoke and dust splashed up when the cavalry rushed was very eye-catching.

Within a few minutes, the soldiers from both sides clearly appeared in each other's field of vision.

There were about half of the cavalry of the Holy See, a dozen of them, half less than the Semitic cavalry, but they still rushed forward without fear.

Suddenly a red ball of light rose from the Holy See's cavalry, with a sharp whistle, and rushed straight into the sky. They were sending a signal to the people behind, obviously there were people behind them.

The captain of the Semitic cavalry realized that it was not good, roared, raised his saber high, and shouted: "Kill them all, don't pester them."

The horse speeded up again, the rapid hooves brought a rumbling sound, and the howling of the cold wind sounded in the ears of the knight.

After a few breaths, both parties could clearly see the face of the opposite person.

There was a shout from the cavalry team of the Holy See: "For the light, kill all the demons~!"

Their cavalry roared together, straightened their spears and sabers and rushed over.

Dozens of knights from both sides collided with each other at high speed, their spears broke, sabers slashed on the armor, the wailing of war horses colliding, and the roars and screams of soldiers sounded at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the two cavalry teams passed by, leaving dozens of corpses and fallen horses in the middle.

The Vatican cavalry lost half of them in an instant, but they quickly turned around and regrouped, glaring at the Semitic people on the opposite side.

The captain's white robe in the middle was splashed with eye-catching red blood. He raised his saber to point at the Semitic, and shouted bravely: "For the light, charge!"

Then, suddenly speeded up and rushed over.

The Semitic people knew that they met their opponents today, and it was the first time they met such a brave papal papal knight.

"Chong~!" The blood name in the heart of the Semitic cavalry captain was also aroused. He roared and greeted him with a **** saber.

The two cavalry teams accelerated and then smashed into each other heavily. The sound of steel and collision sounded again.

The two sides passed by, and a dozen knights turned from their horses to the ground, blood staining the ground.

At this moment, the cavalry of the Holy See was left with only a handful of three men, but they turned the horse's head again, shook off the blood on the knife, held the weapon tightly, and stared at these Semitic people, with no intention of retreating.

The horses under their hips spit out a hot air, their horses hoof planed the ground, ready to run at the fastest speed.

Just as the Semitic cavalry captain was about to charge again and completely kill the remaining three Vatican cavalry, at this moment, a loud horn sounded from behind the Vatican cavalry.

A row of knights suddenly appeared on the hills in the distance. They pulled their truce horses on the top of the hill, overlooking the battlefield from a distance. The cavalry in the middle held a golden cross flag on a white background, and the broad flag fluttered in the wind.

"Beep...uh~!" A high-pitched charging horn sounded.

Hundreds of cavalry rushed down from the hills and rushed towards the Semitic cavalry.

The captain of the Semitic cavalry quickly called a soldier's name and ordered him to turn back and report the letter. From the banner of the Holy See, it can be seen that the opponent should be a division, which means that the main force of the Bayer army has arrived.

Then, looking at the back of the cavalry who was leaving crying, the captain of the cavalry reorganized the team, glanced at his comrades around him, swung his saber and slashed, the spurs slammed against the horse's belly, hissing loudly. Going up... After receiving the news, Veraprani quickly shrank his troops, seized the nearest town, dug trenches, and built camps and fortifications.

To the east of him, the Vatican army that had followed Vatican all the way also stopped, camped a few miles apart, and soldiers lined up to confront the Semitic army.

A few hours later, in the setting sun of the winter day, the Bayer regiment led by Cardinal Sandos appeared on the western horizon.

The 100,000 soldiers of the Holy See were divided into three parts, and they lined up in a dense phalanx and slowly advanced towards the Semitic people. White figures covered the ground.

"Boom, boom~!"

The sound of low and powerful war drums sounded, and the thunderous drums echoed in the wilderness.

××××××× The red maple leaf banner was hunting and dancing in the strong wind.

The blue United Nations flag and the Holy See golden cross flag stand side by side on both sides of the maple flag.

Under these three banners, which symbolize the three powerful forces of the human world, Vabador, dressed in a straight military uniform, with five gold stars on his shoulders, looked relaxed, and calmly stared at the Holy See's pavilion army passing by.

Behind him, the United Nations staff officers are quickly reporting the battle situation on the mainland, and the flow of messengers of various clothes generally shuttles in the team.

In the world's impression of Vantino seems to be difficult to get in touch with Fengye Danlin, even if there is, it is a battle like "Bald donkey, don't grab a girl with Faye~!"

You know, the two sides dislike each other and have a history of thousands of years. This is a glorious tradition left over from the age of the Three Saints.

Let alone let the Holy See's army appear under the banner of Fengye Danlin.

But the fact is that this is the case. Wabador is commanding the army of the Holy See. These knights now belong to the Maple Leaf Danlin.

These troops are part of the two hundred thousand patrons that Lorraine promised to lend to Maple Leaf Danlin in exchange for a wing of war fortresses to defend the sky above Vatican.

In the middle of the Vatican Legion, there were carriages filled with supplies, and on the roof of the car sat a group of mages and priests, laughing and joking.

A huge team is passing by a boundary monument, on which a line of large characters "Kiel Kingdom" is clearly engraved.

(To be continued) q

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