Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1348: Devil's weapon

After Lorraine raised the handgun level, then gently squeezed the trigger, with a clear gunshot.

In the next second, several cannons in the temple behind him roared at the same time, and orange-red flames that stretched several feet out from the muzzle.

The roar of artillery fire was like a muffled thunder at low altitude, spewing out from the gate of the temple, and the deafening sound was like the roar of **** beasts, instantly spreading across the entire battlefield.

The Semitic army inside and outside of Vatican City suddenly heard a muffled thunder in the silence, and couldn't help raising their heads and looking in the direction of the sound.

It is the very center of Vaticano, the glorious temple of light.

There are people there, humans are there~!

Immediately afterwards, a few strange screams came, the sound seemed to be something torn the air, flying rapidly in the air.

But when they looked up, they found nothing. Due to the rapid exit speed of the shells, only the sharpest eyes can see the flashing black spots in the sky.

In the next second, a violent explosion came from a distance.

Boom, boom boom...

In surprise, people turned their heads and looked around, and saw that behind them, there was a huge red light beating and shining outside the city wall.

For those lights, they are not unfamiliar. Under Deron City, they had seen that kind of explosion, but they weren't that big in scale.

Unlike ordinary soldiers, General Verapland was at the back of the battlefield, watching and supervising the battle from a distance, but he clearly saw the power of those shells exploding.

Orange-red sparks bloomed, blowing up the human body within a radius of more than ten meters and flying high, like rag dolls, throwing stumps and broken arms indiscriminately.

Immediately afterwards, black smoke billowed, transforming into the shape of mushrooms in the air.

Velaprani was not surprised to see this place, but was overjoyed.

Although he hadn't figured out what the explosion was all about. But if there is resistance, it means there are enemies.

This holy city is not an empty city.

At this time, those who can stay in the holy city are definitely the most important figures on the mainland. Even if he is not the pope, he is at least a cardinal archbishop.

As if to confirm his guess, he immediately saw a huge golden cross battle flag slowly rising on the top of the Temple of Light.

That is... the Pope's banner~!

In other words, the pope did not escape. She is still in this city~!

Immediately afterwards, another flag was slowly raised.

The flying eagle above is lifelike, with electric eyes and wings spread out. I want to spread my wings and fly out.

Although it was very far away, through the telescope in his hand, he could still feel the murderous aura emanating from the flying eagle above the battle flag.

Especially the golden lightning still on the back of the flying eagle's ass, which explains the identity of the person it represents

That is the flag of Lorraine~!

The flying eagle of the human race.

His name is a taboo in the Semitic. At the beginning, he had entered the Semitic alone and took away the most beautiful princess of the Semitic. It was precisely because of taking away Princess Adeling that he was qualified to be on top of his battle flag. Painted with the lightning symbol of the Semitic royal family.

Needless to say, the Ruman Empire represented by the flying eagles on the battle flag is a deadly enemy of the Semis. Just the lightning embroidered under the battle flag is enough to make the Semitic men hate their teeth. Can not eat its flesh, sleep its skin.

See those two flags. Veraprani immediately reddened his eyes, pointed at the golden dome of the Great Temple, roared with anger, and said: "Offensive, offensive, full offensive~!"

The messenger beside him immediately did not dare to neglect, he hurriedly raised his horn, and then puffed his cheeks. Blow desperately.


The loud horn sounded instantly throughout the battlefield.

The Semitic officers also heard the order and waved their arms one after another, shouting hysterically: "Offensive~!"


The soldiers of the Semi tribe screamed and yelled, "Kill~!"

Rush to the Shrine of Light in the center of Vaticano.

Vantino without enemies is disturbingly strange, and those with enemies are no longer afraid. They only need to rush up and kill all the enemies.

What's more, whether it's the Pope or Lorraine, those two people are all coveted enemies of the Semi. And now, they are within a short distance of less than 500 meters.

Not at this time, rush up, catch them all, and when will they stay?

