Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1365: The weight of victory or defeat

Standing on the top of the temple, Lorraine had been holding his binoculars, trying to look out to the southern sea through the wind and snow. m

At this time, fierce battles between the battleship fleet and the Semitic fleet were raging, and the two sides fought **** the surface of the Norwegian Sea, constantly entangled and chased each other.

Unconsciously, their battlefield has been pushed to the sea off Vatican.

The war fortresses of both sides have also been put into battle.

In order to cover the warships below, they chased and killed on top of the fleet.

In the sky and on the sea, there are flying cannonballs and spells everywhere, and from time to time a dazzling sacred light shines.

Those rays of light were intertwined, like a huge net, completely covering the entire sea.

Almost every moment there will be ships shot, billowing smoke, or war fortress screaming, dragging long black smoke across the sky, falling into the cold water, stirring up the sky. Water splash.

Although this battle is related to the direction of the mainland and the life and death of countless people. But at this moment, Lorraine's heart was calm and relaxed.

Perhaps it has been years of warfare that has enabled him to accumulate a wealth of experience.

Now he can observe this huge war as a cold spectator.

There was even free time, but I sighed: the battleship's T-shaped tactics were not up to standard, and the firepower was not fierce enough, and the captains had to be captured in turn to conduct a good tactical training assessment.

At this time, a whistling wind and snow passed.

The rumble of cannons outside the city and the scream of killing came again. Apparently, the Semites outside the city launched another attack.

And from the louder and louder voices, it can be judged that the enemy is getting closer and closer to Vatican City.

He turned his head and glanced at the enemy outside the city with a binoculars, and he could see that the gray uniforms of Semitic soldiers had appeared near the city wall.

From a distance, the small gray spots, like ants attached to sugar cubes, are densely packed, almost covering the ground.

And farther away. A huge lightning bolt has been erected.

Beneath the big bow, there was a vaguely general riding a horse also holding a telescope, looking towards him.

The two looked at each other from a long distance.

Immediately, the general seemed to be showing off his strength. He raised his right hand high, then clenched it into a fist, and then followed. A strong wave forward.

His action was full of provocation and contempt.

Lorraine couldn't help but whispered: "Stupid 13~!"

Immediately, he turned away the camera indifferently.

In Ferguson's eyes, the general's actions were like a stage actor. And he is the worst stage actor, showing a little exaggeration and flashy.

If you usually encounter such a person on the street, you will naturally classify him as the one whose brain was comforted by donkey hoofs when he was young.

Beside Lorraine, Mazovia kept stomping and rubbing his hands in the cold wind and snow, but was worried and reluctant to leave.

Only frequently observe Lord Lorraine's face, wanting to see the progress of the battle from Lorraine's face.

However, Lorraine's face was as calm as water, and he couldn't tell whether it was joy or worry. I just raise my eyebrows from time to time.

Every time Sir Alex showed this expression, Mazovia's heart would jump along, and he was afraid that Sir Sir Lorraine would say something bad.

"Report~!" An officer of the Eagle Division ran up quickly and said loudly: "The second line of defense on the Western Front was broken. The enemy's offensive was too fierce. The commander ordered to retreat directly to the wall.

Lorraine was noncommittal and nodded to show that he knew. Said: "Tell you the commander, it doesn't matter if you put the enemy in the city and fight, I only want you to stick to the last five minutes."

"Yes~!" The officer responded loudly, and then turned to retreat. At the same time, he secretly wondered: What does Sir Alex mean?

Hold on for the last five minutes?

What about in five minutes?

Mazovia was also taken aback for a moment, and said, "Lord, you mean?"

Lorraine put down the telescope and said calmly: "The weight that changes the balance of the balance has appeared."

"Ah? Where? Where?" Mazovia turned his head immediately. Ran around randomly. But nothing was found.

He sighed: "My dear Sir, I am so anxious to death on this side. Don't make fun of you."

Lorraine smiled and pointed at the sea in the distance.

At this time, the wind and snow on the sea seemed a little smaller than before, but the gray dark clouds still enveloped the entire sea area.

