Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1291: Puppet emperor

When discussing with Belen and sending him out of the room, Lorraine found that the sky was already bright. M

A bright red rising sun has appeared on the horizon, and Nedel City wakes up from the quiet sleep of the night, gradually becoming more and more noisy.

Although the weather today is very good, there is a light gray mist floating above the city, and there is an indescribable choking smell in the air.

The night shift workers who worked all night walked tiredly from their respective posts, while the day shift workers walked into the workshop vigorously, ready to start a busy day of work.

Selling breakfast on the street is the busiest time, waiting for the customers of freshly baked bread to grow a long one in front of the stall.

The sounds of selling, arguing, shouting of cattle, the hustle of wheels rolling over the stone road...All kinds of sounds gathered together to form a huge noise that enveloped the entire city.

If you first come to Nydal City and see this situation, you might think that this emerging city is no different from other prosperous cities in the world. They all lived the monotonous life of rising sun and resting at sunset, which was the most common in this feudal era.

In fact, if you live in this city, you will find that since the city entered the industrial age, it has never fallen asleep again.

Although many people fall asleep at night, the factories around Nydel City are full of smoke billowing from morning to night, and then from night to morning, twenty-four hours a day.

The huge furnace of the iron and steel plant has hot molten steel all year round. When the hot red molten iron was poured, it appeared to be like the eruption of hell's magma.

In addition, various machines make deafening noises.

Even in the Governor's Mansion, you can hear the whistle of the train.

The train carried carts of coal and ore into Neidel, and at the same time brought more valuable manufactured products, weapons made of standard parts, light and strong armor, and steel farm tools. Metal bolts and screws, new artillery, and complete sets of steam engine equipment were shipped out.

They were transported to Constantine and the major cities in the east of the Ruman Empire.

In silence, occasionally the crisp jingle from the steel mill can be heard.

Although these kinds of factories and enterprises all have high energy consumption and high pollution. But it also shows the unique powerful and vigorous vitality of human society after entering the industrial age.

In the words of Lord Luo Jue, there is no heavy pollution, no misty weather where you can't see your fingers, and a society where there is no PM 2.5 meter explosion, can it be called an industrial society?

Therefore, after Lord Luo gave away Belem. As usual when I was fine, I would stand in front of the window, looking at the chimneys with billowing black smoke in the distance with a sense of accomplishment.

Although the horn of war had been sounded, and the undead and demons came across the sea again, Sir Alex Ferguson was not worried.

Although the undead high priest is Niu 13, he is not a god, otherwise he would not be defeated by humans in the War of the Saints.

Sir Alex Ferguson is a big capitalist with a powerful industry. Lead him by an entire era.

Although the high priest has been preparing for this war for a thousand years, mankind has also prepared for a thousand years. Moreover, Ferguson has a strong industrial production capacity. Human strength will inevitably fly over several steps.

Therefore, in the face of the death frenzy of the high priest, mankind may suffer a major setback, but it will eventually win the war.

At this moment, Lorraine Husi heard the sound of footsteps.

Lorraine turned around and took a look, and saw the second master Leo Lei wearing pajamas, rubbing his wistful eyes and walking into the study.

Seeing a room full of people, the chairman of the Flying Eagle Group gave a "hey" in surprise and said, " get up so early?"

Looking at Lorraine and Catherine's bloodshot eyes, Chairman Leo was taken aback. Then he laughed and said: "You won't play until midnight again? Really, how old people are..."

At this time, Chairman Leo suddenly felt a familiar pain from the back of his waist. From this position, with this intensity, Chairman Leo didn't have to look back. He hurriedly smiled attentively and said, "Melena, you also got up early."

There was a grunt of dissatisfaction behind her. Melina, who was dressed more beautifully than a doll, walked in like an adult pushing the dining car. When she passed by Leo, she looked up and didn't look at it. He pushed Leo hard and said, "Get out of the way."

Leo hurriedly jumped away.

Melina pushed the dining car to the front of the crowd, and then took a cup of hot tea and hot milk from the car, and handed them to Lorraine and Catherine one by one, and said: "Seeing everyone did not sleep all night, I prepared some breakfast , Hurry up and eat while it's hot."

Catherine took a cup of hot tea, patted Melina on the top of the head approvingly, and smiled with satisfaction: "We, Melina, are much more intimate than my stupid brother."

"It's really lying down and shot." Chairman Leo murmured a few times, then looked at Lorraine and said: "Boss, you haven't slept all night?"

Lorraine handed Fengye Danlin's battle report to Leo, couldn't help but yawn, patted his mouth and said, "Yes, we have been waiting for this all night."

Chairman Leo picked up the telegram and glanced at it, then gloated, "Fengye Danlin will be sad for the future."

"Oh" Catherine raised her eyes to stare at Leo, and said, "Why did you even say?"

Leo flicked a telegram and said, "It's so unclear, since you can't buy something at fifty dollars, you have to increase the price to one hundred.

The undead have not gnawed down with a hundred war fortresses, and they will definitely use two hundred in the future. Even three hundred people came to bite this hard bone.

