Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1330: Reload

The translator of the venture capital company leaned over the desk and translated the telegram in his hand carefully and carefully.

The confidential secretary who had been waiting next to him immediately grabbed it and walked quickly to the conference room not far away.

As soon as he walked in, he felt a huge sound rushing toward him.

The joint command center of the venture capital company headquarters was full of voices, as always, full of noise and noise.

The company's agents, intelligence analysis experts, and staff officers of the military department all talked about the huge sand table map.

The sand table map is so huge that it occupies more than half of the meeting room, which can be completely spliced ​​together.

From time to time, staff members used long wooden poles to insert the signs representing different military forces on the sand table or pull them out to move them.

On that huge sand table, you can clearly see several black flags, facing the center of the mainland from the north and west.

On the inner side of the continent, there are several red flags corresponding to them.

In the middle of the map, Ruman City, Maple Leaf Danlin, Vatican... and other important cities are all marked with eye-catching signs.

The most special thing is that in the middle of a black flag, a solitary little red flag is inserted there, which represents Weiji who is still surrounded by the Semites.

Through this map, you can get a clear picture of the current war situation.

The combined forces of the demons and the undead came across the sea, and their forces were extremely strong.

The Ruman Empire, Maple Leaf Danlin, and Vatican all fought against the demons under the undead high priest on their respective battlefields.

Starting from the west coast of the mainland, a quarter of the entire western part of the mainland has fallen and has become the territory of the demons.

The demons on the northern front line are raging in the Ruman Empire, and according to intelligence, they are getting closer and closer to Ruman City.

The coalition composed of demons and human puppets on the third route on the west route also attacked the city all the way, and was only a few countries away from the Ruman Empire Vatican and the Maple Leaf Danlin.

In this enemy-occupied area, there are hundreds of millions of human beings who have become the energy source for the undead to start war machines.

Under the wooing and reward of the undead high priest. Many ambitious human race scums have taken refuge in the undead race, willing to be their thugs in exchange for prosperity and wealth.

At this time, the Human Race Continent, it can be said that there are flames of smoke everywhere, and the flames of war continue.

Belém’s confidential secretary placed the telegram on the desk in the middle of the conference room, and said simply and quickly: “Chamberry Telegraph Station on the Western Line is calling.”

Lorraine grabbed the telegram and glanced at it, his face changed instantly.

Lorraine gritted his teeth and pushed the telegram to Belem. Then frowned and looked straight at the sand table on the ground and thought.

Belén took the telegram, took a look at it, and then he was also taken aback.

After a while. He curled his lips and sighed softly: It was terrible bad news.

Then he pushed the telegram to the analyst and said, "Mark it on the sand table."

Soon the cross flag on Rotgaron was removed and replaced with black. A white cross flag with the Bayer Legion was placed on the city of Deron, and a row of small black flags was placed on the west side.

The noisy conference room fell silent for an instant, and everyone looked at the changes on the sand table with their heads down and no one spoke.

This is just a small change of moving the flag on the sand table, which in reality means tens of thousands. A storm of life and death for hundreds of thousands of people.

"Rott Gallon was defeated, the entire army led by Cardinal Evari of the Holy See was annihilated, and the enemy Maschinot was fighting towards the city of Deron." Belen stood up and pointed at the sand table. Looking at the people in the conference room, he said: "It is reported that the enemy dispatched hundreds of war fortresses in the battle on September 24.

I want you to find out in the shortest possible time that these war fortresses are original. It is still a new reinforcement for the enemy. "

Belen's tone was severe, and he scanned the intelligence personnel under his staff.

Everyone nodded in unison, and then immediately went to work.

"Vatican is in danger." Belem walked back to the table and said to Lord Lorraine anxiously: "At present, only the army of Cardinal Sandos stands in front of them."

Lorraine stared at the sand table, nodded slowly, and said, "It seems that I can't go to the north."

At the same time, Catherine and Adele all received news from Vantino.

When Lorraine returned to the office in the back house, all the girls from Lorraine's family gathered around nervously.

The maidens of the Lorraine family are not flowers grown in a greenhouse. Can only be seductive.

