Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1383: Sleepy Dragon

"Uh~~ang, uh~~ang..."

The stern and sharp air defense siren resounded throughout the city again. M

The people on Ruman City Street suddenly panicked.

The pedestrians on the street suddenly panicked, spread their legs, and ran to the nearest air-raid shelter.

The women picked up their children, the vendors carried things and carried loads, the men supported them, or carried the old men on their backs, and the chubby wealthy businessmen were also panting, and the fat on the running body trembled constantly.

The screams of men, the screams of women, the crying of children... all kinds of voices gathered together and rang.

The streets boiled and noisy like a boiling cauldron, but this noisy scene did not last long.

After just a few minutes, the street that was still noisy became empty, the road was empty, and there were no pedestrians.

Only the stalls on the side of the road, the steaming iron pot on the stove, and the baskets of sundries spilled all over the floor showed that there were people here just now.

After being bombarded by the demons several times, the Rumans are now familiar with air raids, and there is no panic when they were attacked for the first time.

In fact, even though the common people of Ruman experienced the first air strike, they were still very insensitive to air defense warnings.

In order for the common people to develop the habit of avoiding air strikes when they hear the alarm, Ruman officials also took great pains.

At the beginning, they also conducted two exercises, but the common people still did not have the habit of avoiding air strikes.

As the capital of the Ruman Empire, there has almost never been a war here. Therefore, the people here responded very poorly to the war.

There are even a lot of cowardly **** who climbed onto the roof to watch the excitement, completely unaware of life or death.

This made all the officials in the empire extremely headache, but they couldn't come up with any good solutions for a while.

Later, when an official was visiting the night market, after seeing the scene he was most familiar with, he had an idea and came up with a very strong and simple method.

Through the Senate, they gave the city guard an administrative privilege, allowing them to take to the streets to fines after the air raid alarm was sounded.

In this way, even if the dead people don’t care about the air raid alarm, they still want to watch the excitement on the street, but at this time, just send a person to shout "City Guard is coming" and they will immediately. Scared and ran away.

And from the subsequent exercises and actual combat, the effect was very good.

Even a ninety-year-old man on crutches heard "City Guard is coming"... Well, after hearing the air raid alert, he would throw the cane and run as fast as a rabbit.

Prime Minister Russell has been in power for many years and he has promulgated various policies and regulations. But for so many years, he has only been extremely satisfied with this regulation.

And what makes him most proud is that after this regulation was promulgated, the sports level of the residents of Ruman City has obviously risen by a notch.

In just a few minutes, the ordinary people ran into the air-raid shelter closest to them and hid.

There are even some courageous citizens standing at the door of the air-raid shelter, looking up to the sky, as if they are not afraid of the dark spells falling on them-of course, as long as they stay within the red line of the air-raid shelter, they don’t need to be afraid of the city. The guards came to fine.

After another cup of tea, a large group of black war fortresses emerged from the thick clouds of the sky.

They hovered over Ruman City like a group of vultures smelling carrion.

Green, gray, black, purple... the dark spells of various colors flew out of the war fortress like a meteor shower falling from the sky, dragging a long trail across the sky and hitting the ground.

As the light fell, dozens of clouds of smoke and fire suddenly appeared in Ruman City.

Billowing smoke rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

The undead in the fortress of the war suddenly burst out with a sharp and piercing grin: there is nothing in the city that can pose a threat to them.

These undead stalked the war fortress, lowered their height without any scruples, and flew by tens of meters above the ground.

The Dark Mage even leaned out of the window and searched for the figures on the ground-using magic to torture humans, listening to the desperate screams and wailing of people before they died, they have always been the favorite of the undead.

But to their disappointment, no one on the street could see it.

In their view, humans are like timid mice, all hiding in their own mouse holes. In desperation, the dark wizards can only vent their anger to any target that they dislike.

For example, a beautiful house, a crossroad, a statue by the side of the road, or a dog that suddenly appeared on the street.

Under their arrogance, the magic guided artillery on the war fortress bombarded the ground continuously, leaving behind them a long line of scorched earth and gunpowder smoke.

At the same time, they slowly flew towards the palace in the city.

After several bombings, the Dark Mage has formed a routine.

They will first circle the outer city of Ruman City twice for bombardment. Then turn around the inner city political axe institution and the mansion of the prince minister a few times, and throw the dark spell on the beautiful political axe office building.

Finally, he stopped on the top of the palace and smashed the gorgeous building.

