Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1380: Caribbean Division

"Grand Duchy of Deron?" General Melun muttered in a low voice, still blank. m

Although he finally knew which country he was in, General Melun’s problem was not solved smoothly: the Grand Duchy of Deron-what is the place where birds don’t shit? "

Because he has never heard of the name of the Grand Duchy of Deron, let alone know exactly where the country is on the mainland, how far is it from Vatican? How far is it from Ryder?

Although the Semitic Continent was split into two parts, and there were attacks on each other, it was still insignificant compared to the Human Race.

There are hundreds of countries in the human continent, thousands of grand duchy, dominions, and besides, there are many earls and barons...These human beings continue to fight against each other by inheriting their unique bad roots.

Today, General Hadu invaded Ruman, and tomorrow, Grand Duke Ruman forcibly attacked the city of Samarkand. The day after tomorrow, Maple Leaf Danlin formed an army and ran to the Almohad Empire to maintain their peace. The day after tomorrow, we joined [*] to Chaero’s nuclear weapons, and the day after tomorrow, the civil war in the Almohad Empire broke out...In short, the Great War will occur every day.

The entire Human Race Continent continued to smoke, and almost no day stopped.

Under this circumstance, the turf in the hands of the bosses keeps changing. It belongs to you today, to him tomorrow, and it is my turn the day after tomorrow... It's extremely chaotic.

Usually, even holding a map may not find a place. What's more, General Melun didn't even have a map in his hand.

He turned out to be. It's just that when I disembarked, I was too hasty to forget.

General Melun was busy rescuing his box of top whisky produced by Chivas Distillery-Royal Salute's 21-year-old out-of-print collection commemorative wine, priceless crystal wineware, and a classic representative work of critical realism genre-"Meat Futon. And the photorealism series of oil paintings created by the most famous painter of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci-"Y"...When General Melun settled down and thought of the map, it was already the second day of disembarkation and landing. It's afternoon.

When he hesitated whether to send a few small soldiers and ventured back to take out the map, several broken soldiers from other troops escaped from the Eastern battlefield.

In order to get rid of the responsibility of defeat, they exaggerated the power of mankind as much as possible. These soldiers told General Melun that mankind has assembled hundreds of thousands of troops under Vatican City, and the soldiers are all Paladins. , Intermediate officers and above are all at the level of wizards... and even more frightening is that they are about to catch up~!

After receiving the news, the Fourth Division did not hesitate at all and accelerated all the way to the west.

General Melun also figured it out. If there is no map, there is no map. Anyway, you can't make a mistake by running west.

In order to get rid of the chasing soldiers, the Fourth Division marched day and night, everyone was running dizzy, until they felt that the chasing soldiers behind could not easily catch up with them, they settled down.

At this time, everyone realized that they had reached a place called the Grand Duchy of Deron.

General Melun scratched his head in distress and asked: "How far is you, Grand Duchy of Deron, from Vatican?"

The old man showed a confused expression and shook his head: "I don't know, it's far away anyway. Our noble master went to Vatican for a pilgrimage several years ago, and it took more than half a year to come back."

"How far are you from Ryder City?"

"Ryder City? Never heard of it." The old man shook his head decisively.

General Melun gave a wry smile.

He found that it was a mistake in itself to ask this old man. This kind of old man who would never get out of a hundred miles in his entire life would never know anything useful.

"Well, where are your nobles?" He asked with the last glimmer of hope-as long as he can find a local noble, I believe he should know this.

"Master of the nobility?" The old man gave a wry smile, then waved his hand vigorously, and said: "Run, run away early, and run away before Delong City fights."

Everything is back to the original point-General Melun couldn't help but sighed for a long time, but suddenly he noticed the old man's words, his eyes lit up, and he said in his heart: I'm really stupid~!

If the mountain doesn't come, it's me. I can go to the mountain.

Since I can't find my current position, can I just find their capital?

That should be ours now.

When he thinks of the city, General Melun has a sore nose and a feeling of crying. Whenever he shivered and shivered in the wild, he missed the soft bed, hot water, fine wine and food.

