Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 388: Summary meeting (middle)

The traversers don't mind that they are a rabble, but this Norma battle reminded them that in the future wars, it is not okay to be a rabble, and they must pursue some progress. Even if you can't become a strong general, you must at least have a little bit of combat skills, and you can't rely on recklessness to solve problems.

To improve the level, the method is simple, military training.

Hearing the word "military training", the family squatting group firstly retreated. They said that if there is such a war in the future, they can feel at ease and be a pawn, and don't ask them to do major things, so of course military training or something Thank you for not being sensitive.

For this kind of person, there is nothing they can do. People pick it out and say "I don't seek to make progress", what can you do?

This is like a famous saying on the Internet: Since I became a piece of shit, no one dares to step on my head again.

There was no way out, but Li Xiao came up with another idea.

"Even if we don't improve our quality through military training, we can also gain advantages through other efforts." He said, "I will give an example. In the past war years, many guerrillas had poor military quality. Some people They are just farmers who have just picked up their guns for a few days. But as long as they choose the right fighter and the right way to fight, they can also cause trouble for professional soldiers.”

Everyone nodded and waited for the next sentence.

"Before we prepare for war in the future, we can spend a day or two discussing what to do in the specific fight, and then prearrange the work that everyone is responsible for. Even if you don't know how to fight, you just need to follow the Just plan and act.”

Everyone nodded, thinking that what he said made sense.

"This is the so-called 'pre-plan'." Sanyu said, "Indeed, it is not a simple matter to improve everyone's military quality. For the difficulties that may be encountered, make a plan in advance, and follow the plan when the time comes. Action, it feels much more feasible.”

"So what plans should we prepare?" Wu Mian asked.

"First of all, we have to judge what kind of war we will face. After this is determined, we can discuss the plan in a targeted manner." Sean said, "Don't worry, I believe that at least in the short term, we should have no major battles. Fight. This time, the 30,000 Thracian army was defeated. Although not many died, it has caused heavy pressure on them. Even if the army is sent again in the future, even if the army wins again and occupies Norma, they will There should be no more massacres."

"That is to say, in the future, the only thing we need to worry about is the war in which the Empire invaded Tarahan?" asked Anthony, Earl of Tarahan who has been paying attention to the situation in the group chat channel.

"It should be like this... Unless we fight it out ourselves, this is the only plan we need to make."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and felt more at ease.

Although this battle was a complete victory, in fact, everyone was quite uneasy - whether it was the heavy cavalry charge, the arrow rain, or the bravery of the Marquis Henry, they all left a deep impression on everyone, bringing heavy pressure.

Many things, only by personal experience, can we understand the heavy pressure.

When hundreds of knights in heavy armor, riding horses in the same armor, with a whistling sound, accompanied by the sound of muffled thunder, marched on the shaking earth, no matter how good their kung fu and how strong they were, It is inevitable to be flustered.

When countless arrows fall from the sky like dark clouds, the ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-pong-pong sound is like a continuous stream of arrows, who can not be startled?

When everyone surrounded Marquis Henry again and again, but he was attacked and broke through again and again, and more than 40 people were able to kill him. Don't beat the drums in your heart?

Although it is said that improving military quality can reduce difficulties, but to what extent can it be improved? No one is sure.

In contrast, making preparations in advance, estimating what to do in various situations, and directly following the map at that time is obviously more in line with everyone's ideas, and it also makes everyone feel more at ease.

So this matter was settled like this. After this meeting, everyone will act separately. Anthony is responsible for recruiting old officers who have really led troops to fight. With the assistance of magic, military training is carried out for the traversers. ——It is not to improve military capability, but to improve military quality, so that interested traversers can grow into actual combat officers who can respond correctly to various situations on the battlefield; Sean is responsible for cooperating with the strategy team to organize Data, research and discussion, if the battle of Tara Khan breaks out in the future, where will it be fought? how to spell? What should you do then? Start preparing for the production plan.

The next agenda is to discuss the extent to which the traversers should participate in the "big events" in this world.

This battle of Norma has taught us many lessons. In particular, the massacre in the Norma area made many compassionate travelers feel heartbroken. So everyone should study and discuss carefully. If there is another war in the future, what kind of attitude should everyone participate in? To what extent?

"If you want me to say, the easiest way is to prevent the war from starting." Cold Wind said, "Thrace is indeed a strong country, and we have already seen the difficulty of frontal combat. Since frontal combat is very hard, then It's better not to fight head on!"

"Not fighting head-on? What do you mean?" Panda asked.

"War needs people, food, weapons, armor, and metal wood... These are generally considered 'war resources'. We can start from the perspective of destroying war resources and attack the war potential of Thrace, so that they can even if they want. To go to war, I have more than my heart but not enough strength.”

In the video chat window, a cold light flashed in Han Feng's eyes: "We are all modern people, not some polite noble knights. What is the war of modern people like? Strike logistics! Strike production! Strike transportation! It is the form of modern warfare to strike the opponent in all directions and make the opponent completely lose the ability to fight!"

"Specifically, what should I do?" Sanyu asked.

"I'll tell you the easiest way." Cold light flashed in Han Feng's eyes again, "During summer and autumn, plagues are most likely to spread. We can go to Thrace and spread a large-scale plague! As long as we use Ellie Silk's demonic power transforms germs, and I am confident that through a plague, the population of the densely populated areas of Thrace will be reduced by 20% or more!"

"Not only that, we can also set fires everywhere during the autumn harvest, use explosives to blow up mines, use deception spells to provoke battles between various nobles, and even assassinate those middle and small nobles... As long as we use various means If you use them all, it won't be long before Thrace will completely collapse!"

Although the weather is very hot, but listening to the cold wind, everyone can't help but feel a chill behind them...

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