When the undead war fortress raged in the city of Ruman, the sultry underground shelters were filled with angry Rumans.

These air-raid shelters have just been expanded and reinforced, and they are extremely crude, and even the air still retains muddy moisture.

There are hundreds to thousands of people gathered in each air-raid shelter. Although the weather is cold now, the air-raid shelter is more humid and cold, but at this time, there are more people gathered, and it is not very cold inside.

The people of Ruman are here to avoid the dark spells. They watched the enemy raging in the city and helpless. The only thing they can do at this time is to curse the **** demons and the **** undead.

At the same time, the question most asked by these Rumans is: "Where is our war fortress?"

Now the flying unit responsible for defending Ruman City has only one Lightning Squadron.

Although they are all extremely brave, it is difficult to form an effective combat force to stop the enemy's bombing.

In front of the huge number of undead war fortresses, their numbers are so rare that the liches only send a part of the war fortresses to entangle them.

Even when the war fortress of the Liches besieged them, they had to withdraw from the battle in order to protect themselves.

Seeing the undead's war fortress rampage in the air, a group of young people crowded in the air-raid shelter couldn't help complaining again.

"Where is Lord Luo's war fortress?"

"The **** little white face is not patronizing pick-up girls, forget us all?"

"It's hard to say, in case His Majesty the Pope is trapped in the dragon..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Hearing these puppies talk more and more outrageous, some people couldn't help but jump out to refute the rumors and said: "It is said that the air forces are still fighting in Vatican City."

The person who said this was obviously a well-informed person. He paused and continued: "Lorraine did not defeat the demons in Vantino. Our war fortress was there to fight them. field."

"When did that happen," someone asked loudly, "Why don't they withdraw?"

"Who knows what the mages of Fengye Danlin think."

"Isn't Ruman City more important than Fengye Danlin?"

Hearing everyone's talk, the man shook his head and said, "You can't say that. Although we have been bombed here, the enemy's main air force is still staring at Fengye Danlin."

When he said this, his tone changed suddenly, lowered his voice, and said with a mysterious face: "It is said that there is a manufacturing plant for a war fort there.

If Maple Leaf Danlin’s war fortresses all fly to us, what should the demons do when they bomb Maple Leaf Danlin? "

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then sighed.

"Hey, can you only watch the demons play their prestige?"

But now even Emperor Ruderen can't help it. I heard that the Prime Minister is also hiding in the basement. What can they do for civilians?

The most important thing is to work hard to keep one's life in war.

Just as everyone was frowning and lamenting, a child pointed to the sky and shouted: "Mom, what is that?"

His voice was not high, but it was clearly in the ears of everyone present.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked along the direction of his fingers.

I saw a dozen small black spots appearing under the clouds. They are so fast that they have changed from soybeans to the size of a matchbox in a few blinks.

"It looks like it's a bird, it looks like a bird."

As the voice fell, the dozen shadows were getting closer and closer, turning into a dozen strange big birds with wings.

It is strange because people have never seen such a huge strange bird.

Those birds spread their wings and are more than ten meters long, just like the legendary thunder eagle. Its wings never seemed to flap, but the speed was not much slower than that of Thunder Eagle.

Moreover, the sound it made when it flew was extremely loud, and it boomed like thunder.

Everyone couldn't help being extremely surprised, this...what kind of bird thing is this?

At this moment, after seeing those strange birds hovering in the air for a circle, they then turned over beautifully and swooped down towards the low-altitude war fortress of the undead race.

"No, there can be no such big bird. Look at their wings, they are wider than the yard~!"

"What the **** is this?"

"Is the head obviously an eagle..."

When everyone pointed and pointed, they saw a sudden red light flashing in the mouth of the black eagle that rushed down, and then, a ball of fire suddenly burst on the head of the war fortress of the undead race directly opposite it, and then a billowing light appeared. Black smoke.

Everyone can see clearly that the war fort of the demons was beaten by an eagle-headed monster~!

After the war fortress was shot, he immediately changed direction and staggered to escape.

The people cheered suddenly.

"It's our people~!"

"Long live the empire."

"Long live the big bird... Grandma's, there seems to be something strange about shouting like this."

"Yeah, I feel it too."

"Idiot, this should be Lord Luo's latest war fortress."


At this time, the big eagle turned flexibly, chased the **** of the Undead Race War Fortress, and then sprayed it again.

A spark burst out again on the war fortress of the undead race. It has lost its balance, struggling in the sky as if drunk.

