Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1333: 1 good person

In the case of the doubling of Feiying Railway's stock, the original plan to collect money can only be overturned, or to be precise, temporarily overturned.

At this moment, with the huge market value of the Flying Eagle Railway, the second master Leo Leo was reluctant to lose every penny of it.

At the moment, Chairman Leo began to devote himself to intense work, trying to make the grand blueprint outlined on the blueprint—the railway network connecting the major cities and countries on the mainland, into reality as much as possible.

Rather than the demonstration project on the previous drawings.

After the stock market opened the next day, the stock price of Feiying Railway continued to rise fiercely. Even at this time, the stock has reached the high price of hardware coins, far exceeding the purchasing power of most Nyan.

But looking at the soaring momentum, it seems that you can't stop without breaking the bottom line of people's psychology.

In the following week, ticket prices continued to rise all the way, breaking through the psychological barriers of six gold, seven gold, eight gold and so on.

For Nian's stock investors, every day in these three weeks is a carnival.

Each increase in value means that the assets in their hands have increased by as many as dozens. And you don't have to pay a little labor at all, just sit there with your legs crossed, drinking tea, and by the way molesting the beautiful customer service girl.

Such a beautiful and happy life like a fairy tale was only available to royal nobles. And now they, nouveau riche, businessmen, small landlords... even ordinary dead people can enjoy it, and they can really wake up in dreams.

The stock of Feiying Railway went crazy all the way, and finally the rally slowly slowed down at the juncture of the nine golds.

Although the growth rate has slowed down, the upward momentum is still evident.

Everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before breaking through the nine gold medals.

The most important reason for the slowdown in growth rate is not that investors have calmed down, but because the stock price has absorbed most of the idle funds in the society.

The stock price of Bajin means 40 million yuan in cash, the nobles and landlords of Quan Nai'an. The rich have emptied their money box and replaced all their years of savings with thin stocks.

Now, the Naian people just want to raise the price, and they can't get that much money.

Lord Luo didn't think so much at the beginning, and was surprised to see the stock's strong growth and had to be cautious.

Others may not know, but Lord Luo has a powerful and destructive power to the stock financial market. But he has always been vigilant.

in those days. The two world wars were all caused by stock crashes and economic crises. Not to mention, he just made a crazy stir-fry of tomatoes on the Semitic side, which greatly damaged the Semitic economy.

If this is to allow others to follow the gourd to come to his site like this once, Sir Alex would not have to come out again in the future.

So on. He is extremely concerned about the stock market.

He gets the most accurate statistics of the stock market every day, how much it has risen, and how much it has traded. Whoever holds the most shares, who has arbitrage, who is continuing to eat... etc.

These news will be after the market is closed. It was carefully counted by the director of the stock market Higgins and sent to Lorraine and Leo himself.

Therefore, even though the Naian stock market has skyrocketed and is booming, it is still under the control of the Flying Eagle Group.

And among the major newspapers published by Nian An. I have been calling for everyone to calm down, put an end to this irrational act of bullying, and put the income from stocks into industrial construction.

Build and expand more factories to enable more companies to be listed on the stock market, forming a virtuous circle of continuous growth.


But the steep but rich people sneered at the advice in the newspaper.

Now the stocks are skyrocketing, and when they are making money, the newspapers persuade others to dump the stocks. Who would be so inattentive that they should make eight yuan instead of nine yuan.

Don’t break your brain too bad~!

Quan Nai An is still immersed in the fanatical pursuit of the Flying Eagle Railway, and this heat has radiated to neighboring provinces.

The tremendous power of the stock market has also given factory owners hope for rapid development.

As long as they can go public, they can quickly get a large amount of cash, expand factories, find more workers, take on more jobs, and make more money.

There has also been a wave of listing in Nian'an. At the same time, dozens of industrial and mining enterprises have applied to the'Nian'an Securities Market Supervision and Administration Commission' for listing.

In order to meet the rigid conditions for listing, these natives, who have just transferred from landlords to factory owners and capital, even used their brains and started to merge and reorganize spontaneously to form a group company. Form a strong capital scale.

This made Lorraine also admired, and sighed in his heart: The power of capital is indeed infinite~!

This gang of stingy copper-plate houses does not spend much money, and their eyes are blackened, and the old rich man who does not recognize the half-basket of the big words actually began to take the initiative to start complex capital operations?

And as soon as we meet, I always talk about mba, s, nafta... and so on, all in foreign words.

If Sir Alex hadn't seen this with his own eyes, he would have thought these puppies were crazy.

At the same time, the madness of Nian's stock market spread across half of the continent through the telegraph line. Aroused the concern of many people.

Thanks to the Tietong Telecommunications Company of the Flying Eagle Group, it only took six hours for a message to reach Almohad, which is five thousand miles away, from Nian on the mainland.

The grand plan of the Flying Eagle Railway and the madness of the Nian'an stock market have also caused heated discussions across the continent.

Whether in the imperial city of Ruman, Constantine, the center of the eastern provinces, or in the northern town of Vizi, the southern port of Swaziland.

