Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1350: Actual test

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Veraprani has been fighting outside the city, watching the changes in the battle closely.

At the beginning, the soldiers could also know the movement in the city through the messenger. But later, the city launched a counterattack. Nearly a hundred cannons kept firing and blocking shots, continuously pouring artillery shells on the periphery of the city, completely isolating the connection between the city and the outside.

Therefore, Veraprani could not understand the movement in the city at all. However, he is also a long battlefield and rich experience, just closing his eyes and listening to the voice from the city through his ears can roughly judge the battle situation in the city.

The roar of artillery fire, the screaming for killing, the series of crisp sound of machine guns like exploding beans, and the screams and wailing of the soldiers...fully showed the intensity of the battle.

Although I don't know how many enemies there are in the city, what is certain is that the Semitic soldiers who broke into the city are already in a bitter battle.

But under the interruption of the artillery fire, he had no way of understanding the details of the city, and could only stare at it from a distance. Veraprani couldn't help but secretly anxious.

It was not 5,000 people who were surrounded in the city, but 50,000 people, the forward troops of four divisions.

And his total strength is no more than 180,000 people, twelve divisions and regiments alone.

Without Talma's forward team, his main force will be greatly damaged. This will be the heaviest loss the Semis have encountered since the war began.

More importantly, since the start of the war, the Semitic army has always been advancing without fail.

Once defeated, this will be the first defeat since the Semitic landing.

And this first defeat was fought by Velaplan.

This will be a huge spot.

Even if he finally won Vantino and achieved this victory, he could not hide his failure.

What other people would say about him, and what would the undead high priest think of him.

A second-rate general who can't fight?

This is not the cheap human vassal army. It's not the army of Emperor De Rossi and other human nobles in Veraprani's eyes that are the same garbage as those belonging to the human nobles. They want as many human army as they want.

There is no problem in pulling up one or two million in a month, but these human vassals are extremely edible and do not have the slightest combat effectiveness. They were extremely brave only when they robbed the people of the common people. Even so, they had created a war miracle in which a squad was driven out fifty miles by a fat aunt with a kitchen knife.

Not to mention human beings, even Chihuahuas are better than them.

Those who are trapped in the city are pure Semites. And it is the elite of the entire Semitic army.

In the plan of the senior Semitic people, they are the basis for the future rule of the human world.

Excessive losses will not only cause dissatisfaction among the Semitic leaders, but more importantly. It will also cause dissatisfaction from the high priest, because it is quite difficult for the Semites to replenish their forces across an ocean. It may even affect the human war plan of the high priest.

At this moment, Veraprani hated the idiot Tarma in his heart and cursed him hundreds of times in his heart.

He led fifty thousand elite Semites, but was surrounded by humans in the city.

You know, that is an army of fifty thousand, enough to cover every corner of Vantino, wanting to completely surround them. At least twice as many human armies in Vatican City have to ambush.

But that city doesn't look like it can ambush 100,000 people.

Talma may have encountered a strong enemy, but as a general, it is always okay for him to rush out.

As a result, the idiot was trapped in it.

Veraprani knew that he had to fish out these fifty thousand forwards. After observing the battlefield, he quickly ordered the mobilization of the entire army, surrounded him from the other three sides, and attacked Vatican.

After seeing the power of a cannon. At this time, he didn't ask for the occupation of Vatican, as long as he could rush in, tear apart the human race, and contact the forward surrounded by the city.

Everything that happened in just half an hour had overturned his previous understanding of war, and the Semitic army suddenly fell into panic.

Not long ago, they were confident of victory. Suddenly, there was a muffled thunder in Vantino. The forward was surrounded by people, and the soldiers who rushed towards Vantino had no bones in the explosion, and the troops behind could not rush up.

The Semitic soldiers didn't even know how all this happened. They all thought they could have lunch in Vatican City today.

The buzzing horn sounded constantly in the wilderness.

Under the command of Velaprani, the Semitic army was divided into three parts and bypassed the front gate. Move quickly to the other direction of Vatican.

The situation on the battlefield was clearly seen by Lorraine standing on the top of the Temple of Light, and quickly ordered the soldiers of the Eagle Division to move outside the city.

The eagle soldiers in Vatican City rushed to the city positions.

The Semites in the city are gone. They are blocked by machine guns on the streets near the city gate and cannot move. Their numerical advantage in the narrow terrain is useless. As long as there are only a few machine guns, they can all be blocked.

Although the city gate was not far away, the continuous artillery fire completely blocked the inside and outside, and the distance of less than a hundred steps was as far away as **** to heaven.