"It's our war fortress~!"

The Ruman people in the air-raid shelter cheered excitedly, and many people even ran out of it excitedly, standing on the open space and looking up to watch the battle in the sky——MLGBD~! How can you not watch such a wonderful air battle? Even if he was caught by the city guards, it was worth the fine.

These dozen or so black strange birds, like sharks rushing into a school of fish, chased the undead war fortress that had just been dying.

Just as the Rumans were waving their arms to cheer for their war fortress, white snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky.

Ruman City ushered in the first snow of winter.

The undead war fortress that was accidentally attacked quickly retreated, and the sharp air defense alarm immediately changed its sound, from short to slow and long. This is a sign of the end of the air raid.

People took to the streets one after another, holding their hands high, and greeted the war fortress in the sky with enthusiastic cheers.

The eagle fighter squadron lowered its altitude, lined up in an arrow shape, and flew over the Ruman's heads whizzing-in order to understand the urgent need, they rushed in after several transitions from Vantino.

The bag-wrapped pilot even extended his arm from the cockpit, waved the red scarf in his hand, and motioned to the Ruman on the ground.

With the end of the airstrike, the volunteer service team composed of local militiamen, citizens of Ruman and the guards of the noble family immediately got busy, extinguishing the burning flames, searching and rescuing the trapped persons from the ruins, and gathering those who died in the airstrike. Corpses, there are always a few unlucky ghosts in every bombing.

The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and it didn't take long for it to become like a goose feather, and Ruman City was quickly covered by a layer of snow.

A team of professional corpse collection teams found several blackened corpses on the street, which looked like they had been hit by a dark spell like poisonous fog and died.

The members of the collection team carried these corpses into a yard, waiting for someone to claim them.

The members of the busy volunteer service team didn't know that these corpses had been dead for a long time, and they were not Ruman.

×××××× Vatican City inside and outside the city has now become a huge military camp.

After the victory of the naval battle, more than 60,000 Vatican Guardian regiments carried by transport ships landed in Vatican, all of which are now stationed outside the city.

Lord Lorraine's army increased to 80,000, which was comparable to the Semitic army led by Veraprani.

After the Victory-class battleship fleet and the Elven Kingdom’s navy completed their combat missions, they left one to continue to be on guard outside Vatican. The main force has already begun to perform cruise missions to completely cut off the enemy’s sea lines of communication. Fast gunboats followed the fleet and acted as anti-aircraft firepower.

With enough soldiers in his hands, a hawk with full firearms, and artillery of various calibers, Lord Lorraine's combat effectiveness is already stronger than the enemy in terms of strength.

Everyone thought that with Lord Lorraine's unforgiving surname, he would be eager to kill him.

The war fort opened its way, artillery washed the ground, and machine guns fired. With the momentum of plowing the pit, Kelikacha slashed the Semitic people on the opposite side.

Then he pushed back in one breath and slammed directly to the city of Ryder, killed the undead high priest, liberated the occupied area, robbed the gang of traitors and wiped out the traitors, and ended the war victoriously... But beyond everyone’s expectations, victory After that, Lord Lorraine stayed still, and had no intention of chasing after victory.

The Semitic army opposite Vatican also retreated dozens of miles, as if they were watching.

The cardinals in the city are quite puzzled about this. Shouldn't they rush up at this time to completely wipe out the enemy?

If the enemy is allowed to breathe, the undead high priest will send new reinforcements to surround Vatican again, this victory becomes meaningless.

However, this uncle was like there was no such thing, spending the whole day with his wife and children in the Pope's Palace, just letting the troops outside the city keep training.

After a few more days of patience, the cardinals, who felt that they could not wait any longer, took advantage of the opportunity to ask the Pope for peace, and once again flanked.

"The demon army has been garrisoned fifty miles away, and there has been no sign of retreat, so you must guard against it~!"

"Yes, they should be eliminated as soon as possible."


Hillmelia gave a wry smile, these people didn't dare to speak directly to Lord Lorraine, so they had to come to her big boss every day to scream.

She didn't bother to care, anyway, Lorraine was right, and made a look at Mazovia, letting the old guy come out to stop the arrow.

Mazovia understood her heart, shaking her hands in front of Silmelia, saying: "Everyone, don't worry, everything is under control."

A group of old men in red robe stared at Mazovia fiercely with their eyes. After spending a long time with Lorraine, this old guy became Lorraine's little brother, and he was no longer on the same front with them.

