Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1238: game over?

On the steps of the third floor of Leo Station, overlooking the noisy stockholders in the trading hall, his face was composed

At this time, the pointer on the huge clock in front of the trading floor slowly pointed to nine o'clock.

In the eyes of investors, the staff walked up to the trading card, waved the wooden hammer, and struck the golden gong in front of them three times.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The market is open~

The stock investors who were waiting outside cheered and rushed forward immediately. The trading window was suddenly crowded and airtight.

In just a few seconds, the originally quiet and tidy hall was full of people, noisy, and extremely lively.

Completely different from the noise downstairs, all the executives and stock market director Higgins of the Flying Eagle Group on the third floor of the trading hall stood silently.

They looked down at the busy and nervous investors downstairs, with unspeakable emotions in their eyes: compassion, coldness, ridicule, sympathy, gloating... etc. It seemed to be looking at a group of ignorant lambs. Take the initiative to walk into the mouth of the wolf

As the supervisor of the stock market, Director Higgins has mixed tastes in his heart, and his eyes are complicated to look at the back of Chairman Leo ahead.

The stock market has become so prosperous, and Higgins has always been complacent about it. In any case, there is a huge credit for him that cannot be ignored.

Originally, he only needed to be a small middle-level bureaucrat, because he showed his commercial talents in coordinating the work of the Flying Eagle Shipyard, and he was chosen by Lorraine to become the supervisor of the stock exchange who no one knew what he was doing.

When the stock exchange was half alive, Higgins also doubted his own future and always remembered whether he had inadvertently offended Lord Luo or Erye Lei, which made the two bad guys take private revenge. , Transfer yourself to this place

But now, he is the hottest celebrity in the officialdom of Nidal, and his fate is like a roller coaster, and a big turn of 180 degrees has come.

Now that Mr. Higgins is mentioned, who would not know?

It's just like a dream

The former pauper Higgins, the unpromising Higgins...Higgins with countless negative attributives before his name has now become Mr. Higgins

Mr. Higgins

Mr. Higgins, Director of the Stock Exchange

Mr. Higgins in charge of stocks worth hundreds of millions of gold coins


He has become a big man almost in an instant

Even the wife who used to scold him for nothing, now she is bowing her head to her ears

The invitations and gifts sent into the house every day pile up the table

When ordinary people see him, they will always take off their hats and respectfully call "Master Higgins"

The people who waited for him to get off work and waited to entertain him at night have been exhausted at the door

Little nobles, wealthy merchants, landlords... these people with above-the-top eyes, whenever they see Director Higgins, they will always greet him politely.

Even if it is the city lord, ministers who are more expensive than the princes, they will pat his shoulder affectionately and call out a brother.

In addition, you can go straight to the Governor’s Mansion every day and meet the Governor of Lorraine directly.

In the face of so much boasting, it’s impossible to say that I don’t feel ecstatic

His Higgins stock exchange is in charge of dozens of listed companies’ outstanding shares, with a total value of more than 100 million gold coins, and more than one million cash flows in the stock market every day.

Just ask, who else manages more money in this world?

Finished this job, the future is promising

It is impossible for the stock exchange to be opened only in Nidal City. On the magnificent blueprint of Chairman Leo, Ruman City and Fengye Danlin will build stock exchanges with a large scale and financing.

It may be possible to drive to Semitic land

Leo is determined to recruit powerful companies from all over the world and put them in his own case

In the words of the chairman, "all the heroes of the world are in my bow and quiver"

At that time, Director Higgins will be the main cadre of Chairman Lei Da, and he will be in charge of thousands or tens of thousands of stocks, with billions or tens of billions of funds.

And he will be famous throughout the continent

But he was woken up early this morning, and then he was called into Chairman Leo’s office. After listening to Chairman Leo’s plan, Higgins suddenly understood that the stock market he was proud of was just a tool.

A financial tool used by Lorraine and Leiou to accumulate money and manipulate the market...Bahhhhhhhh...It was used by Lord Luo and Erye Lei to'prevent the world from being destroyed, to protect world peace, to implement love and justice... …Finally realize the world of harmony, so that all people have food, clothing, clothing and money to gamble on financial tools in Leo’s language

The so-called billions of wealth is not in the eyes of Chairman Leo. As long as people gently press their fingers, they can ruin many people's fortunes.

Not only Leo, who is the heir to the Ruman Empire, but even the executives of several major companies in the Flying Eagle Group, did not put the stock market in their eyes.

These managers who have grown up with the Flying Eagle Group have a broad vision, and they have a clear understanding of the role of the stock market in their hearts.

The so-called stock market and stock price are not all under the manipulation of these companies, funds, and institutions?

When you want to go up and down, it’s just a matter of their crooked mouth, one sentence

What those investors earn is just a little bit of scum from their lips

The means of production in the hands of the Flying Eagle Group are the real wealth

This made Higgins feel a little disappointed. He secretly guessed: After today has passed, I am afraid that he will not be as popular as before.

