Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1359: Great battle

"It's snowing~" The captain of the Victory Bob, Glendin took off the Havana cigar with gold rim from his lips and spit out a puff of smoke.

The first officer Jack next to him couldn't help but stunned, then raised his head and glanced at the gloomy sky above his head. A cold feeling came from the tip of his nose, and small white snowflakes fell from the dark clouds.

The cold winter wind swept across the sea, blowing up the huge sails on the masts, driving the warship forward quickly.

"North wind." Captain Glendin looked at the flag waving in the wind, frowned slightly, and said: "This is not a good weather for fighting."

First mate Jack also nodded, and sighed worriedly, feeling anxious about the war that was about to be faced next.

According to the information obtained, it is speculated that what will appear opposite them is a huge fleet of thousands of ships. Just imagining it is enough to know that the scale is extremely large.

Even with the most conservative estimates, there will be more than 300 warships.

"Maybe it's five hundred ships, who knows..." The chief mate thought, and glanced back, and saw that the fleet following the Victory was also mighty and large.

But he knew clearly that it was just the light outside of the donkey dung egg.

The fleet led by the Victory had less than one hundred warships, and the remaining four hundred ships were all transport ships carrying supplies and army soldiers.

Among these dozens of warships, most of them are sharp and small fast gunboats.

Their only advantage is that they are fast enough. They can run as fast as a dozen knots downwind. In this era, all ships can only follow their buttocks to eat the wind.

But the gunboat has a displacement of only more than two hundred tons, and it is equipped with a few quick guns of small caliber.

The first officer wondered how useful these boats could play when facing the demon double-deck or three-deck warships.

In this era, the difference between so-called transport ships and warships is not very big. Traditional naval battle tactics are nothing more than angle collision and close combat.

As long as the transport ship comes up, it can also be used as a battleship-as long as the distance is close enough, the soldiers on it can engage in a jump battle. They can even take advantage of their numbers to easily capture enemy ships.

Even though the firepower of the three Victory-class battleships is very powerful, it is still unknown whether they can block the enemy in the face of the Semitic Navy’s ship-sea tactics.

Moreover, so far, the Victory has not fought such a large-scale naval battle, and the wind direction today is not good. The speed advantage of battleships may not be able to play out...

The more the chief mate thought about it, the more worried he became, and the more he felt that the prospects were not optimistic. If there is anything to comfort him, it is. This naval battle must be the largest naval battle in a thousand years, enough to be recorded in history. As the chief mate of Victory, he was fortunate to personally participate in this great naval battle.

Captain Glendin saw the chief mate's concern, and a smile appeared on the captain's weather-covered bronze face.

He patted the first officer on the shoulder and said in a hoarse voice lightly: "My dear Jack, don't worry, I am sure that the enemy is not our opponent.

No matter how many they have. We will all send them all to the bottom of the sea. "

The first officer smiled reluctantly and said loudly, "Yes, Captain."

Captain Glendin shook his head, and secretly said in his heart: Although this group of academics has good basic skills, all of them are clueless, especially this guy.

As soon as he got out of school, he became the first mate on the Victory. Not only can you have a good dad, you also have to be outstanding... to be precise, extremely outstanding personal abilities.

Fortunately, Mate Jack has both.

Not only has he only a good father, but he is also the number one in the 8.3rd and 4th grade of the Ruman Santa Ana Naval Academy. He has received personal commendations from Emperor Rudrun and has a very promising future.

"Since the Victory ship, naval battles are not what they used to be." Glendin patted the first officer on the shoulder vigorously. He speaks with bold air, proud of his battleship.

The first officer shrugged slightly and said, "But...Captain, according to intelligence, there are too many enemies. From a tactical point of view, it is very unfavorable for us."

Glendin laughed now. Said: "Jack, my dear Jack. A shark can run tens of thousands of fish, throw away your rigid tactics.

We are the glorious Royal Navy, not the mud-legs of the Army. At sea, quantity is never an advantage

Haven't your teachers taught you that combat at sea, speed, tactics, equipment, technology... etc. are the key points.