For a while, the street facing the Shrine of Light in Vatican City blocked the street, and densely packed Semitic soldiers were excited, roaring, roaring, jumping, and rushing towards the Shrine of Light.

The Semitic soldiers screamed and rushed to the Temple of Light. On the high steps of the Temple, only a human was standing at the moment.

At this time, they all understood the identity of the person opposite.

At this time, he dared to face the murderous tens of thousands of troops alone, but he was proud to be independent.

Lorraine, only Lorraine. It could only be Lorraine~!

Although this man is very powerful, he is not even afraid of the undead high priest, and the Lich trembles in front of him, but he is just a person.

No matter how powerful the Paladin is, it can't stop the attack of tens of thousands.

"Kill, kill him~!"

"Into the Great Temple~!"


All of a sudden, the shouting and killing sounded like a tide, resounding through the clouds~!

Mazovia, who was hiding in the Temple of Light, tightly covered his ears to block the roar of gunfire beside him, watching the street paved with tens of thousands of Semitic soldiers, all staring blood-red eyes, and the corners of his mouth sprayed with white. Fei Mo, screaming frantically, rushed up, his legs trembling a little.

Even the eight guns roaring at the same time in the temple did not cover up the shouts of the Semi soldiers' charge.

In front of Mazovia, there were only Lord Lorraine, Vera and a handful of dozens of black-clothed security soldiers. His heart was trembling. If he hadn't known the consequences of running away, he would have been fascinating.

There were already tens of thousands of Semitic soldiers on this street alone, and more soldiers were turning around the corner and rushing up.

Will Lord Lorraine just rely on these dozens of people to block them?

It's just kidding.

It is impossible to think about this in Mazovia's brain, facing a sea of ​​people charging like a raging wave, unless the dozens of black soldiers in front of them are all great magisters, it is possible to resist.

"What the **** is this master thinking?" Mazovia looked at Lorraine's back, her heart almost jumping out of her throat.

Lord Lorraine was very calm, watching tens of thousands of Semitic soldiers rushing along the street and even laughed.

He held a revolver in his hand and hung down his leg. His eyes calmly looked at the approaching Semitic soldiers.

Five hundred meters...400 meters...Three hundred meters...Two hundred meters...

On one side of the palace gate of the Pope’s Palace, there is a large relief engraved on it. On the roof of the palace more than ten meters from the ground, there are several figures sitting or standing. On the narrow platform, some put their hands on their chests, leaning against the relief statue of the Three Saints.

No one paid attention to them on the fierce battlefield. No one knows how they got up.

These people are young and handsome, with extraordinary temperament. At this moment, they all have a good expression on their faces, and their faces have expressions of disdain. Watching the Semitic soldiers rushing past their feet,

And in sharp contrast with the dense crowds, the sparse silhouettes under the God of Light.

"Interesting, how does that kid beat these people?"

"He looks calm, there should be some way."

"I don't think so."

"At the critical moment, do you want to help? This job is well paid. I don't want my employer to hang up."

"Didn't you find that sister Vera is very relaxed? You see, she still has time to eat hazelnut cake."

"Uh... Old York Dim Sum Shop. One piece costs ten silver coins, this girl is really rich~!"

"This is not the point. The enemy is about to rush over four hundred feet."

"Wait, what is that?"

While the few puppies were chatting, the striker of the Semi had already rushed to the large square in front of the temple.

In half a minute at most, they could rush to the Temple of Light and drown Lorraine in the crowd. At this moment, several groups of people appeared from both sides of the temple.

They pushed out a few weird cars covered with oilcloth and came to the edge of the temple.

Immediately, the eagle division officers and soldiers unhurriedly pulled away the tarpaulin in front of them, revealing a covered yellow monster.

Ten steel pipes with thick arms of children form a ring and are connected to the brightly shining brass cylinder at the back, with a crank on the side.

The entire strange machine was mounted on a two-wheeled support, pointing towards the Semitic who was approaching quickly.

A young Eagle Division officer raised his arm and yelled: "Reload~!"