It was getting late, and the light became much darker. The distance has become a fuzzy gray.

Mazovia craned her neck and looked at it for a long time, but still saw nothing.

He blinked suspiciously, hesitating in his heart whether to open his mouth and ask Lorraine. At this moment, a melodious horn was heard suddenly in the snow.


The voice was extremely low, but it clearly passed into the ears through the fighting on the battlefield and the howling wind and snow.

Mazovia couldn't help but jump in her heart.

He snapped a few steps, then narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction from the sound of the horn.

In the dim background in the distance, between the sea and the sky, there was a faint white sail shadow.

In the next instant, there were countless white dots that pierced through the sky of wind and snow and appeared in the line of sight.

They formed a long white line on the distant sea, almost traversing the entire sea level~!

This huge fleet that suddenly appeared in the waters of the battlefield immediately attracted the attention of the human fleet, and it was even a panic~!

The officer jǐngjie on the battleship picked up the phone and shouted into the microphone hoarsely, "There is a fleet in the southwest~!

A fleet is approaching quickly, approaching quickly~!

Repeat, to the southwest, a fleet is rapidly approaching..."

Everyone in the command room stretched their necks and looked southwest.

I saw the union in this short period of time, and the distant fleet was getting closer. There are so many of them, almost full of people's sight.

Seeing this, the officers couldn't help but yelled.

"Damn it, doesn't the intelligence say that the enemy has only one fleet?"

"There are too many enemies, is it necessary to adjust tactics."

"Don't let the enemy surround us, Captain."


First officer Jack rushed to Captain Glendin and shouted anxiously: "Captain~! Captain, what shall we do now?"

At the same time, he secretly scolded Andreson: being handsome is unreliable. Are you investigating?

Detect a ghost~!

You haven't noticed such a huge fleet, and you have said everything is left to you, the room that I vacated for you.

The first mate was resentful at the tugging guy in Andreson at the moment. If he was in front of him, the first mate would definitely punch his handsome face and then spit out yellow sputum. Then stepped on the **** leather boots and stomped on his big face.

Captain Glendin sullen his face and took a deep sip from the cigar on his mouth. Slowly shook his head and said: "Keep your course."

Then he grabbed the intercom and said, "I'm the captain, Mr. Puck. How is your baby?"

"Very well, never as good as it is now." Puke's hoarse voice came from the phone.

Captain Glendin pondered for a moment, and then said, "I need it faster."

"This..." Chief Engineer Puck hesitated for a moment, his tone became very uncertain, and said: "Theoretically speaking, it's okay, but..."

Captain Glendin said decisively: "Then let it go faster~!"

As he said, he dropped the intercom.

After a few seconds, the roar under the captain's feet seemed to suddenly become louder, and an irregular "dangdang" sound was heard amid the low roar.

The hull of the Victory shook sharply. The speed rose again, and he rushed to the forefront first, and he was about to pass through the Semitic Navy's ship formation.

And the remaining half of the Semitic naval fleet is desperately chasing Victory behind.

The new fleet that appeared in the southwest showed superb sailing skills. It was facing the north wind, and the bow was sailing quickly toward the northeast.

This fleet that had just arrived on the battlefield also attracted the attention of the fiercely fighting war fortress, the Lich and the Blade Guard.

The war fortress in the sky was inextricably fought. At this time, the intensity of the fierce fighting gradually decreased. Many quit the battle cautiously.

The Lich and the Blade Guard also stopped at the same time and retreated.

What puzzled the chief mates in the command room was that the nearby Semitic navy was also turning the bow south, as if to cooperate with the fleet that suddenly appeared.

Ten minutes later, amid the huge roar of the steam engine, the Victory finally penetrated the Semitic formation. There was an open ocean in front of him, and the Semitic battleship was left behind.

And the fleet that suddenly appeared was getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

At this moment, you can already see the huge black hull under the sail.

These ships are all huge. It seems even larger than the Semitic warships in front of him.

Behind the white sailing shadow, there is a black silhouette of a monster like a mountain.

If it's not a monster, it should be a big ship a little bigger than the battleship Victory.