Therefore, the army's mud legs are called cannon fodder, and for our navy, people always rank first. Soldiers are never encouraged to sacrifice.

Do you think it is, Mr. Puck. "

The next sentence was addressed to a middle-aged man who was passing by in a hurry.

The middle-aged man stopped, smiled and nodded, and said, "You are absolutely right, the captain."

Unlike the naval officers and soldiers in white clothes around, Mr. Puck is in a blue overalls on the mountain. There is a pen in the chest pocket of his shirt. He has a gentle face, fair skin, and a beautiful and expensive picture on his nose. His glasses, you know that he is a cultural person.

Captain Glendin said with a smile: "Mr. Puck, are your men ready?"

Puck smiled confidently and said loudly: "Yes, Captain, my boys are full of energy."

"Very well," Captain Glendin nodded heavily, and said, "This battle is up to you."

"Don't worry." Mr. Puck raised his hand on his forehead, saluted a clumsy military salute, and then ran away quickly.

The first officer glanced at Mr. Puck's back, flat his mouth, and said, "Captain, I don't think I want to put hope on them.

When we needed it, these guys never played a role, their stuff..."

The first mate seemed to have thought of something, gave a wry smile, and said, "It's too unsafe."

Captain Glendin picked up his cigar and said vaguely: "Don't worry, Mr. Puck has assured me that they have improved the entire system."

The first mate opened his mouth and wanted to say something more. At this moment, a figure falling from the sky interrupted his thoughts.

The man fell from the sky lightly like a feather. Fell on the bow.

He has a pair of black eyes, and they are always shining with a compelling and bright light. Hook-like nose, thin lips.

And he was tall and burly, with explosive muscles all over his body.

A long golden hair draped behind him, and in the sea breeze, he could not stop dancing with the bright red cloak on his body. It is extremely unruly.

The man's feet slowly stepped on the ground, first straightened his slightly messy long hair, and then flung his cloak. Strode towards the captain.

The first officer looked at his handsome face, sturdy figure, and sunny temperament, and muttered in his heart: How could a man be so handsome. It's unreasonable~!

Captain Glendin was very happy to see him, and took the initiative to greet him, and said: "Your Excellency, Master Andresen, you are finally back, are there any new discoveries?"

The Master Andresen nodded at random to the captain and first officer, with a rather cold attitude.

But the two of them didn't take it seriously, they were used to it, and this guy had such a virtue to everyone.

Moreover, he was directly arranged by the senior management of the group, and I heard that he and Miss Vera are relatives.

Although this group of people on the Victory are all imperial elites. All eyes are above the top.

When encountering some people with deep backstage, not much ability, or high ability, but not many backstage people, it is natural to have a good idea to let them know that Lord Ma has three eyes.

But encountering this kind of high-powered ability, and deep background. They lost their temper. It can only be a delicious and delicious offering.

For this, Captain Glendin gritted his teeth and reluctantly vacated his room for others.

In this case, Jack, as the first officer, had to gritted his teeth and reluctantly vacated his room to the captain.

As a guest on the ship, Mage Andresen’s job is extremely easy. His only job on the fleet is investigation. And contact with land.

Although Captain Glendin and First Mate Jack didn't know about wizards, they had never heard of a wizard who could survey the entire sea area or contact land thousands of miles away by flying only.

But this handsome, unreasonable man undoubtedly did it.

The Nian's Operational Command Center even ordered the fleet to investigate the results of Master Andresen. Use it without question.

This is particularly dissatisfied with the first officer. He has already scolded countless words "why" in his heart. How can such a major event as war be so trifling? If this guy deliberately reported false news, wouldn't he lead everyone into the pit?

In the end, the chief mate could only be quite angry, and attributed this to the privilege of the brother-in-law's party.

In any case, Mage Andresen still diligently goes out one or two times a day, bringing back news of the surrounding waters and the command's orders.

Thinking of this, Jack sighed inwardly, then picked up the folder and pen in his hand, waiting to record Andreson's intelligence.

