Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1355: Kneel down

When the rocket was dragging the dazzling tail flames and flew over the walls of Vatican in an ominous posture, Marcel the Lich was shocked and suddenly jumped out a thought: Fire and Meteor~!

The only person who can cast such a powerful fire spell can only be a high-end archmage standing at the mage level.

The long flame of the rocket is exactly the same as the fire rain meteor in his memory, which is one of the most powerful killer moves of the element mage.

I didn't know how many liches drank hatred in this trick and were blown to pieces.

The Fire Rain Meteor is not only a huge fireball, it also explodes violently when it is close to the target, and every flame that explodes has a powerful lethality.

Released by elemental wizards above the archmage, it is powerful enough to kill three liches.

"How can there be element wizards in Vatican City, aren't they hostile?" The Lich Marcel whispered bitterly in his heart.

The whole world knows that there is a lot of grievance between the mage and the priest, and they don't communicate with each other.

But how can a mage come to support Vatican?

Seeing that the enemy is unlucky, shouldn't you have fun, sit aside and happily drink cold beer and eat lamb hot pot?

This situation completely subverted the cognition of the Lich Marcel and filled his heart with puzzles.

He could only watch the rocket soar, dive, land, and then explode.

The orange-red flame burst like a firework, which was exceptionally bright.

The dazzling flame was so bright, under its shining, all the nearby creatures were a little slender, and they pulled out a long, strange shadow behind them.

In the next instant, the orange flame suddenly expanded, engulfing all creatures within a range of tens of meters and disappearing.

Immediately afterwards, an air ripple visible to the naked eye expanded rapidly on the ground.

at this time. When the bullet exploded, there was a loud ‘bang’ like thunder before it reached the ears. Although it was still far away, the sound was so loud, it shook his ears.

Before he could react, the strong wind formed by the shock wave had already screamed, and his clothes were hunting, and his standing was unstable, almost all falling to the ground.

Wait for him to look intently again. Can not help but inhale a breath of cold air.

I saw a black mushroom cloud rising on the spot. Within a range of nearly a hundred meters, there was no grass and hair, only the mushroom cloud hanging in the sky.

This power is more powerful than the fire rain meteor he is familiar with.

"Magic, hell. It's a magister~!" Before the shock in the heart of the Lich Marcel, he saw one rocket after another fired from the city.

The dazzling ball of fire rose continuously into the air like a pearl.

"Also...more than one~!"

Just astonished, at this moment the Lich Marcel was already afraid.

Looking at the scale of the explosion, there were at least twenty magisters releasing spells. But all the magicians in this world add up to less than twenty.

At this time, the rockets landed on the ground one after another, and then exploded.

Boom boom boom boom...

The explosion was so violent that even the earth kept trembling. Although it was far away, Marcel still felt that the ground beneath his feet was constantly undulating like waves.

The violent explosion lasted less than half a minute, but in Marcel's mind it seemed to have gone through half a year.

When the explosion is over. The whole land is quiet.

On the battlefield, all the densely packed figures had disappeared, leaving only a sea of ​​flames soaring to the sky. Above that sea of ​​fire, dozens of huge black mushroom clouds kept turning and rolling.

The situation is like the end of the day.

Marcel looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, confused.

It is no longer a spell, but a curse that can have such power. There is only the legendary ‘Doomsday’. Only has such power to sweep the battlefield.

I was just surprised. At this moment, the Lich Marcel was already afraid: Forbidden Spell, doesn't it mean that there is only one Forbidden Spellmaster for humans?

But before he could react, he saw another fireball flying into the air in the city.

Seeing this, the Lich Marcel felt cold all over. Moaned lowly: This **** unscientific~!

The reason why the forbidden curse is called the forbidden curse is that it is difficult to cast and consumes mana. A Forbidden Curse Sorcerer cast it once, and then it was like a kidney deficiency. I have to rest for at least ten days and a half month.

