Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 669: Draw a card! wild voyager

"Do you know what this guy's name is and where he came from?"

"His name is Tom, and it is said that he used to farm in the eastern gray soil village of Molai."

"Farming is good, why did you come here to do smuggling?" The lizardman who was in charge of cleaning up the battlefield shook his head, "It turned out to be dead outside, only twenty-four or five years old, what a pity!"

With that said, he recorded the situation of this man, and then asked the sailors to strip this guy naked, chose a few things that looked a little commemorative as relics, and threw the body into the sea.

Navigation at sea, but there are no conditions to preserve the remains. Whether you are a captain or a sailor, you are treated the same after death.

As for these records and relics, if there are conditions, someone may be sent to compare the records and send the person's relics back to their hometown - just "conditional".

Even this indeterminate attitude has alarmed the sailors on the smuggling ships. The smuggling business is very risky. They have seen many lives and deaths, but they have never seen such a care for the dead.

According to their experience, after a person dies, if they are stripped and thrown into the sea, it is considered finished. To put it on some boats with problems in the way, it must be cut off from the dead and stewed into a decoction that is said to strengthen the body and gain good luck after eating it. Like the Lizardmen, they will seriously record the situation of the deceased, and keep the relics to return to their hometown in the future, completing the "soul home" that the wanderers who lost their lives in a foreign land care about the most... This kind of thing, they have never heard of it. Pass.

More importantly, these dead sailors are not their comrades, but enemies!

Looking at the busy lizardmen, one of the lizardmen was injured a little on the shoulder and was lying in the corner to rest. The listless strong sailor suddenly asked, "You... Are you still recruiting sailors?"

The lizardmen who took the lead were stunned for a moment, and replied, "Of course we are recruiting. Sooner or later, our Majesty will establish a navy. No amount of sailors will be enough!"

The strong sailor smiled: "So, how about recruiting me? I joined the ship at the age of fourteen. I have been a sailor for 20 years. I have experienced seventeen storms, and I have fought at least a hundred times on this ship. , there is no better sailor than me!"

The lizard people hesitated for a while, and after a little discussion, they sent someone to find the panda in charge.

Soon, the panda came over.

"You want to join us?"

"Yes, you guys look quite reliable." The strong sailor said, "It would be better to be able to sort out the enemy's name, origin and relics, and of course to treat his comrades. I am giving my life anyway, if I can Of course, it is best to sacrifice your life for a reliable person.”

The panda nodded, the holy light flashed in his hand, and a "Detect Evil" was released.

There is no accident, the sailors on these smuggling ships are all from the evil camp, and it is nothing more than the intensity of the red light that symbolizes the degree of evil.

He looked at the strong sailor with a very bright red light on his body and asked, "If you want to join the crew, you must change your ways from now on, and do good deeds to atone for your past crimes. Would you like to?"

"Exactly how to do good deeds?" The strong sailor didn't answer immediately, but asked cautiously first.

"Basically, if you have money and time, you can participate in public welfare activities, such as voluntary labor, or give lessons to children, or take care of those who need help... and so on."

"...Is it okay to donate money? I really don't have the patience to do such meticulous work."

Seeing that the red light on him suddenly dimmed a lot, Panda smiled and extended his right hand to him: "Welcome to join! My name is Panda, and I am currently a fighting instructor."

"My name is Sinbad, I'm a good sailor, and I can make do with other jobs on the ship." The strong sailor stood up and took his hand, "I'm glad to join you!"

Panda smiled and said nothing, but opened the chat channel and quickly sent a message.

"Yuneruo, you've made a lot of money! I just recruited Sinbad for you! It's that legendary captain who drove a small boat from the sea beasts and storms in the CG of the 'Endless Sea'! Look at his age You are only about 30 years old, and you can be a naval commander for hundreds of years in the future!"

After a few seconds, Lana replied for Union: "What template is he now?"

"It's still a purple card for now. It is estimated that you will appoint a naval commander or something to him. It will become a gold card in two years."

"The purple card is also very rare."

"Yeah, it's very difficult to recruit such a wild navigator. It's not in the game, one thousand gold coins can be used to draw a card once..."

"Don't mention the **** card draw! The most I have drawn is 500,000 gold coins, white, green, blue, and even purple... There is no gold card navigator to draw in this game!"

"How much did you pay? It is said that people who have at least 100,000 kryptonites are likely to draw out the NPCs of the gold card."

"Where can I get 100,000 krypton! Do you think I'm a local tyrant?"

"This brother, in fact, I really don't have much money to play games, just a car."

"I'm so envious of people who can use the money of a car for krypton gold! I was driving a battery car before I crossed..."

"Let's stop talking about the past, let's talk about the navigator-speaking of this wild navigator, didn't you take in a student who is suspected to be the pirate king last time, Panda? How is that guy now?"

"He studied sailing in Laika, West Brunswick, and he has a comprehensive education. He is currently intern at a shipyard."

"Huh? How did you know that?"

"Because I live there too, I'm pretty much a neighbor with him - by the way, he's also promoted to the purple card. It seems that Panda is really confused, he is really the pirate king Captain Jack. "

After everyone talked about it, the topic quickly became crooked-some people were thinking about going to the East to see, and asking Yuneruo to form a navy as soon as possible. Going to be the cannon fodder to open the way, maybe they can open the route between the western land and the eastern land in advance.

For the magical continent of the Eastern Land, the traversers are somewhat longing for it. Different from the western land of the European and American style "sword and magic", the east land is based on the culture of martial arts and immortals. In the world of the mortal level, swords, lights, swords and shadows are fighting for the front, and in the world of the extraordinary level, the sky and the ground are soaring into the clouds and mists, flying swords, magic weapons, formations... are all things full of Chinese style.

Many people think that, compared to the ancient times where the western land was somewhat unaccustomed to the soil and water, perhaps the life in the eastern land would be more suitable for them.

When Ge Li built a ship and went to sea before, more than one person encouraged him to build a giant sea ship, trying to cross the "endless sea" blocked between the Eastern Land and the Western Land, realizing that no one has done it since the Second Age. sailed across continents. However, Ge Li said that he was still a young and tender newcomer, and this kind of difficult task of death should be challenged by those legendary navigators.

Although he has the body of immortality, no matter what he does, he will not die, but he will not die, others will. Once the ship is silent in the vast ocean, he has no use for himself, the sailors on the ship are gone, and the ship is gone, wouldn't he become a bare commander and have to start from scratch?

God started from scratch! How badly was the one who sang "Start Over" in the Spring Festival Gala that year, did you guys really have no point in your heart!

Under the circumstance that Ge Li was resolutely unwilling to come forward, those who wanted to go to the Eastern Land naturally had no choice but to hit the "original" navigators such as Jack and Sinbad.

Looking at their discussion, Panda couldn't help but said to Sinbad: "By the way, if you become a navy in the future, you can't just throw away the army and say, 'The world is so big, I want to go see it'. Sail out and explore!"

Sinbad looked at him with some doubts: "Why should I go out to explore when I'm in the navy?"

Panda nodded and smiled inwardly. He also decided to find Jack in a few days, and told him so.

Those who want to go to the Eastern Land should learn to sail by themselves!

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