He now suspects that he has made the wrong brain, and he has to take up this drudgery.

General Melun asked impatiently: "Where is Deron City? Where is your capital?"

The old man pointed to the north, and replied extremely simply: "There."

Melan turned his head to look at the northern horizon, and said, "Is it to the far is it?"

The old man thought for a while and said, "It's only two days to walk north."

"Go north for two days, that's almost two hundred miles." General Melun said in his heart: It's not far.

He took out a gold coin casually, stuffed it into the old man's hand, and said, "Old man, thank you."

The old man was taken aback, looked at the gold coin in his hand stupidly, his mind was confused, and said in his heart: Why didn't this demon clan's official pay back the money? Is it totally different from the legend?

The old man subconsciously poked his head out and looked at the sun outside. That's right, it was in the south. How could this be possible?

At this time, General Melun found that he had found a way out of the predicament with his own wisdom, and couldn't help being very proud of his IQ.

With a look of excitement on his face, he was about to order the whole army to continue marching north, looking for Deron City.

At this time, the old man thought for a while, and then continued: "Oh, yes, I heard that Deron City is fighting."

"Fight...fight, fight, fight~!" General Melun didn't come over in a breath, choked on his own foam, and let out an exclamation.

Hearing the division commander yelling "fight", the surrounding soldiers of the Fourth Division all jumped up like frightened rabbits.

Everyone hurriedly shouted: "Fight?"


"Who is calling?"

"Humanity is coming?"

"Safety first, run fast~!"

"The wind is a big deal."

"Sir, where's the sir?"

"They dry their hair. Let's run by yourself."


The soldiers rammed like a swarm of flies, not knowing where to go.

General Melun looked dark, and he felt desperate: How could it be possible to win with this group of soldiers?

But, who makes him the most special of the Caribbean Fourth Division.

This division was originally formed by generals sent directly by the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the soldiers were all composed of small Caribbean sailors and fishermen. These people are inherently greedy for life and fear of death, and like to care about things.

Not to mention, they were all officers who came from the country with ropes.

The morale of this person can be imagined.

Even so, if the officers lead it well. Strengthen their training, although they can't meet the standards of a strong army and elite, at least they can be counted as a second-rate division.

No matter how... but the former head of the Fourth Division sent by the Central Committee is a Erqian silly 13 whose brain is muddled by shit. Seeing that Caribbean City is rich, he has a crooked mind.

He actually conspired to assassinate the Caribbean city lord, Iskander, one of the seven royal families.

I really responded to the famous saying: If you don't die, you won't die~!

Don't look at who Iskander is.

Although the old man is not very good, he is cowardly and notoriously afraid of his wife. But he is the seven royal families, not to mention, he also has a cheap son-in-law, the dignified Flying Eagle God of War, Earl Lorraine. The demon-like figure of the high priest suffered a loss in his hands, but are you going to provoke him?

What is this not to die?

As a result, the original commander of the Fourth Division was directly killed.

The Fourth Division then fell into the hands of the Caribbean City Lord, Fiona’s father, the cheap old man of Lorraine, and Melun, who was originally a playboy, suddenly discovered that, in the dark, the Demon God actually heard his prayer and realized it. I wanted to be a general when I was a child-I became the commander of the Fourth Division.

However, he is a playboy, besides picking up girls and drinking, and writing two influential poems, what can he have?

Except for the first month, the Fourth Division didn't have much training. Melun himself didn't understand this, and all the officers who knew how to do it were thrown away.

So until they boarded the ship, the soldiers of the Fourth Division had been living a happy life in the barracks.

Now suddenly when they heard there was a battle, these little soldiers were all frightened and **** off, and as soon as they got their direction, they ran away.

General Melun blushed with a thick neck, roared, and shouted: "What are you panicking? Humans haven't come here yet, they are fighting in the distance."

"Hey, say it early~!" The soldiers couldn't help but complain.

Because they get along a lot, they also have a good understanding of General Melun, knowing that this ruffian has no other skills except drinking flower wine and watching "Meat Futon", so there is no fear at all.

