Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 597: Investigate

Transmigrators are not people who like to be patient. Since they have doubts in their hearts, they should go and find out and solve the doubts.

Before, they didn't know the exact location of the Thracian army, so they could only send someone to look for it. Now that Atlas is dead, but the exact location of the Thracian army has been determined, which is of course much easier to handle.

With the help of human cannons, more than a dozen traversers came to the vicinity of the Thracian army one after another. Among them, there were also unlucky ones who fell right next to the Thracian army, and were hacked to death before they could recover from their weak state, but most of them recovered smoothly and launched an investigation.

Panda is one of them.

His landing point was slightly crooked, about 30 kilometers away—for a human cannon, this deviation is actually nothing. Considering that this position was temporarily adjusted, it could only be so far away that he could not help but let him Lamented that Volibear's shooting skills seem to have improved again. After hanging on the ground and reviving on the spot, he did not rush to find the Thracian army. Instead, he looked at the map and found a safe place to sit and rest until he recovered. Walk in the direction of the army.

When he was resting, he saw people constantly mentioning in the chat channel, "I'm here, the deviation is about 50 kilometers.", "My deviation is only about five kilometers, so lucky!", "Damn! My deviation is close to Hundreds of kilometers! Volibear, you are playing with me!", "Damn! How did I fall in the middle of the Thracian army! I was hacked to death as soon as I landed, and I didn't have time to investigate...", "Don't mention it, I fell next to the Thracian army, and I hung up before I could recover... Volibear, your shooting accuracy doesn't need to be so high!"

After landing and resurrecting, it takes half an hour to release the weak state. In a weak state, the traversers can't even use one-tenth of their abilities, so it is impossible to be sent back to the city for free as soon as they land.

Fortunately, there are not many people with bad luck, and most of them survived the period of weakness and recovered.

Once recovered, they rushed in the direction of the Thracian army, trying to inquire.

Soon, the ranger Cervantes, who was closest to the Thracian army, came to the top of a mountain overlooking the Thracian army. He didn't bother to go down the mountain, so he just watched from the top of the mountain and observed the situation of the Thracian army.

"As Atlas said, the discipline of this group of Thracian troops is unbelievable!" He was amazed in the chat channel, "Those cavalry are nothing more, they are not more powerful than other cavalry. .But those infantrymen are really...I don't know how to describe them well. Even though they were marching in a long team, the team was neat and tidy. It really felt like a PLA marching... God! I've never seen it before. Pass--"

His voice stopped abruptly, and after a while, he said again: "Damn! I was discovered by Emmy Wei on the top of the mountain, and she was shot dead by an arrow!"

In the hall of the guild castle, several people sat beside the crystal and looked at each other.

They were traversers who fell near the Thracian army. Like Cervantes, they rushed to investigate as soon as they recovered. As a result, after only a few glances, the legendary archer in the Thracian army discovered that one person and one arrow were sent back to the city for free.

The strength of the traversers is not weak, but whether they are weak or not depends on who they are compared with. Compared with ordinary people, they are of course strong, but compared with legendary archers, most of the traversers are still just scumbags who die with one move.

...or, if they could catch one arrow from Emi Wei, they could catch more arrows. Even if it is possible to confront the opponent head-on, I dare not say it in five or five, at least one dozen.

Of course, this is not impossible, but if you want to rely on the power of a single person to do it, it is not possible for the time being.

After suffering a loss, the traversers changed their methods. They no longer approached the Thracian army rashly, but compared each other's coordinates and planned to meet first.

Panda is one of them. It took him about an hour to arrive at the agreed gathering place. When he arrived, he found that four or five people had already arrived, and there were almost as many people still on the way.

"It seems that I am neither too early nor too late." He said with a smile.

"Actually, whether it's early or late, it's almost the same." Feng Huang, the master of the dossier in charge of setting up this temporary camp, said, "Anyway, we have to wait for everyone to arrive and it's completely dark before we set off at night."

Panda nodded and walked to the bonfire that had been lit to help set up the tent.

The nights in winter are very cold. Although the travelers will not freeze to death, if they can be warmer, what's wrong?

The tent was set up quickly, and the tent made of simple materials was not strong, but the effect of sheltering from the wind was not bad. They moved the fire to the door of the tent, and the heat flowed into the tent, where it quickly warmed up.

The panda sat on the ground covered with dry grass and rested, while the ranger Maiev took out the pot, put in water and flour, and cooked porridge on the campfire. He cut vegetables and dried meat into slices and threw them into the porridge. As the water in the pot gradually boiled, the aroma wafted in the makeshift camp.

Smelling the aroma, the panda couldn't help but get hungry, and the other travelers were similar.

"Maev, you're not a dark food, are you?" someone asked.

No wonder everyone is worried, Maiev's dark dishes are quite famous, this guy seems to have a different sense of taste than ordinary people, and the taste of food is very strange - it's not that he can't tell the difference between sweet and sour, and it's not that he doesn't know what's good. It's just that he often eats some "original" things, which makes people really disagree.

Panda has also eaten what he called "wilderness food". To be honest, the ingredients are really good, but the taste is a bit too fishy, ​​and it is a bit greasy in the mouth and uncomfortable.

"I usually eat like this when I'm camping in the wild." Maiev said nonchalantly, "Don't worry, it won't kill anyone."

Everyone was even more worried, smelling the gradually overflowing aroma of porridge, but no one dared to say "give me a bowl".

After resting for a while, other travelers came one after another. When the porridge on the bonfire was completely cooked and Maiev took out a bowl to drink the porridge, the traversers who were in charge of this reconnaissance mission finally gathered.

At this time, it was almost completely dark, and the system time was already around 7:00 pm.

"Let's rest first," Feng Huang said. "It will take about half an hour from here to the Thracian army camp. We will wait until about three o'clock in the night before leaving, so we can get a good night's sleep first."

The panda nodded, took out the dry food, ate some, drank some water, and lay down directly on the hay, intending to sleep for a while.

The warm bonfire and the fragrance of porridge made his eyelids stick together quickly. When he was about to fall asleep, he vaguely heard someone lamenting, "Sure enough, it's dark food again! Maiev, I'll give you a lung!" In this case……

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