Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1328: The last line of defense

When he saw the black spots in the distance, the cardinal couldn't help being shocked. The gray pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank into a small spot, and he said in his heart: No~!

The number of enemies far exceeded his expectations.

"This... how is this possible?" The cardinal's right hand holding the staff trembled.

How could the enemy still have so many war fortresses?

The detectives lurking in the front line of the Holy See are clearly investigating. After repeated battles and bombardment by the Lightning Squadron, the undead should now have only a hundred war fortress left on hand.

These forces are capable of holding Fengye Danlin's air power.

And based on the pre-war deduction, those war fortresses would definitely go to attack Fengye Danlin, even if they knew they couldn't defeat it, they had to go.

Although the Maple Leaf Danlin people are all **** intellectuals and arrogant wizards, they are extremely warlike in their bones. They will be retributed, and they will be cut back with a knife when they are stared. They have never lacked offensive spirit.

Even if it is peeing, they have to go as far away as possible. This alone can tell what kind of virtue they are.

If the undead clan does not take the initiative to attack the Maple Leaf Danlin, it will contain the power of the Maple Leaf Danlin. Then Maple Leaf Danlin will take the initiative to attack and stage another good show of bombing Ryder City.

Although Maple Leaf Danlin Academy does not have its own intelligence system, they use the information system of the Flying Eagle Group.

The gang of puppies are not dry food, they are well informed. Even the people that the high priest summoned every day were very clear.

Once the Demon Race reveals a flaw, the Maple Leaf Danlin people will definitely seize the opportunity without hesitation, pounce on it and give the Undead Race one more time. And it will definitely be worse than the last bombing.

Therefore, even if the undead clan knew that Maple Leaf Danlin was a war mill that devours flesh and blood, they had to jump in there.

In addition, the undead had to leave enough air defense forces in Ryder City to guard against the flying wing of Lorraine. The undead high priest should not be able to spare the extra war fortress to provide support for the Semitic army.

According to the estimation of the Knights of the Holy See, even if the enemy can get reinforcements from the war fortress, it is still in the single digits, and the priests of the Holy See should be able to deal with it.

But the number of war fortresses that suddenly appeared in front of us greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

In the war that swept across the continent a thousand years ago, the undead tribes had a lot of money, and there were only 30 war forts.

At that time, this amount alone was enough to make humans desperate.

At the beginning of the war. The undead races only need a few war fortresses, enough to make hundreds of thousands of human armies at a loss to do, they are driven to escape like rabbits on the battlefield.

It wasn't until the mage and priest gave their lives to fight together, and the situation got better.

"More than expected..." The cardinal gave a bitter smile.

Looking at the densely packed figures of the war fort in the sky. They formed a dark cloud in mid-air, condescendingly overlooking the entire city of Rot Gallon.

The cardinal looked at it a little, and the number was about a hundred.

The powerful force in front of him was probably enough to smooth any city on the mainland.

He couldn't help sighing: The high priest really looked at me. I would rather attack my line of defense at the risk of a surprise attack from the rear.

At this time, a chief priest stepped forward with a panic expression, and said in a trembled voice: "Big...sir, the enemy is too powerful, do we want to avoid temporarily..."

The cardinal stared at him coldly.

The chief priest suddenly felt a chill in his heart. The rest of the words can't be said anymore. At that moment, he almost thought that if he said one more word, the cardinal would kill himself on the spot.

At this moment, the cardinal's expression relaxed, then smiled bitterly, and said: "My dear chief priest. Where else can we escape?"

He helplessly pointed to the papal papal knight who was chasing the enemy bravely outside the city. Said: "Did you let us leave them."

The chief priest suddenly stagnated, and he was speechless.

Fleeing, but a felony.

The Holy See is not an army, and it usually turns a blind eye to the corruption and bribery of the priests, and doing things that are very pornographic, violent and seldom inappropriate. But when it comes to issues of right and wrong, he has never been unambiguous.