But... But in Vatican City, how come these people have just done it once and then come a second time just like having Viagra?

If you say, could it be said that there are two wizards in the city?

Just now. The third batch, the fourth batch...

The sharp whistling sound kept ringing.

Every time Marcel thought it was over, thinking that this had reached Vantino's last strength, a new rocket would pop up and penetrate his psychological bottom line.

This kind of psychological torture made him very painful.

When the seventh batch of rockets was finished, Marcel had been abused and desperately desperate. If it wasn't because that Lord Ferguson was his enemy, if it wasn't the only trace of pride in his heart, he wanted to kneel directly to Lord Lord Luo.

Finally, when the sound of the rocket launch stopped, Marcel waited for a few minutes, and then slowly opened his eyes until he stopped.

Looking at the countless black mushroom clouds between the sky and the earth, he muttered: "Is it finally over?"

Then his whole body was shocked, and he looked around vigilantly. Out of the survival instinct of the lich, he thought of running away as soon as he reacted.

Since the start of the war, many liches in front of the high priest have died in battle, and Marcel the Lich does not seem to be one of these unlucky ones.

At this time, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up from the darkness north of Vaticano.

A sad scream of the lich spread throughout the battlefield.

The Lich Marcel trembled in his heart. He could clearly feel the power of that holy technique just a dozen miles away. It must be the ultimate force of the Holy See, the Ascetic and the Silver Wing Guard.

At this moment, the Lich Marcel's thoughts were strengthened.

The north has obviously failed, and the attack from other directions is blocked. The Vantino will soon come out from the north gate to find the manipulator behind the undead creature.

Staying any longer, it is likely to be besieged by the priest.

"Retreat~!" Marcel cried out in a hoarse voice like a night owl. Then turned and flew into the night sky. Abandon the only remaining corpses and gangsters in the artillery fire, and let them struggle in the holy light.

The Lich and Dark Mage in front of them heard the order of the Lich Marcel and did not stop for a moment, and immediately withdrew and retreated.

They are not fools either, just by looking at the Forbidden Curse just now, they know how powerful the enemy is. If it hadn't been for fear of the high priest's punishment, they would have run away with their tails clamped.

Lost the control of the Dark Mage. The corpse demon was quickly strangled to pieces.

At this time, in Vatican City.


Jacques, head of the Knights Templar, Morley raised the holy sword in his hand and shouted loudly. Take the lead and rush out of the city gate.

"For the light~!" The paladins of the Knights Templar chanted slogans impassionedly, followed by killing them, and rushed straight into the darkness.

In the night sky, the Silver Winged Knight has been wandering the sky with the Ascetic monk, carefully searching for the dark breath on the ground.

After a happy fire preparation, the Vantinos changed their defensive position and took the opportunity to rush out.

The burning corpses lit up the ground, and the bright holy arts in front pointed the direction for the Knights Templar.

The Templars ran wildly, their iron hoofs stepped across the mutilated corpse fragments on the ground. With the cooperation of the priest, besieged the remaining dark creatures.

Even if it was a splicing monster with strong vitality, there was only one breath left at this time.

Beating the falling water dog is everyone's favorite. In the face of these undead creatures that were once horrible, the priests are fighting for the first place.

In the siege of dozens of priests, they were quickly burned to ashes.

Unfortunately, no trace of the Dark Mage was found on the ground.

Immediately Vatican sounded the horn of a full-scale counterattack.

The four doors opened suddenly. The priests in the city chanted the slogan "For the light" and slayed out bravely and fearlessly.

After spotting the figure of the Silver Wing Guard, the Lich and Dark Mages accelerated their retreat to the west, avoiding the ascetic monks.

The Lich focused his attention on the Silver Wing Guard, who was chasing after him. None of them noticed. Six more terrifying killers were hidden in the night sky above.

The Dragon people who are thinking of making extra money have long been waiting for them in the air.