The officers in the command room of the Victory stared at each other, with unbelievable expressions on their faces: When did the Semi have this kind of ship?

The first officer grabbed the binoculars, stared at the big ship in the southwest, and said blankly: "A ship bigger than the Victory. I only know that there is the Royal Ark of the Kingdom of Spirit..."

The Victory once exercised with the navy of the Jīng Ling Kingdom, and was parked in the port side by side with the Royal Ark that was the seat of the Jīng Ling Kingdom.

The first officer had also marveled at the incredible shipbuilding technology of the Kingdom of Spirit, knowing that they did not have a steam engine, no crane, and no professional alchemist from the Alchemy Institute.

Those two royal arks are really huge ships made up little by little.

Captain Glendin breathed out a ring of smoke, a triumphant smile appeared on his dark and rough old face, and said, "That's the Royal Ark."

"What?" First officer Jack was stunned for a few seconds, and then flashed through his heart like a thunderbolt, exclaiming: "That's a jealous navy~!"

Captain Glendin nodded, curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and complained: "These guys are late. They are really second-rate sailors."

The officers in the command room couldn't help cheering loudly, full of joy.

The jīng spirit kingdom that worships the Mother Earth and the spirit of nature can never be an ally of the demons. The Druids and the life mage and the necromancer are deadly enemies with a philosophical outlook on life.

The jīng spirit navy suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and naturally came to fight the demons.

After experiencing this kind of ups and downs, the officers found that at this moment, the gang of arrogant jīng spirits, which were as long as women's guns, turned out to be very cute.

If there is a jīng spirit in front of them, they will not hesitate to hug that guy and give him a hard kiss. To express your joy.

It's really time for these guys to come~!

"Beep... woo..." A deep and transparent snail horn sounded from the fleet of the Jīng Spirit Kingdom, and the fleet of the Jīng Spirit Kingdom quickly dispersed, thrusting into the Semitic Navy from behind.

The huge figure of the Royal Ark clearly appeared in the fleet. On the sail in the middle of the front mast, a golden rose flower filled the front sail, which was very bright.

Against the backdrop of the Royal Ark, the Semitic’s originally large double-deck battleship is like a Chihuahua next to the Tibetan Mastiff.

The sails of all the warships of the Spirit Kingdom fleet came over. It was full of wind and moved quickly, and the more than a dozen wide seas were full of cloud-like sails and golden hulls of warships, completely obscuring the sea, and the number was no less than five or six hundred.

At this point, even Captain Glendin had to nod in admiration. Secretly said in his heart: Ling Haijun really deserves its reputation.

The entire fleet can maintain such a fast speed and agility when driving in the side wind, which shows the superb skills of their sailors.

In fact, the Semitic navy was earlier than the human navy. They were closer to the Jīng Ling navy, and the Semitic navy knew very well that they had no reinforcements. The fleet that came across the ocean this time was here.

The Semitic fleet quickly split a part and turned to face the jīng Spirit Kingdom fleet.

The horn of the navy of the Kingdom of Spirit Kingdom became more intense and loud. At this moment, under the leadership of the huge Royal Ark, the entire fleet of spirit fleets began to turn, and the bow pointed to the east.

A short distance away. The officers and soldiers of Ruman on the battleship clearly saw the side of the Royal Ark facing the Semitic fleet that was approaching quickly by the wind.

The officers and soldiers on the Victory were no longer familiar with this action, and the battleship opened fire to seize the standard heading of the T.

"It's also a battleship?" First Mate Jack exclaimed in surprise.

I have never heard that the Kingdom of Jīng is also building battleships. Aren’t they an extremely conservative group?

As if to prove the words of First Officer Jack, the Royal Ark spouted out a burst of fire, followed by a cloud of gray smoke floating against the hull.

After several seconds, the rumbling of the cannon reached the ears of the human officers and soldiers on the battleship.

The Semitic battleship rushing in the forefront splashed a stream of water from the left and right, and then the hull burst into flames. Obviously it was hit.