On the contrary, these girls are extremely tough, and they are also famous on the mainland.

They knew the importance of Vatican very well in their hearts. Without Vatican, the war of mankind would be equal to losing more than half.

Catherine grabbed Lorraine and pressed it on the sofa, looking into Lorraine's eyes. Anxiously said: "Is the situation at Melia in crisis?"

Lorraine nodded solemnly, and said: "We just figured out a piece of information that attacked the War Fortress of the Undead Race in Rotgalon City, not the original batch.

On the day of the Battle of Roth Gallon, nearly a hundred war fortresses had just fought Fengye Danlin all night. In terms of time, the attack on Rot Gallon should be another force.

The people in the company believed that they should be the group left behind by the high priest in the Semites. "

"It seems that the undead high priest has put all the chips in his hand." Catherine frowned slightly, and said with a worried look: " there any danger?"

Lorraine thought for a while, then slowly nodded, and said, "Yes, and it's dangerous.

We no longer have the available power at hand to resist the 100 war fortresses reinforced by the undead. "

The girl's face sank, and they knew the power of a hundred war fortresses in their hearts.

The traditional army is a group of lambs to be slaughtered in front of them, even if the Holy See has a million troops, it can only be passively beaten.

Seeing the nervous expressions of Catherine and the others, Lorraine smiled and comforted them: "However, I am not without a chance. Although the one hundred war fortresses of the Undead High Priest are a bit more troublesome, they just want to hold Vatican. There is no problem. Boeing's production line has been fully started, and Master Osheed assured me that as long as he is given enough time, he will give me an air force that will frighten the enemy.

What's more, we still have a Hawker~! "

The three regular division-level teams of the Security Army, the Skeleton Division and the Banner Guard Division, have carried light and heavy equipment, and followed Archduke Julian to the north. Reinforce Ruman City and resist the northern Semitic army.

Now there are only two traditional legions left in Nian'an, and the Security Army Eagle Division as a strategic reserve.

As the Royal Security Forces with the highest level of secrecy, the Eagles did not even know their existence. Even if they knew that Nian had such an army, they only heard of their name and never saw them.

The Eagle Master was covered with a heavy veil, and was very well hidden by Lorraine. Of course, this has profound meaning.

Seeing Lorraine mentioning the falconer's name, Catherine and Adele glanced at each other, feeling a little settled.

Others don't know the Eagle Master, they know it very well.

"When are you going to Vantino?" Adele hugged Lorraine's arm. Asked with concern.

Lorraine sighed and said, "Leave today, Deron is probably already surrounded by now."

Catherine and the others nodded in understanding. The heroines of the Lorraine family would not engage in love for children at such a terrible time.

"What do we need to do?"

Lord Lorraine thought for a moment, looked up at them, and said: "If you want to win the Vatican battle, you don't rely on the battlefield, but outside the battlefield. First of all. The railway."

"Leave it to me~!" Chairman Leo banged his chest and said: "Our Flying Eagle Railway's global strategy has been successful, and now there are millions of cheapest labor for us. Railway work, the railway linking Vatican has been half completed.

We are confident to complete this continental artery in the shortest time. "

Lorraine nodded approvingly, Leo's plan to buy people's hearts and let people work for free. It seemed to be a great success, and he smiled and said, "Half is enough."

Half of the railway can leave a lot of time for material transfer.

Then he said: "I still need grenades, as many grenades as possible. In defensive operations, grenades are the best weapon."

The wooden-handled grenade developed by Nyan has become the most popular weapon among soldiers in the Ruman Army, and none of them is ranked higher than the war fortress and artillery.

All the troops were crying and asking Nian to equip themselves with grenades.

Adele nodded heavily. The clear voice said decisively: "Leave this to me.

Adele currently manages Nian's industrial and economic affairs. After the transition to the wartime economic system, the Governor's Office has greatly strengthened the control of industrial production, and the distribution of raw materials and product production and sales are designated.

All production makes way for war and all serves the victory of work.

Because of the frenzied expansion of production capacity in the military production system, even women now enter the factory. Engage in work that was previously only done by men.

Now the factory owners can't wait to put the portrait of Adele on the **** of light, kneeling down every day, praying that this female **** of wealth will reward them with a bowl of food.

