Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 679: Hard to be king

Entrusted by others, loyal to others.

Although he was not optimistic about Yunero's "Longtou Island Reorganization Plan" at all, the panda still stayed on Longtou Island and helped Yunero as an instructor.

This is the whole winter.

Wait until the flowers bloom in spring - oh, there is no such concept in the Southern Islands, there is no winter here, and flowers bloom all year round; there is no such thing as "warm spring", only the difference between slightly hot, hot, and very hot - in short, wait until the beginning of April, Yuneruo. Finally got mad.

He started rushing to the road and screaming in the sky, hitting the wall with his head, and biting a hole in the table made of solid wood.

"Poor child, I'm afraid it's not crazy..." Watching him screaming and rushing out again, smashing a stone, and crashing into a tree in the woods near the town, Mandu sighed, "Be the boss, Not easy!"

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight." Lana said solemnly, "When he finishes venting, the documents that should be dealt with will still have to be dealt with."

Panda, who came to hear the news, asked in puzzlement, "What document is driving him crazy like this?"

So the three of them came to Yunero's office and saw the documents scattered all over the floor. Mundu cast a spell, found the copy that had been read recently, picked it up and looked at it, and the three suddenly looked at each other.

It was an implementation report on advancing the construction of night schools among the Lizardmen.

According to the report, in the past week, the dozing situation of the lizardmen night school has improved significantly. After verification, among the 1,455 night school students, nearly 2,000 people did not attend night school this week. while falling asleep.

Well, cut out all the rambling nonsense, that's roughly what this report is about.

So the question is, nearly 1,500 people go to school for a week, how many people come here in total?

"No wonder Yuneruo is crazy..." Panda sighed, "It's hard to be the boss!"

"It's not that his idea is unreliable!" Mandu shook his head, "What a night school! Lizardmen have no tradition of reading and literacy at all, they are standard barbarians!"

"Barbarians can also learn culture." Lana said solemnly, "In those days ancient Greece was wiped out by the barbarian Romans, and ancient Rome was wiped out by the barbarian Germans, but later, these barbarians became literate people, making European culture pass on from generation to generation. , until now, they still respect ancient Greece as the source of European culture..."

"Don't talk about it! Europeans believe in God, and ancient Greeks believe in the gods of Olympus. These are not the same family!" Mandu complained, "This kind of source is not reliable at all, okay!"

"Take our China as an example. Compared with the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty was a barbarian; compared with the Zhou Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty was a barbarian; compared with..."

"Okay, don't talk about this." Panda interrupted Lana's historical science that he didn't know where he learned it - even though he studied computers instead of history, he also felt that there was definitely something wrong with Lana's history. , "What should we do now? Go and get Yuneruo back?"

"You don't have to look for him to come back, he's just depressed, and he'll come back when he's done venting." Lana said nonchalantly, "He still has so many documents to read and so many things to deal with."

Looking at the documents scattered all over the office, Panda couldn't help sighing.

"I now understand why that guy Locke looks like he is going to die from overwork all day, and even often needs to die to refresh his state to relieve fatigue..."

"That's how Zhuge Liang died." Mandu also sighed, "Fortunately, we are immortal."

However, even if the body is immortal, there is still a limit to mental strength.

Half an hour later, Yunero came back exhausted and was dragged into the office by Lana.

He looked at the thick stack of documents on the table and asked feebly, "These documents... can't you help me deal with some?"

"The core of a country's power lies in punishment and reward. This is the exclusive power of the monarch, and no subject can overstep it." Lana said seriously, "The documents I gave you are all related to punishment or reward. I will never intervene in these things, you can only handle it by yourself!"

"I trust you very much."

"This has nothing to do with trust!" Lana still had a serious face. "You are the king of this country, and I'm just a minister. No matter how much you trust me, I can't interfere with the king's power."

"I'm not afraid of you trying to usurp the throne..."

"But this will give others a bad impression and make them make wrong judgments!" Lana's eyes widened, the fluff on her face seemed to be standing upside down, as if she was a little angry, "You are the king of a country, you You must completely control the power in your hands, and no one can peep at your power!"

"Peeping or something... They can't beat me..."

"You can't let them think like this!" Lana almost put her face in front of Yunero and said word by word, "You must tell them with your actions, not only without negotiation, but also without thinking. Don't think about it, it's in vain!"

Her aura was so violent that Yuneruo was shocked and speechless.

After a while, she stepped back and resumed her usual expression: "In short, you can be unwise, decisive, wise, or brave... But you must firmly grasp the power, and don't give it to anyone! "

After speaking, she turned and walked out of the door, but sat down on the doorstep.

"I'm sitting here today, guarding, when will you take care of these documents and when will you be able to rest!"

"Hello! I remember I had issued a document about 'labor time' the other day, right?"

"That's right."

"On that document, any worker under my administration is only required to work no more than ten hours a day." Yuneruo protested, "I count myself!"

"The king is not a man."

"What nonsense! Why am I not human anymore?"

"The king must eliminate his 'human' side, as long as his subjects feel his 'inhuman' side." Lana said, "The more inhuman he is, the more his subjects worship and fear him, and this is the best , a king like a god."

Yunero sighed deeply: "You're asking too much!"

"It doesn't matter, the years are long, just encourage yourself and keep improving." Lana's tone finally relaxed, "You have countless hours to keep improving, even a pig can become a pig with hundreds of years of hard work. Pig Bajie."

"...become a pig, isn't it still a pig!"

Skye just came over with the bow, heard the clamor and protest from the other side of the office, stopped, listened for a while, then shook his head.

"Come on, be a powerful king!"

After speaking, he turned his head and walked to the bow and arrow training ground without looking back.

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