The six people stared at the lich who was fleeing hurriedly in the sky. The young man in the lead gave them a look and solemnly said: "Remember what Elder Black said. Only sap, never fight head-on~!"

Several other people agreed with a smile on their faces, and said, "I know, I know, Flory, you're so wordy."

The young man called Flory licked his lips irritably, then waved his hand and said, "Go!"

He pulled up the black cloak and circled himself. He turned into a cannonball and rushed down to the Lich's team.

Flory's goal is the lich hanging at the end of the team.

His speed was very fast, and the Lich was rushing in a panic, not even noticing that there were people above them.

It was too late when he saw the black shadow flying down.

Flory smashed a silver sword in his hand, knocking the Lich down from the air directly.

The Lich's body fell heavily to the ground, and this damage was nothing to the Lich.

Just as it was struggling to get up, the five young people didn't know it jumped out from there, surrounded the Lich group, and smashed it with a sword. It was a tactic of street gangsters fighting.

The Lich was about to gather mana and directly kill these nasty little ghosts, and suddenly there was a shock from his phylogeny.

The spirit of the Lich was in a trance, which meant that his phylogeny was broken and his mental power was leaking.

"Who is this?" Before the Lich could start thinking about the answer, the green light in his eyes suddenly went out.

Flory raised the silver sword in his hand, smiled with satisfaction, and took the Lich phylogeny inserted on the sword, squeezed it in his hand, and said: "One thousand yuan is here."

Several people showed excited expressions and said: "This money is too easy to come."

"I'll come next, I'll come~!"

Speaking, a young man flew directly into the air, chasing the tail of the lich that fell at the back, shaking his hand and throwing a long whip.

This whip is obviously a magic weapon. At the moment it was thrown out, the agile whip like a spirit snake suddenly grew a lot longer, and it immediately wrapped around the lich’s neck before the lich could react. , Drag him to the ground.


Lorraine carefully observed the entire battlefield. Seeing that the threats from all sides have been in contact, I finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, saying that it was false that I was not nervous just now.

He had seen the horrible destruction of the corpse monster, and the tragedy of Ai Ting Island was still vivid in retrospect.

There are more than a dozen corpses here, countless patchwork monsters.

Fortunately, the power of the rocket is as expected.

Lord Lorraine secretly reminded himself that even if he had weapons beyond this era, he could not relax his vigilance in the face of large groups of mages.

God knows. They all have some weird things.

Maybe when you take one out, you will be caught off guard.

"It seems that in the future we have to focus on studying how to fight a team of pure mages." Lord Lorraine thought secretly in his heart.

Mazovia's old face flushed with excitement, and yelled and danced beside Lorraine: "My lord, a big victory. A big victory~!"

The Lich and the Dark Mage fled, and the undead creatures on the battlefield were naturally undefeated. This battle should be said to have been won.

But Lord Lorraine always felt as if something was missing in his heart, and he was not yet fulfilled.

"What on earth is there that I didn't think of?" Lorraine frowned and thought nervously, and suddenly glanced at the direction of the Semitic camp.

Knocked on the palm of his hand and exclaimed in excitement: "By the way, how did I forget it~!"

Mazovia was stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly: "My Sir, what have you forgotten?"

Lorraine pointed to the Semitic camp in the dark and smiled and said, "Remember the commotion in the Semitic camp a few hours ago?"

Mazovia nodded. Said: "Because of the fear of the Dark Mage, the enemy has withdrawn."

"What do you think is left in the enemy's camp?" Lorrain patted Mazovia on the shoulder and laughed: "Old horse, it's time to pick up the bargains~!"

Then he commanded loudly: "Out of the city, let's go to the camp of the demons."

Patlaud said in a loud voice, "Yes, order a group to come with me."

Lorraine turned and walked down the city. Suddenly stopped and said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, don't forget to bring some souvenirs to the demons."

Patlaud was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered. He obviously understood what the souvenir Lorraine was talking about, and said gloomily: "Yes, you don't tell me, I forgot. We still have that stuff. ."