From the wooden box, the soldiers took out the long and narrow metal box that had been prepared. Insert it on the brass cylinder accurately and vertically.

The tall and burly orc soldier shook his hat, spit on his palm, and then rubbed his hands vigorously, protruding his hands, firmly holding the handle with one hand, and the handle with the other. The rough voice exclaimed: "Number One is ready."

"The number two is ready~!"


"The 12th is ready~!"

The officer looked at the Semitic soldier a hundred meters away with a cold expression, swiped his arm downward, and shouted, "Fire~!"

The orc soldier pressed down the crank fiercely and turned the crank at a speed that had been trained thousands of times.

Accompanied by a burst of intensive "pops" like hail, the ten round barrels began to rotate, and the muzzle spewed out a series of flames and white smoke.

The bullets shot out of the barrel, shining fiery red light in the air, looking from a distance, like a long whip.

The twelve machine guns spit out long tongues of fire, spreading into a huge fire net, and the bullets roared into the crowd of the Semitic army.

At such a close distance, the gunner does not need to aim at all, and the warhead will always hit a target.

Bullets flying faster than the speed of sound will easily penetrate the armor of Semitic soldiers, then rush into their bodies and roll, smashing muscles and internal organs.

Blood was splashing high, and the Semi soldiers rushing in the front fell neatly in two rows, as if they were falling to the ground with wheatgrass cut by a sharp sickle.

The soldiers behind hadn't understood what had happened. Before they stepped on the dead soldier's body, they seemed to be slammed by something, and their bodies trembled.

The Semitic soldiers rushed forward frantically, and at the same time the entire row fell down. Even some soldiers' heads suddenly exploded, but their bodies were still running, and they fell to the ground after two steps.

A layer of corpses quickly piled up on the street. Cover the bluish white streets completely.

At a rate of fire of 300 rounds per minute, a magazine of forty rounds will light up in just a few seconds.

The deputy immediately pulled out the empty magazine and reloaded it in less than a second.

Because of the continuous shooting, every machine gun gave out a lot of white smoke, and even the machine gun and the shooters were enveloped in the white smoke.

The Semitic soldiers rushing in the front were surprised to see the soldiers in front falling to the ground one by one, and they hadn't even seen the enemy, before they even thought of running away, the bullet ripped their bodies apart.

The Semi soldiers blocked in the rear could only hear dense "pops" like fried beans. They couldn't see what happened ahead, and they still rushed forward with their heads stuffed.

The Semis were still shooting forward with their guns, and two or more layers of corpses were quickly stacked on the ground, so that the Semi soldiers who rushed up saw the corpses covering the ground at first sight. All were stunned.

Then the machine gun swept over them mercilessly.

Whether it was Mazovia or the Dragon people watching the lively on the top of the Pope Palace gate, they were all stunned at this moment. Before their eyes, there was a scene on the battlefield where everyone felt strange and chilling. The Semitic soldiers shouted at themselves. There was a collision with the mouth, people in the front kept falling down, and people in the back kept rushing up, and then fell again. Rush...

It's as if they are willing to die.

In just a few minutes, the main road facing the Temple of Light was covered with corpses, so that the Semites rushing up didn't even have a place to step down.

When they staggered in horror among the corpses of their comrades, the bullets would turn them into new corpses.

Soldiers wearing chain armor would even be shot through by bullets, and then the broken warheads would get into the hapless body behind them. The dead Semitic soldiers still didn't know what weapon they were facing.

And this is just the beginning of their nightmare.

More than 50,000 Semitic soldiers entered Vatican, scattered in the western half of the city.

When they rushed towards the Temple of Light. A window was suddenly opened on the bunker that was piled up like construction **** at the entrance of the street, and a machine gun protruded from it, immediately protruding the tongue of fire, and violently fired at the crowded Semitic soldiers.

In the houses on both sides of the street, the semi-basement wall two feet above the ground was suddenly pricked open, revealing a square gap, and the muzzle of black holes with thick thumbs protruded from the inside. Shot from the side at the Semitic who was close at hand.

