Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 623: Apprentices of "Old Seniors"

Inside the restaurant of the manor, there was a strange silence.

Whether it was the emperor and the scholar involved, or the bystanders, Locke, Anthony, Prince Zion, and others, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Say what? There seems to be nothing to say.

Do you want to say, "I rely on you to be a real bull! Buffalo! Yak! Rhino! Bull Demon King!" or something like that?

Obviously not.

Or, say something critical, such as: "Wu Na Birdman, how can you be so disciplined!" or something like that?

It doesn't seem right either.

Even the witty Prince Zion's staff couldn't help but get stuck in his mind - or, in the face of the wonderful situation in front of him, he wisely chose "brain stuck".

Smart people are naturally popular, but too smart is bad. When it's time to play stupid, you still have to play stupid.

This Mr. Mazarin was able to hold the position of Chief Minister of State (equivalent to the Prime Minister) of the Terrera Kingdom in the game for nearly 40 years. It was not until he was old that he retired peacefully and experienced countless ups and downs. Yu was able to lie down in bed and die of old age in the end, so he was naturally a real smart man.

A truly wise person would never do something that would make his lord suspicious. After all, not every lord knows that his ability is limited and does not bother, and does not envy the virtuous.

Prince Zion certainly does not belong to the "limited ability" type, but because of this, Mazarin will not do things that make him suspicious and suspicious. He would rather behave a little bit worse than the lord, and is usually mainly responsible for the work of picking up leftovers and filling vacancies, and he is not willing to perform better than the lord and lead to unnecessary risks.

So he was only stunned for a moment, then decided to play stupid.

But while pretending to be stupid, he couldn't help but observe the "Northern Demon King" for a while.

From that handsome face that could make the little girls blush while walking in the city, and the screaming and whistling of the female adventurers, he saw not only surprise, but also jokes.

This shocked him, and his evaluation of the Demon King was a little higher.

(Could it be... It's not just this one-horned alien called "El" who lives long, but the Demon King of the North himself, is also the kind of longevity that is older than the dragon?)

He really guessed wrong this time. The playful look on Locke's face was actually due to the chat channel.

In the chat channel, everyone is complaining.

Panda: "When the tiger's body is shaken, he bows his head and bows. I thought I would only see such a scene in novels..."

Anthony: "Panda is a good summary, I have nothing to add."

Nicholas: "Speaking of which, the appearance of a divine beast like Bai Ze seems to be quite similar to that of a tiger. If the tiger's body is shaken or something, he can indeed do it."

Wang Tuhao: "At this time, we should say, I wish you one shock, two shocks, three or four shocks, thousands of shocks, thousands of shocks, countless shocks, shake down Mount Tai, shake the East China Sea, and shake out a glorious and prosperous age when the Kyushu Taiping and Wanbangs came to the dynasty... …”

Loma Bronzebeard: "What kind of ancient tomb is this auspicious? No, he is Bai Ze, and he really belongs to auspicious!"

Semiramis: "In my impression, the living Bai Ze is probably a monster, not auspicious. It is auspicious if it is killed and skinned and sent to the capital..."

Feng Huang: "Brothers, please do it! Will you die if you leave a little love in your mouth!"

Then, the following is a row of "meetings".

Travelers like to toss. This kind of toss makes them refreshed, and it also makes them feel the uniqueness of their group, that they have not been integrated into this world, and are still "traversers" rather than "locals".

The most common manifestation of this tossing method is complaining.

Well, that's what they're doing right now.

These words they said, only they can understand each other. If you say this to outsiders, the best situation is only a half-knowledge.

In other words, these complaints, these messy allusions, are exactly what is unique to "earth people".

As for the huge earth culture, how in their opinion it is actually representative of complaints and those messy allusions, this is another topic.

Just when the passers-by were complaining, the atmosphere in the restaurant returned to normal. It was Prince Zion who spoke first. He smiled and said, "Mr. Wayne is a scholar who loves learning and research. If he can follow Lord El's command, he will indeed be happier. "

"I have no plans to accept an apprentice." Fenghuang said, "and... an apprentice who can only live for decades, it is useless for me to accept it. Maybe just take a little rest, sleep for a long time, wake up By then he was old and dead..."

"I can do a lot of things for you!" said the scholar Wien hurriedly, "I am good at organizing and restoring books, and I have restored many ancient books. Although these books are nothing to you, there is one book in your hand. , it's more convenient than relying on memorization!"

Fenghuang frowned and turned to look at Anthony.

"Our library in Tarakhan City has always lacked an excellent scholar to preside over." Anthony said, "If you don't mind, you can let him preside over the library here. Regularly report the problems he encounters in his research. Send it to you, you can choose what you are interested in to teach."

The Wien scholar nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

Feng Huang frowned slightly and looked at Locke.

In the chat channel, he said: "I really don't want to accept this apprentice. This guy is almost forty years old. What do I want to accept such an old apprentice for?"

"He's already a blue card, and if he goes up to another rank, he's a purple card. He belongs to the great noble class." Anthony advised, "Even if you don't want this apprentice, we Talahan still need such a talent!"

"The middle-aged people of Zika are actually not very rare. Give me 20 years, I have the confidence to cultivate a group of Zika around forty years old..." Locke said.

"Please, we can't use your method of cultivating talents at all. If you use it, you will be in a situation where everyone in the world will be enemies. Under normal circumstances, purple cards are still very rare!"

The two sides negotiated or bargained for a while, and finally finalized the plan.

Wien scholars will live in Tarakhan City, preside over Tarakhan's library, and the emperor will visit him once a year or half a year to answer the questions he encounters in his research.

This teacher is really insincere, but the Wien Scholar smiled happily and felt that he had earned it.

Prince Zion also smiled happily. Not only did he not object, he also said that he would send the personal belongings of the Wien scholar, family members, students, etc. to Tara Khan as soon as possible, so that he could concentrate on his research without any worries.

Hearing him take the initiative to say this, even though most of the traversers didn't like him, they couldn't help but secretly admire him - as expected, he was able to be a king for decades, driving the big ship of the Kingdom of Terrera all the way to heaven and hell. The characters of the war era, this ability to see the wind and the rudder is indeed amazing!

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