On the contrary, there are some closeness, everyone is a fellow, and the boss's surname is pretty good, and he never forces everyone to train.

After the soldiers realized that it was a false alarm, they immediately fell down and went to sleep-they were already exhausted and exhausted after traveling for several days.

General Melun sighed, feeling that his future was bleak, and then asked, "Old man, who is fighting against Deron City?"

"I don't know this. Anyway, I heard that there was a war. It's been a long time."

General Melun used his clever mind to think secretly that the war could only be between humans and the Semites, and it seemed that this battle was not fought in one or two days.

"Is it insecure if I am past now?"

After thinking about it for a long time, General Melun decided to go and take a look, because lack of food is an imminent problem. In four or five days, he and his men will have to gnaw the bark, if there is still bark.

Melan had already planned it in his heart. If the Semi had an advantage, he would stay for a few more days, maybe he could still take some credit.

If the Semis do not have the upper hand... then ask the friendly army for some food and continue to look for "big forces."

After resting in this dilapidated small village for most of the day, the soldiers of the Caribbean Fourth Division set off again, heading all the way north, aiming at Deron City.

General Melun and all the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Division did not know what kind of war was waiting for them at this moment.

The fourth division, which had lost almost all of its heavy equipment, marched at a fast speed all the way round and night, but it took three full days to reach the outskirts of Delong.

General Melun realized at this moment that the old human peasants could walk faster than he marched.

Just as General Melun raised his sight glasses and looked around with fear, for fear that an army of humans would suddenly come out from there.

"Report, report to the general." Several soldiers in civilian clothing ran back quickly.

It was the soldiers he sent to investigate the city of Deron in makeup. If the battle ahead was unfavorable, he would continue to turn directly westward.

"Good news, good news~!" The make-up scout danced happily, rushing through the layers of the crowd, exclaiming in excitement.

General Melun's nerves have been tense and allergic this period of time. He suddenly heard a good news. He couldn't believe his ears and asked anxiously: "What good news?"

"We, we found..." The scout gasped heavily and said, "I found it, the food transport team is not far from here."

General Melun laughed from ear to ear. This was really great news. He kept asking: "Where? How many people are there?"

"A dozen miles away to the west, there are thousands of people without the protection of the army." The scout's eyes shone bright, and he rubbed his hands happily.

"This is the big fat sheep delivered to the door."

"We must not let them run away~!"

The soldiers yelled excitedly around General Melun. They only had half the ration each day, and their hungry eyes turned green.

Had it not been for the human beings who might be chasing after them, these soldiers would have mutiny long ago, and had to process capital and welfare, and work five days a week.

There were even people who acquainted with each other and shouted loudly: "The scorpion explored the way, the stick fell, the knife ransacked and ate this batch of vain goods.

Looking at his fierce eyes, he immediately caused the people around him to retreat three feet. Everyone understands in their hearts that this guy must have been a robbery before~!

The scout frowned suddenly, and said with some doubts: "However, the other party's flag is very strange. It seems to be a flower, not our flag, or human."

"Boss, don't hesitate, brothers will starve to death in two days."

"The other party has no guards, obviously a fat sheep."

"Robbery it."

"Robbery it~!"

The officers and men surrounded General Melun and shouted.

Seeing that there was a bargain to choose from, these gangsters immediately became murderous-this place is far away from the pursuit of the human race. There is no danger in thinking about it. If you don’t eat the meat delivered to your door, it’s a fool~!

Melan had never done this kind of work. Seeing everyone's morale was quite high, he seemed to be confident, and said cautiously, "Then... rob it?"

"Okay, the boss agreed, and the brothers who brought the guy up, don't let the fat sheep run away."

"One group ambushes, the second group goes roundabout, and the third group takes their back path..."

Without waiting for instructions from the officers, the experienced Caribs spontaneously acted. Thousands of soldiers surrounded General Melun, rushing all the way to the found food convoy.

In less than half an hour, the soldiers of the Fourth Division, under the guidance of the scouts, discovered the food transport team.

Thousands of people drove a long line of carriages, with neatly packed bags of grain bags, walking slowly eastward along the road, and there was no military **** nearby.