What blasphemy, spread paganism, escaped immediately... always handed over to the Inquisition.

Those puppies are just a bunch of perverts. It has always been more cruel to oneself than to the enemy.

When I entered, first there was a chili water tiger stool, an iron maiden, and the Ten Great Tortures of the Qing Dynasty, which made people comfortable, and then put them on the cross. Set fire to a fragrant barbecue.

Therefore, all the priests and priests are extremely clear-headed under the inspiration of the inquisition's big killer. Although he is usually corrupt, accepting bribes, molesting a woman or man, etc., he can stand firm and unswervingly on issues related to the big right and wrong.

Dare to sway and try, the black forces of the referees are also pervasive in the Holy See.

Seeing the chief priest no longer speaking, the cardinal could not help but take a deep breath and settled, then looked back at the group of priests and priests in white clothes behind him, and said loudly: "We are the servants of God, the light The spreaders of the world, today is the time to prove our faith in God, this is our battlefield.

For the light~! "

"For the light~!" The priests behind him immediately raised their right hands and shouted loudly.

Behind the cardinal, all the priests from several nearby dioceses gathered, the number reached thousands, most of them were priests in local temples.

In the Holy See, the lower the clergy, the stronger their beliefs.

Facing the overwhelming advantage of the undead race, these priests did not shrink back, and the first thing they thought of was fighting.

Even the heroic sacrifice in the battle against the dark forces is the supreme glory for them.

"For the light~!" Thousands of priests shouted in unison.

Their loud voices seemed to have a kind of magic, instantly boosting the morale of the defenders in the city.

The loud voice penetrated the hustle and bustle of the battlefield and clearly reached the ears of the knights ahead.

When the knights saw the war fortress in the sky, they were a little shaken at first, but when they heard the loud shout, their eyes suddenly sparkled with determination.

The first rule of the Chivalry Code is to fear God and defend the light with life and blood.

If facing a strong enemy. If they dare not fight, then they don't deserve to be called knights.

The glorious and glorious Holy See is defended by the blood of the knights.

The ancestors in the past have used their blood to prove their loyalty, but now it is finally their turn.

To die in battle is the best home for a knight.

Therefore, they also raised their weapons one after another, shouting loudly: "For the light~!"

Even today darkness will cover the earth. But tomorrow light will inevitably come.

Just like the war a thousand years ago, in the future, poems about them will inevitably be sung by countless people.

"For the light~!"

"For the light~!"


The shouts gathered together. It resounded through the world like a raging sea.

Amidst the shout, a sharp and piercing voice came from mid-air: "Then it will do you all~!"

A black figure hovered in the sky opposite the cardinal, and a cold ghost fire gleamed in the bones of the skull.

The Lich waved his hand downward, screaming: "Kill, kill, kill them all~!"

Just like the wasp rushing out of the hive, from the hundreds of war fortresses above Rot Gallon, the dark mages flew out continuously, and they screamed at the priests on the ground.

As two kinds of occupations like water and fire. The dark wizard and the priesthood hate each other from the bottom of their hearts.

The war fortress of the undead race changed another direction and flew towards the Holy See's Templar Legion who was chasing the enemy outside the city.

"Holy Light~!"


"Guardian of Heaven~!"


The shouts of the priesthood are endless.

A series of dazzling holy arts rose from the ground and collided with the dark mage falling from the sky, and two energies, one black and one white, fought fiercely over Rot Gallon's head.

The brilliant light spread dozens of miles away.


The city of Deron is seven hundred miles away from Rot Gallon.

Ram, Cardinal Sandos wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the black muddy water flowing on the back of his hand, and sighed helplessly.

Secretly said in his heart: I must be very embarrassed now. Why is the weather so hot in October?

The Cardinal Sandos tightened the reins, took the canteen from the saddle and took a big gulp, watching the papal papal legion passing by him.

