Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 813: Horror night kicks off

Under the leadership of the cautious Eric, the trio easily got rid of the group of civilians who were chasing them slowly with their speed advantage, and went around to the other side of the square.

At the north exit of the square, patrolling soldiers from the direction of the palace were also rushing over.

When Alphin was fighting just now, the sound was very intense, of course they heard it. So now four or five knights are riding horses, galloping fast in the direction from which the roar came. Behind them, a row of at least fifty or sixty infantrymen trotted, trying to keep up.

After a while, the knights came to the square and saw a strange sight.

"How is this going?"

"No matter what, the pioneers are gone!"

The knights quickly unified their opinions. They shouted, and slowly rode towards the crowd, ordering these neurotics who did not sleep at night to go home quickly and not to assemble in the square.

However, they were ignored at all--not right to say that, since many people had already gathered around them.

"Warning! Don't get close!"

"Back! Back! All back!"

"Do you want to attack the Royal Guard? This is a capital crime!"

The warnings of the knights did not have any effect, and the civilians who were at the forefront had come not far from them, and even assumed a posture of attacking.

The leader of the knight was furious, put the warning sword back into the scabbard, bent down and took off the spear hanging from the saddle.

"It seems that you won't be honest if you don't teach you a lesson!" he said fiercely, his feet lightly tucked into the horse's belly, and the warhorse let out a low cry, charging at the short men who dared to provoke him.

"No way!" a gentle knight advised, "They are just unarmed civilians!"

The leader of the knight ignored it and stabbed his spear into the chest of the "mob" closest to him.

He intended that this gun would be able to stab the opponent in the opposite direction, but unexpectedly, he stabbed it, and the tip of the gun didn't feel the slightest weight at all. The civilian whose body was pierced by the spear did not have any abnormality, and was still approaching him.

"A hallucination?" he stopped his horse and muttered to himself in astonishment.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the civilian whose body had been pierced by a spear rushed forward and bit his calf.

Bone pain!

The knight is also an experienced player, he immediately understood that something was wrong, he turned his horse's head and shouted at the same time: "Their attack is very dangerous, don't get close!"

But the warhorse's turn was not so fast, and it was this delay that more than one weird civilian rushed up and attacked him in all directions.

Some of them grabbed with their hands, some with their teeth, and their movements were very clumsy. However, this clumsy attack had unimaginable power. The full set of armor on the knight's body was completely useless. There was no scar on it, but the part that was attacked was heartbreaking.

To make matters worse, strange civilians attacked his warhorse.

In just two or three strokes, the painful warhorse let out a cry of pain and fear, and suddenly stood up and threw the knight on its back to the ground. Then it turned desperately, about to run away.

But this time, everything was too late.

"What monster is this?"

"Captain Reno!"

"Back! Back! Fast back!"

"Everyone back! Change long-range weapons! Repeat! Everyone back, change long-range weapons!"

The other knights were frightened and hurried back. Fortunately, these weird "civilians" were busy attacking the people who had fallen to the ground, but they didn't come to chase them.

The arrows and weapons thrown by the knights and soldiers had absolutely no effect on these humanoid monsters, and all passed through their bodies. But they have already swarmed, almost gathered in a group, frantically attacking the knight leader who fell to the ground, and his warhorse.

In the pile of monsters, the screams of one person and one horse soon became weak, and then disappeared without a trace.

The remaining knights and soldiers watched all this with trembling, not knowing what to do.

After a while, when the humanoid monsters let go of the besieged victims and stood up again, only two skinny corpses were left on the ground. The flesh and blood of humans and horses has disappeared, but the armor on the body is not damaged at all.

They did not stop, but turned to other soldiers and knights. The difference from before is that these monsters look a little more bloody, and their movements are a lot more flexible.

Seeing them come over, the courage of these ordinary people finally collapsed. They turned around hastily, like rabbits chased by foxes, desperately running away.

However, their escaping speed was much slower than that of the traversers. Those humanoid monsters kept chasing in the direction of their escape, chasing after them, and soon disappeared without a trace.

After a while, Eric and the others walked into the square from the entrance on the other side.

"Ah? It's gone?" Loma grew his mouth and said in surprise, "Why is it gone again? What's going on with these guys?"

"It's okay! Let's do business first." Eric said, "That evil spirit circus must be eliminated, otherwise, the entire city will be in danger. And if it devours the residents of the city, After completing the evolution, it will be difficult to fight!"

So the three of them ran straight to the circus, stopped for a while at the gate, replenished the buffs all over their bodies, and rushed into the dark gate with colorful halos.

It was pitch black inside the gate of the circus, and no other source of light could be seen except the magical light on them.

The three carefully observed the surroundings, not letting go of any clues. Suddenly, Alfion noticed that there was a burnt mark on the ground.

She pointed out the direction, and the three gathered over. Sure enough, on the ground there, the lawn was completely scorched, but it seemed to have the shape of two footprints.

"This is probably the guy who set the fireball before." Alfion said, "This guy really is an expert in playing with fire! He stood there, and the flames emanating from his body were already able to burn the ground like this!"

"I'm a little bit puzzled..." Loma stroked his beard and said, "You never think... This guy's feet... are different sizes?"

Eric and Alfion were stunned for a moment, and hurried to observe carefully. Sure enough, the two footprints were significantly different in size and shape. The larger footprint is clearly wearing shoes, while the smaller one is clearly barefoot.

"Although there must be a difference in the size of the footprints with and without shoes, the difference is too big..." Loma, who has some experience in equipment manufacturing, gestured beside the two footprints with his hands, and said with certainty , "The foot that wears shoes should be equivalent to an adult woman, um, it's a slipper, and it's relatively large; the foot that doesn't wear shoes is only equivalent to a female child, and the age should be between ten and twelve years old... The feet are roughly this size anyway. It's too weird!"

Eric nodded again and again, he also has equipment manufacturing skills, and analyzed the exact same results.

"Then what does that mean?" Alfion asked. "One foot is wearing an adult woman's large slippers, and the other foot is a girl's bare foot. What can you tell from it?"

Eric and Loma looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"It shows the identity of this evil spirit." The panda who just opened the door and walked in replied, "She is a poor child who has become an evil spirit, a little girl who sells matches."

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