Mage Andresen raised his arm and pointed to the west, as if going through the heavy mist, and said coldly: "The fleet of demons has arrived."

Captain Glendin's spirits were suddenly shaken, and he immediately threw a series of questions and asked loudly: "Their position, speed, scale?"

Andresen thought for a while, and said: "It's about six hundred miles away from us, heading eastward, and the speed is about the same as ours. Is the scale..."

He shook his head, and said: "Too many, uncountable, there are ships for dozens of miles in vertical and horizontal directions, and there are no less than three hundred warships just the lead."

The first officer Jack was recording the hand that he was recording could not help but pause, then he sighed secretly again, and said in his heart: This is also called professionalism, except for the distance, nothing was clearly stated.

However, he also knows that Andresen can do this pretty well. There must be people with high mana such as liches in the enemy's fleet. Andreysen didn't dare to get too close to the reconnaissance.

Captain Glendin frowned, smoked a few cigars, pondered for a moment, and murmured: "According to this, if the enemy does not play any tricks, we will be able to get to Vantino in time."

Andresen said: "My people have been staring at them, if they change, we will know immediately."

Captain Glendin and the first officer couldn't help but glance at each other.

It was the first time they heard that this Mage Andresen was not alone, and the two people felt the same in their hearts. The water in it was deep, so it is wise to say nothing.

"Okay, the explanation is over," Andresen waved his hand. Said: "I'm going to rest."

After all, he went straight away.

But the first officer knew that this guy had gone out with Puck's engineers again.

Captain Glendin thought for a moment with a stern face, then waved his hand vigorously, and said forcefully: "We are about to enter the war zone, send the fleet, enter the state of combat readiness, and always be careful of the enemy's war fortress."

The flashing light signal immediately hit the flagship. As it spread throughout the fleet, the warship protected the transport ship in the middle, watching the sky vigilantly.

The dark clouds droop more and more, and the western sea horizon has been dyed black. The snowflakes gradually became denser.

This is good news for the fleet-under the cover of clouds and fog, the fleet is not easily found by the enemy's war fortress.

The sky gradually darkened, but the entire fleet was still sailing westward through the night.

When the light came on the next day, Glendin was dressed neatly and appeared on the deck.

The snow hasn't stopped all night, and it's still falling.

A thin layer of snow has accumulated on the Victory, and sailors are sweeping the deck.

The first mate sprayed out a breath of mist. His eyes were red, and he was obviously not resting.

"Where are we?" Captain Glendin said without looking back.

First officer Jack pointed to a shadow on the northern sea level and said: "Thirty miles away is Vatican.

Captain Glendin nodded with a solemn expression: "The main cover transport ship is approaching the landing point, and the gunboat is out for investigation. It is time for the demons to arrive today."

The fleet turned slowly, drew a huge arc on the sea, and galloped towards Vantino.

in the mean time. Several high-speed gunboats crossed the fleet and sprinted to the west.

After a while, they had disappeared, only a few white waves were left on the sea.

Although having Andresen's reconnaissance, sending a gunboat to go there seems a bit redundant, but this is also Lorraine's order, after all, for Lorraine, Andresen and others are secret weapons. Can not be easily exposed.

In this way, only when the reconnaissance gunboat appears in the enemy's line of sight, will they think that they were discovered by the human ship during the voyage, and will not doubt the others.

Glendin is precisely because of this, to the five bodies that Lord Luo admires. This master deserves to be the Flying Eagle God of War, the greatest military strategist of this era. Strategist, genius commander.

When the minds of other commanders are still standing in a phalanx to fight each other, relying on the brutal collision of cold weapons to win, he has turned war into a gorgeous art. Not only has great strength, superb military command skills, iron and blood and ruthless means, but also countless despicable tricks and shameless fraud...

At this time, Andresen also walked out of the cabin with a yawn, raised his hand to the captain, and said, "Morning. A new day has begun."

Then he shrugged his shoulders and jumped up into the air, before disappearing into a black spot, disappearing into the clouds.

