Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 981: Open the door and check the water meter!

At the end of April 793 in the mainland calendar, Roland used a private chat to contact Panda.

"Are you free lately?" he asked.

Panda was stunned for a moment, and said, "Just tell me if you have something to do. Don't ask me if I'm free. If it's serious business, I'll definitely be free."

"We've found the suspect behind this necromancer outbreak." Roland said, "We're going to arrest him in two days, will you go with me?"

"Of course!" Panda laughed, "Of course I won't miss this kind of thing!"

So he discussed it with a few friends and asked someone to help "replace the class". He took the time to go back to the castle to have a good sleep, adjusted his state, and then set off for the Republic of Laika in West Brunei to meet Roland and others.

The meeting place is in West Brunei, the capital of the Republic. In this city known as the "City of Killer Whales", flags marked by tigers and whales are hung everywhere. Fishing and hunting started, and although the country here has changed several times, the worship of killers and whales has always been one of the hallmarks of their culture.

In Laika, out of ten names of chambers of commerce, four are probably related to beasts, four are related to big guys in the sea, and the remaining two may be other. And people's names tend to be the same - "Tiger" is the most common name for men in Laika, "Will" is the second most common name, as for the various nicknames for "tiger" and "whale", the usage rate Also high.

When it comes to nicknames, this is even more pronounced. If you shout "Brother Tiger" in a tavern in Laika, at least six or seven strong men will come to you; if you shout "Big Whale" on the pier, more sailors will respond.

The person Panda and the others are looking for this time is also called Tiger.

However, unlike other "Tiger", his name is not "Tiger", but "Tiger".

Throughout the Western Continent, there are many people with the surname "Tiger", but the most famous is the famous Tiger family in Laika. This family is one of the real power factions in the Republic of Western Brunei. Long before the establishment of the Republic, it was a marquis, and it was the top one among the marquis. Even if the Republic had not been established, they would have been dukes long ago.

In the entire Western Continent, there will be no more than twenty Duke families. The Tiger family in Laika, West Brunei, is recognized as a duke without the name of a duke.

The patriarch of the contemporary Tiger family is named "Gret Don Tiger", and "Don" is a common middle word used by the nobles of Laika in West Brunei to symbolize their identity. And this Mr. Gretel, generally few people dare to call him by his name, they all call him "Tiger XIV".

This title is also one of the honorary titles commonly used by nobles. For example, Earl Tarahan can be honored as "Earl Tarahan V", and if it is someone who has a close relationship and a similar status, he will be called "Tarahan XI" - the latter refers to It is the generation after the Tarakhan family became nobles and set a family name.

Of course, there are some nobles who are not suitable for this name, such as His Majesty Zion Trela, the contemporary King of Trela.

It would be inconvenient to call him "Trella XX" - the history of the Terrera family is too long, the earliest dating back to the second era, and it is lined up from generation to generation... No one is sure whether there is How many lifetimes.

In contrast, it is more convenient to be called "Zion I" - which means that he is the first patriarch named "Zion" in the Terrera family.

A similar title is naturally the king of the Kingdom of Ellands, Katarina I.

"After our investigation, this necromancer outbreak has a lot to do with King Tiger XIV." A very secluded tavern had a "closed business" sign at the entrance, but there were two or three sitting inside the tavern. Ten priests, panda is among them. It was his friend who spoke at this moment, Roland, the most decent Templar in the line of clergy among the transmigrators.

"What kind of relationship does it have?" asked a gray-haired paladin.

As can be seen from the badge on his chest, he is a paladin of the God of Light. In Laika, West Brunswick, the Church of the God of Light has a great influence, and the "Saint" Jager is an idol worshipped by countless people.

Even so, the relationship between the Church of the God of Light and the official West Brunei is not very good - most churches and the government have a bad relationship, especially those that are more powerful.

Roland replied: "We investigated for more than a year, and finally found traces of his connection with the undead."

"What?!" Not only one paladin stood up, but there were even more people with holy flames in their eyes, as if they would call the door as soon as the news was confirmed.

"Everyone, don't be impatient!" Roland's voice increased slightly, because of the barrier of the magic circle, he was not afraid of being heard by outsiders, "Since our Church of the God of Order has called everyone here, of course we want to make this Things will be resolved. But we have to be clean and beautiful, so that no one has anything to say. It can't escalate the conflict - everyone thinks it right?"

The paladins hesitated, then sat down again.

Next, Roland showed evidence - it was a magic image, inside the image, the gray-haired Tiger XIV, who looked abnormally old, was using a crystal ball to contact someone he didn't know. After contacting him, he opened the drawer, took out a bottle of gray-green magic potion and drank it. His spirit immediately improved, and he looked much younger.

"We have found the remnants of the potion." Roland took out a sealed crystal bottle. Despite the seal, the panda still clearly felt the strong undead breath coming from the bottle.

This is almost a real hammer.

Moreover, Roland's evidence is not only that. He also used the magic circle designed by Eric to eavesdrop on a connection between the two parties.

In that paragraph, King Tiger XIV clearly stated that he would continue to cooperate with the other party and accelerate the necrosis outbreak in order to complete the experiment.

There are a few key words in it, which are very important, such as "how long do you have to experiment", "it doesn't matter how many untouchables die, but it's better to avoid nobles", "if it really doesn't work, it's okay to die a few nobles. ... In short, the success of the experiment is the most important", "This potion works very well, but I hope I can provide more", "Anyway, hurry up, I can't wait" ... and so on.

In particular, the most important thing was the discussion between the two sides about the content of the experiment. The guy on the opposite side, who didn't know his identity, told several details, and more than one of them was about the outbreak of undead. The clergy can come up with at least fifty or sixty pieces of evidence to prove that the guy who can tell these details is the mastermind behind the undead outbreak.

Not only that, Roland also eavesdropped on the information and determined that the spell used for contact was provided by necromantic magic.

Alright, that's all for sure...

So everyone stopped talking nonsense and set off one after another. Under the leadership of Roland, they rushed directly to the Tiger family.

In panda terms, this is the rhythm of "open the door and check the water meter".

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