Lorraine led the eagle to gallop out of the city gate and rushed straight to the Semitic camp west of the city. In order to show his bravery, Mazovia followed despite his fatigue.

Along the way. The priest is purifying the corpses of undead creatures. They chanted sonorous prayers and shattered each one with holy light. The scorched body turned to ashes.

Lorraine crossed the battlefield and came to the Semitic camp to restrain the horse. Just as he had guessed, the Semitic camp was quiet, silent, and there was no breath of life.

But Patlaud was still worried, waved his hand and said loudly: "The first battalion, check carefully, and clear this place."

A group of soldiers jumped off the horse, pulled the shotgun behind them, and rushed in.

After ten minutes, it was finally determined that the Semitic camp was indeed empty.

Lorraine and Mazovia walked in.

Pots and pans were scattered on the ground, and some tents fell to the ground, showing that the enemy was retreating in a hurry.

In the center of Daying, the trucks are neatly placed together. All kinds of materials are piled up in the open air.

Lorraine even saw a pile of flour five or six meters high with a rain cloth on it, which showed that the Semites didn't take them seriously.

Food is usually stored in special military tents.

These materials will certainly not be transported from the Semitic continent, they should have been collected from the occupied areas.

The intelligence station of the venture capital company in the occupied area is still active, and Lorraine knows the news ahead.

At present, it seems that because of the cooperation of De Rossi, the undead high priest's method of fighting to support war is still successful.

After turning around, Patlau went to Lorraine for instructions and said, "My lord, what should I do with these supplies?"

"It's just a matter of saying, all burned." Lorraine snorted and said: "Don't forget the gifts we prepared for the demons."

Patlaud laughed and said, "I have dragged all the goods under the pressure box."

The soldiers of the Eagle Division immediately began to plan and efficiently fire the fire. The Semitic camp quickly burst into flames, and the fire spread rapidly. It didn't take long for the entire camp to become a sea of ​​flames.

Lorraine and Mazovia turned back to Vatican, and the remaining falconers unloaded heavy wooden boxes from the carriage they brought.

The soldiers picked up the engineers and shoveled them to dig a hole on the ground, carefully buried something in it, then stepped back and dug a small hole.

Mazovia looked strangely, and said, "Lord, what is this burying?"

Lorraine glanced behind him, and the gang of Eagle Masters were getting more and more wretched. Just pick some of the only way for the Semites.

These guys even deliberately left a few piles of grain not to burn, and the densely digging around the grain waited for the Semitic to take the initiative to deliver it.

It is conceivable that after the camp was burned, the remaining grain became the treasure of the Semites, and they would not leave it alone. These grains would become deadly bait.

"It's all squat and wretched." Lord Lorraine smiled in his heart.

In the destructive teachings of Lorraine himself and Chairman Leo, the Hawker’s combat style inherited the style of the two, while desperately emphasizing firepower, a word often said by the Hawker’s staff, if you can’t get it. , That's because you don't have enough firepower.

Larger caliber artillery and more lethal weapons have always been the pursuit of Eagle Division.

But when it comes to tactical deployment, he always plays the squatting squat, and likes to lure the enemy into the firepower net to eliminate it.

Lorraine smiled and shook his head, and said, "Land mines are like artillery shells, but they will explode when stepped on. There are high explosives, steel ball mines, and a kind of thunder.

After being stepped on, it will fly into the air high above one person, and hit two hundred blades the size of a fingernail into the surrounding five meters. Even if he can't die, he will be disabled for life. "

Mazovia turned her head and glanced at the Bray soldiers, and immediately rode forward and ran two steps forward.

Lorraine suddenly patted his forehead and said, "General Patlaud, remember to draw the minefields for records. We have to clean up after the battle."

Then looking at the night sky in the west, he smiled and said, "I have something ready for you, I hope you like it."

(To be continued)

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