Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 915: Fighting to recruit relatives? The big devil's stubbornness.

The opinions of several people were rejected one after another, which made everyone feel a little depressed.

The key is that they can't think of a good way to do everything.

"I think you have overlooked a big thing!" Doctor Anka tapped the table with his fingers first, attracting everyone's attention, and then said, "Even if you don't consider the beauty side, Emily Sislin herself The force is also of great value.”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all agreed.

In fact, compared to her beauty, "Tian Gong"'s own strength is more valuable.

Beauty is not that rare in this world. In Tara Khan's "Haitian Feast" held once or several times a year, there are many women with outstanding appearance and figure. Maybe they are relatively poor inwardly, without strong spirit and rich knowledge, they are just ordinary women, but in terms of beauty, it is not uncommon for them to be taller than Emmy Wei.

Those traversers who were thinking of Emi Wei obviously wanted not only "a beautiful woman", but the character "Tiangong Emi Wei".

"No, you still don't understand what I mean." Anka sighed and said, "Let me be more straightforward - Tiangong Emiwei herself, even if she is not a beauty or a woman, even if she is A strong man with a body like Yunero and a head like Atlas, her own abilities are already of great value."

Everyone nodded, but they were a little confused and didn't understand what Anka was going to say.

"Then the question is, buying and selling people is indeed a wrong behavior, but will this behavior change because of the gender, appearance, identity... and other conditions of the object being bought and sold, and the degree of error will change?" An Ka looked at everyone seriously, "Is there really a big difference between us here casually arranging her life and those who want to exchange her with DKP?"

Everyone shuddered in unison and fell into contemplation.

After a long time, Panda sighed: "Thinking about it like this, we seem to have entered a misunderstanding."

"That's right, what we thought from the very beginning was 'how to avoid the tragic sale of Emmy Wei as a beauty'... In fact, some people may not come for her beauty at all, they just want to get 'Tian Gong Ai' Mi Wei's just a legendary shooter." Sanyu thought and said slowly, "For example, Liu Daoqing. I was wondering why he also used private chat to talk to me about 'what conditions are needed to exchange Emi Wei'. What kind of thing? He obviously has a wife. But now that he thinks about it, he should just want this legendary shooter... Maybe he also wants to use her to subdue the Sislin family?"

"Yu Guo also contacted you?"

"That's right, he said that if he accepts the exchange of DKP, he can use the treasury of the Kingdom of Elanz to mobilize a large amount of materials to exchange for DKP."

"Is he not afraid that his wife will know?"

"I also asked this question at the time, and he gave me a smile - now that I think about it, he probably wanted me to think crooked..." Sanyu's face was a little gloomy, "This guy actually wants to fool me! Very courageous big..."

"He's definitely trying to fool you. The price difference between 'Mental Handicapped Beauty Amy Wei' and 'Tian Gong Amy Wei Sislin' is at least as high as a mountain." Panda laughed, "And... this The matter, his wife must know. Maybe it was just the couple who negotiated..."

The crowd laughed, then sighed again.

The problem is still not resolved.

In the midst of a sigh, Semiramis looked at Alice and said, "Actually, Alice, you can solve this matter - whether it's Norman Speak, or Brave or Emmy Way. Well, even if they are 'trophies', they are your 'trophies'. If you don't agree, who is qualified to fight?"

Alice smiled: "But, it's very interesting to watch everyone fight."

"What's so interesting about this?" Locke frowned, his eyes stern, "Don't take other people's pain as fun!"

Alice smiled, but looked at him without any hesitation: "It's a pity, I thought you, who are also self-supremacists, would be able to understand me."

"What do you want?" Panda sighed. "It's not just for the fun, right? And I'll be frank, this fun isn't fun at all!"

Alice frowned.

"According to the current situation, with the opposition of those of us, it is unlikely that the situation will eventually develop to the point of 'auction of the Tiangong'. In this case, where is the 'interesting' you want to pursue?" Panda tried hard to persuade She, "Wouldn't it be more fun to try to cure her if it's going to be fun?"

Alice shook her head: "I already have a good idea, it will be very interesting."

"What idea?" more than one person asked at once.

Alice stood up, looked at the worried and suspicious people, and smiled happily.

"I'm going to have a martial arts contest to recruit relatives."

"Competition to recruit relatives?" Panda repeated, frowning and said, "How are you going to do this 'martial arts competition'?"

"According to tradition, a one-on-one ring match." Alice said.

"Will the magicians suffer in that way?" Semiramis said.

"If you suffer, you will suffer. Do I have to tell them fairness and justice?" Alice asked with a smile, "I am willing to give them a chance, and they should thank me. As for whether I can seize the opportunity or something... No Do you have to blame others for it?"

"This is wrong!" Locke said angrily, "You have no power—"

"I have the power!" Alice interrupted him, "they are useless and have lost their lives in battle. As the ultimate victor, now their lives belong to me. I want them to live, and they live. ; I want them to die, and they die; I want to sell them, and they can only be commodities - don't try to influence me with your thoughts, that's a dream!"

Her attitude became equally severe: "I have no intention of discussing Emmy Wei's solution. If you are not convinced, you can go to the ring and fight yourself - don't think that you are noble, in fact, in front of interests, everyone The same. Some people love money, some are lustful, some are chasing fame... In my opinion, you are no more noble than other guys in the ring. Desire is desire, no matter how you hide it with ideals, the essence is the same!"

Panda sighed, "You're not a demon, there's no need to—"

"I'm a demon!" Alice interrupted him again, "let's face it! You're an orc, I'm a demon. Our memories of the past are nothing but the remnants of a short period of twenty or thirty years. And our future Life is still very long, and the race and occupation of this world are our true future. If you don’t accept this fact, you will be mentally ill!”

Sanyu frowned and tried to persuade: "But... the martial arts competition? This is too much of a joke!"

"I think it's fine." Alice smiled nonchalantly and turned to leave. "Since so many people want to get Emmy Wei, of course, they can only use their fists to talk. This method of recruiting relatives by martial arts is the most suitable!"

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