The shotgun ejected from the muzzle turned into dozens of steel **** and splashed into the crowd. The pump-action shotgun that uses paper shell bullets has a very high rate of fire, and exerts a terrorist lethality not inferior to that of a machine shotgun at close range.

The Semitic people closest to the muzzle were not even more than one meter away. With every shot down, two or three people would always be hit.

The steel ball tore their bodies directly, or broke their hands and feet. For a time, the stump and blood spilled over the ground.

I don't know when a group of black-clothed soldiers appeared on the roofs on both sides. They catted their waists, carrying rifles more than one meter long in their hands, and jumped quickly on the roofs. Then, either lying on the roof, or kneeling on one knee, or even standing indifferently, he raised his rifle and aimed at the Semitic at his feet and pulled the trigger.

The round-headed rifle bullet hit the human body. It entered only a small hole, but came out a big hole like a bowl of Lanzhou ramen. As long as it hits the human body, it will kill you. If it hits the limbs, it will immediately be clean Amputation.

The people in front fell down in rows, and the two sides were attacked by double attacks from the head and the ground. More importantly, humans could attack them and slaughter them unscrupulously. But they can't beat humans at all.

In just ten minutes, the Semitic soldiers collapsed.

"Retreat, retreat~!"

"They have the devil's weapon in their hands, run fast."


They screamed in horror and turned around and ran back, but the bullets kept chasing behind them, and the whistling sound kept ringing from their voices. Every second, people screamed and fell to the ground.

The trenches and bunkers built by Lorraine in the city played a role at this moment.

No matter where the Semites rushed, there are always bunkers and firepower points in front of them. The trenches and fortifications that were empty just now are now occupied by eagle soldiers holding shotguns and rifles, and the machine guns are crazy. Pouring bullets at the Semitic soldiers.

After dropping the dead body, the Semitic army withdrew from the main road facing the Temple of Light.

The machine gun had already stopped firing, and the gray-white smoke drifted in front of the temple door, a choking smell for a long time.

Lorraine himself was surprised by the scene before him.

The corpse has been starting from a place tens of meters away from the temple, covering the main street and spreading two or three hundred meters away, stacking several layers, and even the flowerbeds are full of corpses.

After 300 meters, the corpses on the ground are sparser, but they are still uncountable.

The Dragon Clan people who watched the excitement from the side were shocked and speechless.

Although tens of thousands of Semitic people were not in their eyes, they could not manage to create so many corpses and defeat an army in a few minutes.

And all this is done by a few weird machines and ambush two or three thousand humans.

From the beginning to the end, there was no short-handed contact, and no one of mankind attacked the Semitic army.

As a result, some people groaned and said: No matter where this is still war, it is clearly a killing contest.

Immediately when they looked at Lorraine, who had been standing still and standing upright in front of the door, their faces became a little different.

This master is ruthless, really a ruthless person~!

Lord Lorraine's face was as calm as ever, as if he had fallen in front of him with thousands of corpses, but a piece of straw.

They didn’t know that Lord Lorraine suddenly remembered that during the Battle of Verdun, those French soldiers who charged with the German Markchin guns were also beaten to death on the way like turkeys. .

Lorraine, who had known the result for a long time, was quite calm at the moment. Since the Semitic soldiers entered the city, their destiny was already doomed.

This is a battle that does not belong to the same era.

Lord Lorraine spent millions of gold coins armed with a modernized hawk, for this effect.

The officer in command of the plane and gun looked at the results in front of him with satisfaction, and muttered with emotion: "This is much more enjoyable than the grass man. All units, report."

"Failure number three."

"Fault number four."

"Failure number seven."

"No. 11 failure."

Hearing the report in his ear, Lord Lorraine couldn't help shrugging, the failure rate of the machine gun still remained high.

"Furthermore, the copper shell fixed ammunition is too expensive~!"

(To be continued)

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