And after seeing the real power, even if he hears the praise of those people again, he can hardly be as happy as before. It's like the half-orc proverb: The eagle who has seen the blue sky will never care. The call of the toad in the ditch

Although he feels a little suspicious, but at this time, he is standing straight. After all, it is the second master Leo Lei who is standing in front of them.

Although he is still young, Higgins, including everyone in this room, will not be confused by this superficial appearance, even trembling, afraid to slacken a little.

This white and fat little fat man is an out-and-out big capitalist, a financial crocodile and a cruel emperor with unlimited power in the future.

Behind him, there are Catherine of Lorraine, Grand Duke Julian... and so on, a group of experienced politicians who have supported the world.

Fooling him is not only joking about his own future but also about his own wealth and life~

After a while, Chairman Leo Leo suddenly sighed and said old-fashioned: "Capital comes to the world, from head to toe, every pore is dripping with blood and dirty things."

There is a sense of loneliness in the tone of an invincible master

The managers looked at each other in surprise, wondering in their hearts, which one did the chairman sing? Although this sentence says a lot of it is sharp and poetic and philosophical

If you are in peacetime, everyone will naturally make fun of flattering, what is the talent, the literary talent is flying, the purple spirit is coming from the east..., but...

However, the Flying Eagle Group is not the biggest capitalist

How can you curse yourself for playing like this?

Just as they looked at each other and didn’t know what to do, Chairman Leo waved his hand, and commanded without looking back: “Take down this sentence. The boss I said has agreed to let this sentence fall on mine. Your name, don’t let future generations make a mistake.”

The manager behind Leo was taken aback, and then he couldn't help but cry, "Yes"

Working under this boss is good, with high wages and good benefits, but the chairman makes some amazing moves from time to time, which really caught them off guard

It seems that he is satisfied with a famous saying that can be passed down through the ages. Chairman Leo explained unfinishedly: "Capital is a monster that can swallow all monsters. We must put this monster in the iron cage of power, and we cannot let capital control it. Right, otherwise it will be the end of the empire"

The managers looked at each other and saw the vigilance in each other's eyes

They don’t think that Lei Erye is just an explanation, it is very likely to be a warning to them.

Everyone hurriedly responded respectfully "Yes"

The voices were smaller than what a big student was afraid of agreeing, making Erye Lei's watchful eyes fall on him.

Immediately, he also made up his mind secretly.

"Then start." Leo didn't know his own words at all, and had already caused a series of complex and arduous psychological struggles in the hearts of all the bigwigs. He pointed to the stock trading card in the lobby, and then said: "Give them Let them know who is the boss here~

Let me give you a lesson, don’t play games with the people who set the rules, because we cheat is also part of the rules"

The date on the trading card is showing as June 5th


Ragnar took a brisk dance to the steps of the stock exchange. When passing by the copper bull in front of the door, he saw several investors who were piously worshiping gods, stroking the bright horns of the bull, and still muttering words.

Ragnar sneered and cursed in his heart: Poor ghosts are only worthy to pray here. Uncle, I am the manipulator of the stock market.

He turned around triumphantly, stepped across the crowd and walked towards the lobby. When he raised his eyes, he saw a large line of golden letters on the lintel, "The stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market.

Ragnar sneered, raised two middle fingers and gestured viciously at the door, and whispered: "There is indeed a risk, but it is for the poor."

After entering the lobby, Ragnar glanced at the stock price card first, and Feiying Railway topped the list at 19.7, and then walked into his private room.

As soon as he opened the door, a middle-aged man in a housekeeper's costume greeted him. The middle-aged man stared at him with an unpleasant expression and asked, "You are late."

Ragnar gave him a blank look, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and said: "Nosy."

He is also extremely dissatisfied that the investor sent this guy to supervise himself

As the saying goes, suspicious people don’t need it. Employers don’t doubt that those investors give money to themselves to invest for them, and they send such a wicked dog to watch. How can I set up a small vault privately and how to build a rat warehouse?

"You~" The butler was so angry that he could only shake his hand in the end and said, "I have delayed the master's major event, and it depends on how you explain it."

Ragnar scolded angrily: "There is a lot of nonsense, I don't want to stay away. Your dog will look at the stock price outside. Is it possible that the * may fall?"

Later, Ragnar slammed the newspaper heavily on the assistant next to him and said, "Open your dog's eyes and read the newspaper by yourself. It is not the same warning except for two weak calls. Now who can Stop us?

It was a mistake to ask you to come, and I won’t be able to help at all, idiot idiot~"

The housekeeper shivered with anger, then turned around and slammed the door out.

Ragnar snorted triumphantly, sat down with a triumphant smile, took the cigar from Lord Dunkel from his arms and held it in his mouth, recalling the carnival of last night in his heart, muttering to himself: "That The little wild cat is so slanderous. After earning this money, I will go home and open a brothel."

Ragner leaned his leg on the table while venting smoke rings, while the Chinese website rose a little, patted his thigh happily, calculating how much commission he could earn after polishing

The number estimated in his mind made Ragnar's face bloomed with joy, and he secretly said: "I can't go with so much money, so I just don't leave and stay in Nyan's stocks."