A brightly colored flag was placed on the leading car, and General Melun recognized that the pattern was a tulip. But what it means, he doesn't know.

The morale of the soldiers of the Fourth Division was high, and with a shout, they rushed up bravely.

Someone shouted: "I drive this mountain, and I plant this tree. If you want to cross this road, you can leave the road to buy money. At Xia Heifengzhai, the silver gun bully Luo Daguan, you quickly leave food. , Otherwise don’t want to pass from here."

"Yours is ours, ours is ours, so quickly leave ours to us."

Ever since the heroes of Lei Guangguang and the heroes of Bai Guangguang were fighting in the Caribbean, this incision has become an advertising slogan for the Caribbean people to do business without capital.

Of course, more people directly shouted out the purpose of the action: "walking for the sky, robbery~! The man stands on the left, the woman stands on the right, the ladyboy stands in the middle, hey, say you, kid hurry up..."

Seeing that thousands of people rushed out, the food transport team was also shocked.

However, after seeing their uniforms, the people in the food transport team calmed down. Feidan did not draw out his weapons to resist, but instead sat on the carriage with arms folded, waiting for the Fourth Division to rush over.

The soldiers rushed forward to surround the entire convoy, and eagerly removed the grain bags from the car, and put them in their clothes pockets when they opened them, ready to make a full meal.

The people in the food delivery team didn't stop, and just watched indifferently.

The leader of the convoy was an officer. He saw that General Melun was five and six, like an official, walked forward, smiled flatly, and bowed his head and said: "I am the logistics of the Second Division of the De Rossi Empire. Officer Captain Paul, dare to ask the adults, but they are here to reinforce us. May I ask which part of the adults is?"

"The De Rossi Empire..." General Melun read it silently, knowing in his heart that this was an ally of the Semitic, and to put it bluntly, it was the Semitic Alliance, and he was immediately settled in his heart when he was a dog.

It's not an enemy army, let alone a Semitic friendly army, it doesn't matter if you grab it.

Those who rob the enemy will be retaliated, and those who rob the friendly army will be accused. Only if they robbed this gang of two devil soldiers, they would not dare to let one fart.

"We are the great Semitic Caribbean Fourth Division." General Melun said proudly, stretching out his thumb to point to his banner.

But Captain Paul showed a bewildered look. It was obvious that he hadn't heard of Caribbean, and he hadn't seen anything except a wooden pole.

General Melun turned his head and glanced, his old face flushed, and angrily cursed: "Who is that, give me the banner."

Only then did Lamy suddenly wake up, and the hurriedly-handled lightning banner hung on the flagpole and then stood up.

"Fourth Division, haha." General Melun pointed at the banner again, smiled, and then said with a stern face, solemnly said: "I solemnly inform you that this batch of grain has been requisitioned by our Fourth Division. "

"This...sir, you can't do this." Captain Paul said in a panic, "This is sent to the front of Deron."

Regarding such dog-legged troops as the De Rossi Empire, General Melun naturally looked down upon him extremely. He raised his head and took out the stand of a Semitic general, and said proudly: "I requisitioned it when I said it was requisitioned. Then there is so much nonsense, believe it or not. Cut you off~!"

Captain Paul showed a look of fear.

The Semitic people he knows have always been extremely brutal and they are unreasonable. Even if he was killed on the spot, he would die in vain, and no one would call him wrong.

For public affairs, it's not worth taking your own life into it. It costs a lot to get a job as a logistics officer, and the cost has not been earned.

He cried and said with a sad face: "I can't decide this matter. I need to tell our adults."

General Melun waved his hand and said, "Then you go quickly,"

After thinking about it, he thoughtfully said, "Or I will give you a receipt."

"That is naturally the best."

Captain Paul took the precious receipt and hurriedly rushed towards Emperor De Rossi's account outside Deron City.

A few hours later, when the soldiers of the 4th Division were full of food and napping comfortably under the warm sun, a cloud of smoke appeared in the distance, and a large group of cavalry was rushing over.

(To be continued) q

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