Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 848: The Oscar winner for best actor is...

The army was defeated like a mountain, and no one was an exception.

It doesn't matter whether it's a human being, an alien or a different world, or even a humanoid or something else, as long as you have a normal brain, you have emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, you can laugh, cry and be afraid, you will inevitably have low morale. It is inevitable that wolves will run wild, and soldiers will be defeated like mountains.

The same goes for the Trellans, of course.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of these two thousand elite soldiers is not weak. If the front is tough, the cannon fodder monster temporarily pulled by the passers-by may not necessarily beat them. However, the powerful fear technique jointly performed by a dozen evil-type traversers was so powerful that it directly crushed their fighting spirit. When their fighting spirit collapsed, of course they couldn't think of fighting, they just wanted to escape.

From the first person running away to the entire army running in a panic, it took no more than a minute before and after. Many people were originally in a state of anxiety, and then when they saw others running away, there was a sudden "hum" in their minds, and all other thoughts were gone, only the thought of "I want to run too".

They were all veterans and knew that once the army started fleeing, the battle was over. The only thing you can do in this situation is to run quickly, and run faster than everyone else.

There is a saying on earth, and it is also true in this world.

When a group of people encounters a tiger in the wild, you don't need to run faster than the tiger, just run faster than your mate.

Now, there are countless monsters chasing and killing, and there is even that terrifying big beetle. So what should be done?

Of course - try to run faster than others!

Two thousand people scrambled to escape, and the scene was spectacular. The passers-by watched endlessly on the spaceship, and more than one person took out the photo crystal and recorded the scene in front of him as a souvenir.

"It won't kill many people!" Locke frowned and said, "At most two or three hundred people will die... It's too cheap for them!"

Panda grabbed him tightly and persuaded: "To die so much, enough, enough!"

"Not enough! All the invaders should be killed!"

"But maybe they still have something to save! Besides, besides invading the Great Swamp, it's not like they haven't done good things... Let's look in the right direction!"

"Save a ghost! I wanted to try to save some people at the beginning, but what was the result? Don't get the Notre Dame disease, panda, let me go quickly and let me kill them all!"

"It's not about Notre Dame's disease, that's 2,000 people! Just raise your hand, treat them as a fart, and let them go!" Panda persuaded bitterly, "They suffered this time, and they shouldn't dare to dare in the future. The Great Swamp has invaded again. If they come again, I will never stop you!"

Locke struggled several times, but the panda held him tightly. His strength was a bit worse than that of the panda. Can only be angry in vain, but there is no way to rush out to kill.

Others looked at them like this, some were laughing secretly, and some people came to smooth things out.

Generally speaking, there are more support for pandas.

"Loke, forget it."

"Yeah, don't care too much with that group of people, you will lose your identity!"

"If you want to kill them, you can kill them anytime."

But there are also people who support Locke - say Loma the Dwarf.

"Panda, you should let go." He said with a smile, "You can stop Locke for a while, but you can't stop him for a lifetime. If you stop him now, maybe he will make a list and kill them one by one afterwards. It's better to let him He kills it happily now, anyway, 2,000 people are not so easy to be killed, and those who can escape are lucky..."

In this regard, Panda can only be speechless.

Of course he knew that Locke's statement made sense, but he couldn't pass this test in his heart.

This group of people came to the swamp to invade. They were already prepared to fight against the monsters. When they encountered a large number of monsters, they couldn't resist it. That was what they asked for, and even if they died, they would not complain. But if Locke makes a move, the feeling will change.

What kind of flavor change? He's a science student, and he doesn't have such a high literary accomplishment, so he can't tell. But he felt he couldn't let this happen.

Hypocritical or hypocritical, he thought so, so he did it.

Just when Panda and Loklar were arguing and arguing, the lookout Atlas suddenly said, "Stop arguing! The main show is about to be staged! Everyone, get ready!"

Griffin's vision is the strongest among all races, especially his night vision ability is unparalleled. To see clearly the movements of Singold in the chaotic night, he is the only one.

Everyone immediately stopped and looked in the direction of the Trellera Barracks.

At the entrance of the central army tent, Singelde was holding his helmet, his face sinking like water, watching the chaotic scene of rout, and shaking his head again and again.

"You can't run away like this!" he said, "Where can there be monsters running fast!"

"Now is not the time to sigh!" Andrei had already found their war horse, "Get on the horse!"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be able to ride a horse." Singold shook his head and persuaded. "In the dark night, running wildly in the forest is no different from courting death."

"It's too late if you don't run now!" Andre yelled, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Singold smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "You guys go first, I'll break up for you."

With that said, he tidied up his armor a little, and then went against the crowd and walked in the direction where the beasts were rushing.

"Hey! Are you stupid!" Andrei exclaimed, "That's a death sentence!"

"Someone has to die, and no one can escape without delaying the big guy for a while." Singold said, putting on his helmet, "You are still young, live well. Don't be so reckless in the future. "

In the chaos, his figure soon disappeared.

Andre stared blankly at the direction in which he disappeared, with a look of shock and daze.

After a while, Singold's roar suddenly came from the front: "Monster! What a hero to attack those who escaped! Come and fight with me Singold!"

Then, the roar of the beasts suddenly became a lot chaotic, and it didn't seem to be so eager anymore.

Andre's eyes suddenly lit up, but he hesitated for a while, and finally stomped his feet angrily and turned his horse.

"Follow me!" With an order, the elite of the Harret family followed the crowd and fled in the direction of leaving the forest.

In the deep night, the roads in the forest are full of dangers. From time to time, there are people who run away or bump into something, or fall into a quagmire. In this case, you can almost be sentenced to death.

The situation of the Harret family and his party was relatively better. Andre finally remembered Singold's words, and ordered his subordinates not to be anxious, to slow down a little, and follow a little behind the middle of the main force. This location is a lot safer and less dangerous.

After running for a while, someone suddenly shouted "fire" and "the camp is on fire".

The fugitives stopped and looked back. In the direction of their previous military camp, the fire was soaring into the sky.

"Singold..." Andrei murmured, shaking his head in pain.

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