Adele said that if they let them produce anything, they have to obediently produce something.

Lorraine stretched out and said, "I will leave the house to you."

Chairman Leo straightened his chest and said, "Don't worry, boss, I am here."

As the second of the only males in the family, when Lorraine went out, Chairman Leo consciously took on the top responsibilities.

Xiaobai's foodie Dangdang dog legs are enough. Lorraine's son is still only breastfeeding.

But Catherine didn't want to buy it. She raised her hand and pushed it on Chairman Leo's forehead, and said angrily: "Go, don't make trouble."

Then he hugged Lorraine tightly and whispered in his ear: "Come back as soon as possible."

The girls stepped forward to hug and bid farewell to their boyfriends.

This battle was no easier than Lorraine's desperate rush from the undead high priest, and it might even be more dangerous.

When the undead high priest pursued and killed, Lorraine couldn't fight and could run, and there were reinforcements from the powerful Ascetic monks of the Holy See.

But now, no one comes to reinforce them.

This kind of battlefield where hundreds of thousands of people fight to the death is useless even if their personal skills are monstrous. It relies on the frontal confrontation between soldiers and war machines.

When it was Princess Lulu's turn, she obviously hesitated, then bit her lip and hugged Lord Lorraine. Her pointed face was flushed red, and she whispered: "Cousin, I'm waiting for you to come back."

After talking about Princess Lulu hiding herself in the crowd,

Even Melina raised her arms, hugged Lorraine's waist, patted her little hand, and said crisply, "I wish Lorraine will win. Victory, the cousin must be very happy to see Lorraine."

Lorraine laughed. In this house of women, only the youngest Melina looked the most stable, which I have to say is very interesting.

Catherine took up Vera's little hand and said seriously: "Take care of you and Lorraine, it is dangerous to fight. You must be careful. Also, don't forget..."

As the most assured guard and watcher for the girls, Vera naturally wants to go with Lorraine, and Vera is by Lorraine's side. Catherine and the others don't have to worry about Lorraine's safety.

Of course, more importantly, don't worry about those foxes who asked about the fragrance rubbing against Lorraine.

Vera nodded heavily, waved her hand firmly and said: "Don't worry, I must look down upon the young master."

Lorraine pouted helplessly, just as if he hadn't heard.

"Sister Vera," Melina said obediently: "I will give you a big pack of snacks every week. You can eat it without worry."

Vera chuckled, and hugged Melina. Rubbing against her smooth face, she said, "Melena is the most sensible. When I come back, I will bring you some fun things from the museum in Vaticano."

After bidding farewell to his girlfriend Yiyi, Lorraine and Vera boarded their special plane "Flying Dutchman", and with a tremor, the war fortress slowly uprooted. Straight into the sky, quickly disappeared from the sight of everyone.

At the same time, Backfire Squadron and Path Paver Squadron also received orders to unload the weapons on the war fortress, and the air plane went to a location not marked on the map, loaded a group of personnel and equipment, and transported them to the fastest speed. Vaticano.

No matter what they see or hear there. Don't say it.

At this time, the Neders also gradually knew that Vatican would usher in a life-and-death battle.

The flying Dutchman galloped all the way to the west. Its primary goal was not Vatican. Under Lorraine's order, the war fortress took the maple leaf Danlin directly.

Vera blinked her big sky blue eyes. Bewildered: "Master, aren't we going to help Sister Melia? Why are we going to Fengye Danlin?"

"The key to defending Vatican is to resist the war fortress of the undead." Lorraine looked at the direction of Vatican in the West, and said: "The best weapon to deal with the war fortress in front of us is the war fortress. I want to defend Vatican. , You need Fengye Danlin's air support."

Vera nodded clearly, but when she thought of teacher Lester's old face, she said a little worried: "Teacher, would you agree?"

Lorraine also scratched his head in distress, and said, "There is Obahem, I hope I can convince him."

Thinking of Lester's stinky and hard donkey temper, Lorraine was a little uncertain.

After most of the flight, the flying Dutchman arrived at Maple Leaf Danlin in the second half of the night.