Or is it the sacred Vantino, the domineering Maple Leaf Danlin, or the capital of Almohad, Abdwad, any news about the Nian's stock market will cause a whirlwind.

In these places, nobles and wealthy people are talking about stocks and stock markets, and how to make huge profits.

Just like people who don’t understand computers in later generations, if anyone here doesn’t know stocks and can’t say a few paragraphs of opinions about stocks, they will definitely break away from the times and the mainstream society.

Especially after the magical Feiying Railway stock has soared from the issue price of one gold to the current nine gold, investors have netted nine times the profit.

Out of human nature. The vast majority of people who follow Nian see a huge profit of nine times. Only a handful of wise and knowledgeable people see the huge risks hidden in it.

All kinds of rumors about buying stocks at the issue price and getting rich overnight have also flown throughout the human continent.

Especially among them, Ernst and Ender, a large-minded businessman, his name has been resounding across the mainland with the current. As a representative of the profitability of stock market investment, the whole mainland knows that there is such a lucky lucky man.

Ernst bought one hundred thousand shares of Flying Eagle Railway. It became 900,000 in more than half a month. In his hometown, the old wealth of landlords in West Bologna caused a sensation no less than a magnitude ten earthquake.

If they only rely on farming to sell food, these diligent landlords need to be like the outstanding representative of the advanced productive forces of the landlord class, Mr. Zhou Papi, and Mr. Zhou, every night. Whether it's windy or rainy, in the middle of the night, I struggled to get up and arch the chicken coop to learn how to growl.

Then he took the whip and drove the lazy and greedy gang mercilessly. I always want to dig the tenant farmer's door in the corner of the landlord's house to work.

But just like that, you have to do it for three hundred years without eating or drinking to make the same profit. Ernst took only three weeks.

The contrast between this is really too big, it can almost make people lose their minds.

The people of West Bologna still remember Ernst, and Ender, a short and fat old guy, did not make up a joke about his stinginess.

But now only envy, jealousy and hatred are left.

Even the most conservative landlord was seduced by this story.

Many bold guys have brought cash. Use your fastest speed to rush to the gold-filled Nidal stock market, for fear that if you take a step slower, the opportunity will be taken away by others.

Shipowners from all over the world were surprised to find that the number of passengers in first class and business class on the Clippers bound for Neidl suddenly increased. In many cases, buying this ticket is as fast as a Spring Festival train ticket.

Just as the stock market had just slowed down, Lorraine breathed a sigh of relief and started discussing additional issues with Vantino. Another torrent of money, like a tsunami, was rushing toward Nian.

In the Neidel stock trading floor, stockholders looked at the price of 8.999 on the blackboard for the Flying Eagle Railway and their faces were red.

Many people looked up at the trading board and said in their mouths: "I will toss after nine, and I will toss it all after nine."

"Here, I have all the money to buy a house and land for my son to marry a wife."

"Go up, go up, go up, and my old lady will never pick up customers again."


In the midst of the attention, the staff once again stepped forward to change the stock price of the Flying Eagle Railway, and the red and eye-catching nine points came out.

"Long live~!" Cheers like a landslide and tsunami erupted from the stock trading floor.

The stockholders rushed forward, waved the stocks in their hands, and shouted: "I want to sell, sell~!"

The staff had anticipated the hot scene before him.

They smiled and took the stock, ready to transact.

In the past few days, the staff of the stock market has surpassed the civil servants and ranks first among the occupations that Nian women want to marry in the statistics of fashion magazines. They can be respected like nobles wherever they go.

This makes the girls and boys working on the exchange happy.

Just as the transaction was being prepared, the staff who had just landed jumped into the air again, and changed the offer of Feiying Railway again at 9.10.

Less than a minute has passed, and the enthusiasm of the stockholders has increased like burning firewood.

The staff member who had just changed the brand breathed a sigh of relief, and before he got down from the height, another person next to him had already flown up again.

The new offer has been revealed again~!

This time even the staff in front of the blackboard felt incredible. He watched the person replace the number card he had just posted and put out a new number, nine ten ten.

"Rising, rising again. Rising again..."

The audience was in an uproar.

The stock investor who was handling the transaction was suddenly excited, and then changed his mind, slapped the window hard, and hurriedly shouted: "I will not sell, I will not sell."

He even reached into the window, trying to get the stock back.

They knew very well in their hearts that the time they had just blinked, they went up a little bit, and after a while, they might get even higher. Now that they sell, they will lose money.

really. Just three minutes later, the stock price was refreshed by a new figure, 9.2.

"It has gone up, it has gone up again~!" The stockholders pointed to the stock price on the blackboard and cheered loudly and prayed: "Rise, continue to rise."

Ten minutes later, the stock price refreshed to 9.3.

Half an hour later, the stock price of Feiying Railway broke through the heart price of ten gold. And it is rising rapidly.

Although the increase is not as high as the peak. The valuation has reached a new high.

The director of the Exchange Higgins has been supervising the work in his office. Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the numbers on the blackboard beating up, he couldn't help but twist his brows together and muttered: "It's crazy. Crazy~!