Now, what should be considered is the Semitic army preparing to attack outside the city.

A large number of eagle soldiers were quickly mobilized. Holding guns and cats, they walked along the trench to the first line of defense.

Because of the inside battle, they acted very quickly.

Before the Semitic soldiers appeared on the first line of defense, the Eagle Division soldiers had been deployed in the trenches.

The soldiers jumped into the trenches and lay down on the edge of the trenches, squeezed their rifles and aimed them forward, unscrewed the grenades and placed them in the most comfortable place.

The machine gun was pushed into the bunker made of thick logs, and the deputy quickly inserted the magazine on the machine gun. The Orc machine gun gripped the handle firmly, staring at the front with eyes like a copper bell.

The supply soldiers also dragged a handy cart into the trenches, then unloaded boxes of ammunition from the cart and threw them beside the soldiers.

The officers walked up and down the trenches with ugly faces, brandishing their revolver and yelling: "Prepare, prepare~!"

Behind the position. In a well-disguised bunker, several black-clothed eagle soldiers are busy.

A man clenched the high-powered spectacles erected on the bunker’s shooting port with both hands. He was observing the Semitic people approaching the position through the spectacles, and shouted: "The main enemy force is 2,400 meters away."

At the same time, beside him, an officer was holding a map in his hand and a ruler in his other hand. Quickly made a gesture on the map and calibrated a coordinate on the map.

Then he grabbed a black phone, held the handle on the phone in one hand and shook it vigorously a few times, and shouted into the phone: "Call for support. Call for support."

There was a sound of electric current from the microphone. At the same time, a vague voice said: "Artillery Command, indicate the coordinates."

The observer quickly reported the coordinates on the map, and within two minutes, the long "swish" sound of the cannonball across the sky sounded over the head of the Eagle Division soldier.

Several clouds of black smoke exploded rapidly among the Semi soldiers who were charging quickly.

"Damn, these idiots missed again, and fix two to the west." The observer quickly fed the error back to the artillery behind.

And in the artillery position in the Papal Palace. A row of eight heavy artillery pieces is placed in the courtyard.

After the artillery corrected the firepower, they began loading and firing at the fastest speed, projecting one shell after another.

The artillerymen were all mad and sweaty. These puppies simply took off their shirts, revealing porcelain muscles. The little nuns who looked at them were hiding in the flowers, and some even couldn't help licking their lips.

Rely on artillery observation posts deployed in the front. Through the wired telephone produced by the Flying Eagle Group, the battlefield information was fed back to the artillery in the city in real time.

The artillery in the city blasted the battlefield violently according to the angle coordinates that had been measured.

The Semitic soldiers rushing towards Vatican struggled in continuous artillery fire, and people were bombed into the air from time to time. However, the Semi soldiers were extremely brave, and the soldiers behind were brave enough to withstand the skyrocketing artillery fire and rush forward bravely.

The falconer’s commander, General Patlaud, followed Lorraine, and he was issuing orders for the actual deployment and transfer. After all, he knew his falconer best. Lord Lorraine just threw down some tactics and ideas and then he flashed.

Training a force of more than 10,000 people is not three or five months of effort, Lord Lorraine doesn't have that much time spent in the Hawker's barracks. It's the Hawker's own business to explore the tactics, Lorraine just came to observe and give pointers.

Seeing the Semi soldiers step forward, rushing into the smoke of gunfire. General Patlaud exclaimed, "These Semitic people are really brave."

Lorraine sneered and said, "It's better to say that they are not so brave. They don't know what kind of weapon the artillery is. The ignorant are fearless.

Believe me, after one bombardment, they will never do it again. "

"It's a pity that there are too few artillery." Patlaud shook his head with regret and said: "If only the Thor brigade was here. It would be impossible for the enemy to rush through our fire blockade."

The Thor Artillery Brigade is equipped with more artillery than the Eagle Division, and they are all large-caliber artillery.

The Eagle Division has only more than 90 large-caliber artillery pieces, and the firepower is scattered in four directions, of course a little sparse.

Despite the huge casualties, the Semitic quickly broke through the artillery blockade and screamed towards the first line of defense.

Before the trenches were densely covered with barbed wire, the soldiers of the Eagle Division were waiting here for the Semi soldiers.

Seeing the enemy rushing into the firing range, the platoon-level 60mm support mortar that had already been gearing up in the rear followed fire.

With the clanging sound of the mortar shell exiting, the Semitic who had just rushed through the large-caliber artillery bombing had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the explosion followed in the crowd again.

