Without the obstruction of the shooter troops, the pandas and the others naturally charged without hesitation.

In fact, they had already wanted to charge just now, but Dante had a better way, so he waited patiently until now. Not only is the arrow rain gone now, but the opposing archer unit has almost collapsed. If you don’t rush at this time, when will you wait?

On the central command stage of the Thracian military camp, Marquis Henry naturally also saw the situation of the battle. His face was calm, as if there was no joy or sorrow, and he said: "The shooter troops are withdrawn for rectification, and those who escape will all be executed, and the rest will only be given half in the next ten days. rations."

"As ordered!"

"The light cavalry will harass them, and the heavy infantry will advance." He continued, "the other party does have the ability, but after all, there are few people, so it's enough to kill them with people."

"As ordered!"

The order was quickly issued, and as the flags danced, the light cavalry, who had spread out far away to form a huge arc, roared and rushed over on their horses. They didn't collide head-on with the dashing pandas and the others, but turned when approaching them, while throwing short spears or shooting with bows.

The accuracy of riding a bow and a short spear is not high, but the quantity makes up for the lack of quality, which makes the pandas quite uncomfortable.

Of course they could turn around and go after the cavalry—in fact, someone had already done so, but what about catching up? Fighting with the cavalry? This is of course not impossible, but everyone's goal is to attack the Thracian army's main battalion and kill Marquis Henry.

After all, the Thracians have an advantage in numbers. If you really want to delay, it would be better not to gather last night, everyone ran to attack one after another, harassing day and night, until the Thracian army completely collapsed!

Since everyone gathered today to play a stream, then don't think about it, go straight to the theme is the key.

Therefore, most of the pandas and others just used their weapons or fists to open their spears and arrows, and they had no intention of pursuing them. They continued to move towards the Thracian army camp. Only Skye and the others stopped and fought back with bows and arrows.

The archers of the transmigrators are much stronger than these light cavalry who can only be regarded as semi-professional archers. Their arrows not only shoot farther and more accurately than the opponent, but also have much greater power, almost one arrow per arrow. But in the face of thousands of light cavalry, their killing speed is only a drop in the bucket, and people don't buy it at all.

After shooting in this way for a while, and after shooting hundreds of Thracian cavalry, Skye and the others also came back to their senses - that's not right! If it goes on like this, when will it last?

Archery requires physical strength. During this period of time, their physical strength has been consumed by more than half, and the remaining physical strength is only enough to maintain such a battle for no more than two minutes.

Moreover... this pair of shots came down, although the enemy died hundreds of them, they also died five or six.

Five or six people fight against hundreds of them, and in terms of exchange, they can hardly make any more money, especially if they can be resurrected, it is completely useless business. But... in a one-to-twenty exchange ratio, even if their group of shooters with less than 20 members was finished, they would only be able to defeat four or five hundred people.

Four or five hundred men, what does it mean to the Thracians with at least two or three thousand cavalry?

The transmigrators may not understand the military, or they may not be able to fight, but each of them can do mathematics. After a little mental calculation, I realized that something was wrong, and I had to mutter, "What a great man!" and so on, gave up the practice of shooting each other, and rushed to the Thracian barracks with Panda and the others.

At this time, the panda rushing in front had arrived at a place less than two hundred cloths away from the gate of the Thracian barracks.

In front of him was a team of heavy infantry like an iron wall.

They were wearing heavy armor, holding a large shield in their right hand, and a long spear with a shoulder strap in their left hand, forming a dense formation. From a distance, they looked like hedgehogs that had been covered in iron armor, leaving nowhere to start.

The heavy infantry didn't attack, they just stood there, erected their big shields on the ground, put up their spears, and looked at Panda and the others coldly.

"Damn! How do you fix this?" Yunero asked.

"Can you still transform into a dragon?" Panda asked.

"Of course not, the cooling time is ten days."

"Then I'm the only one to use 'God's Scourge'." Panda sighed.

"No!" Holy Knight Victor (Dong Huang Taiji) spoke up, "You used God's Retribution last time, why should I change it this time!"

Panda was stunned for a moment, remembering that he hung back to the castle after using the scourge last time, this guy was very excited and expressed that he also wanted to try the legendary ultimate move... It seems that he has been thinking about this for a long, long time.

"God's condemnation must conform to the teachings. Is the teaching of the God of Light suitable for use here?"

"Fight against the evil slaughter, it's okay, no problem!" Victor laughed, "Then it's settled, let's see!"

Everyone stopped and stepped back, but he rushed up with such a big laugh, as if he could not see the iron wall and the spear forest in front of him, he slammed into it.

"Holy Light!" Just before he was about to install the Thracian heavy infantry formation, he raised his warhammer and shouted loudly, "Sanction the evil!"

A dazzling white light burst out from his body, and in just an instant, he turned into a blazing white fireball. This fireball slammed into the positions of the Thracian heavy infantry, burning at least hundreds of heavy infantry nearby, and one by one fell down.

And his attack has only just begun. In the blazing white ball of light, a figure raised his hammer to the sky and shouted the holy word. The bright white beam of light rose into the sky, dispelling the dark clouds in the sky, and connecting to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, countless white lights fell from the sky like spears and landed around him.

These spears of light have strange powers. Some Thracians were surprised and touched the stabbed part of their bodies after being attacked, but they didn't feel the slightest bit of pain. More Thracians were attacked. After screaming, the whole person turned into a torch, burning roaringly.

On the altar in the center of the Thracian military camp, the magicians who presided over the ceremony vomited blood, and all the magic tools were cracked. The young man who helped form the magic circle froze. White flames spewed from his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and at least two-thirds of them burned immediately, nothing like those who were injured by the spear of light. the difference.

"Paladin of the God of Light! Legendary paladin?!" Marquis Henry's face changed greatly, "Damn! How did these guys come so quickly!"

He was not surprised that the paladins of the God of Light would come. Since the Leyton Massacre, the churches of the Good God have united and issued a stern protest against Thrace. This time, Marquis Henry committed another massacre. If the Church of the Good God was indifferent, it would be a strange thing.

However, the Church of the Good God moved so fast, and the first shot was the suicide attack of the legendary paladin, which really surprised him.

You Qi was even more surprised that it was not the paladin of the God of Justice or the God of Suffering, but the paladin of the God of Light.

Believers of the God of Light... are rare!

Surprised but surprised, Marquis Henry was still awake. When he saw the "God's Retribution" being launched, he immediately realized that the situation was not good for him - the legendary paladin, even if it was just one, was enough to cause a headache. Not to mention that there are a lot of people helping out this time... What if there are two more righteous self-destruction madmen among these people?

So after frowning, he ordered the soldiers to besiege them as usual, but he left the command station and went to the central army tent.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, there is a pre-selected teleportation formation. When the situation is unfavorable, he can escape immediately...

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