Fengye Danlin's air combat will only get harder and harder in the future, depending on who can't hold on first. "

After hearing Lorraine's inference about the situation of the battle just now, Adele's worries have not diminished much.

She knew that Lorraine made a lot of sense.

The undead clan will not let the Maple Leaf Danlin go. If it fails this time, there will be another one, and it will be more intense than the first time.

Now, what Leo said seemed to be worse than expected. Adele couldn't sit still, looked at Lorraine, and asked with concern: "Can we do something?"

Lorraine thought for a while, then shook his head helplessly, and said: "We are too far away, beyond the reach. It's air combat again. Flying Eagle Group can play a limited role.

If it is a ground battle, we can send security forces to strengthen Fengye Danlin. "

Leo pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: "Before the air battle is determined, they will not launch a ground battle straight to Fengye Danlin."

Adele couldn't help sighing in disappointment. Let her sit in the back and watch the battle of the Maple Leaf Danlin, which is more sad than her own in the Maple Leaf Danlin.

Catherine suddenly asked: "Doesn't our group still have a war fortress of the coalition?"

Chairman Leo pouted his lips and said: "Most of them are experimental models of all sorts of weirdness, and they don't have the capability of air combat."

As he said, Chairman Leo raised his finger and said like a few Jiazhen: "A squadron is a professional bomber, not to mention its slow speed. There is no weapon for self-defense.

The other squadron is an aerial battleship with enhanced artillery. That thing is basically a money-burning thing, and it looks like it has a lot of firepower, but experiments have shown that they are not suitable for high-speed air combat.

Only one squadron is a high-altitude, high-speed reconnaissance and interception type with enhanced speed, but they are simply a bunch of small white faces in the air.

In pursuit of speed, protection is sacrificed, and it is not suitable for high-intensity, long-term air combat.

Moreover, the air defense mission of our Nian'an industrial center is still counting on this squadron. "

The war fort built by the Flying Eagle Group is equipped with many strange things. It has also been given tasks that are different from other war fortresses, mainly to verify the combat effectiveness of various models.

The Alchemy Research Institute has a special department researching these things, and a bunch of wicked guys disassemble and assemble different weapons on it all day long.

Catherine finished listening. Can only helplessly shook his head.

"Let's Nian'an don't have any accidents." Chairman Leo threw the telegram away, with his hands behind his back, and his stomach was stretched leisurely. year.

Now the undead has not awakened, and I don't know the true strength of our Nian. "

Chairman Leo stared at the chimney far outside the window with his hands on his back, and said, "When they wake up, they will definitely come to Nian to make trouble.

Apart from other things, a railway alone is enough to support the role of half a million people. "

Catherine and the others fell silent, sipping the hot milk in the cup. Although they didn't say it, they all admitted in their hearts that Leo had a point.

Only they, the proprietresses of the Flying Eagle Group, knew how important Nian's military industry was.

Nian, this monster, how many resources and finished goods are produced every month.

To transport them. How much wagons and manpower need to be arranged.

Even the artillery and shells used by the Maple Leaf Danlin War Fortress were produced in Nyan.

Without ammunition, even more guns are useless.

Lorraine grabbed the small snacks on the dinner plate and stuffed them indiscriminately, drank the hot tea in the cup in one sip, swallowed them all with a scream, and gave a full hiccup.

Then he threw down the tea cup, stretched a big lazy waist, and told Leo: "Don't go out and run around today. Someone at home must be squatting on duty. Fengye Danlin won't be able to fight in the next three days, but it's hard to say elsewhere.

Let's get some sleep, and there is no need to wake me up if there is no bad news. "

Chairman Leo nodded reluctantly. He belongs to the long nails on his butt, and suffocating him to death at home.

But the matter was important, and the chairman said helplessly: "Well, I had planned to go to the Firearms Bureau to see a new thing today, but I had to postpone it.

Huh... By the way, I can ask them to bring things here. "

Catherine patted the chubby face of Chairman Leo, and said, "It's up to you, but if you dare to run around without doing business, I will cancel your pocket money for the next ten years."

Chairman Leo nodded with an awe-inspiring expression.

A few hours later, when Lorraine was sleeping deep with Adele in his arms, the door slammed.

Lorraine suddenly woke up, immediately jumped up from the bed, rushed to open the door in two steps, and said anxiously: "What happened?"

Leo's feet were still about to kick the door. Seeing Lorraine and Catherine sitting up while rubbing his eyes, he hurriedly put his feet down, put his hands on his back and made an innocent look, and said: "The boy De Rossi said Emperor."

"Proclaim the emperor~!?" Lorraine asked, his mind still not clear for a while.

Leo spread his hands and said, "I said this news is not important, but Belen has to inform the boss."

"Speak more clearly?" Lorraine frowned.

Leo said in one breath as if he was reciting a textbook: "Following the latest news, King De Rossi of Leiria announced today that he will be emperor. He established the De Rossi Empire and proclaimed himself emperor. He also issued a message saying that the goal is unification. mainland."

