Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 630: Night in the North

The sun gradually went down the mountain, the red glow of the evening slowly dissipated, the moonlight enveloped the earth, and it was the end of the day.

The bonfire in the courtyard of the "Third Farmers' Cooperative" is very bright, and the aunt in the cooking class is cooking a pot of soup. Although the food has not been in the pot for a long time, the fragrance of the food can be faintly smelled.

In the night school classroom, more than one young man obviously took a few deep breaths.

Although it wasn't long after dinner, the young man was in good health and digested quickly, and they were hungry again without realizing it.

In fact, even if you are not hungry, you can't help but take a few more breaths when you smell such a fragrance.

Looking at their appearance, Locke couldn't help laughing.

"This is your supper. You can eat it after two classes are over," he said.

The teenagers all laughed shyly, and some dared to ask: "Teacher, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Medicinal herbs, fish, mushrooms, pork, mixed stew." Locke replied, "In the words of Sword Thirteen, it is called 'the gift of the forest'."

"The gift of the sounds like it's very powerful..."

"No matter how powerful a name is, it's just a mixed bag in the end." Locke said nonchalantly, "The name is fiction, and the actual thing is important. Remember I told you that once the language is translated, it may deviate from reality. So if If you want to judge someone or something, you must try your best to judge it through practice. Seeing it with your own eyes, experiencing it yourself, touching it with your own eyes... things that are hearsay, even if the person who spreads the word has no intention of deceiving people, it is often because Their own opinions are very different from the facts.”

He paused and said, "It's like today's mixed stew. If you only heard the name 'Gift of the Forest', what would you think of?"

"Precious herbs."


"The meat of monsters."

The boys answered in a snarky manner.

Locke smiled, nodded and said, "Look, when you hear this name, what you think of are all kinds of precious, beautiful and rare things - except this stew has nothing to do with it."

He turned his head and wrote today's subject on a blackened board with a chalk-powder pen.

"Behind the Beautiful Words".

"Beautiful words, beautiful words, what are they talking about? Beautiful words are beautiful words; beautiful words are beautiful faces. These things are all liked by people, but why should others show us these things we like? Woolen cloth……"

The torches on the wall illuminated the classroom very brightly. The teenagers wrote down the key points of the teacher's lecture on the thin wooden boards used as notes. From time to time, people raised their hands to ask questions. Locke always smiled and answered warmly and kindly. After each answer, he had to ask repeatedly to make sure everyone understood before starting the next paragraph.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, a class passed. After a short break, he started his next class.

The content of this lecture is arithmetic.

These northern children are not well-founded, and they can't teach too complicated arithmetic. Until now, they have barely grasped addition and subtraction, multiplication, and simpler division.

Locke taught them mainly through the method of application problems, and he talked about the problems that will be encountered in life. For example, to buy things, for example, to calculate the increase and decrease of goods in the warehouse, for example, to settle accounts, and to count profits and losses.

These things are too simple for the traversers, but for these children who didn't even know a word not long ago, it was still a little difficult.

Different from the culture class, the math class was completely unfamiliar to them. Arabic numerals, mathematical symbols, these things, let alone them, even the scholars in the Magic Tower of the Royal Capital have never come into contact with them.

Locke didn't expect to teach them much in one night, but just took this opportunity to let them learn more and master more. Maybe what I'm talking about today can make them less fooled in the future, or maybe the arithmetic knowledge learned today can help them do some business in the future... That's enough.

If a few years ago, he still had the naive idea of ​​"I can save these people", now he doesn't think so at all.

The natural resources in the north are indeed very scarce, and the living conditions are not good. This is an unavoidable fact. What people here need is not an omnipotent savior, but someone who can take them little by little to engage in agriculture, develop their lives, teach them to protect themselves, teach them to write and count, so that they can clearly read simple commands, even if they are You can write your own name even if you are crooked and twisted... In short, the first step is to get rid of ignorance.

Ignorance and poverty are twins. To solve the problem of "poverty", we must first solve the ignorance.

Relying on one or two night classes, of course, can't do much. But over time, it will always pay off.

At the end of the two classes, the children happily went to eat supper. Locke sorted out the textbooks, leaned on the desk, and smiled at them in the classroom.

After a while, he nodded, turned into a thick fog, and disappeared without a trace.

A few minutes later, in an underground cave, he reappeared.

Different from before, now he looks serious, there is no temperature on his face, and there is more murderous intent in his eyes.

"Have you heard of the clergy?" he asked.

In the corner of the stone wall next to it, a sharp voice replied: "They are about to arrive at the Earl of Tarakhan."

"How many are they?"

"Because the scouts don't dare to approach, I can't be sure for the time being, but there should be a legend in it."

Locke smiled coldly: "After a few losses, I finally sent the legendary powerhouse. Just in time, I also want to see how big the gap is between me and the legendary powerhouse!"

He walked into the depths of the cave, a thin, pale little girl was playing with a huge sand table model.

If there is a high-level Tara Khan who sees this model, they will be shocked - this model is clearly the entire Tara Khan area, including not only the north, but also the southern and more northern forests.

"Is there any news over Jian Shisan?" Locke asked.

"Not yet. They were warned by the barbarian elders last time, and they don't dare to do anything at present, lest they cause trouble."

"These old men are useless! They are obviously powerful, but they are bound by the so-called 'tradition'... They are like a group of dead trees, white and white, but they can only stay there motionless and slowly rot!"

Locke complained and pointed to the side.

Several sword lights flew out and slowly revolved around him.

"I'm going to practice gong for a while, and you continue to contact Jian Shisan." He said, "The day after tomorrow at the latest, if there is no news from him the day after tomorrow, I'll go to trouble that group of clergymen by myself."

"The situation in the north is very good now, and I don't allow anyone to destroy it!"

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