Captain Glendin laughed loudly, looked at the Royal Ark with a scornful expression, and sarcastically said: "A bunch of idiots, my chef beats you more accurately."

The captain's mind was much more balanced.

Then he glanced at his hand, and saw that they would still have the same expression as the second fool marrying a wife, grinning silly.

Captain Glendin angrily kicked the first mate on the ass, and shouted loudly, "Don't be stunned, Zuo Manduo. If today is beaten by the dead gunners in the Kingdom of Spirit... "

Immediately, his tone changed and he shouted fiercely: "You can't get off the ship for a year~!"

The first officer and the officers shuddered in shock.

For these men who have been floating on the sea all year round, living in a small, sweaty cabin, they really counted how long they could get off the boat for a few days.

The men in the port city know it. If the courtyard is crowded with people, and fights are going on in the tavern all day long, then the sailors are coming to the port again. It is best to stay at home at this time.

The group of sailors who had been holding back for a few months looked like screaming beasts.

In the navy, refusal to disembark is undoubtedly the most severe punishment.

"Yes~!" The first officer roared loudly, and then yelled: "Left full rudder and sail down. The steam engine has full power output.

Brothers, **** fucking demons~! "

Behind the Semitic fleet that was invisible to the Victory Class, a mighty jīng Spirit Kingdom fleet approached quickly. The flagship of this fleet was also a huge Royal Ark.

There are only two royal arks in the jīng spirit kingdom, and they all appear on the battlefield at this moment.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly reversed. The Jīng Spirit Kingdom fleet was no weaker than the Semitic fleet, and together with the Ruman fleet, surrounded the Semitic navy from three sides, and the north was the land.

Until the encircled Semitic fleet rang out with the angry anxious roar of the Lich, the undead war fortress fighting in the sky, despite its reluctance, still stood against the Maple Leaf Danlin Second Wing and the Eagle Fighter Squadron. The attack, rushed towards the jīng spirit kingdom fleet.

The generals in command of the Semitic navy quickly judge the situation. This will no longer be a question of how they want to eliminate the human navy, but whether the Semitic can escape from the siege.

Once blocked by the coalition of jīng spirits and humans, the Semitic navy is likely to be annihilated. More importantly, the 100,000 infantrymen carried in the rear of the fleet will be buried on the seabed before they can participate in the battle.

Human reinforcements will land smoothly and defeat Veraprani, who is struggling to attack Vatican City.

The high priest has planned for a long time, and the battle of Vantino, which puts almost all his forces on the Western Front, will fail completely.

The invincible and fierce offensive of the Semis since the beginning of the war will be stopped.

Even if the Dark Mages struggled their lives, they had to ensure the safety of the main navy forces, especially the transportation fleet.

The land was at a stalemate, and the navy suddenly fell into a disadvantage. Fortunately, the undead had an absolute advantage over the war fortress.

At this time, I don’t care about the noble dignity of the lich. If the safety of the navy cannot be guaranteed, the anger of the high priest will completely shred the phylacteries of the of war fortresses quickly moved west. The jīng spirit kingdom navy swooped down, waiting for the jīng spirit fleet that had no anti-aircraft firepower, and undoubtedly could only be passively beaten.

At this moment, the undead war fortress, which was flying from low altitude desperately to the west, suddenly exploded a few groups of flames. The people on board clearly saw that the black war fortress disintegrated in the explosion and was divided into several pieces and plunged into the sea.

The Maple Leaf Danlin War Fortress, draped in a unique grid armor, rushed out of the dark clouds and rushed towards the Undead War Fortress. The fire on the turret flashed stroboscopically.

The undead war fortress, which was about to attack the jīng spirit fleet, was suddenly attacked by a fierce attack from the top of the head.

Dozens of war fortresses of Maple Leaf Danlin broke through the clouds and appeared in the sky above the heads of the Semites, chasing after the war fortresses of the undead.

"It's over~!" The Lich Marcel, who commanded from a high altitude, let out a sorrowful cry, and the plan planned by Jingxin completely fell into the trap of mankind.

Fengye Danlin's troops also rushed to the battlefield, how should he explain to the high priest.

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