With the brilliance of a full moon in the sky, you can see the calm and wide surface of the still water lake, reflecting a bright moon.

The night breeze is slightly cool, and in the gray moonlight, the vague figure of the Maple Leaf Danlin is like a rolling mountain.

A row of dozens of twinkling stars flashed over quickly, as fast as a meteor.

A few seconds later, Lorraine saw the vague shadows of several Maple Leaf Danlin war fortresses. They were divided into several groups and outflanked from different directions. Obviously, Lorraine's car was discovered.

The signal lights on the flying Dutchman flickered frequently to indicate his identity.

The opposite war fort also flashed a few signals, one of them cautiously approached slowly, and the rest surrounded Lorraine.

Lorraine looked at and nodded secretly, it seemed that Fengye Danlin's fighting consciousness was quite good. Sure enough, actual combat is the most direct way to train the team.

Until it was close to ten meters away, the mage on the opposite side threw an illumination technique to illuminate the flying Dutchman.

Following the bright white light of Illumination, Lorraine was surprised to see that the war fortress in front of him was very strange.

There is a layer of fine mesh on the surface, like a fishnet coat.

"This is... grid armor?!" Lorraine cried out in surprise, and then laughed blankly. Sure enough, Fengye Danlin had made this thing out.

At the beginning of the construction of the various war fortresses of the Security Army Flying Wing, grid armor was also considered.

However, the people of the Lightning Squadron would rather die than pretend that. For the Lightning Squadron, speed is far more important than defense.

That layer of armor looks small, and the weight is not light.

However, the grid armor is indeed very practical for the combat war fortress of Fengye Danlin that is facing the enemy.

It can effectively defend against the bombardment of the magic cannon and absorb the power of dark spells on the shell of the war fortress.

After confirming Lorraine's identity, Fengye Danlin's war fortress let a road, leaving one to lead Lorraine to land, and the others continue to perform their own air patrol missions.

When approaching the ground, a row of bright lights suddenly lit up on the ground, clearly marking the location of the landing field.

The flying Dutchman landed slowly, and the light signal was quickly extinguished, showing that Fengye Danlin's combat readiness training was unusual.

Lorraine and Vera walked out of the war fortress, and a group of moving figures could be vaguely seen in the surrounding darkness. At this moment, there were still many people working hard.

The Maple Leaf Danlin in the war revealed a sense of tension and silence.

Just as Lorraine hesitated whether to return to Catherine's manor on Red Maple Road, a figure suddenly crashed into his arms.

Then he hugged Lorraine's neck and opened his mouth and chewed.

This familiar, elegant body fragrance and unfeeling movements are exactly the beautiful Luo Linna.

Holding Lorraine for a deep kiss, when she almost died, Lorraine pushed away Lorraine, turned and hugged Vera, deliberately squeezed Vera's full chest, and smiled happily: "Why are you here? I thought you would go directly to Under the moonlight, Lorraine looked at Luo Linna’s beautiful face, and suddenly found that she was a lot thinner than before, and her temperament was more capable, and she was easy to move. The suit, the hair is simply curled up, revealing the style of a career woman.

She was still dressed up in the middle of the night, obviously she hadn't rested yet.

Luo Linna managed the construction and combat readiness of the Maple Leaf Danlin War Fortress. In the fierce air battle, the construction work not only continued to increase, but also increased the scale and efficiency. This is all the credit of Luo Linna.

Lorraine touched Lorina's smooth face with distress, and said, "Thank you."

" way." Luo Linna gave a wry smile, stretched her waist, and said: "This big group, old and old, little and no one sensible, all have to worry me.

However, it's okay, there are no other problems except poor sleep. "

Lorraine suddenly leaned forward, took up Lorina's back and legs, and amid her exclamation, she hugged her and said, "Go, let's go back to sleep."

"Let me down, how many people under my team look at it." Luo Linna kicked her feet, and the powder fist hit Lorraine several times, and said non-compliant.

"Where is anyone?" Lorraine raised his chin and gestured. When Lorraine was holding Lorraine, the guys disappeared.

My little friend wins the newlyweds, and Fengye Danlin people consciously don't use light bulbs nearby.

(To be continued)

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