Some eagle soldiers on the front took out a one-foot-long cylinder from their waist, squeezed the handle on the tail, pressed the spring, and then stuffed the grenade into the cylinder and slanted it on the ground. After the angle, a hand grenade flew out of the cylinder as soon as the handle was lifted.

The grenade thrower developed by the Alchemy Institute is inspired by the grenade barrels ordered by Lord Lorraine.

However, it was considered a failed work. The range of the thrower was not much farther than that of a human thrower. It was easy to damage and it was quite inconvenient to carry.

But many soldiers of the Eagle Division like this thing very much, especially in specific environments, such as houses, bunkers, etc., where you can't use it, you can use a thrower to launch grenades.

After layers of artillery fire. The Semi soldiers are like potatoes that have been cut with a knife.

The Semi soldiers who could rush to the Hawker’s position were less than half of what they had when they set off. Some were killed, while many more were lying on the ground in terror - watching the people around them being blown into flames. Fragments, severed hands and short feet hit the body like hail, even the elite of the Semi could not stand it.

Although they did this unconsciously, human biological instincts are often the most correct. It was by this action that they saved their lives.

but. Even if only half of the people rushed through the firepower net, the Semi soldiers still had the advantage in numbers.

And at this time, the artillery no longer poured firepower on their heads, which greatly increased their courage.

Seeing to finally be able to rush to the human front. When they met with them, the Semitic soldiers shouted loudly and accelerated their pace.

They had already understood at this time that human beings rely on these weird magic weapons, and ordinary soldiers must be vulnerable, just like the human armies they slaughtered.

After that, I saw the Eagle Division soldiers not far away, all poking their heads out of the trenches like gophers.

This way of hiding in the ground is very shameful to the Semi soldiers.

This is also fully proved. The enemy is a group of cowards who can only hide in the ground, and they don't have the courage to confront the Semitic masters.

Therefore, many people have ignored the steel barrels in the hands of the Eagle Division officers and soldiers.

Moreover, the barrel of the barrel was round and short. It didn't have the sharpness of the big sword in their hands, nor the shining sharpness, and it didn't look like any lethality. Even if someone saw it, they wouldn't care.

They shouted, brandished the sharp swords in their hands, and pounced on them. The corners of each of their mouths were all showing hideous smiles, as if they had seen the blood of the enemy flowing under their own swords.

Seeing the enemy approaching, the black-clothed eagle division officer yelled: "Fire~!"

At the same time, he raised his hand gun and fired a random shot at the opposite side.

Following his order. The soldiers on the position shook the triggers one after another, and tongues of fire spurted from the muzzle of the black hole.

The sharp and loud "burst" sound of the machine gun followed.

Countless bullets flew out with a long line of fire, forming a huge fire net in front of them.

The Semi soldier who rushed to the front suddenly sprayed a blood mist from his chest, shaking and falling to the ground.

At this time, there was only less than a hundred meters away from the defense line of the Eagle Division, but every time the Semitic soldiers took a step forward, someone screamed and fell to the ground.

What frightened them most was the machine gun protruding from the bunker. Anything that was swept by the red light emitted by it, there was a big hole in the body immediately, and some people were even beaten in two.

When they rushed to a distance of fifty meters, they found that there were only a few figures left beside them, and all the others had fallen on the road.

Immediately, those warriors became the key target of the Eagle Division.

In an instant, they were shot several times in succession, and they were trembling like leaves in the autumn wind, and finally fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the last trace of courage of the Semitic soldiers disappeared, and someone shouted in horror: "Retreat, retreat~!"

"We can't rush up, don't die in vain, everyone withdraw~!"


As long as one escapes, the rest of the people will also turn around to flee, and the whole Semitic people on the battlefield are all collapsed.

The soldiers of the Eagle Division did not chase, and the officer shouted: "Casefire, ceasefire~!"

Some soldiers immediately stopped shooting and quickly checked their rifles, while some of the over-excited soldiers seemed to have not heard the order and were still loading and firing frantically.

For this kind of irrational puppies, the officers were also extremely skilled in handling them, went straight up to hold down his gun, and then kicked them hard until he calmed down.

"Check their weapons and ammunition, and add grenades~!"


With the passing of a command, the soldiers in the trench calmed down and began to check their weapons. Some rifle guns and machine guns have problems, disassemble the weapons on the spot, and skillfully troubleshoot the guns.

Seeing the enemy retreat, Patlaud and Lorraine breathed a sigh of relief. Although they said that they had exercised thousands of times, this was the first actual combat for the Eagles.

Although theoretically speaking, as long as the supply keeps up, the powerful firepower of the Eagle Division can frontally defeat all the invading enemies of this era. But that is only theoretical.