Lord Lorraine was playing with his son, far away from the group of them. These people are here to appeal to the Pope, but not to themselves, and Sir Alex is not willing to pay attention to them.

Little Lorraine was struggling desperately to escape from the father's hand, a pair of small fists grabbed the skirt of Vera's chest next to her, and her saliva flowed out.

Mazovia had only one hand and said helplessly: "However, the timing is not yet ripe."

"Old horse, just say how long it will take, right?"

Mazovia sniffed, and secretly said in his heart: This, I know, is determined by the uncle. He said that immaturity means immature, that is, if you are not familiar, you dare to fart.

I know I'm a bully, right?

He shook his head and said: "You have also seen that during the war, the artillery shells were overwhelming, and the bullets were as dense as rain. The Hawker's ammunition was so consumed that he had to replenish it first.

It takes time to make cannonballs, and it takes time to transport them over. "

"It's okay." An veteran cardinal waved his hand and said: "The big deal is that we will pay, and we can find more people to make transportation."

"It's not a question of money." Mazovia smiled bitterly. He had just been popularized by Lord Lorraine two days ago. The production of shells and bullets is not as simple as the production of swords.

Mazovia spread his hands and said: "The production capacity of the ammunition production line is so large. The rear military factory has been around for 24 hours. It takes at least half a year to build a new production line, so we can only wait."

"How long will I have to wait? What if I let the demons run away?"

"Don't worry, they can't run away." Lord Lorraine slid his son to Vera, wiped his son's drool on his clothes, glared at his son, and said: "Don't attack rashly because of me. Waiting for a surprise."

"Surprise?" The cardinals looked at each other, wondering what good things the uncle was hiding.

"Calculate the time, if there are no accidents, it should be here." Lorraine said and looked out the window.

At this time, a staff officer ran in quickly, saluted with a "pop", and then said loudly: "Ru Mancheng is calling."


"Yes," the staff corps opened the telegram and said: "This morning, Ruman City was bombed by the Mozu War Fortress. The Eagle Squadron set out to intercept and shot down nine enemy war fortresses. The enemy forces outside the city have been covering the war fortress. Break through the first line of defense and are currently attacking the second line of defense of our army.

In addition, Ruman City is snowing. "

The officer saluted again, closed the telegram, turned and ran away quickly.

The cardinals looked at each other and said in their hearts: This is a surprise? What is the surprise?

Just when everyone was in a daze, a loud neighing sound suddenly came from outside, and a handsome silver-winged flying horse landed flexibly from the sky and ran a few steps on the ground to stop.

The silver-winged knight turned over and jumped down, and rushed into the room like a gust of wind, waving a letter in his hand, and shouting loudly: "The victory of Deron City, Cardinal Sandos defeated Emperor De Rossi [*], forward From the east."

"What?" The cardinals were taken aback, wondering if their ears had misheard them.

Mazovia rushed over to grab the Silver Winged Knight, and shouted: "What did you say, say it again~!"

"The Cardinal Sandos wiped out the 120,000 De Rossi army in Deron City, and this will be leading the entire army to the east."

"Long live~!" The cardinals burst into cheers that were not commensurate with their age.

"Bless God of Light."

A few old guys even hugged each other and laughed, not caring whether the other party was an old glass.

Since the beginning of the war, the army of the Holy See has finally gained a face, and these bishops suddenly felt a lot of panting: they still have a legion in the hands of the Holy See.

My mind has quickly rushed to Silmelia to flatter After a deep bow, he solemnly said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, this is the victory achieved under your Majesty's leadership."

"Your Majesty knows how to make good use of, and Sandos really lives up to expectations."

Seeing the gang of **** graciously surrounding Hillmelia, Lorraine curled his lips, pulled out the blue flag of the De Rossi Empire on the sand table, and inserted the golden cross flag representing the Bayer Army in the Semitic army. Large rear.

The back road of the Semitic army led by Velaprani was blocked by Sandos's Bayer Legion and became a trapped beast.

Lorraine pressed his hands on the side of the table, overlooking the battle on the sand table, staring at the small flag representing the Semitic army, and whispered: "General~!

It's time for you to go now. "

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: If the old boy Velaprani knew that he was killed by a pig-like teammate, I don't know if he would copy the guy and cut De Rossi, I really look forward to it. "

A staff officer broke in and said loudly: "Report that the Semitic army to the west is retreating."

(To be continued) q

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