Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 640: Special requirements for the president of the chamber of commerce

The sails on the three masts of the cargo ship "Big Mouth Fish" are more than half open. Under the control of experienced sailors, with the help of the sea breeze blowing from the side, and the sloping sails of the bow and stern, the ship can be sailed in a slightly strong wind. It maintains a good balance in the middle of the road, and drives unhurriedly on the undulating sea. Behind it, "Red-billed Fish", "Black-billed Fish", "Sharp-billed Fish", "Pan-billed Fish" The four cargo ships also maintained their half-sail condition and were lined up in a fairly neat line. At the front and the rear of the fleet, there is also a long and narrow clipper serving as an escort. The two clippers plus five cargo ships form a fleet called "Fat Fish".

This is a fleet of the "Big Mouth" Chamber of Commerce in the eastern part of the South China Sea. The five ships transported a total of 5,500 tons of cargo. They are sailing from the "Shoal Islands" in the central and northern parts of the South China Sea to the "Hailong Islands" in the northeast.

The Big Mouth Chamber of Commerce has a history of more than 100 years since its establishment, and there have been seven generations of presidents before and after. The current president is Anthony Heruk, who was originally the Earl of Molai. Because of Thrace's aggression, he lost his main territory, and he was unwilling to submit to Thrace, so he simply changed his career to become a merchant. It happened that one of his old friends was getting old and wanted to retire and enjoy his old age. He simply used the remaining territory and large sums of money to buy the other party's shares in the chamber of commerce and became the seventh-generation chairman of the Big Mouth Fish Chamber of Commerce.

President Heruk and Thrace have a deep hatred, so as long as it can bring trouble to the Thracians, he is willing to do it; as long as it is against the forces of Thrace, he is his ally. The king of the lizardmen, Yunero, once served in the army in Molai and fought many battles with the Thracians, and made great achievements, so when the diplomat of the mermaid told him that "Yunero needs help", he quickly responded. I decided to do this business with Yunero at the risk of offending those smuggling organizations.

On the stern balcony of the Big Mouth, the half-white-haired Anthony Heruk was having lunch with a panda. The slightly slender businessman was over forty, but his spirit and physique were still extremely high. In a good state, if necessary, he can draw his sword and fight at any time with the enemy.

Of course, if the president of the chamber of commerce really needs to draw his sword, then the result of this battle can probably be imagined.

Like most Molai people, President Hulk likes to eat sweets. In addition to the seafarers' customary cakes and stews, his lunch menu also includes a bowl of candied preserved fruit and a cup of honey tea, watching the preserved fruit drop. of sugar water, the panda could not help but feel greasy in the throat, very uncomfortable.

He really couldn't accept the Molai people's eating habits, and no one in the transmigrators could accept it. Even the wilderness ranger Maiev, who can eat all kinds of dark dishes without changing his face, is afraid of such sweet recipes.

"Mr. Panda is a prairie person, so he probably doesn't like our Molai's eating style, right?" President Huluk noticed a little disgust in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Actually, it's good to get used to it, enough sweets can make Warming up is also good for sailing.”

His statement is not unreasonable, the wind is strong at sea, and the body's heat will be lost quickly. So seafarers need to add a lot of calories to avoid getting sick. From this perspective, eating sweets simply and rudely is indeed a good way for the rich.

The panda smiled and said, "My fur is thick enough to keep you warm."

"I really envy you orcs, it's so convenient to have such fur!"

"But when there is no wind, I feel very uncomfortable." Panda said, "When I first came to Molai, it happened to be summer, and the heat was unbearable. Finally, I asked a friend to shave my hair off. For the most part, it's time to relax."

President Hulk laughed, and after laughing, he said, "Shaving is also a way. No matter what difficulties you encounter, as long as people are still alive, they can always find a way."

Panda nodded, realizing that what he said was just foreshadowing.

Sure enough, President Heruk continued: "Are you still going to fight with the Thracians again?"

"I haven't planned so for the time being, mainly because I can't find any suitable place to fight." Panda replied.

President Heruk smiled again: "According to you, fighting a war is as easy as doing business."

"How do you say..." Panda thought for a moment, organized the sentences, and then said, "A friend of mine once said that the joy of life consists in three things: drinking, eating meat, and beating Thracians. Since It’s the joy of life, and even if it’s a little harder, it’s still enjoyable.”

President Heruk laughed so much that even the tables and chairs shook. After laughing, he said happily: "Then next time you have the right opportunity, you must find me! I also want to live this life of drinking, eating meat and beating Thracians!"

"Didn't you wash your hands of gold without fighting, and concentrate on doing business?"

"I became a businessman because I lost the battle. If I can win the battle, who would want to be a businessman!" President Heruk's lines did not look like what a successful businessman should say, and the fierce light in his eyes, It is something that ordinary businessmen will never have. "For example, this time, although the opponents are only a rabble, I also really want to go to the battlefield and enjoy the long-lost victory!"

Panda looked at him seriously, and saw that although he was smiling, there was no joke in his eyes, so he said, "Yuneruo may not agree, if he can stand it, he will not let his allies meet to danger."

"He's a good man, but I really need some victories right now." President Heruk sighed, "I've been losing battles since I lost the Battle of Norma, and I even lost my territory later. It's so easy. There was a big victory in the Chain Fortress, but I couldn't participate because of my business... These days, I've been dreaming about fighting with the Thracians... I want to fight, I want to win, I want to have a long sword in my hand The feeling of wearing armor and facing the charge of arrows, the feeling of wanting to fight with a strong enemy and wielding weapons..."

He sighed: "I'm a warrior after all, no matter how hard I force myself, I can't put down my weapons honestly and be a businessman!"

Panda also sighed, expressing understanding.

He also had this state in the past. After graduating from college and entering the society, he was busy with work. Although he still maintained the habit of practicing martial arts in his spare time, he had no chance to learn from others. At that time, he also felt empty in his heart and wanted to find something to fill it up.

Interestingly, after he came to this world, he had enough fighting opportunities, but he gradually became less warlike. Now he can satisfy his inner needs as long as he exercises every day.

After lunch, he told Yuneruo about this through private chat, and Yuneruo was also surprised to hear that President Hulk actually made such a request.

After being surprised, he readily agreed.

"Aren't you afraid that he will be in danger?" Panda asked curiously.

"Don't be afraid, he will just charge with me when the time comes." Yuneruo said with a smile, "Don't say that the victory or defeat is decided, even if the enemy wants to shoot a cold arrow or something, there will be me there to draw hatred, he will not Dangerous."

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