Before being tested in actual combat, no one can be sure that the Hawker will be able to block the enemy.

There are many different voices in the army. It's just that due to Lord Luo's name as God of War, they were all forced down.

Once defeated, they will definitely jump out and attack this heavily built army.

The result of the battle at this moment finally showed that Lord Lorraine has no white flowers for these millions, and the Eagle Division's combat effectiveness is worth this price.

"Not even the first line of defense has been broken." Patlaud sneered easily. Said: "I thought I had to put them in the city to fight."

Lorraine took a deep breath and said, "That's because they don't have air support yet, but sooner or later the enemy will understand that this war has just begun."

"Yes~!" Patlaud nodded heavily.

"Haven't the demons surrendered in the city?" Lorraine turned his head and looked to the west of the city. The brigade of Eagle Division soldiers surrounded here to death.

"Yes, I have been fighting stubbornly just now. It may be a fluke, but now, they should give up." Patlaud shrugged. He didn't care about the life and death of these tens of thousands of Semites, but was distressed and might have to fight. Hundreds of thousands of bullets.

A cold light flashed in Lorraine's eyes, and he snorted, "It seems that I have to solve it myself."

Turned around and walked down the roof of the temple.

Tens of thousands of Semitic soldiers who rushed into Vatican were still surrounded on the streets inside the West Gate.

The streets were full of dead Semitic soldiers. Especially in front of the city gate, there are two thick layers.

The guns of the soldiers of the Hawk Division were still aiming at them.

A battle has just ended here. When the Semitic attacked the city just now, the people in the city wanted to cooperate and rushed out, but were beaten back mercilessly. Apart from dropping thousands of corpses, the Semi did not move forward. step.

When Lorraine came here. I saw many Semitic soldiers hiding in corners, flower beds, or behind barricades, but most of them were still exposed under the muzzle.

The atmosphere here was abnormally silent, and the two sides were separated by a hundred meters, and no one spoke.

There was only one eagle officer who raised the microphone and shouted loudly over and over again: "There is no way out for resistance, surrender now~!"

Lorraine stepped forward and grabbed his microphone and said loudly: "I am Lorraine."

There was a commotion at the Semitic on the opposite side. Lorraine immediately followed behind with a clatter of pulling the bolt.

It can be seen that the Semitic people at the forefront stepped back at the same time, and the soldiers' faces showed fear.

They haven't surrendered yet, just because they still have hope of breaking through in case.

At this time, the Eagle Division soldiers who had just repelled the Semitic attack outside the city came to support, and more people appeared on the encirclement net surrounding the Semitic, and even set up mortars in the rear.

Lorraine smiled slightly, of course he understood what these Semitic people thought. At this moment, the reinforcements should have dispelled the last glimmer of hope in their hearts. Lord Lorraine had his own plan to keep these people.

"Surrender, keep you alive, I count to ten, and if you don't surrender, I will kill you all, nine," Lorraine said loudly, "Eight..."

The tone is very calm, as if just counting.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, fight with them~!" There was a violent shout from the crowd of Semitic soldiers, but the soldiers in front of them did not respond. They were not stupid and knew that they would die if they rushed forward.

Lorraine snorted coldly, snapped his fingers, and suddenly a gunshot shot above his head. The Semitic who had just called out in the crowd was shot and killed by the ghost shooter.

"Seven, six..."

The soldiers of the Eagle Division raised their weapons, touched the trigger with their fingers, and showed a cold expression on their Only waiting for Lord Lorraine to say "one", they happily started the killing.

"Don't count, we... surrendered~!" A dejected cry came from the rear of the Semi.

You can see the Semi soldiers in the front row breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

As the elite of the Semitic, although they are brave, it does not mean that they can endure the fate of being abused.

Lord Lorraine curled his lips and murmured: "Eggless coward, I have counted five."

Then he took out a gold coin and placed it on Vera's open palm and said, "Well, you won."

Vera smiled and put away the gold coin she won from the bet.

Mazovia, who was next to him, was secretly surprised, and wondered when it was time, these two were still in the mood to bet.

Patlaud rolled his eyes and pretended not to see it.

Lorraine threw the microphone to Mazovia behind him, and said, "I will leave the rest to you."

Mazovia hurriedly picked up the microphone, immediately dumbfounded, and squeaked: "But, I...we, no."

Lorraine complained angrily: "You still have the Knights Templar, do I have to teach you this little thing?"

Mazovia hurriedly shook her head and said loudly: "Yes, my lord, I understand."

"Keep them well, these people, I will still be useful in the future."

(To be continued)

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