They took neat steps, lined up in two rows along the avenue, and under the guidance of the golden cross flag, they strode westward.

The knights of the Holy See were dark and rough, and their clothes were covered with dust.

The white robes of the Templar Knight had also turned gray. Appears to be in the dust, and at a glance they know that they have been on the road for a long time.

The roadside was crowded with onlookers, they looked at this group of mighty soldiers in surprise.

Someone asked: "What are you going to do?"

The soldiers will reply loudly: "Let's fight the demons~!"

"Go kick the **** of the undead high priest~!"


Whenever this time, there will be soldiers happily singing their own songs, satirizing the undead and the undead high priest.

Every time this time, there is always a burst of cheerful laughter.

Although marching all the way from the Bayer area in the rear. After thousands of miles, the conditions were difficult, but the soldiers of the Holy See under him were still morale high.

This made Cardinal Sandos very satisfied, and let the world see that these were soldiers he had trained, and all of them were elite.

After Almohad’s conquest of Hardu, Sandos, a brilliant star in the Holy See, immediately became the focus of Vatican’s training.

Although there is no way to compare with the daughter of the gods Shilmeria, the promotion of cardinal in her thirties is rarely seen in history.

Moreover, at the same time, he was also ordered to be responsible for the recruitment and organization of a regular army of 100,000 people in the Bayer area, and he was the commander in chief. Cope with the coming war.

Cardinal Sandos became a confidant of His Majesty the Pope Neodos, and Lord Lorraine was draped behind him.

And Sandos is also determined to repay His Majesty the Pope for his kindness.

Without Hillmelia's support during the critical period, he might not be able to withstand the tremendous pressure. Became a deserter like a coward, and then spent his entire life in the jokes of everyone with a slur on his back.

At the thought of that situation, Santos felt terrified.

After taking the order, Cardinal Sandos went into work with full enthusiasm. The boarding and lodging training were all in the barracks, and he became a part of the soldiers. It's getting rid of clothes and pushing food again, and it's also asking for warmth. Anyway, how disgusting. Finally won the respect and love of all soldiers.

A corps he originally led was dismantled and distributed to additional troops, training the whole army by veterans and recruits.

Having fought, especially after so many defeats, Cardinal Sandos has a very deep understanding of war.

Knowing that fighting is not just about bravery and enthusiasm. War is a very professional matter, involving all aspects.

The recruitment, formation, training of soldiers, feeding them, giving them suitable clothes and armor, training and quality of officers.

How to improve logistical support, if the enemy's intelligence is obtained... Waiting for things outside of these operations are as important as commanding the battle.

Even camping and drinking water have a lot of professional knowledge.

After more than half a year of training. He successfully turned the papal patrons of the Holy See into qualified soldiers, instead of a group of knights from all sides, a mob.

The patrons themselves have a good foundation. No matter what they say, they are regular knights who have passed several years of assessment and have obtained certificates. In order to ensure their combat effectiveness, the Holy See also trains and assesses them every year.

So on. The mission of Sandos and the officers is quite simple. Just teach them how to fight together like a soldier. Unlike the dead people who come from La Zhuangding, they have to turn left and right. Time of month.

Therefore, judging from the mental outlook and marching queue of the soldiers of the Bayer Legion, the Bayer Legion under Santos's current command should be among the top papal patrons.

This is not the humility of Cardinal Sandos. The Holy See is so big, there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and there are many people who are capable and related.

The Archbishop of Thessaly, Delphi, and Cardinal Kalambaka, are also personal talents in the military. His skills are much better than his half-way monk.

Sandos dare to say that the army in Thessaly district must be no worse than him.

Looking at the constant stream of soldiers in front of him, Sandos smiled with satisfaction and said loudly: "Brothers, work harder, Cardinal Evari is waiting for our support."

"Yes~!" The officer beside him yelled, shouting loudly: "Brothers, get up, the first person who rushed to Delong will have a bed to sleep."