Damn it. This is not normal. "

With the continuous rise of stock prices and the issuance of new shares, the free funds of Naian people have almost been absorbed. Therefore, changes in the stock market are gradually flattening out. But now it has suddenly soared, which requires a large amount of capital investment to achieve.

And now, where is there a lot of spare money?

Director Higgins turned around. To what the subordinates sternly ordered: "Go, bring me the report of purchasing the Flying Eagle Railway today, hurry~!"

The subordinates did not dare to neglect, and soon sent up today's purchase list.

In just this moment, the stock price has risen to 10.5.

Shareholders in the lobby cheered. Shouted in the same voice: "Rising, rising, rising~!"

Higgins looked at the form in his hand, his expression darkened immediately, and then "slapped" the documents together, gritted his teeth and said: "Get the car and go to the Governor's Mansion~!"


Maple Leaf Danlin

Although there is a difference of two time zones from Naian here, through the connection of the telegraph line, the current Fengye Danlin and Naian are as close as two adjacent cities.

The news that happened in the Maple Leaf Danlin will be transmitted back to Nedl as soon as possible, and similarly, Nian's first-hand news will be quickly spread in Fengye Danlin.

The newly born business of the stock market and stocks also caused a sensation in Fengye Danlin.

In terms of average intelligence, Fengye Danlin is undoubtedly the highest on the mainland. The college's ability to accept new things is also the strongest. This is why the captain of the war fortress is selected from the students of Fengye Danlin. They have the strongest ability to master new weapons and new tactics.

Although the stock market has existed in Nian'an for a long time, it has only been a few days since Fengye Danlin was really familiar with it.

Relying on their smart and extremely intelligent IQ, the deliberate Fengye Danlin people can get an idea of ​​the stock market in just a few days.

In a luxurious hotel in the Maple Leaf Danlin, sings and dances were staged on the stage. Under the stage, a group of young people were enjoying themselves drinking.

Some of this group of young people are gorgeously dressed, beautiful and smart, and they know they are nobles at first glance.

A few others were wearing ordinary Maple Leaf Danlin school uniforms with immature faces, with a shy and guilty expression. Did they secretly glance at the elegant skirt corners of the dancers and flushed nervously.

Strangely, at this aristocratic banquet, several students were the protagonists surrounded by them.

With a light "Ding Ding Ding", Lord De Rossi, who was sitting in the main seat, knocked on the wine glass to calm everyone down, then raised the wine glass full of dark red liquid, and said: "I propose, this glass of Jing Luo Deputy Commander Lin, he is really a good man."

Viscount Andre slapped the table, laughed wildly, leaned on the chair happily, picked up the wine glass and lifted it up and drank it. The wine flowed down the corners of his mouth around his neck. He shouted, "Thank you Luo Deputy Commander Lin, thank Ruman Empire."

The Marquis of Gore shook his drink, grabbed Viscount Andrey's shoulders, burped his wine, and said vaguely: "It's a good man, a good man, a big good man~!

He deserves to be Pluto's own brother, this method of scraping the land is due to him. "

A Maple Leaf Danlin student smiled triumphantly and said: "The stock market designed by Lorraine is really good. It collects idle funds from the society and solves the problem of financing difficulties for people who need money. I have studied carefully. This is a genius. I really don’t know how he came up with the idea.

Lord Lorraine is indeed worthy of being my most outstanding graduate of Fengye Danlin...

Niels, why are you stepping on me? "

The student who was talking was stomped heavily by Niels next door, turned to look at his classmate questioningly and asked.

The companion smiled awkwardly, raised his glass and said: "You guessed it wrong, Asher."

Then Niels winked at Asher and cursed inwardly: This nerd doesn't pay attention to the occasion. Can Lorraine be good at this table?

Those on the table are not the roots of the teeth that hate Lorraine.

Opposite, the Marquis of Gore and Viscount Andrey had gloomy expressions, staring at the speaking students dissatisfied.

Only Prince De Rossi with a smile on his face, raised his glass, and said: "This glass is to all the students. Without your research, we would not dare to make a move. Everyone is a friend. I won’t say anything polite and profit. , Give you two percent."

Niels hurriedly picked up the and said with a flattering smile: "Thank you so much. The son is righteous. No wonder everyone says that there is Lorraine in the west and De Rossi in the east."

"Oh? Someone said that?" Young Master De Rossi seemed very happy, and said with a big smile: "At least there is one thing I can't compare to him."

Seeing Asher's expression puzzled, as if he was about to tell the truth, why did Niles pinch him hard and said, "My son, you are humble."

De Rossi shook his head and said: "No, no, no, things Lorraine made can benefit his opponents, which I can't compare to."

The Marquis of Gore laughed hysterically, and tears of joy came out. He patted Viscount André on the shoulder, and said: "If that guy knows that we use his telegram and his stock market to make his money, it will The expression must be wonderful. Anyone who offends our future Majesty De Rossi will not end well."

De Rossi squeezed the glass, glanced at Gore, and said, "You are drunk."

"Not drunk..." Marquis Gore grabbed the wine glass and raised it over his head, yelling: "Thank you again, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Lorraine, haha~!"

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