Through the news sent back by Andresen, Captain Glendin kept marking the enemy's position on the nautical chart, representing the black mark of the demons, and kept approaching the red mark representing the human fleet. In the end, the two sides encountered everything.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the gunboat that was out for investigation drove back. The signal light on the mast flashed desperately. The rapid signal only meant one thing: the enemy was found~!

Captain Glendin has been standing on the bow of the ship against the snow. At the critical moment, the captain's tall and straight posture and confident expression greatly stimulated the morale of the sailors.

Although the snowfall affected the line of sight, Captain Glendin knew that his enemy was on the opposite horizon. This would be an unprecedented battle in the sea, and the captain was full of confidence in victory. As Lord Lorraine once A word said on the Victory: Our enemy is one era behind us.

Captain Glendin's loud voice sounded. With a voice that can be heard by the entire ship, he commanded loudly: "The battleship leaves the team, the battle formation~!"

"Yes~!" The first officer took a deep breath, pressed the excitement in his heart, shouted, and quickly conveyed the order.

The sailors immediately started to move, raising the sails, turning the rudder, and all in one go.

With three Victory-class battleships as the core, dozens of battleships turned away from the transport fleet, dragging long white water trails, and heading toward the west.

The closed gun windows on both sides of the battleship suddenly opened one after another, and the dark barrels of the artillery were slowly poking out from the windows.

"Number one is in place~!"

"Number two is in place~!"


The battleship bared his hideous teeth.

At this time, suddenly there was a low and deep thunder from the north, and the rumbling of thunder continued.

The sailors looked in the direction of thunder in surprise.

"Strange, will there be thunder when it snows?" The first officer looked up at the gloomy sky in the north, and said puzzledly.

Captain Glendin gave his first mate a strange look, and said coldly: "That's the sound of Vantino's cannon."

The chief mate and the sailors on the ship were shocked. They remembered that not far to the west of the fleet, their boss Lord Lord Lorraine was leading a defender of less than 20,000, and a hundred thousand Semites. Fierce battle.

Hearing the sound of cannons meant that the demons had begun to attack the city again.

And what they are going to block is the reinforcements of the demons to reinforce the siege troops.

The pious sailor stared at the shadow of the north, painted a cross on his chest, and prayed silently.

"Gentlemen," Captain Glendin said, facing the sailor on the deck, "Our victory or defeat is about Vatican's life and death. At this moment, the whole continent is watching us.

Don't shame our Victory, for Ruman, for the light, sink all the demons~! "

The sailors drew their sabers from their waists, raised their weapons to the sky, and shouted in unison: "For Ruman~!"

"For the light~!"

"Fuck Shenya pretty~!"

"Kill them all, don't keep the pieces~!"

Glendin nodded raised his head to salute all officers and soldiers, and roared: "Raise the battle flag~!"

With a fierce look, the eagle flag holding the lightning under its claws rose from the mast, indicating that the entire fleet is about to fight the enemy.

The King and the Invincible followed the mighty battle flag, and the long snail horn sounded on the sea.

Captain Glendin turned and walked into the command room, where the staff and officers were already in place.

"The captain is here, salute~!"

With a clear order, the officers in the command room dropped their work and immediately stood up to the captain, straightened their waists, touched their heels, and raised their hands in salute.

Captain Glendin walked to Mr. Puck and stood opposite him, looking directly at him with a serious expression, and said, "Mr. Puck, you can start working."

Mr. Puck's face flushed with excitement, he raised his hand on his eyebrows, and made a military salute, exclaiming in excitement, "Yes, the Captain.

All members of our crew are waiting for one day, please rest assured. "

Then he turned and ran down the cabin in a stride, shouting at the same time: "Boys, start work, light up, warm up~!"

At the back of the Victory, there is a strange iron barrel, which extends from the inside of the hull and faces the air bare.

At this moment, this iron bucket, which usually seemed very redundant, suddenly emitted a thick black smoke, which fell on the deck with the wind.

(To be continued)

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