The soldiers who had been sleeping and sleeping for more than half a month became energetic when they heard the words and shook off and sprinted forward. Deron was right in front of them. Of course, their 100,000 soldiers could not all live in Deron City. Multiple people.

Only a few lucky people can get a comfortable bed in the city, not to mention having a bed.

Being in the city means being able to have a drink in a tavern, having a good meal in a restaurant, or... strolling in the red light district of the city.

Of course people who can only be stationed outside the city are not treated like this.

The eager soldiers even ran quickly, past their companions, causing shouts of curses from the surrounding people.

Several legions in front rushed to Deron in a scramble.

Sandos smiled slightly, kicked the horse's belly and was about to advance, and rushed towards a group of embarrassed knights.

The armors on their bodies were painted with eye-catching golden crosses, indicating that they were also patrons of the Holy See.

But each of these people was wounded, their heads, arms, and legs were covered with gauze. The armor was covered with traces of sharp blades, and dark red blood stains had been dried.

There was another person behind him who was fastened to the horse by a rope. He had apparently passed out in a coma, with two feather arrows wiping his back.

At first glance, these people have experienced fierce battles, and even the battle immediately is bloodied.

The officer of the Bayer Legion who led them came forward to salute and said, "My lord, they asked to see my lord."

A middle-aged knight headed up to the front slowly raised his injured arm and said: "We are Captain Keno of the 63rd Army Corps in Rotgaron District. Excuse me, who are you?"

The scars on the knights were shocking, and Sandos felt a little in his heart. This was not a good sign. He said in a deep voice, "I am the commander of the Bayer regiment. Rot Gallon...what happened?"

"It turned out to be Lord Sandos." Keno bowed immediately, with a little excitement, and said: "Rot Gallon, Rot Gallon is gone."

"What~!" Sandos exclaimed, and said loudly: "How is it possible?"

With a sad expression on Keno's face, he said: "The demons have gathered hundreds of war fortresses, we..."

Sandos murmured: "Hundreds? There shouldn't be so many~!

The information does not mean that they only have a hundred seats left. "

Keno said affirmatively: "My lord, this is what we saw with our own eyes."

Sandos asked anxiously: "Your lord? Where is Cardinal Evari? How about the hundreds of thousands of Rot Gallon?"

"My lord, it should have been..." Keno looked back at the west and said bitterly: "Martyred. When we finally saw the lord, he was surrounded by a group of dark wizards.

In the entire Rotgaron Legion, there may be only a few of us left. "

In an instant, Sandos’s brain was blank, and hundreds of thousands of people in the diocese of Rot Gallon were wiped out. Vatican still believed that without a war fortress, the enemy could not easily break Rot Gallon. With a hundred thousand people, it should be no problem to keep the enemy thousands of miles away from It seems that all of their estimates are too optimistic.

"What to do, what to do?" Sandos asked himself repeatedly in his heart. At this moment, his brain was in chaos and he couldn't think of anything.

"My lord, my lord." The guard next to him carefully pushed Santos, and the soldiers next to him also stopped, looking at their commander in surprise and anxiety.

Santos shook suddenly, sobered up, and said anxiously: "How far is the enemy from us?"

"The war fortress is available at any time," Keno said with a worried expression: "The demon army, two days, up to three days."

Sandos turned his head and stared at Deron's city wall, and for a while, he was quite strange in his heart.

But in the next moment, he suddenly understood: Now~! Here~! This is the last line of defense before Vantino.

And he and his Bayer Legion are the only Holy See powers to stop the Vatican and the demons~!

Thinking of this, Santos shuddered, and suddenly his brain flashed, and he said loudly: "Find the nearest telegraph station and send a letter to Vatican~!

The forward doubled its strength to investigate forward. The army immediately entered the city.

Order the entire army, the demons are about to be killed, in any case, we must defend the city of Deron and buy time for Vatican~! "

(To be continued)

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