Just as he was thinking about the future, the door slammed open and the assistant rushed in.

Ragnar was taken aback, and said dissatisfiedly: "It's frizzy, what the **** are you doing?"

"I fell, I am falling~" The assistant applied in a panic, pointing to the direction of the hall and yelling loudly.

Ragner looked at the stock price and asked in confusion: "It's down? Shouldn't it, it's not over twenty"

The assistant waved his hands anxiously and said, "I really fell~"

Ragnar pushed away his assistant vigorously, walked out the door quickly, and said, "I'll go and see."

Sure enough, the listed price of the Feiying Railway on the lobby has dropped to 19.5

Shareholders are discussing again whether this is a repeat of the small decline and the big rebound a few days ago. The big investors are playing in the Qingren again.

Most people's opinions are to observe and see

Ragnar lay on the railing, wringing his brows, and said inwardly that it’s not normal.

Then he walked quickly to another private room, opened the door without knocking, and said before entering the door: "Who of you left?"

Lord Dunkel and Sir Rooney Carr were in the room, and both of them looked gloomy and shook their heads.

Lord Dunkel said: "We are just about to find you"

Ragnar was about to speak when he was hit **** his back. Ragnar staggered forward, holding down the chair next to him before falling to the ground.

Rydberg, who rushed in, fell a somersault, and shouted before he got up, "Which one of you threw it? It's not interesting enough, why don't you mention it~"

Lord Dunkel gave him a stern look, walked over and looked out the door, then locked the door, and said, "Are you afraid that others won't hear?"

Rydberg got up embarrassedly, his face flushed, and said: "But, why did it suddenly fall? We didn't discuss it."

Lord Dunkel's stout fingers poked Rydberg's chest hard, and said: "No one of us throws it, thinking that everyone is as timid as you?"

Redberg's face was flushed, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves, and said dryly: "That's good, that's good, but why does the stock price fall?"

Ragnar thought for a moment, and said: "If we don't throw it, it doesn't mean that others don't throw it. There are still more than three million shares in others' hands."

Redberg panicked: "What do we do?"

Ragnar sat down and pondered for a long time, and said, "If you want to play, just play with the big ones. How much money do you have?"

Lord Dunkel laughed and said confidently: "As much as you want"

"These rich locals are rich~" Ragnar cursed in his heart, and said: "Then let it fall first. We will raise money now. After a few points, we will eat again. As long as we can master 300 Ten thousand shares, the stock price depends on ours"

Lord Dunkel patted Ragnar on the shoulder and said with a smile: "At the critical moment, it's better for your kid to be calm. Just do what you say, but I'm taking the lead. If anyone dares to cash out and leave, I will Let him make life and make lifeless flowers~"

Redberg and Ragnar were shocked by Lord Dunkel’s vicious words. Ragnar felt a little more at ease. His backstage was only stronger than Lord Dunkel’s.

Rydberg was frightened and anxious. As far as power is concerned, he is naturally far behind a nobleman from a businessman.

Ragner and Redberg walked out of the box, they looked at each other, Redberg nodded and turned and walked away with a deep kick

Ragnar returned to his box and immediately drafted a telegram for his assistant to send to Fengye Danlin.

On the same day, the stock price of Flying Eagle Railway began to fall for the second time

From 19.7 to 19.5, it was already at 19:00 when the market was closed

Someone is throwing a lot of stocks in exchange for cash

Now the retail investors who throw in the stocks have become much smarter after the last shock. Most of them are reluctant to sell, and plan to observe for a few days before talking.

As soon as the stock market opened the next day, the stock price still fell all the way and fell below 19 in an instant.

A large number of stocks were immediately sold off, only the market was closed to prevent the stocks from falling sharply, leaving everyone a night to think about their own fate

In the next few days, the stock of Feiying Railway continued to fall, and it fell to the fifteenth price at the opening. Someone from started to take in the shares of Flying Eagle Railway

The telecommunications company got busy once, and the people who lined up for the telegrams to be sent and received every day could stay up all night but don’t know why. Tietong Telecom’s telegrams often have problems, and sometimes intermittently, the telegrams sent are also Words do not express the meaning, always make mistakes

Immediately afterwards, large sums of cash flooded into Neidel again

Ragnar received a sum of two million in financial aid, along with the money came with a strong-worded telegram from Lord De Rossi. This money is of great significance and requires him to only make money but not lose money.

Ragner slapped his chest and promised that he would be profitable because Lord Dunkel and they raised more cash than him.

Just as Ragner and Lord Dunkel were optimistic and ready to completely control the stock price of Flying Eagle Group, Nian’s official newspaper, "Nian’an Daily" published a special issue titled "The situation is very good, and the Flying Eagle Railway officially issued additional shares. 》

In Nyan’s Governor’s Mansion, Chairman Leo spread out the newly printed newspaper, looked at the eye-catching headline on it, smiled slightly, and said: "The game is over~" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote. Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation)

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