Lorraine's sleepiness instantly flew away with wings, turning around and grabbing his coat. Walking outside while putting on his clothes, he said, "It wasn't like this in the last war. What did the undead want to do?

proclaim oneself emperor? Isn't it just a puppet regime?

Do so many monster moths..."

The news of the establishment of the De Rossi empire leads to the mainland along the telegraph line. This news is as touching as the air battle of Fengye Danlin. The first time the street news, the big people are thinking nervously, what is hidden behind this news significance. What kind of impact will it have on the future... After midnight and a full day flight, the undead war fortress retreating from Fengye Danlin is worthy of flying to this three or four hours when the energy crystal has only the last three or four hours left. The destination of the expedition, Leiria, Ryde.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and Lich Enes stood nervously in front of the war fortress, staring at the human city below, with infinite feelings in his heart.

Flew all the way, over a distance of six thousand miles. Flying through countless cities and villages in the country, and appearing at the feet of the Lich Enes, there are always fields criss-crossed by the paddock. There are numerous villages and towns, as well as prosperous cities.

Lich Enes secretly sighed that humans are indeed much richer than the Semitic.

Although the human population is five times that of the Semites, this land is so rich that even on a per capita basis, it still exceeds the Semites.

Lich Enes also deeply understood in his heart why the high priest and the Semitic never forget this land.

Only with a large population and abundant resources can more mages be born.

Because of this, the number of human elemental wizards steadily occupy the top spot. And their dark mages, even if they have the benefits of immortality, their numbers are still shrinking.

The more he understood the necessity of capturing the human continent, the more disturbed Lich Enes felt.

He messed up a crucial step in the high priest's plan.

"No, that Liberati screwed it up," Enes the Lich said silently in his heart many times. Make yourself convinced that it was Liberati, the deceased lich, and not that he lost the offensive and returned.

The figure of Ryder City was getting bigger and bigger in the eyes of the Lich Enes, and he was surprised to find that the city under his feet was actually bright and colorful.

In the fields outside the city, more than one hundred war fortresses stopped in disorder. Little bonfires are as dense as stars-these war fortresses covered the landing of the navy's first main fleet, and then unexpectedly wiped out the peacekeeping forces.

Although these powerful war machines are brightly lit, compared with the nearby Ryder City, they are like the light of a firefly and the gap between the torch.

Lich Enes wondered in his heart, and said secretly: "What's going on? What else is there in this city?"

With doubts in his heart, Lich Enes led the remaining hundred war fortresses after the battle and landed near the village outside Ryder.

A bright flag is hung in front of the villagers' houses.

Lich Enes glanced briefly, he could clearly feel the breath of human life in the small village, but he couldn't see anyone. It seemed that they all hid in the house in fear.

"These lowly people are only worthy to tremble in front of us." Lich Enes carried the pride of the immortal in his heart, and did not dare to stay for a moment, and flew into the city of Ryder.

At this time, Ryder City was newly decorated, and the streets were covered with red and green, but the ruins of the city destroyed during the war were hard to cover.

Most of the city has been razed to the ground, only the inner city is still intact.

The inner city is more lively, the streets are illuminated by lanterns, and the streets are crowded. Most of them are Semitic soldiers and dark wizards who come with the war fortress, seeming to celebrate the victory.

Lich Enes snorted angrily, and the laughter from under his feet sounded a bit sharp in his ears, as if everyone was mocking his failure.

A few minutes later, the Lich Enes saw the high priest with the army in the palace.

The high priest himself seemed to be in a good mood, with a rare smile on his face.

Seeing the Lich Enes, the high priest waved to him intimately and said, "My dear Enes, where is Liberati?"

The Lich Enes took a deep breath, with a sad expression, and said, "Thank you, Sir, he is dead."

"Oh?" The high priest was stunned for a moment, his face immediately sank, and said: "How did the battle result?"

"This..." The Lich Enes was embarrassed, hesitated for a few seconds, bit the bullet and said: "Maple Leaf Danlin, it's really hard to fight."

"I ask you how the battle ended?" The high priest scolded with a stern face. He has always hated such vague words.

The Lich Enes shivered, bowed his head, and said anxiously: "We failed and failed to destroy Maple Leaf Danlin's war fortress and construction workshop. These are all Liberati..."

"How much did you lose?" The high priest glared at the face of Lich Enes, and asked coldly.

"Three... thirty-two." Lich Enes raised his head and peeped at the high priest and then hesitated.


Hearing this, even the face of the entourage beside the high priest changed. The amount of loss was too great.

The high priest was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "What do you think?"

The Lich Enes hurriedly defended himself: "It's Liberati's wanton..."

"I didn't ask you." The high priest raised his hand to stop the Lich Enes, looked at a person beside him, and said, "Sir, what do you think?"

Lich Enes suddenly turned around, and saw the undead who was regarded as the guest of honor by the high priest calmly walked over and nodded to the high priest, saying: "The enemy is unknown, the intelligence is wrong, and the command is wrong.

It is the responsibility of the commander~! "

A word made Lich Enes like an ice cellar. RQ

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